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Part 2: The Partner Opportunity
What’s Driving Cloud Computing?Top of Mind Market Conditions 1Cutting Cost and Lowering CapExInfrastructure uses up valuable IT resources40% CIOs plan to cut IT budgets 2Driving value for the business with tight IT budgetsLeveraging and extending past IT investments to provide future value72% CIOs have cut or plan to cut discretionary IT projects*“Live with what we have”34Maintaining security while increasing access and transparency internally and externallyMany data centers are a limitation59% of surveyed CIOs view security and datacenter efficiency as “must do” projects5Finding the right transformative capabilities across the enterprise: cloud computing, data-center strategies, SaaS, mobility, IT automation ?6Top Projects:  SaaS, VoIP, Green IT, Web 2.0 and outsourcingSource:  CIO Magazine, October 21, 2008, “Cloud Computing Survey: IT Leaders See Big Promise, Have Big Security Questions”
IDC predicts sharp adoption of the cloud$16.2B today – $42B by 2012
By 2012 will be 25%of all new IT spend

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Cloud Computing Roadmap Public Vs Private Vs Hybrid And SaaS Vs PaaS Vs IaaS ...
Cloud Computing Roadmap Public Vs Private Vs Hybrid And SaaS Vs PaaS Vs IaaS ...Cloud Computing Roadmap Public Vs Private Vs Hybrid And SaaS Vs PaaS Vs IaaS ...
Cloud Computing Roadmap Public Vs Private Vs Hybrid And SaaS Vs PaaS Vs IaaS ...

Incorporate How Project Quality Is Managed PowerPoint Presentation Slides to determine how quality will be managed throughout by handling processes and procedures. Analyze the quality-related concerns of the firm by using this effective PPT slideshow. Showcase the information regarding the quality standards that are defined in order to manage overall quality by taking the assistance of the project quality management PowerPoint slideshow. Provide detailed information about product development, design, and testing with the help of a quality management plan PPT slideshow. Showcase various quality-related initiatives, product quality assurance checklist, etc by incorporating this PowerPoint slide deck. Highlight detail about various quality control initiatives, product quality control checklist, quality assurance, etc. by using project management PPT themes. Explain control log, quality control, and assurance issues reporting plan. You can also present information on the project inspection checklist. Present testing techniques that are used to evaluate materials, components properties, in order to determine defects and discontinuities by taking the assistance of project quality assurance PowerPoint slides. The project quality PPT also allows you to present key quality management tools, weekly quality defect occurrence with check sheet, etc.

cloud computingroadmappublic vs private vs hybrid and saas vs paas vs ia
Cloud computing essentials
Cloud computing essentialsCloud computing essentials
Cloud computing essentials

The document discusses cloud computing, including its key benefits and challenges. It provides an overview of cloud computing, how it evolved from traditional IT, its architecture involving service models and virtualization technology. Examples of how cloud computing can help reduce IT costs and improve flexibility are given. The future of cloud computing and examples of successful cloud adoption are also mentioned.

cloud computing essentialsamazon elastic compute cloudamazon web services
Is DevOps Really Changing IT Support?
Is DevOps Really Changing IT Support?Is DevOps Really Changing IT Support?
Is DevOps Really Changing IT Support?

Servicedesk and IT Support Show, London 2017 Audio from the presentation:

15% – 25% adoption today
25% – 45% adoption by 2012Global Cloud IT spend (US$ B)Source: IDC eXchange, "IT Cloud Services User Survey, pt.1: Crossing the Chasm,” Sept. 29, 2008, and "IT Cloud Services Forecast – 2008, 2012: A Key Driver of New Growth,” Oct 8, 2008.3
Upside Business OpportunityISVs & SaaS ApplicationsMid-Market EnterpriseEnterprise Application MigrationStart-ups & Experimental InitiativesCloud Seen as a Fast Lane to Get to Market FasterSeasonal BusinessesUnder Pressure to Dramatically Reduce I.T. CostsCloud Seen as a Competitive Edge
Where the Cloud is Compelling

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Techaisle SMB Cloud Computing Adoption Market Research Report Details
Techaisle SMB Cloud Computing Adoption Market Research Report DetailsTechaisle SMB Cloud Computing Adoption Market Research Report Details
Techaisle SMB Cloud Computing Adoption Market Research Report Details

Techaisle's SMB Cloud Computing Adoption survey in US and Germany provide a detailed outline of what is needed by SMBs as we move through a period of intense growth spurred by the combination of increasing cloud penetration and increasing cloud workload density. Techaisle provides readers with the fact-based insight needed to take share-building action on these issues in this 360° on Cloud in the SMB market report. Its seven major sections are aligned with our clients’ key information requirements: • Why is cloud being used by U.S. SMBs? • Who is driving cloud adoption? • What is in use • Where is cloud being deployed? • When will cloud usage patterns change – and how? • Managing cloud security: roles and responsibilities • Assessing success: key cloud solution elements Report is delivered in PowerPoint format. Clients may also have access to Techaisle analysts, who can provide additional context for these findings and their implications for your firm. To inquire further contact or visit

mid-market businesscloud adoptionsmb cloud
The Cloud and You - the 'as a service' disruption you can't ignore
The Cloud and You - the 'as a service' disruption you can't ignoreThe Cloud and You - the 'as a service' disruption you can't ignore
The Cloud and You - the 'as a service' disruption you can't ignore

In any discussion about cloud, there are lots of buzzwords being thrown out by analysts and vendors. "Digital Transformation", "Democratization of IT", "Citizen Developer", and many more. Add in the 'as a Service" explosion and it is hard to make heads and tails over what will add value to your business. This session will cut through the hype and help bring a reality check to how the Cloud can help you. This session is for everyone: Administrator, Developer, IT Executive, or Business User. Plan on leaving with a deeper understanding and ideas of where you can take advantage.

An initiative to healthcare analytics with office 365 and power bi spsparis2017
An initiative to healthcare analytics with office 365 and power bi spsparis2017An initiative to healthcare analytics with office 365 and power bi spsparis2017
An initiative to healthcare analytics with office 365 and power bi spsparis2017

Today data is a valuable asset in every organization, especially in healthcare industry. For example, with data about number of patients by location, hospital shall have the ability to offer more services to take care of them rapidly by building more medical stataion. Or with doctor's workload you know how to start hiring more human resources to balance the workload. With Office 365 - a digital workplace platform and PowerBI - a business intelligence and analytics on Microsoft Cloud service, let's have a look at how the digital transformation is initiated for healthcare industry.

power bioffice 365healthcare analytics
Why Now?This is the perfect time to get involved with Microsoft cloud computingCloud computing is sufficiently established to pursue business from early adopter customersMicrosoft has a competitive platform with a strong business story and technology storyNumerous opportunities to drive new businessGreen field with no established market leaderOpportunity for partners to get in on the ground floor and establish themselves as market leaders
How We Will Work with the Channel:Embedded Windows Azure platformDiscountPartnerPartner offeringCustomerPartner offeringApplications that include the Windows Azure PlatformCustomer buys applications and  Windows Azure from Partner
Partner buys Azure from MicrosoftHow We Will Work with the Channel:Built for Windows Azure PlatformApplications built for Windows Azure PlatformCustomer buys Azure from Microsoft
Customer buys applications from partnerPartner offeringPartnerCustomerCustomerPartner offering

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FourNet Microsoft Teams Direct Routing and Contact Centre Integration
FourNet Microsoft Teams Direct Routing and Contact Centre IntegrationFourNet Microsoft Teams Direct Routing and Contact Centre Integration
FourNet Microsoft Teams Direct Routing and Contact Centre Integration

This document discusses integrating Microsoft Teams with Agile Cloud's Direct Routing and contact center capabilities. It describes how Teams can be used for internal collaboration as well as external calling through Direct Routing. This avoids expensive calling plans. The contact center can then be integrated with Teams to allow customer service via various channels and enable agents to collaborate using Teams. Sprints are proposed to quickly build Teams voice, a contact center, and advanced applications over 10-20 day iterations with no upfront capital costs.

cloudcontact centremicrosoft teams
Everything as a Service
Everything as a ServiceEverything as a Service
Everything as a Service

The document discusses how "everything as a service" or XaaS is transforming businesses by allowing them to operate core business functions through cloud-based solutions. These "BusinessCloud" solutions allow companies to both "run better" by reducing costs and gaining efficiencies, as well as "run differently" by developing new business models and ways of operating. Examples discussed include medical management as a service to reduce health plan costs and 3D printing as a service to change dynamics for manufacturers. The document argues that BusinessCloud solutions empower businesses to rethink their operations and gain strategic advantages through new, more flexible operating models.

Alfresco Day Amsterdam 2015 - Alfresco Keynote: Accelerating Digital Transfor...
Alfresco Day Amsterdam 2015 - Alfresco Keynote: Accelerating Digital Transfor...Alfresco Day Amsterdam 2015 - Alfresco Keynote: Accelerating Digital Transfor...
Alfresco Day Amsterdam 2015 - Alfresco Keynote: Accelerating Digital Transfor...

Alfresco Day Amsterdam 2015 - Keynote: Accelerating Digital Transformation, John Pomeroy, VP EMEA, Alfresco

ecmalfrescoopen source ecm
Case Study Video: See The Difference The Difference Video
Business Need:One of the company’s solutions is PolicyPortal, developed to help organizations manage and protect PCs inside and outside Active Directory domains. However, the solution was designed to be hosted, so it took a long time to set up with hosting service providers. This led to higher infrastructure costs and delays in closing agreements with customers. Case Study:Solution:PolicyPortal uses Azure services to automatically enforce Group Policy settings on machines that are temporarily or permanently disconnected from Active Directory. Company Profile:FullArmor helps large organizations manage their IT user policy and endpoint security with solutions based on Microsoft® products and technologies.A Boston-based Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, FullArmor targets large organizations such as Boeing, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Eli Lilly, Wal-Mart, and Bank of America, and it has a customer base of more than 5 million users and 1,500 organizations worldwide. BenefitDrivers:By moving to Azure, FullArmor was able to reduce the costs of customer provisioning and meet their growing infrastructure requirements on an as-needed basis. “We were able to move the application quickly because our original version of PolicyPortal was written purely in managed code using ASP.NET. As a result, about 80 percent of the code could be migrated without any changes being required in order to work in the Azure environment.” — Danny Kim, CTO, FullArmor
Business Need:The City of Chicago needed to build an interactive map for an annual event “Taste of Chicago”, one of the largest events the city hosts every year with 3 million visitors and estimates site traffic of 50k hits per day. The customer had less than 2 weeks time to complete the project and had no on-premise infrastructure to host the solution.Case Study:Solution:Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 front end providing provide deep zoom capability and map overlay of  vendor information, live alerts for event notification via text messaging, hosted on Windows Azure. Company Profile:West Monroe Partners is a full service business and technology consulting firm with seven offices in the US and Canada, headquartered in Chicago. BenefitDrivers:Quick to MarketFocused resources on developing application vs. infrastructureStreamlined processReliable and scalable“Our development team gave overwhelming feedback that the learning curve was extremely shallow allowing us to develop and deploy the solution in Azure in 2 weeks.— Eric Brown, WestMonroe Partners
Benefits for Partners

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HP is promoting their Converged Infrastructure solution to help organizations accelerate their transition to an "Instant-On Enterprise" with agile IT infrastructure. Converged Infrastructure combines servers, storage, networking and management tools into shared pools of resources that can be dynamically allocated as needed. This allows organizations to more quickly provision infrastructure for new services, increase IT speed and agility, and better align IT with business demands. HP's Converged Infrastructure is built on principles of virtualization, resilience, open standards, orchestration and modularity. It includes virtual resource pools, a smart grid for energy management, a unified fabric network, and a management environment to automate infrastructure lifecycle processes.

