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EIR Feature

               LAROUCHE WEBCAST

               Six Months Into
               The Greatest Ever
               Financial Crash
               Lyndon LaRouche delivered the following hour-long keynote, and then fielded ques-
               tions for two more hours at an international webcast from Washington, D.C., spon-
               sored by the LaRouche Political Action Committee on Jan. 17, 2008. The webcast
               was moderated by LaRouche’s national spokeswoman Debra Freeman.

               Debra Freeman: Good afternoon. On behalf of the LaRouche Political Action
               Committee, I’d like to welcome all of you to today’s international webcast. As I
               think many of our listeners may recall, it was approximately six months ago, during
               a similar webcast, on July 25, that Mr. LaRouche made clear that we were in a situ-
               ation, not where we were facing an impending financial collapse, but that in fact the
               financial collapse was under way. Within days of that webcast, Mr. LaRouche was
               proven absolutely correct, by a chain of events that occurred. On July 28, Country-
               wide Financial, which is the nation’s biggest mortgage lender, announced a 33%
               drop in profits, and it’s been nothing but bad news ever since then. Two days after
               that, American Home Mortgage, another major lender, which specialized in sub-
               prime mortgages, collapsed. By July 31, the subprime mortgage crisis was on the
               front page of every newspaper in the United States.
                   Mr. LaRouche was 100% right in forecasting the collapse. He was 100% right,
               when he said that the collapse had occurred. And here we are, six months later, with
               the debris from that collapse hitting on a daily basis. As a result of a national and
               international mobilization, the willingness to deal with that crisis, at least the will-
               ingness to admit that that collapse is under way, has begun to permeate political
               circles. Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign stands as probably the only Presi-
               dential campaign, or at least the only one that I’m aware of, that has been prepared
               to put this front and center. And while that is useful, they have still failed to address
               the causes of the crisis, or the real solutions.
                   I think that today’s webcast is one in which Mr. LaRouche, as he has been doing
               repeatedly at these international webcasts, will provide a pathway, whereby people
               can gain greater understanding of what it is we are facing, as a nation, as a world,
               indeed, as a civilization. And I believe, knowing Mr. LaRouche as I do, that he’ll
               also provide a pathway to solving it.

4 Feature                                                                    EIR January 25, 2008
a collapse, probably some time
                                                                                                         during this year. And I’m talking
                                                                                                         about a global collapse, not a col-
                                                                                                         lapse just of the trans-Atlantic
                                                                                                         English-speaking community.
                                                                                                         But the thing is centered obvious-
                                                                                                         ly in the trans-Atlantic English-
                                                                                                         speaking community. That’s
                                                                                                         where the source of the infection
                                                                                                         is, from which it spreads. And
                                                                                                         that’s what we have to deal with.
                                                                                                             We also have to deal with an-
                                                                                                         other problem, apart from an eco-
                                                                                                         nomic problem: a problem of idi-
                                                                                                         ocy, which permeates the highest
                                                                                                         ranks of the Senate, and other lo-
                                                                                                         cations, among all so-called lead-
                                                                                                         ing economists, today. There are
                                                                                                         a few exceptions here and there.
                                                                                                         But on this question, of this crisis,
                                                                                                         except for a few people in the
                                                                                                         woodwork that I know about,
                                                                                      EIRNS/Stuart Lewis
                                                                                                         there is no public expression of
LaRouche: “The danger from this crisis is greater than probably any of the precedents, other than        any comprehension of what this
the collapse of the Roman Empire itself.”                                                                crisis is about, or any comprehen-
                                                                                                         sion of what the remedies are.
                                                                                                             Now, let me say, on that point
     So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let me pres-         specifically, that the primary crisis before us, immediately, is
ent to you, Lyndon LaRouche.                                            twofold: On the one hand, it’s an international monetary-finan-
                                                                        cial crisis, in which the collapse of the entire world interna-
The Crisis Is Manageable                                                tional monetary system could be completed within a time as
     Lyndon LaRouche: Thank you.                                        early as this year, and even sometime earlier in this year, be-
     The presentation and discussion which is going to occur            cause that’s the way human events are. You can not predict the
now, will be for most of you, one of the most important things          day in which that collapse would occur, but the collapse is al-
in your lives—the issues. Because we are at a point, not of an          ready ongoing. And none of the governments in existence to-
ordinary crisis, not of a financial crisis, not of a mere depres-        day, has any efficient comprehension of adopting measures
sion, but of a global breakdown crisis, centered in the trans-          which would actually deal with this crisis.
Atlantic community, especially the English-speaking trans-                   The crisis is manageable. It’s not simply solvable: You
Atlantic community, which will radiate, if it’s not stopped, to         can not simply turn back the clock and get good times back
bring every part of the world into a general breakdown of               again, where you had them before. But you can bring the
their respective social systems. This is one of the greatest mo-        thing under control. And the problem I wish to address today,
ments, in terms of importance, in history, since the 14th Cen-          specifically, is the measures of control which the government
tury in Europe, with its new dark age, and since similar                of the United States and other governments must take now!,
events, like the collapse of the Roman Empire, or the col-              if they’re going to save civilization. This is doom-time. And
lapse of the Byzantine Empire: This is the kind of period               often in human history, it was possible up to a certain point,
we’re living in. And the danger from this crisis is greater than        to prevent a civilization from disintegrating into chaos. We’re
probably any of the precedents, other than the collapse of the          in such a situation now.
Roman Empire itself.                                                         But if we don’t take the measures, this civilization will
     This is momentarily a collapse. Each day, now, since Jan.          collapse into chaos this year. If we understand these mea-
3, the crisis has been expanding in magnitude, at an accelerat-         sures and are willing to take them, we can manage the crisis,
ing rate. What you think is the extent of the crisis today, if the      through cooperation among nations, which agree on certain
measures I propose are not taken, will become much worse, by            principles. That’s always been possible. But if we do not do
an order of magnitude in the next week, and the week after              that, we are living on the brink of one of the great dark ages
that, and the week after that, until the whole system grinds into       in all human existence, globally.

January 25, 2008      EIR                                                                                                      Feature     5
‘This Is Big-Time’                                                 dent. And what we have as a Presidency today has no resem-
     So: What I’ll do in the course of today’s remarks—I’ve        blance to that, whatsoever. As a matter of fact, the question of
portioned things into two sections, because I can anticipate       species is also in doubt.
from certain leading circles in our political system and else-          So therefore, it requires a special effort. The effort will,
where, that there will be certain questions addressed to me,       however, come in the course of the campaign—a critical
through Debbie, which will either identify themselves, or will     point. Because if one or two figures, who are Presidential can-
identify themselves categorically, by their profession or by       didates, or pre-candidates at this point, step forward, as Hill-
their interest. But some of them are very highly sensitive, and    ary Clinton has made a step in that direction—if they step for-
the questions will come to me, not with their name attached to     ward to take charge of the leadership of the parties going into
it, but with the category that they represent involved. And        their Presidential nomination procedures, then they will be-
what I’m addressing most immediately, are certain leading          come a focal point of leadership, to counter the idiot who oc-
political and other circles, inside the United States and inter-   cupies the White House today. That’s our best shot. And peo-
nationally, which need to know what I know, and they do not        ple from abroad will observe that, because they will say, “Yes,
yet know, and to make that clear.                                  you have interesting ideas. It would be nice if the United
     So this is big-time. This is not small-time.                  States would do that.” But, will the United States do that, con-
     We also have a big problem of a bankruptcy of ideas and       sidering the idiot we have in the White House today? And
mentality among a dominant section of our culture. The more        with the Cheney hanging around his neck. And with a Speaker
influential part of our upper 20% of family-income brackets         of the House, Pelosi, who seems to be owned by a notable fas-
are crazy, and corrupt. Especially the generation now between      cist, and is doing everything to sabotage what needs to be
50 and 65 years of age. That is the generation which is the most   done to save this nation? And similar problems in the Senate.
disoriented and most corrupt, especially certain influentials.           So therefore, the first thing we have to address is the fact
     So therefore, the problem is that some of the people, in-     of a general incompetence in dealing with a specific problem
cluding in the major press, major publications, mass media         we must solve, and also a massive corruption, political and
generally, and so forth, on this question, are either outrightly   moral corruption, within relevant parts of the upper 20% of
lying or incapable of telling the truth, because they couldn’t     our family-income brackets, notably those in politics. That’s
know where to find it. And they are the most influential voices      our problem.
you hear, so far, from the U.S. Senate, from leaders of the             Therefore, I could say the following, just as an example:
House of Representatives—not all leaders, but the ones who         You could imagine two politicians trained in economics. They
are the most vocal and most reported—and from most Presi-          jump out of an airplane, to take a parachute to the ground—
dential candidates. They are all, by my book, idiots, and          but they have forgotten their parachutes. The first one says, “I
worse; because their opinions are worse than worthless. If         think we’re in for it.” The other one says, “Don’t believe any
their opinions were to prevail, the whole country will go to       of those conspiracy theories. We’re going to make it. We’ll
Hell; that I can guarantee you.                                    bounce back.” And you’ll get that from a lot of them, today.
     Therefore, what we’re in the process of doing, which I’m
particularly in the process of doing, is, being a veteran Presi-   The British Empire ‘Slime-Mold’
dential campaigner, and of some international significance: I            Now, let’s go back in American history to a point, which
am not running for President, but I am running to create the       should be a point of reference today—it doesn’t contain the
situation on which the coming President of the United States,      solution, but it contains the suggestion of what the solution
if properly selected, will take the steps which are necessary on   might be: Franklin Roosevelt, as President. Franklin Roos-
behalf of the United States, to enter into cooperation on these    evelt as President saved the United States, by returning the
principles with other nations, and under those conditions, this    United States to its Constitution. Measures by Roosevelt were
planet can survive, civilization can survive. We can recover       in accord with the principle of the Constitution. The Presi-
again. This is not as easy as Franklin Roosevelt faced with the    dents who preceded him, since the assassination of McKinley,
Great Depression. This is a much tougher problem, a much           including Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, Hoover,
more dangerous, deeper corruption than that. And so, the           Coolidge, so forth, had actually been the enemies of the best
precedents from that period, while valuable to us today as a       interests of the United States, operating from the top level of
lesson, are not a prescription by imitation for solving this       the United States.
problem.                                                                The problem that Roosevelt faced, was a problem of the
     The greatest problem we have, is the incumbent President      British Empire. Now, the British Empire is not really a mon-
of the United States, and the number of idiots, both Demo-         archy. It’s a slime-mold: That is, it is a collection—and this
cratic and Republican, in the Congress, including the Senate,      has been the case since the beginning of the British Empire in
who think like they do. That’s our biggest problem. Because        1763, with the Peace of Paris—an international financier car-
what we need at this moment, looking back at our history, we       tel, largely of Anglo-Dutch denomination, but essentially
are in a moment, that we need a Franklin Roosevelt as Presi-       bankers in the Venetian tradition, a slime-mold. They kill each