Maximum Overdrive: How Cloud-Born Data Changes the Game
Maximum Overdrive: How Cloud-Born Data Changes the GameMaximum Overdrive: How Cloud-Born Data Changes the Game
Maximum Overdrive: How Cloud-Born Data Changes the Game

The Briefing Room with William McKnight and Actian Live Webcast July 16, 2013 The proliferation of cloud-based applications continues across all industries, and for all kinds of reasons: time, money, ease-of-deployment, functionality, and maintenance. But while the cloud offers clear benefits, many organizations remain unsure about which solutions to point at various aspects of business operations, and wonder how to integrate with on-prem systems. That's the beauty of a comprehensive cloud strategy: all the benefits of cloud deployments, plus the power and flexibility of a managed infrastructure — without the guessing game. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear veteran Analyst William McKnight explain how cloud offerings are expanding, in turn creating opportunity for organizations to more quickly deploy and use valuable cloud-based solutions. He'll be briefed by Omid Sedaghatian of Actian, who will tout his company's DataCloud, an on-demand services platform powered by Amazon Web Services. He will explain how the Actian DataCloud Platform can enable line-of-business and developers to leverage the dynamics of Actian's data services and help across the spectrum of two major forces: big data and data that’s born in the cloud.

cloudbig dataanalytics
Pathways to Multicloud Transformation
Pathways to Multicloud TransformationPathways to Multicloud Transformation
Pathways to Multicloud Transformation

By 2021, 98% of organizations plan to adopt multicloud architectures, but only 41% have a multicloud management strategy and just 38% have procedures and tools to operate a multicloud environment. As an IT leader you don't want to stifle forays into multicloud as it is an engine to efficiently support growth, innovation and transformation, however, it can be one of the most challenging changes that organizations face. Join IBM for the keynote presentation where we’ll discuss: • Opportunities and inherent challenges for organizations as applications across categories migrate to multicloud • Stages of multicloud transformation • Best practices from organizations that are succeeding with a multicloud environments

by IBM
ibmcaiibmibm consulting
Partner Success Packaged App ISVManufacturing software vendor expands business“OSIsoft focuses on delivering infrastructure for the enterprise. Leveraging our existing PI System, we can build solutions using Azure that will allow us to provide an online service to deliver anywhere access to real-time plant data and deliver solutions to small business and mid-market. It could radically change our business.”–John BaierDir. Product Management, OSISoftE-commerce software vendor extends application“E-commerce applications have a heavy setup and deployment footprint–they require special consideration for typical sales bursts. The Azure platform facilitates “a la carte” consumption plus the ability to scale up or down dynamically. Leveraging Windows Azure makes a significant dent in the painful data center problem retailers are experiencing.”–Jean-Yves Martineau  Founder and CTO, Cactus CommerceWindows Azure impact on businessRealize new, recurring revenue streams and access to new market segments and geographies.
Leverage existing application, development efforts, and skill-sets to take advantage and monetize existing IP.
Migrate applications to Windows Azure with familiar tools and painless deployment.
Reduce or eliminate infrastructure costs to focus its resources on the core application.Partner Success SaaS Platform ProviderSaaS web platform provider Moves to Azure“When we built Sitemasher, we tried to find a cloud provider that could provide  burst scaling, low latency, and global load balancing across datacenters. We’ll move to Windows Azure to avoid these complexities - we would rather focus our resources on our software to keep our “first mover” advantage in the market.”–Phil Calvin   Founder and CTOSitemasherWeb agency provides increased functionality“We started out offering traditional websites. Today, customers demand  interactive website or web apps that require databases and IT infrastructure.  With Windows Azure, we can innovate new ideas for our customers without architecting and managing the infrastructure.”–Kyle Bailey,   Founder and CTO  E-CubedWindows Azure impact on businessLow cost of entry and pay-as-you-go pricing make it easy to deploy new projects.

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Pivotal Data Warehouse in the Age of Digital Transformation
Pivotal Data Warehouse in the Age of Digital TransformationPivotal Data Warehouse in the Age of Digital Transformation
Pivotal Data Warehouse in the Age of Digital Transformation

View the recording: In the past years of Big Data and digital transformation “euphoria”, Hadoop and Spark received most of the attention as platforms for large-scale data management and analytics. Data warehouses based on relational database technology, for a variety of reasons, came under scrutiny as perhaps no longer needed. However, if there is anything users have learned recently it’s that the mission of data warehouses is as vital as ever. Cost and operational deficiencies can be overcome with a combination of cloud computing and open source software, and by leveraging the same economics of traditional big data projects - scale-up and scale-out at commodity pricing. In this webinar, Neil Raden from Hired Brains Research makes the case that an evolved data warehouse implementation continues to play a vital role in the enterprise, providing unique business value that actually aids digital transformation. Attendees will learn: - How the role of the data warehouse has evolved over time - Why Hadoop and Spark are not replacements for the data warehouse - How the data warehouse supports digital transformation initiatives - Real-life examples of data warehousing in digital transformation scenarios - Advice and best practices for evolving your own data warehouse practice

hadoopenterprisedata warehouse
Understand the What, Why & How of Digital Transformation Featuring 451 Research
Understand the What, Why & How of Digital Transformation Featuring 451 ResearchUnderstand the What, Why & How of Digital Transformation Featuring 451 Research
Understand the What, Why & How of Digital Transformation Featuring 451 Research

Why did we hear so much about “Digital Transformation” in 2016, and frankly what does it mean? While it's easy to dismiss the phrase with an eye-roll, there's no better phrase to represent improving how IT is used to help drive business innovation...and the huge changes organizations must go through to be successful. This webinar with Nick Patience, Research Vice President for 451 Research's software team, and Michael Coté of Pivotal will discuss a pragmatic definition and approach to Digital Transformation as seen through the experiences of organizations who've lived through it. Digital Transformation is about fundamentally rebuilding business and IT processes, not just about building apps. 451 Research defines Digital Transformation as “a result of IT innovation that is aligned with and driven by a well-planned business strategy, with the goal of transforming how organizations serve customers, employees and partners.” Some main features of a successful transformation include the ability to quickly react to market demands, and use information to make better decisions and serve constituents more effectively. In this webinar Nick Patience of 451 Research and Pivotal’s Michael Cote will discuss: - Why now is the time for Digital Transformation - How the balance of power between customer and provider contributes to this new revolution - Shifting priorities that require new practices and processes and the technical tools and platforms that support them - Real-world examples of organizations that have been there (we’ll share all the gorey details, including what worked and didn't work for them) View the webinar here:

business strategydigital transformation
30 March 2017 - Vuzion Ireland Love Cloud
30 March 2017 - Vuzion Ireland Love Cloud30 March 2017 - Vuzion Ireland Love Cloud
30 March 2017 - Vuzion Ireland Love Cloud

Kieran McDonnell from Vuzion Ireland gave a presentation on digital transformation and how Vuzion can help businesses future proof themselves. Vuzion is a cloud aggregator that has been delivering and selling cloud services for 20 years. They have a rich portfolio of cloud services and work with a smart ecosystem of partners. Vuzion's GTM model involves pre-sales engagement, operational delivery, capability development, and bespoke solutions. Julian Dyer from Vuzion then provided direction on Microsoft including updates on products like Skype for Business and Security as a Service. Elaine Pakes from DocuSign discussed how DocuSign can be used to sign documents anytime, anywhere on any device to ensure secure and compliant

Eliminates complexity and speeds time to market.
Reduces or eliminates infrastructure costs to allow software provider to focus its resources on the core application.
Scalability, reliability, and load balanced, replicated data centers provide performance on demand Partner Success: Custom DevelopmentCustom IT firm helps customers reduce costs“How can we build business in an economy where customers’ IT budgets are shrinking? Our customers are looking for ways to virtualize and consolidate existing apps. Also, smaller departments can’t depend on their downsized IT teams for immediate needs. I truly believe the Azure platform and Windows Azure will help us win that business.”–Herbert Lewy  General Manager Infocorp CaribbeanDeveloper becomes more competitive“I‘m a developer, DBA, and most recently a SaaS developer. Suddenly, I am facing a lot of competition as developers look for work. Windows Azure will allow me to leverage my existing skills to move even deeper into the SaaS space and focus more on innovating with data, less with setting up infrastructure.”–TanzimSaquib  Software Engineer   BangladeshWindows Azure impact on businessElimination of complexity of infrastructure makes it easy to deploy new projects quickly.
Familiar technologies Windows Azure + Windows Azure allow for painless migration and virtualization of existing applications.

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Top 10 tredning technologies to learn in 2021
Top 10 tredning technologies to learn in 2021Top 10 tredning technologies to learn in 2021
Top 10 tredning technologies to learn in 2021

In this world of digitalization, technologies are expanding rapidly. As the world foremost tech news contributor, it is the duty of us to keep everyone updated with the newest trends of the top 10 trending technologies in 2021. Technology and programming language are so important in day to day lifestyle to make the livelihood more facile. These computer scientists and professionals are regularly making the bests out of anything. Technology has taken a face of more productiveness and give the best to the nation. In the present scenario, everything is done through the technical process, you don’t have to bother about doing work, everything will be done automatically. In this article, some important technologies which are new in the market are explained according to the career preferences. So let’s have a look into the top 10 trending technologies in2021 and its impression in the coming future.

top 10 trending technologiestop 10 technologiestop 10 trending technologies in 2021
Driving SharePoint Adoption Through Migration and Governance
Driving SharePoint Adoption Through Migration and GovernanceDriving SharePoint Adoption Through Migration and Governance
Driving SharePoint Adoption Through Migration and Governance

So, IT SharePoint developers, you've built it, but will they come? Adoption connects business users with business content by addressing basic questions of What's In It for Me? Your WIFM strategy must define and communicate where your users (and their sites) are coming from and where they're going, how to get from here to there, what's different, and why change (now) is important. NTT DATA Corp IT Collaboration Services used M&A integration as business and IT drivers to consolidate four legacy intranets onto a new intranet portal and a common, Microsoft-compliant enterprise information architecture that migrated, refreshed, and archived 2TB of content in 5500 sites for over 10,000 users with 100% uptime and "no user--or document--left behind." The team designed an Agile, governance-driven migration process that balanced business continuity with organizational change management by promoting and advocating business self-service content ownership and site administration, and engaged business owners and users at every step through monitoring, outreach, and training. One year after initial launch, three legacy platforms are retired, and the 445 site collections on the NTT DATA SharePoint platform receive over 2 million views a month: an average user logs in more than 4x/day. IT Collaboration Services sponsors the NTT DATA SharePoint User Group and Knowledge Management Working Group that provide advisory services in architecture, design, and configuration for the more than 800 business administrators who manage their own collaboration and publishing sites as self-service under a third-generation SharePoint governance plan. And, since the platform was architected for business agility, business and IT teams are now partnering for the first stage of business-driven upgrade to SP2013 on a common, global NTT DATA SharePoint deployment. This presentation will highlight and demonstrate the key deliverable behind this success story: an enterprise Portal Information Center that includes a Quick Start knowledgebase, Migration Center, Enterprise Site Directory, Collaboration Community of Practice, SharePoint User Group, KM Working Group, Governance Handbook, and a set of Enterprise Information Architecture example site collection templates and KM analysis tools designed for no-code configuration and business self-service administration. Governance and adoption work together when IT and the business work together as partners for managed self-service. If you build it with them and bring it to them, they will come: and they will build it with you the next time, or even build it themselves using the same guidelines and standards. Now that's SharePoint adoption AND SharePoint governance.