6 Feature                                                                                                EIR January 25, 2008
what the British Empire is: It’s the Anglo-Dutch
                                                                                               Liberal system, which is a system of interna-
                                                                                               tional finance, which in respect to each other are
                                                                                               predatory. They eat each other, and they eat
                                                                                               each other’s children. But then, they gang up
                                                                                               against all of the rest of us, and play us for
                                                                                                    For example, who started the war in Iraq, the
                                                                                               last war in Iraq, that’s now still ongoing? It was
                                                                                               done by the Tony Blair government of England.
                                                                                               Tony Blair orchestrated it. Remember the case
                                                                                               of David Kelly? The key figure inside the United
                                                                                               States was Dick Cheney, but not really Dick; it’s
                                                                                               his wife. His wife is the one who picked him out
                                                                                               of the swamp, got him jobs, got him positions,
                                                                                               and she’s the terror who runs him. She’s a British
                                                                                               agent, a Fabian, part of the Fabian Society, the
                                                                                               same thing that Tony Blair represents. So, you
                                                                                               had American accomplices of the British Em-
                                                                Painting by Alexander Kotzebue pire—which is not the British monarchy, it’s the
The Seven Years’ War was typical of British Empire “slime mold” practice. Britain              slime-mold of British or Anglo-Dutch finance—
won the war in 1763 after it got all its rivals on Continental Europe to fight and
destroy each other. Here, a painting depicting the Battle of Kunersdorff in 1759,              orchestrated a war in Iraq, in Southwest Asia, to
where Russian and Austrian troops defeated the Prussians.                                      destroy the United States by inducing it to de-
                                                                                               stroy itself! Just in the same way that the Anglo-
                                                                                               Dutch Liberals set up, in the early part of the
other by night, and they gang up together against the human                     18th Century, a war called the Seven Years’ War, in which the
race in the morning. This is the type.                                          powers of Continental Europe chopped at each other. And the
    In 1763, this slime-mold, this international financial gang,                 British came in and collected the remains, the Anglo-Dutch
took over Britain, at a time that Britain had been the victor in a              Liberals.
war it orchestrated, called the Seven Years’ War. What Britain                       In our midst—if you think that Felix Rohatyn is an advisor
had done, which is typical Liberal practice, is to defeat all its               to any leading figure, you should fire that leading figure, should
rivals on the continent of Europe, by inducing them to make                     be fired from office, particularly from the position of Speaker
war against each other. So Britain sat back, while Russia, and                  of the House. Because they represent a danger to the United
France, and Prussia, and other countries, fought each other,                    States, as great as a traitor in a high position during warfare.
and came down in ruins, with the Peace of Paris, in which the                   She, under the influence, is a poor patsy, a poor, dumb patsy,
British came in and collected the remains. It was the British                   controlled by Felix Rohatyn, who has done the most to destroy
East India Company, who collected the remains. The British                      the United States House of Representatives, during her term of
monarchy is not the controlling force inside the British Em-                    service, since she gained that position. These are the kinds of
pire. The controlling force is a slime-mold, called the Anglo-                  problems we face.
Dutch Liberal financial establishment. They run the empire.
They are not necessarily British citizens; they’re often Dutch,                 Roosevelt Used the Constitution To Save
they are French, they’re Venetian, they’re New York bankers.                    the U.S.A.
George Shultz, for example, the guy who sank the Roosevelt                           Now, go back to, again as I said, to Roosevelt: Roosevelt
monetary system, is part of this. He’s a fascist. So’s Rohatyn.                 came into the Presidency at a point that we hadn’t had—with
Rohatyn’s a fascist. It’s not a term, it’s a species designation.               the exception of Taft, in a sense, and Harding, who were ques-
    And what we’re faced with today, and with the Bloom-                        tionable figures—we hadn’t had an honest President since the
berg game, is the attempt to establish a Presidency of the Unit-                British killed McKinley, in order to bring Teddy Roosevelt
ed States, under Bloomberg and Schwarzenegger (whose fa-                        into the Presidency. Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson,
ther gave him fascist credentials by birth) to establish a                      Coolidge, Hoover, so forth, were problems. We were almost
dictatorship in the United States, modelled immediately on                      destroyed by this. We were still a powerful nation at that time;
that which was used by the British to create Mussolini as a                     we were almost destroyed.
dictator in Italy, the same British circles which put Hitler into                    Roosevelt came along. Now, Roosevelt was a descendant
power in Germany. This is the problem. We are faced with a                      of a New York banker by the name of Isaac Roosevelt, who
threat of tyranny beyond belief, by this crowd. And this is                     had been a collaborator of Alexander Hamilton, in his time.