Ea2009 Cloud Computing Discussion
Ea2009 Cloud Computing DiscussionEa2009 Cloud Computing Discussion
Ea2009 Cloud Computing Discussion

Cloud computing allows applications and services to be delivered over the internet through virtualized infrastructure. It provides scalable resources, self-service access, and pay-as-you-go pricing. While cloud computing offers potential benefits, there is still confusion around its definition. Oracle's strategy is to provide enabling technologies for both private and public cloud deployments, giving customers choice while ensuring security and enterprise-grade capabilities. Architects should assess existing systems to identify good candidates for cloud and plan a gradual evolution that partitions workloads and shifts resources to shared services.

cloud computingoracle
Scalability, reliability, and load balanced, replicated data centers provide performance on demand
Custom software developers can take on more projects with higher business value (win the business), offering a competitive advantage.Part 3: Selling Windows Azure
Business trends reshape technologyTechnology is becoming invisibleWhile the economy has faced gloom and doom….business is transforming in deeper ways…creating shifts in technology.Economic trendsBusiness trendsTechnology trendCustomers face shrinking  budgets, reduction of operating costs and capital expenditures
Customers are focusing resources on core value-add activities vs. non-strategic

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An Enterprise Perspective on Cloud Innovation
An Enterprise Perspective on Cloud InnovationAn Enterprise Perspective on Cloud Innovation
An Enterprise Perspective on Cloud Innovation

ODCA Forecast 2012 Keynote: Andy Brown UBS Group CTO, Client Facing Technologies CIO UBS draws on its 150-year heritage to serve private, institutional and corporate clients worldwide, as well as retail clients in Switzerland We combine our wealth management, investment banking and asset management businesses with our Swiss operations to deliver superior financial solutions Present in all major financial centers worldwide, UBS has offices in over 50 countries employing about 66,000 people UBS shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange

forecast2012ubscloud computing
Develop, deploy and manage tomorrow’s applications…today presentation 1
Develop, deploy and manage tomorrow’s applications…today presentation 1Develop, deploy and manage tomorrow’s applications…today presentation 1
Develop, deploy and manage tomorrow’s applications…today presentation 1

The document discusses how agility, efficiency and innovation are key requirements for businesses today. It notes how applications are driving businesses and how IT needs to adapt to support faster innovation and continuous deployment of applications. The document introduces VMware's Application Management products which aim to provide a platform to enable continuous application management from development to production across private and public clouds.

vmwarevelocity 2012web application
CON8040 Identity as a Service - Extend Enterprise Controls and Identity to th...
CON8040 Identity as a Service - Extend Enterprise Controls and Identity to th...CON8040 Identity as a Service - Extend Enterprise Controls and Identity to th...
CON8040 Identity as a Service - Extend Enterprise Controls and Identity to th...

The document discusses Oracle's identity management solutions for the cloud. It outlines Oracle's approach of providing cloud ready identity services, managed identity services, and public cloud identity services. Cloud ready identity services allow customers to extend their on-premise identity solutions to the cloud. Managed identity services offer pre-configured and Oracle-managed identity functionality. Public cloud identity services provide a multi-tenant identity as a service offering hosted on Oracle Cloud.

Technology is shifting from information technology to business technology
Customers face increased competition as businesses fight for wallet share
Customers are looking for agility to stay competitive as well as find ways to compete in new areas.
Technology becomes invisible, erasing infrastructure complexity and making innovation democratic

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Utilities Digital Data Driven Innovation
Utilities Digital Data Driven Innovation Utilities Digital Data Driven Innovation
Utilities Digital Data Driven Innovation

The document discusses how utilities can embrace data-driven business models to compete in a changing landscape. It presents examples of data-driven companies like Google's Project SunRoof and Tesla Solar Roof. Oracle argues that it can help utilities innovate by providing solutions that work with utilities' existing network assets and business processes. Oracle's cross-competence organization combines customer experience, technologies, artificial intelligence, and big data. Examples are provided of potential data-driven concepts using Oracle solutions like predictive maintenance apps, augmented customer experiences, and digital finance tools.

smart gridcustomer experiencecrm
Overview of Oracle Identity Management - Customer Presentation
Overview of Oracle Identity Management - Customer PresentationOverview of Oracle Identity Management - Customer Presentation
Overview of Oracle Identity Management - Customer Presentation

The document discusses Oracle Identity Management and provides an overview of its products and vision. It describes how Oracle Identity Management offers a unified approach to access management, governance, directory services, and mobile security to help organizations secure access across the extended enterprise. It highlights key customer use cases and provides a roadmap for further enhancing cloud and mobile identity capabilities and simplifying identity management.

delivery centricoracle idmidm
Oracle Cloud Networking And Security Exposed
Oracle Cloud Networking And Security Exposed Oracle Cloud Networking And Security Exposed
Oracle Cloud Networking And Security Exposed

A in-depth presentation on innovative networking and security features of Oracle IaaS Cloud brought to you by my Team ( Oracle Systems Presales )

information securitydistance vectorbraintalks
Customers are trying to do more with less resources.
Customers are leveraging existing strategic IP and technology to expand customer reach.
Globalization and “a-la-carte” consumption of IT provides opportunities for expansion“Technology will be invisible and completely embedded in the business ” Forrester: Three Mega Business Trends will Reshape the Tech Sector, November, 2008
Windows Azure BenefitsGet Your Costs Under ControlFaster Time to MarketOutsourceIT HeadachesFocus on Business not InfrastructureGet Your Costs Under Control Lower TCO Predictable, controllable  cost model Convert CapEx to OpEx Eliminate idle IT capacity Efficient use of IT dollarsIncrease Agility Bypass procurement process Fast deployment No competing with other projectsInstant scale Agile IT enables an agile businessLess I.T. HeadacheOutsource scalability, HA, reliability, SLA No need to anticipate future capacity One-click promotionAutomated patching and updating Reduced complexityFocus on Your BusinessIT becomes invisible and democratized Competitive edge through innovationReduce risk

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Five Journeys to (your) Cloud Infrastructure
Five Journeys to (your) Cloud InfrastructureFive Journeys to (your) Cloud Infrastructure
Five Journeys to (your) Cloud Infrastructure

Going for Cloud sometimes is a long and bumpy road ahead : Oracle has a Journey Planner for you, to get there at your own pace.On-prem, Public Cloud and Hybrid of those.

iaasengineered systemsoracle cloud machine
C5 journey to_the_cloud_with_oracle_sparc
C5 journey to_the_cloud_with_oracle_sparcC5 journey to_the_cloud_with_oracle_sparc
C5 journey to_the_cloud_with_oracle_sparc

This document discusses Oracle's SPARC systems and their ability to modernize legacy Unix applications and provide a path to the cloud. It describes how SPARC systems offer a modern, cloud-ready infrastructure that can leverage existing investments while improving security, capacity, and flexibility. It provides examples of SPARC solutions that delivered benefits like reduced costs, increased throughput, and scalability for customers in various industries.

Virtualization in cloud computing ppt
Virtualization in cloud computing pptVirtualization in cloud computing ppt
Virtualization in cloud computing ppt

Virtualization allows multiple operating systems and applications to run on a single server at the same time, improving hardware utilization and flexibility. It reduces costs by consolidating servers and enabling more efficient use of resources. Key benefits of VMware virtualization include easier manageability, fault isolation, reduced costs, and the ability to separate applications.

Freedom to experiment Freedom to experiment
Inefficiencies in Enterprise ITAllocated IT-capacitiesLoad Forecast“Under-supply“ of capacities“Waste“ of capacitiesFixed cost of IT-capacitiesIT CAPACITYBarrier forinnovationsActualLoadTIME
Efficiencies in the CloudLoad ForecastAllocated IT capacitiesNo “under-supply“IT CAPACITYReduction of “over-supply“Possible reduction of IT-capacities in case of reduced loadReduction of initial investmentsActualLoadTime
Real World TCO AnalysisPersistent Systems Alinean Inc.    Public sector governance suite of applications & services    Needs secure, scalable, elastic, & comprehensive platform  Leading provider of B2B sales & marketing solutions to F100  Reduce IT complexity & shift resources to core businesses   16% 49% $62K$74K$277K$540KLower TCO from dynamic scaling & automated service management  Lower TCO from automated service lifecycle management

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Con8836 leveraging the cloud to simplify your identity management implement...
Con8836   leveraging the cloud to simplify your identity management implement...Con8836   leveraging the cloud to simplify your identity management implement...
Con8836 leveraging the cloud to simplify your identity management implement...

The document discusses Oracle's Managed Cloud Services for Identity and Access Management. It provides an overview of Oracle's cloud solutions and managed cloud services. It then describes Oracle's Managed Cloud Services for Identity and Access Management, including its ability to provision internal and external users with approval workflows, enable self-service single sign-on capabilities, and integrate with multiple applications hosted both within Oracle and by the customer. The summary concludes by noting that Oracle provides both standardized and customized managed identity and access management services to customers.

Con8902 developing secure mobile applications-final
Con8902 developing secure mobile applications-finalCon8902 developing secure mobile applications-final
Con8902 developing secure mobile applications-final

This document discusses developing secure mobile applications. It provides an overview of Oracle Access Management which can be used to centrally manage mobile security. Oracle Access Management includes features for mobile security, social single sign-on, cloud access, and support for standards. It also provides client SDKs to help build security into native mobile apps and manages single sign-on. The document outlines a deployment architecture and is followed by a partner presentation and developer demo of Oracle's mobile security solution.