January 25, 2008       EIR                                                                                                        Feature     7
by doing so, to create a bond among nations, in co-
                                                                                          operation among nations, by which these kinds of
                                                                                          problems can be cured.
                                                                                              We can not eliminate the nation-state; we do
                                                                                          not need a Tower of Babel. Because the ability of a
                                                                                          people to govern itself depends upon its culture.
                                                                                          And without that culture, a people can not be self-
                                                                                          governing. So therefore, you can not impose law
                                                                                          upon nations, simply by just imposing law upon
                                                                                          them. You must work through the culture of that
                                                                                          nation, the culture of its people, and have their will-
                                                                                          ful consent to cooperation of the type needed to
                                                                                          fulfill the intentions specified by the 1648 Peace of
                                                                                              This is embedded in our Constitution, in the ci-
                                                                                          tation from Leibniz, in the Declaration of Indepen-
                                                                                          dence: the “pursuit of Happiness,” which was
                                                                                          Leibniz’s attack on the Liberal theory. Liberalism
                                                   Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (NLFDR)  is not U.S. philosophy, not constitutional philoso-
“Franklin Roosevelt as President saved the United States by returning the United phy: Liberalism is rejected in U.S. constitutional
States to its Constitution.”                                                              philosophy. This principle of the “pursuit of Hap-
                                                                                          piness” which Benjamin Franklin and others took
And Roosevelt did not stumble around, and did not innovate                    from a book by Leibniz, was expressed as the great Preamble
in some curious manner, did not violate the Constitution, but                 of our Constitution, the so-called Bill of Rights. And this prin-
he used the Constitution precisely, and followed it, in order to              ciple of our Preamble is our fundamental law. And that is the
organize an effort to save the United States from itself, and                 law which is the interpretation imposed on every other aspect
from what previous Presidents had done to the United States.                  of our constitutional system. The Preamble of the Constitu-
He saved the United States. He did more than save the United                  tion is our fundamental law! Which expresses, echoes the
States: At the time he came in, the British ruling class, includ-             Declaration of Independence, but is our constitutional law, as
ing the British monarchy itself, had not only put Mussolini                   a Federal Republic. Every other part of the Constitution is
into power in Italy, but had put Hitler into power in Germany.                subject to interpretation according to the specifications of
Who created Hitler? It was not Germans, it was Brits. They                    that Preamble. That’s our law. That was the law understood
organized it. They insisted upon it.                                          by Franklin Roosevelt.
    When Roosevelt became President, this underwent some
degree of change. Roosevelt took emergency measures which                     The Federal Power of Bankruptcy
were based on the U.S. Constitution. And today, we should fol-                      We also have another feature of our Constitution, which is
low exactly those precedents that Roosevelt used then, that are               different than anything you find in Europe, or at least in west-
constitutional precedents. His constitutional conceptions are                 ern and central Europe: We do not believe in monetary sys-
constitutional. What exists now, as a so-called “constitutional”              tems, constitutionally. The United States system is not consti-
interpretation of these matters, is not constitutional: It is some-           tutionally a monetary system. European systems are monetary
thing imported from abroad. This is not our Constitution.                     systems, based on parliamentary government. There is no
    Remember, our Constitution is derived, primarily, imme-                   moral principle controlling. There are moral principles adopt-
diately, from the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, the Peace of West-               ed in constitutions in Europe, but the essential thing is not
phalia. This was the foundation of a commitment among na-                     there. In the U.S. Constitution, the creation of money, and the
tions to the modern, sovereign nation-state by those nations, in              regulation of money is a function of the Federal government.
1648. This ended a long period of religious warfare, which had                The issuance of money is done by the consent of the House of
been induced by Venetian interests, from 1492, the Expulsion                  Representatives, and enacted by the Treasury Department,
of the Jews from Spain, by the Grand Inquisitor, through the                  under the direction of the President. It is unlawful to create
end of the war in Europe in 1648, the Thirty Years’ War.                      money, or a form of money, in the United States, except by the
    This agreement, prompted by a great Cardinal Mazarin,                     Federal government, and except according to this principle,
from France—actually an Italian, but he was stuck in there by                 this constitutional principle. We are not a monetary system!
the Pope—and this agreement on the Peace of Westphalia, on                    Not constitutionally. We are a Federal Republic, and we have
the “benefit of the other,” that each people and each nation                   a credit system, which is based upon the constitutional prin-
must devote itself primarily to the benefit of other nations, and              ciple reflected in our system of the creation of credit.

8 Feature                                                                                                           EIR January 25, 2008
We will therefore have a system under
                                                                                            which loans outstanding can not fluctuate in the
                                                                                            interest rates upon them, but will be kept within
                                                                                            payable limits. Because, in general with the
                                                                                            world economy as it is today, if the interest rate
                                                                                            on long-term loans exceeds 2%, you’re going to
                                                                                            have a collapsed economy. Because you can not
                                                                                            afford, in today’s productivity, to have higher
                                                                                            rates of interest in general, for long-term capital
                                                                                            and related improvements. Therefore, you must
                                                                                            have a fixed-exchange-rate system. That does
                                                                                            not mean a gold-based system, but it does mean
                                                                                            that we probably would do the same thing with
                                                                                            gold that Roosevelt did with gold: We will con-
                                                                        Library of Congress
                                                                                            sider it, not as a monetary asset, but as a means
The founding philosophy of the United States is in opposition to Anglo-Dutch                for settling accounts among sovereign national
Liberalism and the parliamentary system. The U.S. Constitution is derived from the          powers. And thus, to use that power, to maintain
1648 Treaty of Westphalia and its principle of the “benefit of the other,” established       a counter-inflationary stability in long-term in-
by Cardinal Mazarin (left). This idea is embedded in the Declaration of                     vestments among nations.
Independence’s statement of the inalienable right to the “pursuit of Happiness,” as
articulated by Gottfried Leibniz (right).
                                                                                                If we don’t do that, if we’re unwilling to do
                                                                                            just exactly that, there is no chance that the
                                                                                            world civilization as we know it, in its present
     We also have, under the same term, as a Federal govern-                organized form, will continue to exist, as long as the remain-
ment, the power of bankruptcy. And this power of bankruptcy                 der of this year. Because the rate of acceleration of deca-
is very important at this time, because without exerting it,                dence, of collapse, that is now built into the system, will ac-
you’re not going to save the United States. And if you can’t                celerate to such a degree, that we can not determine on what
save the United States, you’re not going to save the rest of the            date the system disintegrates, but it will be soon.
     That means: That most of the outstanding debt, represent-              Mobilizing the Base
ed by financial interests, as claims upon the United States, its                   So the question is: Can we find in the United States, in par-
territories, and its people, will be put by the Federal govern-             ticular, can we find a group of people, especially leading fig-
ment, into bankruptcy receivership. What should be paid, in                 ures, who will come together to do what I have prescribed on
the short term, will be paid. What should be supported in the               this account?
short term, will be supported. But those sums we can not af-                      Now what we’re doing right now, we are mobilizing the
ford to pay, we shall not pay. We shall proceed under bank-                 base: The problem has been, that since the corruption from the
ruptcy law, under our Federal law, to put the entire system, of             top down, in the Senate and the House of Representatives, the
money and related things, into receivership. If we do that, oth-            corruption typified by that expressed by Nancy Pelosi, the
er countries will do it, too.                                               stooge for the fascist Felix Rohatyn, that has prevented the
     Now, what I’ve proposed, as you know, is that four pow-                Houses of Congress from functioning. They don’t function.
ers in this planet must come together to share a policy, an ini-            There are people in there who would like to function. There
tiative, which will save this planet from a general collapse.               are good people in there, but they don’t function. Because the
These four powers are, the United States (despite the idiot in              system of “go along to get along” doesn’t permit them to func-
the White House now); Russia, China, and India. Because, if                 tion properly under these conditions. With proper leadership
these four nations agree on a relevant policy, not only will                in the Senate, and proper leadership in the House, yes, they
other nations join them, automatically, other nations, which                would function. We’ve got to, first of all, change the Speaker
are smaller nations, will join them in common interest. But                 of the House, right away. Otherwise, you don’t care much
we will solve the problem. We can organize a recovery of the                about the United States. If you care about the United States,
world economic system, by reorganization of its financial                    you will say that she needs to go, into some peaceful retire-
system. We will return to a principle, if we agree among these              ment, where her limited mental powers will find a proper re-
nations, under which the same principle that applies to the                 alization.
U.S. Constitution, in terms of money, applies there: We will                      So, thus, in this way, we had to go to a lower income-
create a fixed-exchange-rate system, echoing what Roosevelt                  bracket section of the population. We went to the states and
intended before he died—and I’ll explain what that signifi-                  localities, working on the state level, to campaign for an ac-
cance, “before he died” is.                                                 tion, which I prescribed, which if it is not implemented ex-

January 25, 2008      EIR                                                                                                       Feature     9
actly as I have prescribed, means the doom of the nation. This       Europe Needs a Lender of Last Resort
is the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act. If that act is not             The next step is to proceed on the international level. And
instituted, in exactly the method I have specified, without           that means, the President of the United States has to go to Rus-
changes, the system won’t survive: We’re finished.                    sia, to China, and to India, and to other countries, and to pro-
     Now, what we have now, is a growing mass support in the         pose a treaty agreement, a draft treaty agreement, which is
base of the population, on the state level, for that act. That the   equitable, which establishes a fixed-exchange-rate system.
people in the Senate and the Congress are increasingly aware         And this will probably bring nearly everybody in, if you do it.
of the pressure coming from the states, in our mobilization for           For example, in Europe, as my wife has explained to peo-
support of this act—to be implemented precisely as I have            ple—she’s German, and she knows about Germany, which
prescribed, without changes.                                         many Germans don’t; but she also has her contact with Ger-
     Why? Let me explain this act: The bankruptcy of home-           man experts and French experts and so forth—and has been
owners, or nominal homeowners, can not be allowed. And we            conducting a discussion, an intensive discussion, on the ques-
can not solve the problem by selective bailouts of some peo-         tion of the Lender of Last Resort. Now, the reason that Conti-
ple. It won’t work. You have to have a national freeze on fore-      nental Europe is absolutely doomed today, under its present
closures. Now, that has been picked up by some political fig-         conditions, is there is no lender of last resort under the Maas-
ures, such as Bill Clinton and his wife. And so far, that’s good.    tricht Treaty and implementation. You have to reverse and can-
But that’s not enough, as I think they know. You also have to        cel the Maastricht Treaty, to save Europe! And all it takes is a
protect the bankers simultaneously, and in the same act. Why?        couple of countries who are key countries, to break out of the
Because mortgages, if they’re legitimate, and orderly mort-          Maastricht Treaty, and it will disintegrate of its own accord.
gages, not some kind of fly-by-night thing, are related to                 In that case, then Germany, Italy, France, and so forth, will
banks: to chartered banks, to chartered Federal banks, to            be forced to return to the principle of the lender of last resort,
chartered state banks. These banks are now in danger of col-         which is their own national government, their own constitu-
lapse and liquidation.                                               tional government. Once they agree to return to this principle,
     Therefore, you can not simply suspend these mortgages           then we can talk to Russia, to China, and India, in terms of
by themselves: You’ve got to put the banks under protection,         long-term trade agreements, we’re talking about 25-to-50-
in exactly the same act! If you don’t put the bank under pro-        year trade agreements, for infrastructure, all these kinds of
tection, your attempt to defend the mortgages will do no good.       things. And we can have a program of expansion of the econ-
And if you allow the thing to continue, where the banks are          omy, development, which will give us a perspective of long-
being chewed up, now—by disreputable things that should be           term recovery.
written off entirely—are being looted. As in the recent round             Once we decide, under treaty agreements of that sort, that
of trying to buy out some of these hedge-fund operations             we are going to survive, over the coming 50 years, then we
which should not have been saved. They should be collapsed!          shall survive. Because we will then make the decisions and be
Write them off the books! They’re not worth anything.                able to make the agreements which enable us to accomplish
     We’ve got to save the homeowners. We’ve got to keep             the common aims of mankind. And that’s our function on that
them in their houses. We’ve got to keep the communities sta-         account.
ble. We’ve got to protect the local banks. Because, if the local,         Now, there are several things that have to be dealt with to
regular banks, the honest banks, are not able to conduct busi-       clean up the garbage which is left over from the past. Go back
ness, the whole economy of any part of the country will pro-         to FDR. Now, there are two views of what the Bretton Woods
ceed to disintegrate! If you are not prepared to defend the ho-      Agreement was. One view, which is little known today, is the
meowners, and the banks, the legitimate banks, in the same           intention of Franklin Roosevelt, and that intention was very
Federal act of bankruptcy, using bankruptcy law as the means         clearly declared, repeatedly, by Franklin Roosevelt, while he
of doing it, you aren’t worth anything! And you should stop          was President, especially during the war: President Roos-
talking. Stop babbling. That’s the only way you can save this        evelt’s intention for the Bretton Woods system, was a breakup
system.                                                              of the British Empire. Roosevelt was committed—as I was at
     That is not all that’s required. If we stabilize the United     the time, I was in military service at the time—he was com-
States politically, by the Homeowners and Bank Protection            mitted to the liberation of all territories from colonial occupa-
Act, then we open the door for the next required steps, which        tion or oppression; and also the elimination of what we call
is to change national policy, probably in this time I would          semi-colonialism. That was his intention.
change it through leading pre-Presidential candidates. What               The British, and Winston Churchill, had a fit about that.
you need, is an organizing voice, or more organizing voices,         And as soon as we had breached the wall in France, in the in-
to get something moving behind this. If leading candidates           vasion of Continental Europe, immediately, those banking in-
defend the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, as pre-               terests, in London and in the United States—like the Harri-
scribed, we can save this nation. But that’s only the first step      man bank, which had initially put Hitler into power in
towards saving this nation.                                          Germany, and also had put Mussolini into power in Italy—

10 Feature                                                                                                  EIR January 25, 2008
these banks, which had created Fascism, on the
continent of Europe, with the participation of cer-
tain U.S. bankers, Wall Street bankers of the same
type which I’m fighting today, like Shultz, and Har-
riman, and so forth—these guys made a right turn.
And the British policy was to prevent the war from
being won too quickly at that point.
    Therefore, the war was sabotaged. For exam-
ple, you had a General Montgomery, who was
probably the worst commander in World War II,
who ran an operation with the First Army, which
screwed everything up, and prolonged the war for
at least six to seven months. Other things were
done, to try to eliminate the Roosevelt perspective
for the post-war world. And the issue was largely
expressed between Churchill and Roosevelt. Roos-
evelt would talk to Churchill, and say, “Winston!
We are not going to do this! We’re not going to put The imperialists double-crossed leaders in Indo-China like Ho Chi Minh, who
up with this any more! We’re going into a world had worked with the United States during the war, for the freedom of Indo-China;
without colonialism, without people being op- thus they guaranteed a situation of chaos and war in the region. Here, French
                                                       President Georges Bidault greets Ho Chi Minh in 1946, after Ho proclaimed the
pressed by other people. We’re going to the Ameri- Republic of Vietnam (and before the French recolonized Vietnam).
can System, of the conception of independent, sov-
ereign nation-states. And every people has to have
the right to have a development, a self-development, of a sov-     converting the war-production capability of the United States
ereign nation-state.”                                              to a peace-production capability, for the needs of these peo-
    Oh! Churchill wanted none of that! He was out to defend        ple. We proposed to make a world free of imperialism and its
the British Empire. So, as soon as Roosevelt was safely dead,      vestiges. That was Roosevelt’s policy.
Churchill’s friends—take the case of Indo-China: Indo-China            When Roosevelt died, immediately, Truman, who was an
had won its independence in warfare, under Ho Chi Minh. Ho         agent of the British in terms of his connections, moved to sab-
Chi Minh had been cooperating with the United States in that       otage everything that Roosevelt had represented, in terms of
struggle. With Roosevelt now dead, the British ordered the         this post-war policy of decolonization. The post-war policy of
Japanese to come out of the prison camps where they had been       the Truman Administration was re-colonization. A British
held in Indo-China, to be re-armed, and to occupy the country      policy of recolonization.
which had just been liberated from them. And the entire history
of the Indo-China War since that time, was that creation.          FDR’s Bretton Woods System Was Anti-British
     A similar operation was run in Indonesia. There was a             Now, despite these changes, the United States continued
very effective liberation movement in Indonesia against the        on its internal economic policy, in the same direction, until the
Dutch imperialism. The British backed that, with armed             assassination of President Kennedy. And it was not just the as-
forces, a war that went on for some time, and created the mess     sassination of President Kennedy that was key, it was the fact
which we suffer still today.                                       that his successor, Johnson, was terrified. And because John-
     Similar things were done in the split-up of India, in the     son was terrified, Johnson supported the Gulf of Tonkin Reso-
Pakistan-India split—and it was a horrible scene to see, the       lution, which got us into the Indo-China War.
way it occurred. This was done, by the British.                        The Indo-China War, a long war, like the Peloponnesian
    Africa was given liberation, but not liberation: They were     War, destroyed the United States, or destroyed the United
given the title to liberation, but no power to run their coun-     States’ economy, and so undermined it, that in 1971, the Bret-
tries. Similar kind of thing.                                      ton Woods system disintegrated under Nixon.
    Similar efforts were made in Central and South America.            Now, the other view of the Bretton Woods system was that
So that when this Bretton Woods agreement was presented, by        of Keynes. Keynes was at the 1944 conference of the Bretton
Franklin Roosevelt, the intention had been to use the power of     Woods convention, and did submit a proposal. Now, people
the U.S. military, that is the economic power, to convert the      who don’t know their history, will say that the Bretton Woods
military power into economic power, for machine tools and          system was designed by Keynes. Not so. The Bretton Woods
similar kinds of development, to assist not only war-ravaged       system was an anti-British, anti-colonialist position. What
Western Europe, but also the nations which had been colo-          happened with the death of Roosevelt, was that Truman and
nized or semi-colonized, to be liberated and developed, by         Co., were able with their fascist friends in New York, like the