Building a Secure Cloud with Identity Management
Building a Secure Cloud with Identity ManagementBuilding a Secure Cloud with Identity Management
Building a Secure Cloud with Identity Management

This document discusses building secure identity management in the cloud. It identifies security as the top barrier to cloud adoption due to concerns about trusting third parties with data and the risk of security breaches. The document outlines how identity management solutions can help bridge security gaps between enterprises and the cloud by providing standardized authentication, authorization, user provisioning and other identity capabilities. It also describes Oracle's identity management offerings and how SaskTel's Identity Management Center of Excellence can help customers adopt identity solutions in the cloud.

Pay as you go & grow; only for what you use & when you use it On demand resources that are ready when ever you need them The Value of Automated Service Management Business Technical Reduced IT complexity, more time to focus on high value applications
Platform capabilities; secure, scalable, & comprehensive
Automated service lifecycle management (e.g. automatic upgrades no more patches!)
No need to manage for over provisioned excess capacity

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Con9024 next generation optimized directory - oracle unified directory - finalCon9024 next generation optimized directory - oracle unified directory - final
Con9024 next generation optimized directory - oracle unified directory - final

The document provides an overview of Oracle Unified Directory (OUD). It discusses key drivers for identity management like mobility, cloud, social media, and the internet of things. It then introduces OUD as the next generation optimized directory that can scale to billions of entries with 3x higher performance than previous solutions. OUD is fully compatible and interoperable with other directories. The document outlines new capabilities in OUD 11gR2 like improved performance, security, and support for additional platforms. Finally, it shares examples of customers that have adopted OUD to modernize from older directories or open source solutions.

Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage Startups
Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage StartupsCreative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage Startups
Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage Startups

The document discusses the Creative Traction Methodology (CTM) for gaining traction for new products and ideas. CTM has three parts: 1) The Idea Release Life Cycle which emphasizes validating ideas before development and engaging communities early. 2) Ransack Tools which means leveraging new growth hacking strategies and tools. 3) Act Creatively which involves lateral thinking with no biases to attract niche audiences and validate assumptions through experimentation. The document provides examples and case studies for applying each part of CTM.

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IT in Healthcare
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IT in Healthcare

Whether it's directly improving patient care or helping lower costs to provide more access to healthcare, organizations are continuing to use IT to move the needle for an industry that is at a pivotal point in innovation. Learn how our innovative storage solutions can help your organization meet its healthcare Big Data challenges:

data storagedatabig data
Bring solutions to market faster, no long complex lead times
Platform service provided at a global scale w/ an SLA you can bet your business on    Price for Service Management is Zero $ Automated service lifecycle management is always included in the low base price!
Microsoft Delivers Service Levels You Can Bet Your Business OnCustomer-oriented pricing options: Simple, Flexible and Comprehensive
Microsoft’s world-class service and support

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Dear NSA, you can do whatever with my data. But not with my eyes. Those slides are hideous. So here's a quick revamp of your PRISM slides.

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What I Carry: 10 Tools for Success
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What we carry with us in our everyday lives and interactions is just as important for our success as our technical skills and achievements. This is what I carry with me. What do YOU carry? Slides designed and produced with Haiku Deck for iPad. Set your story free with Haiku Deck at You can learn more about Jonathon Colman at

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The document introduces Oracle's new CRM On Demand Release 17 Life Sciences Edition product. It summarizes the challenges facing the life sciences industry with shrinking drug pipelines and increasing competition. Oracle's solution aims to double selling time and halve reporting time for life sciences professionals. It provides a single-provider CRM solution with functionality for sales, analytics, eDetailing, and more, at a lower cost than piecing together multiple vendors. The presentation outlines the key capabilities and benefits of Oracle's new product for the life sciences industry.

Clear and Simple SLA GuaranteesInstance MonitoringAll running roles will be monitored continuously
If role is unhealthy, we will detect and initiate corrective stateDatabaseAvailabilityDatabase is connected to the internet gateway
Availability monitoring every 5-minuteintervalStorageAvailabilityStorage service will be available/reachable (connectivity)
Your storage requests will be processed successfullyAppFabricAvailabilityService Bus endpoint will have external connectivity

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The document discusses MARTA, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority. It describes MARTA's focus on community programs and involvement. It outlines leadership and organizational changes in 2010 under new CEO Beverly Scott, including department restructuring, route cuts, and laying off over 800 employees. It discusses financial losses from 2010-2012 and resistance to the 2010 changes from employees. A new CEO, Keith Parker, was appointed in 2012 and it remains to be seen if changes will be beneficial.

Sql Azure Partner Opportunities 07 29 2008
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Sql Azure Partner Opportunities 07 29 2008

This document discusses how SQL Azure can help businesses leverage cloud computing. It provides three examples of how businesses can use SQL Azure for success: 1) Innovating SaaS or web applications quickly at low cost, 2) Consolidating and virtualizing existing custom applications easily, and 3) Expanding packaged application offerings to the cloud to increase margins and reach new customers. SQL Azure allows businesses to focus on their core business instead of infrastructure and helps lower costs, shorten time to market, and increase scalability and geographical reach.

Dynamics of Cloud and Its impact on Engagement - Delivery and Operations - CF...
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Dynamics of Cloud and Its impact on Engagement - Delivery and Operations - CF...

“The standard B2B operating model was designed to optimize vendor’s “push” of prepackaged products to customers via large, up-front deals. The goal was usually to get the maximum amount of product assets transferred from the vendor’s balance sheet to the customer’s balance sheet in one big order. But today the assumption that a customer can determine in advance exactly what it needs and then take on all the responsibility for the level of value that it gets from a complex business product is becoming less acceptable. Customers need their suppliers to step up and get into the outcome game. The old B2B model doesn’t make Sense in digitalization. “ [J.B. Wood] The statement above forecasts that the whole operating model of companies like Ericsson, from marketing to product development, sales and customer support will change. Also many other industry reports argue that a combination Digital Distribution, Digital Products and Cloud Practices will have disruptive impacts on how we do business in the near future. In this session, we will have an outside-in approach to Cloud technology and “cloud first” approaches for our future business success. We’ll focus on non-technical stakeholders.

total cost of ownershipzendeskbusiness model
Message operation requests will be processed successfullyCompute ConnectivityYour service is connected and reachable via web
Internet facing roles will have external connectivity> 99.95%> 99.9%> 99.9%> 99.9%> 99.9%
The Software + Services AdvantageMature cloud + enterprise view puts customer’s interests first and offers the most optionsCloud is additive to the enterprise, not replacing itCloud vs. on-premise split is an individual decision for each organizationParallel software offerings available on-premise or in the cloudBest of both worlds: reap cloud benefits, reap enterprise software benefits
The Azure AdvantageBreadth of offering spans hosting, storage, database, communication, security, content, syncCompetitively priced & a range of purchase optionsNo software installation/configuration to performEasy management through portal.NET developers leverages existing skills and toolsNon-.NET developers can access via REST

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Presentation on How to build your Windows Azure Practice

Windows Azure provides opportunities for partners across various cloud service models including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Microsoft's cloud computing strategy focuses on simplifying migrations, appealing to developers, enterprises and ISVs, and establishing a strong partner ecosystem. The presentation outlines Windows Azure capabilities and opportunities for solution providers to develop applications, migrate existing workloads, offer consulting services, and create new recurring revenue streams in areas like support and training.

windows azure platformservice busvisual attention service
Cloud computing adoption in sap technologies
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Cloud computing adoption in sap technologies

Cloud computing is emerging as an exciting trend in the ICT and with this presentation we tried to explore opportunities of adopting Cloud computing in SAP Technologies

sapsap case studiesroadmap
Open Source and the New Economics of IT - Ingres CIO Doug Harr
Open Source and the New Economics of IT - Ingres CIO Doug HarrOpen Source and the New Economics of IT - Ingres CIO Doug Harr
Open Source and the New Economics of IT - Ingres CIO Doug Harr Open source ECM is proven to : * Lower Total Cost of Ownership * Eliminate licensing fees and vendor lock-in * Deliver faster proofs-of-concept * Provide a complete solution for managing all enterprise content Many companies are already leveraging open source ECM to take control of their ever growing business content at a fraction of the cost of proprietary ECM market solutions and without the danger of vendor lock-in. The Ingres ECM Bundle for Alfresco enables innovative document management, team collaboration, and knowledge management applications. Basing the ECM solution on Ingres Database guarantees unique high availability features that make compliance with auditing requirements an easier task, and cost much less. Ingres CIO Doug Harr shares examples on how he uses content management solutions from Alfresco. He also discusses the significant trends affecting the IT market today. Embracing The New Economics of IT by adopting open source ECM will help companies to: * better maintain their systems during the economic downturn, * keep essential projects alive, and * pursue innovation that can help guarantee a competitive advantage when conditions improve.

PitchesGolf PitchAgile ITCost ControlSave · EfficientDinner PitchDo More with LessCapEx to OpExBalance SheetControl CostsReduced CostsCost EfficientElevator PitchLike ElectricityOutsource ITLess HeadacheLike ElectricityEasy, Cheap,Always ThereFaster to MarketAgile ITStreamlinedFaster to MarketStreamlinedLike ElectricityLike ElectricitySelf ServiceEmpoweringOutsource ITNo HeadachesPower on TapLike ElectricityCompeteInnovationCompeteInnovateExperimentReduce RiskEasy In / OutLike Electricity
Only Pay for What You UseElevator Pitch:Just Like ElectricityOnly Use What You NeedCapacity on Tapvs.
Dinner Pitch:Do More with LessGet Costs Under ControlFaster Time to MarketOutsource ITCompetitive EdgeCapabilityExpense

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Azure Biz

  • 1. Part 2: The Partner Opportunity
  • 2. What’s Driving Cloud Computing?Top of Mind Market Conditions 1Cutting Cost and Lowering CapExInfrastructure uses up valuable IT resources40% CIOs plan to cut IT budgets 2Driving value for the business with tight IT budgetsLeveraging and extending past IT investments to provide future value72% CIOs have cut or plan to cut discretionary IT projects*“Live with what we have”34Maintaining security while increasing access and transparency internally and externallyMany data centers are a limitation59% of surveyed CIOs view security and datacenter efficiency as “must do” projects5Finding the right transformative capabilities across the enterprise: cloud computing, data-center strategies, SaaS, mobility, IT automation ?6Top Projects: SaaS, VoIP, Green IT, Web 2.0 and outsourcingSource: CIO Magazine, October 21, 2008, “Cloud Computing Survey: IT Leaders See Big Promise, Have Big Security Questions”
  • 3. IDC predicts sharp adoption of the cloud$16.2B today – $42B by 2012
  • 4. By 2012 will be 25%of all new IT spend
  • 5. 15% – 25% adoption today
  • 6. 25% – 45% adoption by 2012Global Cloud IT spend (US$ B)Source: IDC eXchange, "IT Cloud Services User Survey, pt.1: Crossing the Chasm,” Sept. 29, 2008, and "IT Cloud Services Forecast – 2008, 2012: A Key Driver of New Growth,” Oct 8, 2008.3
  • 7. Upside Business OpportunityISVs & SaaS ApplicationsMid-Market EnterpriseEnterprise Application MigrationStart-ups & Experimental InitiativesCloud Seen as a Fast Lane to Get to Market FasterSeasonal BusinessesUnder Pressure to Dramatically Reduce I.T. CostsCloud Seen as a Competitive Edge
  • 8. Where the Cloud is Compelling
  • 9. Why Now?This is the perfect time to get involved with Microsoft cloud computingCloud computing is sufficiently established to pursue business from early adopter customersMicrosoft has a competitive platform with a strong business story and technology storyNumerous opportunities to drive new businessGreen field with no established market leaderOpportunity for partners to get in on the ground floor and establish themselves as market leaders
  • 10. How We Will Work with the Channel:Embedded Windows Azure platformDiscountPartnerPartner offeringCustomerPartner offeringApplications that include the Windows Azure PlatformCustomer buys applications and Windows Azure from Partner
  • 11. Partner buys Azure from MicrosoftHow We Will Work with the Channel:Built for Windows Azure PlatformApplications built for Windows Azure PlatformCustomer buys Azure from Microsoft
  • 12. Customer buys applications from partnerPartner offeringPartnerCustomerCustomerPartner offering
  • 13. Case Study Video: See The Difference The Difference Video
  • 14. Business Need:One of the company’s solutions is PolicyPortal, developed to help organizations manage and protect PCs inside and outside Active Directory domains. However, the solution was designed to be hosted, so it took a long time to set up with hosting service providers. This led to higher infrastructure costs and delays in closing agreements with customers. Case Study:Solution:PolicyPortal uses Azure services to automatically enforce Group Policy settings on machines that are temporarily or permanently disconnected from Active Directory. Company Profile:FullArmor helps large organizations manage their IT user policy and endpoint security with solutions based on Microsoft® products and technologies.A Boston-based Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, FullArmor targets large organizations such as Boeing, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Eli Lilly, Wal-Mart, and Bank of America, and it has a customer base of more than 5 million users and 1,500 organizations worldwide. BenefitDrivers:By moving to Azure, FullArmor was able to reduce the costs of customer provisioning and meet their growing infrastructure requirements on an as-needed basis. “We were able to move the application quickly because our original version of PolicyPortal was written purely in managed code using ASP.NET. As a result, about 80 percent of the code could be migrated without any changes being required in order to work in the Azure environment.” — Danny Kim, CTO, FullArmor
  • 15. Business Need:The City of Chicago needed to build an interactive map for an annual event “Taste of Chicago”, one of the largest events the city hosts every year with 3 million visitors and estimates site traffic of 50k hits per day. The customer had less than 2 weeks time to complete the project and had no on-premise infrastructure to host the solution.Case Study:Solution:Microsoft Silverlight 2.0 front end providing provide deep zoom capability and map overlay of vendor information, live alerts for event notification via text messaging, hosted on Windows Azure. Company Profile:West Monroe Partners is a full service business and technology consulting firm with seven offices in the US and Canada, headquartered in Chicago. BenefitDrivers:Quick to MarketFocused resources on developing application vs. infrastructureStreamlined processReliable and scalable“Our development team gave overwhelming feedback that the learning curve was extremely shallow allowing us to develop and deploy the solution in Azure in 2 weeks.— Eric Brown, WestMonroe Partners
  • 17. Partner Success Packaged App ISVManufacturing software vendor expands business“OSIsoft focuses on delivering infrastructure for the enterprise. Leveraging our existing PI System, we can build solutions using Azure that will allow us to provide an online service to deliver anywhere access to real-time plant data and deliver solutions to small business and mid-market. It could radically change our business.”–John BaierDir. Product Management, OSISoftE-commerce software vendor extends application“E-commerce applications have a heavy setup and deployment footprint–they require special consideration for typical sales bursts. The Azure platform facilitates “a la carte” consumption plus the ability to scale up or down dynamically. Leveraging Windows Azure makes a significant dent in the painful data center problem retailers are experiencing.”–Jean-Yves Martineau Founder and CTO, Cactus CommerceWindows Azure impact on businessRealize new, recurring revenue streams and access to new market segments and geographies.
  • 18. Leverage existing application, development efforts, and skill-sets to take advantage and monetize existing IP.
  • 19. Migrate applications to Windows Azure with familiar tools and painless deployment.
  • 20. Reduce or eliminate infrastructure costs to focus its resources on the core application.Partner Success SaaS Platform ProviderSaaS web platform provider Moves to Azure“When we built Sitemasher, we tried to find a cloud provider that could provide burst scaling, low latency, and global load balancing across datacenters. We’ll move to Windows Azure to avoid these complexities - we would rather focus our resources on our software to keep our “first mover” advantage in the market.”–Phil Calvin Founder and CTOSitemasherWeb agency provides increased functionality“We started out offering traditional websites. Today, customers demand interactive website or web apps that require databases and IT infrastructure. With Windows Azure, we can innovate new ideas for our customers without architecting and managing the infrastructure.”–Kyle Bailey, Founder and CTO E-CubedWindows Azure impact on businessLow cost of entry and pay-as-you-go pricing make it easy to deploy new projects.
  • 21. Eliminates complexity and speeds time to market.
  • 22. Reduces or eliminates infrastructure costs to allow software provider to focus its resources on the core application.
  • 23. Scalability, reliability, and load balanced, replicated data centers provide performance on demand Partner Success: Custom DevelopmentCustom IT firm helps customers reduce costs“How can we build business in an economy where customers’ IT budgets are shrinking? Our customers are looking for ways to virtualize and consolidate existing apps. Also, smaller departments can’t depend on their downsized IT teams for immediate needs. I truly believe the Azure platform and Windows Azure will help us win that business.”–Herbert Lewy General Manager Infocorp CaribbeanDeveloper becomes more competitive“I‘m a developer, DBA, and most recently a SaaS developer. Suddenly, I am facing a lot of competition as developers look for work. Windows Azure will allow me to leverage my existing skills to move even deeper into the SaaS space and focus more on innovating with data, less with setting up infrastructure.”–TanzimSaquib Software Engineer BangladeshWindows Azure impact on businessElimination of complexity of infrastructure makes it easy to deploy new projects quickly.
  • 24. Familiar technologies Windows Azure + Windows Azure allow for painless migration and virtualization of existing applications.
  • 25. Scalability, reliability, and load balanced, replicated data centers provide performance on demand
  • 26. Custom software developers can take on more projects with higher business value (win the business), offering a competitive advantage.Part 3: Selling Windows Azure
  • 27. Business trends reshape technologyTechnology is becoming invisibleWhile the economy has faced gloom and doom….business is transforming in deeper ways…creating shifts in technology.Economic trendsBusiness trendsTechnology trendCustomers face shrinking budgets, reduction of operating costs and capital expenditures
  • 28. Customers are focusing resources on core value-add activities vs. non-strategic
  • 29. Technology is shifting from information technology to business technology
  • 30. Customers face increased competition as businesses fight for wallet share
  • 31. Customers are looking for agility to stay competitive as well as find ways to compete in new areas.
  • 32. Technology becomes invisible, erasing infrastructure complexity and making innovation democratic
  • 33. Customers are trying to do more with less resources.
  • 34. Customers are leveraging existing strategic IP and technology to expand customer reach.
  • 35. Globalization and “a-la-carte” consumption of IT provides opportunities for expansion“Technology will be invisible and completely embedded in the business ” Forrester: Three Mega Business Trends will Reshape the Tech Sector, November, 2008
  • 36. Windows Azure BenefitsGet Your Costs Under ControlFaster Time to MarketOutsourceIT HeadachesFocus on Business not InfrastructureGet Your Costs Under Control Lower TCO Predictable, controllable cost model Convert CapEx to OpEx Eliminate idle IT capacity Efficient use of IT dollarsIncrease Agility Bypass procurement process Fast deployment No competing with other projectsInstant scale Agile IT enables an agile businessLess I.T. HeadacheOutsource scalability, HA, reliability, SLA No need to anticipate future capacity One-click promotionAutomated patching and updating Reduced complexityFocus on Your BusinessIT becomes invisible and democratized Competitive edge through innovationReduce risk
  • 37. Freedom to experiment Freedom to experiment
  • 38. Inefficiencies in Enterprise ITAllocated IT-capacitiesLoad Forecast“Under-supply“ of capacities“Waste“ of capacitiesFixed cost of IT-capacitiesIT CAPACITYBarrier forinnovationsActualLoadTIME
  • 39. Efficiencies in the CloudLoad ForecastAllocated IT capacitiesNo “under-supply“IT CAPACITYReduction of “over-supply“Possible reduction of IT-capacities in case of reduced loadReduction of initial investmentsActualLoadTime
  • 40. Real World TCO AnalysisPersistent Systems Alinean Inc. Public sector governance suite of applications & services Needs secure, scalable, elastic, & comprehensive platform Leading provider of B2B sales & marketing solutions to F100 Reduce IT complexity & shift resources to core businesses 16% 49% $62K$74K$277K$540KLower TCO from dynamic scaling & automated service management Lower TCO from automated service lifecycle management
  • 41. Pay as you go & grow; only for what you use & when you use it On demand resources that are ready when ever you need them The Value of Automated Service Management Business Technical Reduced IT complexity, more time to focus on high value applications
  • 42. Platform capabilities; secure, scalable, & comprehensive
  • 43. Automated service lifecycle management (e.g. automatic upgrades no more patches!)
  • 44. No need to manage for over provisioned excess capacity
  • 45. Bring solutions to market faster, no long complex lead times