January 25, 2008     EIR                                                                                             Feature    11
Harrimans and so forth—the same people who had put
Hitler into power earlier—to turn it into the “Keynesian”
alternative. So therefore, Roosevelt’s Bretton Woods sys-
tem is made clear by his own testimony: This was an anti-
colonialist system. The Keynesian system was a colonial-
ist copy.
     But nonetheless, despite the fact that this was merely
a colonialist copy, in the United States, we maintained,
internally, an economic system which was very much
like the intention of Roosevelt. We maintained that up
until the death of Kennedy, when things began to go bad
at the time, after Kennedy had been killed. So therefore,
today, when people say the “Keynesian system,” that’s a
way of covering up the fact of this.
     So, we maintained a protectionist economy, up
through Kennedy, up through Kennedy’s Presidency, and
lost it rapidly after that point, especially after 1968.
     Then, in 1971, we lost our honor; we lost everything.
The British took over, through George Shultz, the same
                                                                                                                      U.S. National Archives
George Shultz who, in the same period of time, put a fas- Lord Keynes (right), chairman of the British delegation at the Bretton
cist dictator, Pinochet, into power in South America, in Woods meeting in 1944. Roosevelt had designed Bretton Woods as an anti-
Chile. The same George Shultz who owns Schwarzeneg- British, anti-colonialist program, but after FDR’s death, the fascist
ger today (whose father was a real Nazi), who ran a Nazi- financiers who had put Hitler into power turned it into the “Keynsian”
aided operation in the Southern Cone of Americas during alternative. Within the United States, however, the economic system
                                                               followed that of Roosevelt, until about 1968.
the first half of the 1970s. And has not improved his mor-
als since that time—or Schwarzenegger’s either.
     So this is what the issue is. We had a system, which is the     the other things, to give us the room to move on the other
Roosevelt Constitutional system, for decolonization of the           things we must move to—including immediate long-term
world. Now if we look at things today, look at Asia and Africa,      agreements, starting no later than January of the coming year,
and the struggles in South America and Central America, you          with the nations I indicated: the United States, Russia, China,
see a similar situation. The mission, the long-term mission for      and India. We must have a long-term agreement, or series of
humanity now, if we get out of this crisis, is to fix this prob-      treaty agreements, with those and with other nations, which
lem: We have large populations in Asia, most of whom are             govern the way we are going to develop this planet economi-
extremely poor. By their own unaided means, they could not           cally, for the future of humanity! For a thousand or two thou-
solve the problems as they must be solved. However, with in-         sand years to come.
ternational cooperation, long-term cooperation, long-term                 Defending the principle of sovereignty of a people, be-
agreements, the development of infrastructure, the develop-          cause a people has embedded in its culture, its language, or the
ment of other things needed. For example: The need for the           use of its language, it has the deeper aspects of mentation. A
thorium cycle of fission power, in India. India’s a very poor         people that’s denied that, and is supposed to speak an argot,
country. It has some people in it, who are not so poor. But 70%      moving from one country to another, and speaking some kind
are desperately poor, and their condition of life is worsening.      of a pidgin—they lack that cultural continuity of develop-
Without thorium-cycle nuclear power, India can not in prac-          ment, and the people are turned into virtual slaves, or approx-
tice recover from this mess.                                         imations of that. So, we know that we must maintain national
     China has a similar problem. It has certain technological       sovereignty, national cultural sovereignty among nations.
progress, certain achievements, but it also has vast needs of        And therefore, national sovereignty must be expressed in
development. This requires nuclear power; it requires coop-          terms of cooperation among sovereigns, to develop long-term
eration in infrastructure. It requires long-term agreements.         agreements on common objectives, for up to a thousand years
The same thing is true of all of these countries, of the world.      or so to come. That’s what we require.
We need these long-term agreements, which must be treaty                  And that is what should be laid on the table of the next
agreements, based on a fixed-exchange-rate system, like that          President of the United States, properly selected.
of Franklin Roosevelt’s design for the Bretton Woods system.
That’s what’s required. And therefore, what we do is move            LaRouche’s ‘Triple Curve’
from an act like the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, to               Now, let’s go to the first of these Triple Curves, to explain
stabilize the U.S. economy sufficiently, to begin to move on          where I come in on this thing [Figure 1]. This was something

12 Feature                                                                                                      EIR January 25, 2008
FIGURE 1                                                            FIGURE 2
LaRouche's Triple Curve                                             The Collapse Reaches a Critical Point Of
                                                                                                     Financial aggregates

                               Financial aggregates

                                      Monetary                         $



                                  input/output                                                 Physical-economic
The increasing decrease of the physical output coincides with an
accelerating rate of monetary emission.
                                                                    The continued collapse of physical output and the explosion of
                                                                    monetary and financial aggregates put the U.S. economy in a
which I first produced, actually in the end of 1995, and pub-        terminal collapse phase.
lished for the first time in January of 1996. It was published as
a feature of my pre-Presidential election campaign that year.       I published in 2000 [Figure 2]. There was a change that oc-
And what it describes is the actuality at that time, of the U.S.    curred that time, in which the United States entered into a
financial-economic situation. The three values are simply:           long-term, deep, depression. This happened before George
You have the issue of money, Monetary Aggregate, issued by          Bush was able to pollute the White House, that is, George
governments or by other means, other agencies. You have also        Bush, Jr. But what had happened was, you had the rate of
then, the generation of Financial Assets, as distinct from just     monetary aggregates, that you had to generate to sustain the
simply money assets, which are related to monetary assets.          financial explosion, and financial aggregates expanded. So,
You also then must compare this with the per-capita, per-           as a result of that, with a continued collapse of the physical
square-kilometer productive powers of labor, in physical            output, per capita and per square kilometer, you had entered
terms, including infrastructure, as well as other aspects of pro-   into a collapse phase of the U.S. economy, a terminal col-
ductivity.                                                          lapse phase. So, by the time Bush came in, as President, in
    Now, what has been happening, especially at an accelerat-       January of 2001, the United States economy was already
ing rate, since 1971 in particular, and at an accelerated since     doomed under its existing policy. It was doomed to collapse
1987, since October of 1987, has been an increasing decrease        at an accelerating rate, over the period of the decade. And it
of the physical output per capita of the population of the Unit-    did.
ed States, per capita and per square kilometer. What has been           That’s the problem we have to fix. We have a bankrupt
happening at the same time, is this has been sustained, as es-      system, which is inherently bankrupt, in which the amount of
pecially under Greenspan, by an accelerating rate of monetary       monetary aggregate being generated to bail out, as you see the
emission. The U.S. government, in various forms, has been           bailouts occurring today, to bail out an inflated, explosive
extending the emission.                                             mass of financial aggregate, has reached the point that it is
    Now the emission has been used by a multiplier factor,          now going to accelerate at such a rate, that the question is,
which is insane, to increase the rate of financial aggregates        whether the U.S. economy, under its present policies, will out-
outstanding. So now, you see an accelerating rate of financial       live this current year. People who think they have money, are
aggregates’ growth, relative to an accelerating rate of decline     going to find they don’t have any. People who thought they
of physical production. For example: infrastructure. The New        had vast savings, will find out they don’t have any. That’s the
York streets, for example, under Bloomberg. The New York            kind of world we’re living in.
streets are collapsing under Bloomberg. Maybe it’s an expres-           And idiots out there, are saying, we’re going to induce a
sion of their dislike for the man!                                  palliative to some homeowners, we’re going to “stimulate the
    Now then, we come to a second one, a second case, which         economy.” “Stimulate?” What’s that mean? More monetary

January 25, 2008      EIR                                                                                               Feature      13
The Human Mind Is Not Digital
                                                                            Well, let me take one more little side issue, because it’s so
                                                                       crucial to understand this problem, which most people don’t.
                                                                       Let’s take computer games. Killer computer games. What’s
                                                                       the difference between a man and a monkey? And how does
                                                                       this apply to understanding computer games? Because com-
                                                                       puter games are designed on the basis of two things: First of
                                                                       all, they were designed to kill; they were designed to train a
                                                                       mass of the population, and retrain soldiers, as killers, who
                                                                       would shoot more often and at more people. And it worked!
                                                                       In order to train soldiers to kill more profusely, they invented
                                                                       games; they went to the computer industry to produce games,
                                                                       which are point-and-shoot training games. Then, late in the
                                                                       1990s, when the subsidies to the computer industry were col-
                                                                       lapsing, under the previous arrangement, then, the computer
                                                                       industry, which otherwise would have gotten suddenly poor,
                                                                       went into mass production of the computer killer-game in-
                                                                            They produced this killer wave: We are on the verge of
Cartesian Economics 101: This diagram from         having suicide-prone mass-killers, just like you talk about in
has the following text above it: “How to make money from your first     the Middle East, inside the United States. These mass-killers
ever high school economics lesson. Think back to that first simple      will be from our own youth, and they will be from youth who
diagram on the blackboard. If you happened to miss that class,         have been indoctrinated in playing computer games. And
don’t worry, it really is simple. The diagram is the same as the one   those who produce these games, are fully aware of this. And
[shown here].”
                                                                       our study of case-histories shows that the secret of these
                                                                       games is, the children don’t play the games. The games play
aggregate! That’s like putting more fuel in the fire, in the for-       the children.
est fire! The worst thing you can do. You have to go back to                 One of my experiences earlier in life—oh, a quarter-
the Roosevelt idea, the Roosevelt conception. Put the system           century ago, or more; back in the 1960s, actually—was, I had
under bankruptcy, put it under control, and some things will           been an old chess player. And I got away from it, because I got
have to go into negotiation, and some things will be paid; and         bored with the game, couldn’t stand it any more. I went to all
that decision will be made on the nature of national interest          the games. I didn’t win tournaments, but I was a blindfold
and human interest, and human rights. That’s our only                  chess player, simultaneous blindfold chess, all these kinds of
chance.                                                                tricks which I was good at, when I was younger and quicker.
    Now, most people have a problem with this, including               But then I said, “I gotta change.” So, I looked at the game of
people who may be asking questions not too distant from now.           “Go.” And after a little too much playing the game of Go, I
“I don’t understand it,” they will say. “I don’t understand what       realized what it does to your mind—and I said, “never
you see.” “Won’t it be sufficient. . .?”                                again!”
    Now, the problem we have: We have two kinds of people                   Now, the game of Go does not have a bad intention as
who are ignorant of economics: those who are honestly igno-            such. It has a negative effect on the mind. But it does not have
rant, and those who are inherently dishonest. And the latter           a bad intention. Killer games have a bad intention. And the
outnumber the former. In other words, “How can I cheat?”               intention which is built into the design of the games, is that
This is Economics 101 today: “How Can I Cheat?” Not “How               you think that the person is playing the game on the Internet?
Can I Earn?” Well, we abolished earning: We shut down our              Uh-uh! The game is playing him! And the firm that runs the
factories, we stopped building our infrastructure, we shut             game, and monitors it, is playing him! Or her.
down our farmers. We allowed Al Gore, who was reputed to                    So the point is, first of all, it has all the defects of Go, with
have been eaten by a polar bear—which likes fat. Polar bears           all the necessary moral failures added. Kill! Kill! Game ends!
like fat. They see a guy walking up there, with fat, “This guy,        Game ends! Game ends! Die!
what a fat head! He must be fat all over. We’ll eat him!”                   When does game end? When the law enforcement agency
    But, these kinds of ideas of sophistry, the same kind of           or other official comes on the scene—and you stop killing the
sophistry in an extreme form, which sank ancient Greece un-            people, and kill yourself. That’s exactly what happened in Vir-
der Pericles, the same kind that we’re repeating today. This is        ginia, exactly that.
our problem. And as a result of the popularity of sophistry:                And all the time this is happening, the companies that run
“All my friends tell me. . . .”                                        the games on the Internet, are monitoring the games. They’re

14 Feature                                                                                                     EIR January 25, 2008
coaching the games. Controlling and manipulating the minds            tration span, measurable? What is the length of concentration
of the players!                                                       span of a game player, on a killer game? These guys are bab-
     You have also a similar effect on MySpace, another mass-         blers! They have no concentration span, whatsoever.
brainwashing operation produced by the digital industry.                   So we’re destroying a section of a population, by destroy-
Facebook, another one, and so on and so forth. We’re seeing           ing their minds, destroying their mental capacities, and turn-
the development of mass terrorism potential, inside the Unit-         ing them potentially into mass killers. And this is what our
ed States, based on these games! And the effect in the United         policy is.
States will be comparable to what we have in Southwest Asia,
as so-called terrorism. But coming from inside the United             It Is Time for a Global Peace of Westphalia
States, generated, and monitored, and controlled by computer               And this is the way we teach economics. Gore is typical of
companies that manage these games, while the poor suckers             this. Gore is an exemplification of evil. Why? Because he de-
who are playing them are being managed.                               nies the existence of creativity. For example, the case of India.
     We allow it.                                                     He says he’s for reducing carbon emissions—it doesn’t mean
     The other aspect of this thing, which is what I refer to in      a damned thing. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about!
this case, is that the human mind is not digital. There is no         But! What does he mean? He’s against the development of the
digital mathematics that can represent the processes of the hu-       fission process, for thorium-fission cycle. The thorium-fission
man mind, as distinct from those of a monkey. The human               cycle, using a material called thorium, which is rather abun-
mind is creative by virtue of functions we associate only with        dant in India, used in proper devices, can be placed locally to
analog devices. Creativity, as expressed by a human mind,             provide power in locations, to improve water management
corresponds generally to an analog function. We’ve done               and do a lot of other things. So the people of India require a
some work on that.                                                    very large increase of this process, set into motion. And to do
     In the case of economics—coming back to that: in econo-          this, you have to have a nuclear reaction which charges the
my today, what is taught as economics, is Cartesian kinemat-          thorium—which is not military problem at all—which thus
ics, a projection, a statistical projection. There are virtually no   gives the local village and so forth the ability to have a nucle-
competent economists engaged in long-term forecasting—                ar plant which provides what it can’t get otherwise: freshwa-
none! But many incompetent ones! And every one is wrong.              ter.
Because it does not correspond to human behavior.                          Take for example, the Deccan in southern India: In south-
     Human behavior is creative. Look at yourself. Now stand          ern India, the supplies of water have depended for long time,
next to a picture of a gorilla or a chimpanzee. Or a baboon if        on drawing down fossil water! Now fossil water in southern
you prefer. And say, “what’s the difference between me, and a         India, in the Deccan region, means water which was put down
baboon, and a gorilla, or a chimpanzee? What do I do? I can           there before the beginning of the Ice Age, 2 million years ago,
think.”                                                               the first ice age we know of. So, fossil water, which has been
     “Well, prove that.”                                              buried there for 2 million years, is now the recommended re-
     Well, what is the population-density of baboons, chim-           source, for providing water for a village in southern India. It’s
panzees, and gorillas. How many millions per square kilome-           crazy. With a nuclear plant, on the coast—and India has a very
ter can you have, of chimpanzees, baboons, and gorillas?              small area, relative to the coastline—near the coast, you can
Now, what is the rate of growth of world population, per cap-         produce from seawater, you can produce freshwater in quanti-
ita and per square kilometer of the human species? What’s the         ties, and economically, for these people. And improve the
difference? The difference is discoveries, which take two             conditions of life.
forms: of scientific principle, physical scientific principles,              So the United States government, in its infinite lack of
and Classical artistic principles. And these things enable hu-        wisdom, has tried to ban the thorium cycle from use in India,
man beings to increase the potential of the human species, as         along with the British. So, the point is that humanity progress-
no other living creature can do.                                      es through technological progress, and so forth.
     This power comes as a result of what we call creativity,              What we represent as the American System is this: Europe
which does not exist in any digital system. But the only way          has a very special kind of quality. Remember that about 19-
you can represent it, mathematically, is by analog systems.           20,000 years ago, we had great ice ages, all over the northern
That does not cause it, but it’s capable of reflecting that.           hemisphere, not every part of it, but a lot of it. Ice was thick,
     So the point today, is people are living in a digital society,   habitation was poor. The most advanced cultures were mari-
whose deleterious effects are enhanced, increased, by the role        time cultures, people sailing in flotillas of boats, using astro-
of these games, and similar kinds of entertainment. Look at           navigation, to go large distances, up to 1,000 miles or so, or
the attention span of a young kid, 16-to-25 years of age! What        2,000 miles, across oceans, or down oceans, from one place of
is the typical attention span? What is it, 30 seconds? 15 sec-        residence to another place of residence, as the seasons change.
onds? Strictly as a result of MySpace. Take a MySpace addict,         And we know of these things, because through the study of
a typical MySpace addict: What is the length of their concen-         astronomy, we recognize that some of these astronomical cy-

January 25, 2008      EIR                                                                                               Feature    15
gence of Liberalism, and the creation of em-
                                                                                            pires based on Liberalism. And we subject
                                                                                            the entire planet to this cruelty. And we call
                                                                                            that, “the way things are.” We call that,
                                                                                            “common sense.”
                                                                                                 The time has come when the require-
                                                                                            ments of maintaining humanity, the techno-
                                                                                            logical requirements and scientific require-
                                                                                            ments are such, that humanity can no longer
                                                                                            exist under what has been the practice of
                                                                                            much of European civilization over the pe-
                                                                                            riod to date. We must take what we resolved
                                                                                            in Europe in 1648, the Peace of Westphalia,
                                                                                            and commit ourselves to the entirety of the
                                                                                            human race, to all of it: It has the rights
                                                                                            which are granted to Europeans among
India has plentiful thorium to use as nuclear fuel and become energy independent. The       themselves by the Peace of Westphalia.
United States and Britain are trying to ban the thorium cycle and stop this technological        So, that, to bring things to this close, as I
progress, because thorium requires a small amount of plutonium to turn thorium into         presume the questions’ll be pouring in short-
fissile uranium-233. Here, India’s Kamini reactor, the first in the world designed to use
thorium/U-233.                                                                              ly, is what I have to say today.