  • 46. Platform service provided at a global scale w/ an SLA you can bet your business on Price for Service Management is Zero $ Automated service lifecycle management is always included in the low base price!
  • 47. Microsoft Delivers Service Levels You Can Bet Your Business OnCustomer-oriented pricing options: Simple, Flexible and Comprehensive
  • 49. Clear and Simple SLA GuaranteesInstance MonitoringAll running roles will be monitored continuously
  • 50. If role is unhealthy, we will detect and initiate corrective stateDatabaseAvailabilityDatabase is connected to the internet gateway
  • 51. Availability monitoring every 5-minuteintervalStorageAvailabilityStorage service will be available/reachable (connectivity)
  • 52. Your storage requests will be processed successfullyAppFabricAvailabilityService Bus endpoint will have external connectivity
  • 53. Message operation requests will be processed successfullyCompute ConnectivityYour service is connected and reachable via web
  • 54. Internet facing roles will have external connectivity> 99.95%> 99.9%> 99.9%> 99.9%> 99.9%
  • 55. The Software + Services AdvantageMature cloud + enterprise view puts customer’s interests first and offers the most optionsCloud is additive to the enterprise, not replacing itCloud vs. on-premise split is an individual decision for each organizationParallel software offerings available on-premise or in the cloudBest of both worlds: reap cloud benefits, reap enterprise software benefits
  • 56. The Azure AdvantageBreadth of offering spans hosting, storage, database, communication, security, content, syncCompetitively priced & a range of purchase optionsNo software installation/configuration to performEasy management through portal.NET developers leverages existing skills and toolsNon-.NET developers can access via REST
  • 57. PitchesGolf PitchAgile ITCost ControlSave · EfficientDinner PitchDo More with LessCapEx to OpExBalance SheetControl CostsReduced CostsCost EfficientElevator PitchLike ElectricityOutsource ITLess HeadacheLike ElectricityEasy, Cheap,Always ThereFaster to MarketAgile ITStreamlinedFaster to MarketStreamlinedLike ElectricityLike ElectricitySelf ServiceEmpoweringOutsource ITNo HeadachesPower on TapLike ElectricityCompeteInnovationCompeteInnovateExperimentReduce RiskEasy In / OutLike Electricity
  • 58. Only Pay for What You UseElevator Pitch:Just Like ElectricityOnly Use What You NeedCapacity on Tapvs.
  • 59. Dinner Pitch:Do More with LessGet Costs Under ControlFaster Time to MarketOutsource ITCompetitive EdgeCapabilityExpense
  • 60. Get Costs Under ControlGolf Pitch:Agile IT enables anAgile BusinessConvert CapEx to OpExFaster to MarketSelf ServiceCompeteReduce Risk
  • 64. PHYSICAL:Microsoft data centers with state-of-the-art security process
  • 65. Redundant power supplies from separate providers, battery and diesel backup generators, climate control, and fire prevention and suppressionCONTINUITY: Multiple data centers in different geographies
  • 66. Users can choose single location or geo-distributed data centers
  • 67. Storage data is replicated multiple times
  • 68. Fabric is designed to be backed up and restored from checkpointsCOMPLIANCE & CERTIFICATION:Microsoft is committed to complying with all local laws
  • 69. Industry certification is a core part of the Windows Azure roadmap
  • 70. Customers are ultimately responsible for the security and compliance of their services or applications–Windows Azure is a platformLOGICAL:Over the wire encryption via HTTPS
  • 71. Windows Azure runs a modified Windows 2008 Server, optimized for cloud access with no admin access to guests or applications
  • 72. Applications and users do not update the OSWindows Azure Security
  • 73. Is the Cloud Secure?Data Security and Privacy: Myth vs. RealityMyth RealityMy data is not protected unless it’s at my location
  • 74. Location isn’t nearly as important as security measures.
  • 75. As a rule, most security breaches now originate from within an organization.
  • 76. “Your” security can’t be as good as ours.
  • 77. Data is regularly stored offsite as a matter of practice.
  • 78. We can’t lose control of our customer data.“Concerns about security are overblown. What we have found is that SaaS providers actually offer better data security and better application reliability than in-house operations, because the data centers are up to date with security management and have built-in redundancy." Beth Enslow, AberdeenSaaS Apps Gaining Ground as Implementation, ROI Concerns Dwindle: CRM Buyer34
  • 80. Premier Support for Windows Azure PlatformOne end to end support package for all Microsoft Products & Services Developer Benefits: Designated Support Account Managerprovides single point of contact for support & IT planning needs
  • 81. Problem Resolution Support shorter response times & priority escalation paths should be required
  • 82. Service Delivery Planning ongoing planning & execution cycle continuously improving IT operations & maturity
  • 83. Access to specialized Azure PreventionandResolution resourceswho deliver Developer Support, Support Assistance, Information Services, & Workshops Additional info: Support AccountManagementProblemResolutionSupportWorkshopsPremierSupportPreventionand ResolutionResourcesSupportAssistanceInformationServices
  • 84. Azure RoadmapService ExpansionSQL Data SyncSCOM IntegrationIn 21 countriesService ExpansionMore ISV &Enterprise scenariosIn 41 countriesBilling StartsFirst Billing CycleWindows Azure DriveReplication across Data CentersLaunch Feature SetWindows AzureSQL AzureAppFabricH2 2010Nov 2009Feb 2010H1 2010
  • 85. Part 4: Partner Readiness
  • 86. Partner ResourcesAzure.com Partner Network Opportunity Insights Tool web sitehttp://www.microsoftincentives.comEast Region Home Page
  • 87. Sales & Mktg Resources on sheets
  • 92. News
  • 94. Special offersPartner Marketing ResourcesMicrosoftPartnerEvents.comFull Service Event Preparation & Promotion Marketing Services
  • 95. Developer Resources on
  • 100. Videos
  • 102. Developer Centers & SupportForumsTraining ResourcesPartner Quickstart 9 videos Learning Planshttp://microsoftlearningplans.comWindows Azure Training Kit & Whiteboard Videos Academy Live webcasts
  • 103. Training for Solution Partnersmsdev.comSales & Marketing Web Seminars
  • 106. Go to Market Best Practices
  • 110. How To GuidesPartner Learning Center Online Courses is Azure?
  • 111. The Partner Story for Azure
  • 112. Windows Azure - Business Model for Partners
  • 114. Developing a Windows Azure Application
  • 115. Developing in .NET Services
  • 116. ISV Innovation: Windows Azure for Developers
  • 117. DriveTime for Partners: Azure Pre-Launch OverviewLearning Plan Toolhttp://MicrosoftLearningPlans.comProvides paths to accomplish skills progression from beginner to advanced on all competencies and key productsProvides Microsoft Partners with a customized set of training activities consolidated into packagesPackages include partner relevant content and encompass multiple Microsoft training teams and systemsDelivers plans to trainees’ inboxes with active links to attend eventsIdentifies activities as core recommendations and additional resources as electivesFlexible to partner organizational changes with trainees and plan management
  • 118. Windows Azure Sales TrainingfreeAzure Services Platform Functional UpdatesISV Innovation: Windows Azure for Technical & Business Decision MakersfreeWhat is Azure?freefreeWindows Azure Business Model for Partners
  • 119. Windows Azure Technical TrainingfreeWindows Azure for Developers (4 Part)Windows Azure for Technical & Business Decision MakersfreeHow To Guide: Deploying a Windows Azure ApplicationfreefreeHow To Guide: Getting Started Developing on Windows AzureHow To Guide: Storing Blobs in Windows Azure StoragefreeHow to Guide: Leveraging Queues in Windows Azurefreepartial listing
  • 120. CertificationMVPMicrosoft Solutions AdvocatePrograms – TAP, CTP, Front Runner, Green Light, BizSpark, PinpointDogfoodingPlatinum winsGo To PartnersPartner Recognition
  • 121. PromotionsMSDN Premium Mobilize committed .NET developer base. Enable them to build, deploy, manage multiple cloud projects within MSDN subscription. Available to MSDN Premium subscribers
  • 122. 12-month term, 1 per subscription
  • 123. Overage at partner Consumption rates
  • 124. Limited time to sign up (thru 6/30/10)Development Accelerator Accelerates cloud development. Flexible (on/off) consumption for scaling. Predictable payment and discounted price.6 mo subscription (38%-45% discount)
  • 125. Offered as a unit (can order multiple)
  • 126. Cancel first 30 days; or after first 6 mos
  • 127. Overage at Standard Consumption ratesIntroductory Free Offer No-cost developer starter offer. Provides no-cost allocation to run a cloud service.Available to all partner/customers
  • 128. Limit of one per customer
  • 129. Overage at Standard Consumption ratesAmount of No-Cost Service:Windows AzureCompute 25 Hrs/moStorage 0.5 GB/moBandwidth 0.5 GB/mo*Storage Transactions 10K/mo SQL Azure1 Web Edition DB (1GB DB)90 day trial Service Bus and Access Control Service Messages 100K/moAmount of No-Cost Service:Windows AzureCompute 750 hrs Storage 10 GBStorage Transaction 1M SQL Azure - 3 Web DB (1 GB) Service Bus and Access Control Service Messages 1 MillionData Transfer 7GB In/14GB Out*CORE: $59.95/mo ($55.95 for partners)Amount Included in BaseCompute 750 hrs/mo Storage 10 GB/mo Storage Transactions 1M/mo NET - Messages 1M/moData Transfers 7GB In / 14GB Out*EXTENDED: $109.95/mo ($104.45 for partners)Amount Included in BaseSame as Core except also includes* 1 SQL Azure Business Edition DB (10 GB)
  • 130. Partner OffersWindows Azure Platform Development AcceleratorIn exchange for making a six-month commitment to a set level of capacity, partners will pay a fixed price for that capacity at up to a 45% discount over what it would cost to do so if purchased using the consumption based rate card. Windows Azure Platform Partner DiscountAll partners registered in the Microsoft Partner Network will receive a 5% discount when they purchase the Windows Azure platform for use with their applications or services.
  • 131. Investment FundingLocal Investment FundingLocal investment funding is allocated annually by the Microsoft subsidiary in order to meet the subsidiary’s specific goals. This funding can be put to use for a number of purposes, including deployment related activities, such as Proof of Concept (POC) projects; and demand and lead generation activities, such as Microsoft sponsored events. Exact details of BIF funding for your organization are specified by your PSP.Training and enablement fundingTraining and enablement funds are designed to ramp up your practice development capacity with minimal cost. Similar to BIF funds, training and enablement funds are allocated annually and specified by your PSP.
  • 132. Getting StartedLearn about Azure Azure SDKs and tools with AzureGet sales, marketing, and technical trainingTraining resources - Azure Training Kit - http://azure.comGet involved with local communityUser Groups · Code Camps · Cloud Camps
  • 133. Sales & Marketing 101 - Get StartedVisit Partner Quickstart area at Partner Resource GuideProgramsReadiness ResourcesPricing & Offers
  • 134. Developer 101 - Get StartedFollow the Discover, Develop, & Deploy steps at about AzureDownload tools and SDKDownload Windows Azure Platform Training KitDevelop an Azure application locallyObtain an Azure accountDeploy application to the cloud
  • 135. Developer 201 - Get ExperiencedComplete the Intro labs in the Windows Azure Platform Training KitIntroduction to Windows AzureIntroduction to SQL AzureIntroduction Service BusIntroduction to Access Control ServicesIntroduction to Dallas (Data Marketplace)
  • 136. Developer 301 - Go DeepComplete the remaining labs in the Windows Azure Platform Training KitEverything on the Service BusExploring Windows Azure StorageMigrating Databases to SQL AzureService Remoting with Service BusSQL Azure Tips and TricksWindows Azure and Passive FederationWindows Azure DeploymentWindows Identity Foundation Training Kit
  • 137. Community ResourcesLocal user groups http://AzureUserGroup.comBlogs · Twitter · Facebook http://azurefeeds.comAzure Forums on MSDN & Code Gallery (search “azure”)http:/www.codeplex.comhttp:/
  • 138. Catch the Azure WaveAzure is excitingGreat technology storyGreat business storyEmpowering to work withEconomy and I.T. trends putting cloud computing on a fast trackMany partner opportunitiesPerfect timing to seize the market