cles which are built into the calendars are of that character:           Dialogue With LaRouche
that only a society which was based on astronavigation, a
maritime culture, could possibly have generated these fea-                   Freeman: before we get to the questions, I have a couple
tures of those calendars: 25,000 years, 50,000 years, 200,000            of announcements and greetings. When we conduct one of
years. Long-range calendars for cycles.                                  these webcasts, we have satellite meetings in various parts of
     So in this process, the Mediterranean area and its adjoin-          the world, and I couldn’t begin to announce all of them. But,
ing areas became developed, as a maritime culture. This hap-             when we have gatherings that are new to the network, I al-
pened over thousands of years, but what we know of most of               ways do try to extend greetings to them. My understanding
it, started about 700 B.C. with the emergence of an alliance             today, is that in addition to the normal gatherings that we’ve
among Egypt—that is, the case of Egypt, the Etruscans, and               had on the continent of Ibero-America, today we have several
the Ionians, against Tyre. And this process led to the develop-          gatherings in Bolivia, at the University of San Francisco de
ment of European civilization, which had a promising start,              Asis; teachers and deans at the campuses of La Paz and Tu-
but kept being destroyed by empires, or the development of               piza, which is the Tarija province, are gathering. Also, in La
European empires, such as those of the Romans, or the Byz-               Paz in Cochabama. The Association of Municipalities in Co-
antine Empire, or the empire of the Venetians of the medieval            chabama is listening today, and we welcome them to today’s
period; and the attempted modern empire.                                 broadcast. There is a gathering in Ecuador at the University of
     The issue has always been, in European civilization, in             Manta. There is a very large gathering at the University of So-
particular, that the tendency has been by oligarchs, to degrade          nora in Mexico, and as always, there is a gathering in Mexico
the lower 80% or more of the family-income brackets of a                 City. So, I’d like to extend a welcome to all of those groups,
population to virtual animals, by denying them access to the             and I will try to entertain your questions as I always do.
process of developing creativity and new discoveries. This                   We also have a statement that was submitted by State Rep.
was the issue posed by Aeschylus in his great Prometheus                 Joe Almeda of Rhode Island. He is the primary sponsor of a
Trilogy and other writings. We take the distinction of mankind           resolution calling for immediate Congressional action on the
from the animal, which is the creative powers of the human               Homeowners and Bank Protection Act in the Rhode Island
mind, which don’t exist in any animal, which the strength of             House of Representatives. And he wanted to convey this state-
humanity lies in there, and we suppress that in large parts of           ment to those who are listening:
populations, with various kinds of oppression—colonial and                   “I support the policy proposed by Lyndon LaRouche in
other oppression.                                                        the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act and we’re working
     So we take a society which had the most advanced power              very hard right now, to push a resolution supporting this act
in the planet, which was European society as it developed in             through the Rhode Island House of Representatives. We are
recovery from the dark age of the middle of the 14th Century;            expecting a vote by next week. But I’d also like to urge all
we corrupt it by things like the Grand Inquisitor, and the emer-         other state legislatures across the country to join us in passing

16 Feature                                                                                                       EIR January 25, 2008
similar resolutions. You do not need an economics degree to         tion, and introduce an altogether different one!
realize that LaRouche’s proposal is necessary.”                         What we have to do, is forget monetary stimulation. We
    Lyn, I think that you answered many of these questions in       have to have a governmental control of the creation of credit.
the course of your presentation, but the various questioners        We must have a banking system, a regular banking system,
want them answered anyway, again. And my experience with            which cooperates with government, in processing that credit
them, is that repeating doesn’t hurt!                               into places where it’s needed: new firms, infrastructure, so
                                                                    forth. So, the creation of credit is by government, not financial
A ‘Stimulation Package’ or a Sex Clinic?                            stimulation! You have too much sexual financial stimulation
     Before I get to those, one of the questions that came in       going on, as it stands now!
while you were speaking, is from somebody who was previ-                What we have to do, is bring this thing under control, and
ously associated with the Hamilton Group, and who now is            take down the present financial-monetary system! Without
over at the Congressional Budget Office. And he says:                changing some of the labels. And how do you do that? You do
     “Mr. LaRouche, Hillary Clinton’s economic stimulus             that by an orderly bankruptcy. What do you do with an order-
package seems to me to be named incorrectly. I want to be           ly bankruptcy? You put the entity into bankruptcy. And the
clear that I happen to agree with what she’s proposing. I think     first thing you do, you say, “We’re going to send this to the
it’s necessary. But I think that it’s necessary only as a measure   butcher shop, or revive it.”
to address the immediate needs of the American population. I            Now, in most of these cases, you can’t send it to the butch-
do not see it as stimulating the economy per see, but merely as     er shop. Let’s take the case right here: Loudoun County, near-
an attempt to stabilize things.                                     by. I warned about this. I warned about this back in 2000, that
     “I’d like to know if you agree. My own view is that, given     Loudoun County was being set up to become Ground Zero for
the nature of this crisis, there are two potential approaches.      the biggest financial collapse in U.S. history. And it is in pro-
One is to take LBJ’s approach, and I believe that Hillary’s pro-    cess of becoming exactly that, as I warned. What happens
posal actually falls into this category. The other approach is to   with bankruptcy in Loudoun County? What happens with this
take the kind of approach that John Kennedy took with his           crazy idea of bailing out worthless real estate investment en-
Moon mission. I don’t know if one can lead to the other, and        terprises, at the cost of banks! It is the banks which are used
I’m wondering if you think one can lead to the other.               by the Federal government, and other means to bring credit
     “The other question that I have for you is, do you think       into areas’ institutions! It is the security of these banks, which
that we still have the capability to launch a JFK-style ap-         is essential to us, in our system of government, our system of
proach?”                                                            economy. We regulate! We do not destroy! We destroy that
     LaRouche: Well, as I said, there is no real precedent for      which is worthless—we destroy diseases. We don’t destroy
either the problem we face today, or for the remedies for that      financial institutions.
problem. There’s no precedent in known history, for what’s              We don’t stimulate a sick economy. We don’t stimulate
required now. I think, nonetheless, on the other hand, although     the sale of cocaine. We don’t stimulate the spread of AIDS.
that is true, that it is not beyond us, to discover the new ap-     We don’t stimulate these things. What we do, is we concen-
proach to be taken to solve an unprecedented problem. This is       trate on creating and supporting things which are necessary to
not new to humanity, to do that, it just requires a mustering of    cause the physical recovery of the economy.
the will and insight needed to do it.                                   The problem with this thinking, is people are worship-
     The idea that we need a “stimulation package” is wrong!        pers of money. The Mammonites, huh? Strict worshippers of
That’s where the problem lies. Everybody is talking about           money. And money is nothing. Money, except as government
stimulation, like this is a sex clinic, or something. This is not   makes it more than that, is either a system of usury or piracy,
the problem!                                                        or it’s an instrument of government, controlled by govern-
     The problem is the fact that stimulation is the worst thing    ment. Money must be controlled by government! Principle
you can do. That is, stimulation of the present system. Well,       #1. Before answering the question: Do you accept the control
you had that, with the curve. It’s being stimulated! The rate of    of money by government, in terms of its utterance and its cir-
inflation is so-oa-arr-ring! You want more of that?                  culation? Do you accept that? Do you accept tax rates which
     Do you realize what the rate of inflation is now, underly-      are selective? Which have the effect of regulating what things
ing? Do you realize what it means relative to your income,          get treated more favorably than other things, because the tax
personally? How do you match your income with the rate of           rates are better? No more golden parachutes; lead ones. They
stimulation? The rate of inflation? Look at the price of bread,      sink deeply.
look at the price of Al Gore! He took food out of your diet—as          So, stimulation is not the answer. What you have to do, is
a carbon-control measure.                                           create a new monetary system, without shutting down the
     No, the point is, forget stimulation. This economy is not      monetary process. How do you do that? You take the core of
going to recover by stimulation. This economy will recover          this financial problem, the core is: The homeowners are losing
only by massive surgery to remove the present kind of stimula-      their homes. You can not have them thrown out of their homes.