Editor's Notes

  1. In Part 2 we’re going to review what the partner opportunity is with Azure.First we’ll explain the Azure business model and pricing.Next we’ll look into the upside areas of business that are most promising right now.Finally we’ll acquaint you with ways to partner with DPE on Azure.
  2. Now we’re going to take at the upside business opportunity—the low hanging fruit.What’s driving cloud computing—why is it a phenomenon?The simple answer is, cloud computing is an idea whose time has come. The right technologies such as virtualization are in place to make it work, and its powerful business story is amplified even further by the current economic climate.The first driver is the widespread need to cut costs and lower capital expenditures such as up-front hardware purchases. While budgets are being cut, cloud computing lets you do more with less spending.The next set of drivers have to do with continuing to provide IT business value despite those budget cuts and leveraging past investments to provide future value.Next is an emphasis on making IT resources more accessible internally and externally while maintaining security. Many data centers are a limitation.Lastly, companies are searching for the right combination of technologies that will give them more agility and more efficiency. Cloud computing is one of those.
  3. Analysts are predicting wide adoption of cloud computing as this IDC forecast shows.
  4. What are the upside business opportunities? ISVs & SaaS Applications. For independent software vendors, cloud computing makes lots of sense as products transition into Software-as-a-Service offerings where quick scale is needed. Multi-tenancy makes cloud computing particularly cost effective. Mid-Market Enterprise. Analysts have identified mid-market enterprise as most likely to use cloud computing early on. Often this may be a single department taking the initiative. Enterprise application migration. Many enterprises will first put cloud computing to use by migrating existing applications in order to reduce operating costs or avoid the need to make further data center investment. Start-ups & Experimental Initiatives. The cloud is ideal for experimenting with projects that may succeed rapidly or may need to be shut down rapidly (“scale fast or fail fast”). This applies not only to start-ups but also to experimental initiatives within established companies. Fast Lane. Some companies will see the cloud as a “fast lane” to get around the lead time, obstacles, and project competition they face internally. Seasonal Businesses. Companies whose computing needs vary based on season are ideal candidates for the cloud. For example, a tax preparation service needs a lot of capacity in the Sprint but not so much other times of year. Cloud Seen As A Competitive Edge. Azure is a playground for innovation, both technically and financially. Companies who seek a competitive edge will find the cloud a rich environment for innovation.
  5. Here are places where the cloud is compelling.(read characteristics and examples)
  6. Why Now? Is this a good time to get involved? Right now is the perfect time to get involved with Microsoft cloud computing We are far enough along that cloud computing is sufficiently established to pursue business We have a competitive platform from Microsoft now released for production use that has a strong business story and a strong technology story There are numerous opportunities to drive new business We’re in a green field situation where there is no established market leader This is an opportunity for partners to get in on the ground floor and establish themselves as market leaders
  7. There Are Two Models To Go To Market With Microsoft In the Embedded Windows Azure Platform model, you create applications that include Azure. The customer pays you, and you pay Microsoft.An example of this model is an ISV partner who operates a Software as a Service application hosted in Windows Azure. Customers are charged for their use of the application; the partner pays the Windows Azure costs. In the Built for Windows Azure Platform model, your applications are built for the Azure platform. The customer buys the application from you and buys Azure from Microsoft.An example of this model is a partner who sells a financial services application designed to run under Windows Azure. A customer who purchases the solution must set up their own Windows Azure account to deploy the solution to, and they pay Microsoft for hosting, storage, and other services used.Embedded Windows Azure PlatformApplications that include the WindowsAzure PlatformCustomer buys applications and Azure from PartnerPartner buys Azure from Microsoft
  8. Built for Windows Azure Platform“With Partner” modelApplications built for Azure Services Customer buys Azure from Microsoft Customer buys applications from partner
  9. Let’s Watch a Case Study Video. Navigate to Video to play is on the page above the list of case studies.
  10. Business Need:One of the company’s solutions is PolicyPortal, developed to help organizations manage and protect PCs inside and outside Active Directory domains. However, the solution was designed to be hosted, so it took a long time to set up with hosting service providers. This led to higher infrastructure costs and delays in closing agreements with customersSolution:PolicyPortal uses Azure services to automatically enforce Group Policy settings on machines that are temporarily or permanently disconnected from Active DirectoryQuote:“We were able to move the application quickly because our original version of PolicyPortal was written purely in managed code using ASP.NET. As a result, about 80 percent of the code could be migrated without any changes being required in order to work in the Azure environment.” — Danny Kim, CTO, FullArmor
  11. Business Need:The City of Chicago needed to build an interactive map for an annual event “Taste of Chicago”, one of the largest events the city hosts every year with 3 million visitors and estimates site traffic of 50k hits per day. The customer had less than 2 weeks time to complete the project and had no on-premise infrastructure to host the solution.Solution:icrosoft Silverlight 2.0 front end providing provide deep zoom capability and map overlay of vendor information, live alerts for event notification via text messaging, hosted on Windows Azure. Quote:Our development team gave overwhelming feedback that the learning curve was extremely shallow allowing us to develop and deploy the solution in Azure in 2 weeks.— Eric Brown, WestMonroe Partners
  12. ISVsIncreaseProductivityQuickly and easily build, deploy, scale, and manage applications and web services using Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric.Avoid Up-front CostsAvoid large capital expenditures in infrastructure when delivering Software-as-a-Service offerings to customers. IncreaseAgilityBe more agile by quickly scaling up and down as business needs dictate.Open up New Revenue StreamsAugment existing on-premises applications to generate recurring revenue.Sis, VARs, Custom Software DevelopersSimplify ManagementLeverage the efficiency of Windows Azure Platform to connect and manage infrastructure required for your projects.Eliminate cost and complexity for customers and focus on their core business.Web 2.0 Scale and InteroperabilityQuickly and easily create, deploy, manage, and distribute web applications and services.Build new applications quickly with no burden on customers’ IT.Create Repeatable SolutionsBuild solutions for customers who use the Windows Azure Platform to simplify the infrastructure requirements for their projects.Test or staging HostersSimplify ManagementLeverage the efficiency of Windows Azure Platform to connect and manage infrastructure required for your projects.Eliminate cost and complexity for customers and focus on their core business.Web 2.0 Scale and InteroperabilityQuickly and easily create, deploy, manage, and distribute web applications and services.Build new applications quickly with no burden on customers’ IT.Create Repeatable SolutionsBuild solutions for customers who use the Windows Azure Platform to simplify the infrastructure requirements for their projects.Test or staging environments can be set up quickly, with lower cost.Virtualize existing custom applications easily.Resellers (VAR/LAR)Easily Package Cloud OfferingsEasily package cloud-based offerings to sell to customers.Leverage ISV EcosystemLeverage the broad ecosystem of ISVs to build partnerships and applications aligned to customer needs.Reach a Broader Set of CustomersReach a broader set of customers through new marketing tactics enabled when buying and provisioning the Windows Azure platform.Market Value and EfficiencyMarket the value and efficiency your customers can receive by purchasing Windows Azure platform applications.
  13. Here are 2 packaged appISV partner success stories: Azure allowed OSISoft to provide an online service that can deliver anywhere access to real time plant data. Azure allowed Cactus to offer “a la carte” consumption plus the ability to scale up or down dynamically.Windows Azure impact on businessRealize new, recurring revenue streams and access to new market segments and geographies.Leverage existing application, development efforts, and skill-sets to take advantage and monetize existing IP.Migrate applications to Windows Azure with familiar tools and painless deployment. Reduce or eliminate infrastructure costs to focus its resources on the core application
  14. Here are 2 SaaS web platform provider partner success stories: Azure allowed E-Cubed to innovate new ideas for customers Azure allowed sitemasher to focus on softwareWindows Azure impact on businessLow cost of entry and pay-as-you-go pricing make it easy to deploy new projects.Eliminates complexity and speeds time to market.Reduces or eliminates infrastructure costs to allow software provider to focus its resources on the core application.Scalability, reliability, and load balanced, replicated data centers provide performance on demand
  15. Here are 2 custom development partner success stories: Azure allowed Infocorp to virtualize and consolidate existing apps Azure allowed a developer in Bangladesh to leverage existing skills and move into SaaSWindows Azure impact on businessElimination of complexity of infrastructure makes it easy to deploy new projects quickly.Familiar technologies Windows Azure + Windows Azure allow for painless migration and virtualization of existing applications.Scalability, reliability, and load balanced, replicated data centers provide performance on demand Custom software developers can take on more projects with higher business value (win the business), offering a competitive advantage.
  16. In Part 3 we’ll cover how to sell Windows Azure: Selling Cloud Computing BDM Conversation TDM Conversation Pitches
  17. To sell cloud computing, we can start with some observations about current business trends.While the economy has faced gloom and doom, business has been transforming in deeper ways, creating shifts in technology.The economic trends are: Shrinking budgets, reduction of operating and capital expenditures. Increased competition A need to do more with lessIn response, we see these business trends: Customers are focusing resource on more core value-add activities Customers are looking for agility to stay competitive as well as find ways to compete in new areas Customers are leveraging existing strategic IP and technology to expand customer reachAnd these technology trends: Technology is shifting from information technology to business technology Technology is becoming invisible, erasing infrastructure complexity and making innovation democratic Globalization and “a la carte” consumption of IT provides opportunities for expansion.
  18. Let’s talk about the benefits Windows Azure can bring to a business.Get Your Costs under ControlWindows Azure lets you get your costs under control: The cloud generally has a lower TCO than other options and can mean reduced costs. The Azure business model gives you a predictable view of costs and a means to control those costs. Azure lets you convert capital expenditures to operational expenditures. There are no up-front hardware/infrastructure costs. Idle IT capacity is eliminated because you can scale up when you need more and scale down when you need less. It dollars are spent very efficiently because you only pay for what you use and only use what you need.With Windows Azure you have a fiscally sound way to take control over your IT costs which will lead to a healthier balance sheet .AgilityWindows Azure increases the agility of your IT department and gives you a faster time to market. Bypass the procurement process and other organization hurdles. Fast deployment in minutes through an easy to use management portal. No competition with other IT projects for priority. Instance scale up or down at a moment’s notice. Agile IT enables agile business.Less HeadacheWindows Azure lets you outsourcemany of your IT headaches. Scalability without complexity. Outsource scalability, high availability, reliability, failover, and SLA. There’s no need to anticipate future capacity needs. A management portal with one-click promotion between environments Automated service management handles deployment, upgrading, and patchingYou’ll see reduced complexity with Windows Azure.Focus on Your BusinessWindows Azure allows you to focus on your business rather than infrastructure. IT starts to become invisible: embedded in the business, and democratized broadly across the organization Realize a competitive edge through the innovation the Windows Azure platform makes possible Less risk: high end data center with capacity on tap and the protection of server and data redundancy Freedom to experiment without up front costs and ability to walk away without residual financial/contractual obligations
  19. In a non-cloud environment, you have the staircase pattern where you’re buying equipment, time passes, then you’re buying more equipment--in response to predicted changes in load or actual changes in load. At any given time, you can be in an over-supply or under-supply of capacity situation, neither of which is desirable.
  20. Here are some real world TCO figures. Persistent Systems saw a 16% decrease in TCO in their public sector governance suite due to dynamic scaling and automated service management.Alinean Inc. saw a 49% decrease in TCO of their F100 B2B solutions due to automated service lifecycle management.These case studies are accessible at
  21. The Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for Windows Azure are shown here and give you 3 9’s of availability. Windows Azure Compute Connectivity of 99.95% or better. Windows Azure instance monitoring and restart of 99.9% or better. SQL Azure database availability of 99.9% or better. Windows Azure storage availability of 99.9% or better. AppFabric Service Bus and Access Control Service availability of 99.9% or better.The SLAs are listed on Azure.doc and are downloadable.
  22. (read advantages from slide)
  23. (read advantages from slide)
  24. Let’s look at 3 ways you can pitch Windows Azure depending on how much time you have. A good elevator pitch is to make the comparison to electric service. A good dinner pitch is to focus on do more with less and develop that theme in several dimensions. A good golf pitch is to emphasize IT agility and develop that theme in many dimensions.
  25. In the elevator pitch, you only have 30 seconds or so to make your point so it’s best to drive home a single point that’s easily remembered.Just like electricity You only pay for what you use. You only use what you need. Capacity on tap. All you need is there for you.Easy, cheap, and always there.
  26. In the dinner pitch, you’re discussing Azure over a meal and have the opportunity to “Do More with Less”The Cloud is I.T. Done Right Get Your Costs Under Control. Lower TCO. Efficient use of your IT dollar. Faster Time to Market. Realize greater agility. Outsource IT. Eliminate or reduce IT Headaches. Competitive Edge. Use Azure as a platform for innovation.IT for the 21ste century
  27. In the golf outing pitch you can bring out many benefits of Azure which can be tied together with the overarching theme of agility.“An Agile Business Requires Agile IT” Transform IT at your organization or department Get costs under control - dramatic cost efficiency Remove IT headaches & bypass internal obstacles Dynamically scale - no need to anticipate load Faster time to market Competitive edge Reduce riskThe cloud is 21st century IT
  28. (read objections and responses from slide)
  29. (read objections and responses from slide)
  30. In addition to outright objections, you may find prospects want to know what the story is about a particular area. Migration. It’s generally straightforward. You may have to substitute enterprise artifacts for cloud artifacts, for example replacing a file server with blob storage. New applications. You continue using your familiar skills and tools, whether that’s Visual Studio and C# for a .NET developer or Eclipse and Java for a Java developer. Anywhere applications. It doesn’t take much extra effort to write applications that can run in the cloud or in the enterprise. An approach to this is to define common interface s(such as store/retrieve file) with dual service implementations, one for cloud and one for enterprise. Security. Azure provides lots of security. This is expanded upon on the next slide. Reliability. Azure has a great reliability story, using redundancy to provide both high availability of applications and redundant protection of data. Management. Azure has unparalleled management, which includes automated service management (patching, updates, failover), an easy to use portal with one-click promotion, and management APIs. Integration. Windows Azure application can integrate with the enterprise at the communication, security, data, or network level.
  31. Here are the kinds of security you get with Windows Azure Physical security Logical security Continuity Compliance & Certification(read details from slide)
  32. The cloud is more secure than many people think, and Microsoft’s security support is extremely comprehensive(read myths and realities from slide)As the Aberdeen Group says, the security environment in the cloud may well be an improvement over what’s in the enterprise.
  33. Support options for Windows Azure include online self-help and assisted support options.Online self help is available to Portal and dashboard self-help (all users) MSDN Microsoft Partner NetworkAssisted Support is available to Pre-sales, Sales, and Customer Service support is available to all users, no charge Live Site support is no charge 24/7 Developer support is available at a charge MPN program benefits Premier support now includes the Windows Azure platform
  34. Azure is included in the standard Premier support package. Customers can expect the same standard of support end to end, on premise and off premise.Account manager is the single point of contact for IT evolution planning, coordination of proactive training and MSFT product optimization, as well as management and escalation of incidents.As a Premier customer, you are entitled to faster response times, and priority escalation paths, including Rapid On Site Support (ROSS) and access to Sr. Microsoft management in the case of business critical events.Account manager works with customer IT team to continually identify areas for improvement in both staffing knowledge and the Data Center. Microsoft Azure SMEs are available to deliver training and work with staff to optimize and improve the production environment.More details on support are available at MICROSOFT.COM/PREMIER or in the support section on the AZURE product site.
  35. Here are some things to look forward to on the Azure roadmap At November PDC 2009, the Windows Azure Platform has its launch feature set complete with Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric In January 2010 commercial launch begins but no one will be charged for the month of January as the billing mechanisms are tested In February 2010 billing starts In the first half of 2010 we’ll be getting SQL Data Sync and System Center integration. Azure will be up and running in 21 countries. In the second half of 2010 we’ll be seeing more ISV and enterprise scenarios supported and Azure will be available in 41 countries.
  36. In Part 4 we’re going to cover…Partner ReadinessPartner ResourcesSales & Marketing ReadinessTechnical ReadinessPartner RecognitionMaking MoneyWhy Now?
  37. Partner resources you should know about include those shown here.Azure.comAt you will a tremendous amount of sales, marketing, and technical resources. Microsoft Partner NetworkThe Microsoft Partner Network also offers sales, marketing, & technical resources for Azure.MPN also has role-based learning paths for Sales & Marketing, Technical Sales, Architect, Developer, Implementer roles.The Customer Opportunity Insights Tool is a simple-to-use database that identifies product upgrade and cross-sell opportunities in your existing accountsOffer Incentives Web SiteGo to to find out what the current incentives are.East Region Home PageHere you can find out what’s going specifically in the east region.
  38. (or many, many resources for you.For Sales and Marketing, gives you (read list of available resources from slide)
  39. In addition to what’s on, Partner Marketing Resources you’ll want to take advantage areMicrosoft Partner Events (MPE) is a full-service Web site that offers Microsoft Partners the ease and convenience of scheduling, preparing and promoting events for their customers. An up to date and easy to use content libraryWeb-based event management and registrationPre and post-event planning and marketing resourcesReady to Go Site (RTG) with Marketing Services marketing templates to help you: Identify sales opportunitiesGenerate demandGrow your baseList Rental ServicesFree Marketing Consultant Services
  40. Developers will also find many essential resources at list of available resources from slide)
  41. Training resources you should take advantage of include these: Partner Quickstart area at Channel 9 videos Microsoft learning plans site Windows Azure Training Kit Windows Azure videos on Partner Academy Live webcasts
  42. Programs to get involved in:Front RunnerCreated for U.S.-based Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), Front Runner is a program that helps get your applications compatible with the latest Microsoft technologies. Front Runner offers direct access to technical experts from Microsoft who know the technology inside and out. From online training resources course to troubleshooting via e-mail and phone, you’ll have the support to help your application succeed.Green LightCreated for non U.S.-based Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), Green Light for the Windows Azure Platform provides you with a comprehensive set of training, development, marketing, and support resources to quickly build, deploy, and promote your Azure application to customers.BizSparkBizSpark is perfect for venture-funded and Web 2.0 start-ups. It will enable software startups to run a cloud business for up to 3 years.Microsoft PinpointMicrosoft Pinpoint is a dynamic technology marketplace that helps you successfully connect with customers who need the software and professional services you offer. Showcase and sell your innovations, attract and engage customers, and get customer insights and lead notifications.
  43. There are a number of promotions partners and customers can take advantage of. The Introductory Free offer, which can be used once per customer or partner, provides a certain amount of Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric usage for free.The Development Accelerator offer is a discounted 6-month subscription. After the 6 months, the project graduates to normal rates or must be canceled. The MSDN Premium offer provides a certain amount of no-cost Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and AppFabric usage to MSDN Premium subscribers, limit of 1 per subscription.
  44. Starting on February 1st, 2010, partners will be able to access the following promotional offers in connection with their use of the Windows Azure platform.Windows Azure Platform Development AcceleratorPartners have consistently asked us to create an offer which allows them to have a predicable cost associated with their use of the Windows Azure platform.  The Windows Azure Platform Development Accelerator is designed with just this need in mind.  In exchange for making a six-month commitment to a set level of capacity, partners will pay a fixed price for that capacity at up to a 45% discount over what it would cost to do so if purchased using the consumption based rate card.   Usage which exceeds the capacity purchased through this promotional offer will be charged at the appropriate rates listed on the per use/consumption based rate card.Windows Azure Platform Partner DiscountAll partners who are registered in the Microsoft Partner Network will receive a 5% discount when they purchase the Windows Azure platform for use with their applications or services.
  45. Microsoft Provides Several Forms of Investment Funding You May Be Able to Benefit From Local investment funding may be available for some of your opportunities Training and enablement funding ramp you up to build internal competency
  46. To get started with Azure, you want to… Learn about it. has many resources, including some great videos, case studies, and a partner quickstart area. Channel 9 has many videos as well. Download the Azure SDKs and tools also from Start building things with Azure. That can be new applications or migrations of existing applications. Get trained – there is sales and marketing training as well as technical training available via the MS partner network and the Windows Azure Training Kit at Get involved with community – network with others and establish yourself as a leader.
  47. Sales and Marketing people should visit the quickstart partner area of – the partner resource guide, which contains: Programs Readiness Resources Pricing & Offers
  48. If you’re a developer or architect new to Windows Azure, the place to get started is the Getting Started section of There you’ll find a set of steps under the headings Discover, Develop, and Deploy that will guide you into knowledge articles, downloading the appropriate tools, developing an Azure application locally, and finally deploying to the cloud.
  49. Once developers and architects have gone through the introductory Level 101 materials, they should complete each of the “Introduction…” labs in the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit.
  50. Once developers and architects have gone through the Level 101 and 102 materials, they should complete each of the remaining labs in the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit. They should also complete the Windows Identity Foundation training kit.
  51. Supporting the community will help you find expert resources and the networking can be invaluable. Community work can take many forms.Local User Groups. Your local chapter of the INETA organization may be doing something with Windows Azure. Join the national Azure User Group ( and find out if there is a local meeting in your area.Use social media—blogs, twitter, FaceBook.Participate in the Azure forms on MSDN.Search CodePlex for Azure solutions.To get started with Azure, you want to… Learn about it. has many resources, including some great videos, case studies, and a partner quickstart area. Channel 9 has many videos as well. Download the Azure SDKs and tools also from Start building things with Azure. That can be new applications or migrations of existing applications. Get trained – there is sales and marketing training as well as technical training available via the MS partner network and the Windows Azure Training Kit at Get involved with community – network with others and establish yourself as a leader.Community Resources: Local user groups Blogs · Twitter · Facebook Azure Forums on MSDN Online codeCodePlex solutions (search “azure”) - http:/ Code Gallery solutions (search “azure”) - http:/
  52. In closing, we’d like to encourage you to “Catch the Azure Wave”.Catch the Azure Wave! Azure is exciting Great technology story Great business story Empowering to work with Economy and I.T. trends putting cloud computing on a fast track Many partner opportunities Perfect timing to seize the market