January 25, 2008     EIR                                                                                              Feature     17
They are being thrown out, not because of any fault of their        laws, which will be crafted, based on their impact on prices
own, but the conditions imposed upon them, with the com-            to incomes, in order to get things going so that you don’t have
plicity of government, and with the complicity of powerful          a Bloomberg getting $11 billion from a swindle, aspiring to
financial institutions which say, “We’re more important than         become a fascist dictatorship the United States. That is not
the people.” People like Bloomberg. I mean, anybody who’s           our policy, or should not be our policy. We don’t need all
got an $11 billion income can not have done it honestly.            these golden parachutes. We have a population that needs
     So therefore, what you do, is you say, “Money is, under        care; we have a world that needs care, and resources are not
United States law, money is the property of the U.S. govern-        going to be sucked out of the blood of the masses of the peo-
ment, and its regulation lies with the House of Representa-         ple in our economy in order to enrich the few, at the expense
tives as the representative agency, and lies with the Presiden-     of the people. So, therefore, that’s where this problem lies,
cy, especially the Treasury Department.” That’s what money          and that’s where this question of stimulation takes people
is, and money has no rights to exist except on that basis, or by    way out of whack. Forget stimulation—go see your sex con-
treaty agreements of the United States with other govern-           sultant.
ments. So, anything else, you get into bankruptcy, the wel-
fare of this population is threatened, the welfare of the nation    Infrastructure Plus Stimulation?
is threatened, the economy is threatened, what do you do?               Freeman: Well, you just provoked a whole mess with
Money has got to go into the woodshed, and we’re going to           that. Well, people are altering their questions.
take cord wood, and we’re going to train it, get its hips back          This is a question from someone who has responsibility
in shape. So, that’s the first thing you have to understand. So,     for one of the Congressional committees that has to deal with
it’s not stimulation vs anti-stimulation; it’s reorganization.      this. And what she says is, “Lyn, there’s a lot of discussion in
And how do you do that? What you do is you go into the key          Congress and the Administration regarding this so-called
parts of the economy, starting with homeowners, communi-            stimulus package. Maybe it shouldn’t be called a stimulus
ties, and banks—real banks, not the fake ones. You stabilize        package, maybe it should be called something else. The initia-
them under bankruptcy protection, Federal bankruptcy pro-           tives that we’re talking about include things like rebate checks,
tection. Don’t try to resettle the accounts, don’t try to resolve   extending unemployment benefits, aid to states, help with
anything; just resolve they’re going to be under Federal pro-       housing problems and the devastated construction industry,
tection.                                                            and various other short-term measures. While infrastructure
     Then you have to go from there to other measures which         spending is among the initiatives under consideration, there
stimulate growth. Now, one of the first things you do, is you’re     are concerns that legislation providing additional spending
going to start up things like the national automobile industry      through infrastructural development, would simply take too
capability. We don’t need more automobiles right now, we’re         long to enter the economy. So, from this standpoint, do you
producing enough, or we’re getting the Japanese to produce          think that ‘stimulus legislation’ is appropriate, and should ad-
them for us. But what we do need, is to revive the machine          ditional investment in infrastructure be included in any stimu-
tool capability which was located within the automobile in-         lus package, or should it be separate?”
dustry as a machine tool capability to build infrastructure—to          LaRouche: Forget stimulus! There’s too much stimulus.
build nuclear plants, to build new mass transportation sys-         Eleven billion dollars in the possession of Mayor Bloomberg
tems. We don’t need all these highways; we don’t need people        of New York is excessive stimulus. We don’t need any more
to have to travel from West Virginia into Washington at a cost      of that. We want to make sure that none of that ever happens
of $7 a day or more in tolls, where it’s two or three hours each    again. He is the horrible example of the year. He must never
way to live in West Virginia where it’s cheaper to live, in order   appear again, especially as a candidate.
to work in the Washington, D.C. area. It’s nuts! We used to             All right now, the point here is, forget the stimulus all to-
have a system where you would have local production, and            gether. What you’re going to do is, you’re going to cut and
therefore when people were working or living, they didn’t           cover. You’re going to cut crap; you’re going to cut golden
have to travel three hours commuting. The ideal of commut-          parachutes; and you’re going to put what you cut to the ac-
ing or commuting organization was 15 minutes each way               count of things that should have been paid. In other words,
commuting. That was considered good; at the maximum half            you’re not in the first instance going to increase the monetary
an hour. When you go beyond half an hour or 15 minutes for          aggregate. You’re going to put money into some areas, and
commuting time, either way, to and from work or other essen-        take it away from others. And that should be very stimulating,
tial functions, as a normal daily function, you are insane, or      depending upon your point of view.
the government’s insane.                                                So therefore, we do want a growth program, but a growth
     So, therefore, what we are going to do is reorganize the       program must be based primarily on science and technology
society to make sure that those things that are essential are       and on capital improvements in basic economic infrastruc-
encouraged, and those things that are not essential, well, they     ture. That’s what you do. Look at what Roosevelt did, and the
can sit there for a while. Then we will, in a sense, have new       way he did it. That’s exactly the way it worked; that’s the way

18 Feature                                                                                                EIR January 25, 2008
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6 Months into the Greatest Ever Financial Crash

  • 1. EIR Feature LAROUCHE WEBCAST Six Months Into The Greatest Ever Financial Crash Lyndon LaRouche delivered the following hour-long keynote, and then fielded ques- tions for two more hours at an international webcast from Washington, D.C., spon- sored by the LaRouche Political Action Committee on Jan. 17, 2008. The webcast was moderated by LaRouche’s national spokeswoman Debra Freeman. Debra Freeman: Good afternoon. On behalf of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, I’d like to welcome all of you to today’s international webcast. As I think many of our listeners may recall, it was approximately six months ago, during a similar webcast, on July 25, that Mr. LaRouche made clear that we were in a situ- ation, not where we were facing an impending financial collapse, but that in fact the financial collapse was under way. Within days of that webcast, Mr. LaRouche was proven absolutely correct, by a chain of events that occurred. On July 28, Country- wide Financial, which is the nation’s biggest mortgage lender, announced a 33% drop in profits, and it’s been nothing but bad news ever since then. Two days after that, American Home Mortgage, another major lender, which specialized in sub- prime mortgages, collapsed. By July 31, the subprime mortgage crisis was on the front page of every newspaper in the United States. Mr. LaRouche was 100% right in forecasting the collapse. He was 100% right, when he said that the collapse had occurred. And here we are, six months later, with the debris from that collapse hitting on a daily basis. As a result of a national and international mobilization, the willingness to deal with that crisis, at least the will- ingness to admit that that collapse is under way, has begun to permeate political circles. Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign stands as probably the only Presi- dential campaign, or at least the only one that I’m aware of, that has been prepared to put this front and center. And while that is useful, they have still failed to address the causes of the crisis, or the real solutions. I think that today’s webcast is one in which Mr. LaRouche, as he has been doing repeatedly at these international webcasts, will provide a pathway, whereby people can gain greater understanding of what it is we are facing, as a nation, as a world, indeed, as a civilization. And I believe, knowing Mr. LaRouche as I do, that he’ll also provide a pathway to solving it. 4 Feature EIR January 25, 2008
  • 2. a collapse, probably some time during this year. And I’m talking about a global collapse, not a col- lapse just of the trans-Atlantic English-speaking community. But the thing is centered obvious- ly in the trans-Atlantic English- speaking community. That’s where the source of the infection is, from which it spreads. And that’s what we have to deal with. We also have to deal with an- other problem, apart from an eco- nomic problem: a problem of idi- ocy, which permeates the highest ranks of the Senate, and other lo- cations, among all so-called lead- ing economists, today. There are a few exceptions here and there. But on this question, of this crisis, except for a few people in the woodwork that I know about, EIRNS/Stuart Lewis there is no public expression of LaRouche: “The danger from this crisis is greater than probably any of the precedents, other than any comprehension of what this the collapse of the Roman Empire itself.” crisis is about, or any comprehen- sion of what the remedies are. Now, let me say, on that point So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, let me pres- specifically, that the primary crisis before us, immediately, is ent to you, Lyndon LaRouche. twofold: On the one hand, it’s an international monetary-finan- cial crisis, in which the collapse of the entire world interna- The Crisis Is Manageable tional monetary system could be completed within a time as Lyndon LaRouche: Thank you. early as this year, and even sometime earlier in this year, be- The presentation and discussion which is going to occur cause that’s the way human events are. You can not predict the now, will be for most of you, one of the most important things day in which that collapse would occur, but the collapse is al- in your lives—the issues. Because we are at a point, not of an ready ongoing. And none of the governments in existence to- ordinary crisis, not of a financial crisis, not of a mere depres- day, has any efficient comprehension of adopting measures sion, but of a global breakdown crisis, centered in the trans- which would actually deal with this crisis. Atlantic community, especially the English-speaking trans- The crisis is manageable. It’s not simply solvable: You Atlantic community, which will radiate, if it’s not stopped, to can not simply turn back the clock and get good times back bring every part of the world into a general breakdown of again, where you had them before. But you can bring the their respective social systems. This is one of the greatest mo- thing under control. And the problem I wish to address today, ments, in terms of importance, in history, since the 14th Cen- specifically, is the measures of control which the government tury in Europe, with its new dark age, and since similar of the United States and other governments must take now!, events, like the collapse of the Roman Empire, or the col- if they’re going to save civilization. This is doom-time. And lapse of the Byzantine Empire: This is the kind of period often in human history, it was possible up to a certain point, we’re living in. And the danger from this crisis is greater than to prevent a civilization from disintegrating into chaos. We’re probably any of the precedents, other than the collapse of the in such a situation now. Roman Empire itself. But if we don’t take the measures, this civilization will This is momentarily a collapse. Each day, now, since Jan. collapse into chaos this year. If we understand these mea- 3, the crisis has been expanding in magnitude, at an accelerat- sures and are willing to take them, we can manage the crisis, ing rate. What you think is the extent of the crisis today, if the through cooperation among nations, which agree on certain measures I propose are not taken, will become much worse, by principles. That’s always been possible. But if we do not do an order of magnitude in the next week, and the week after that, we are living on the brink of one of the great dark ages that, and the week after that, until the whole system grinds into in all human existence, globally. January 25, 2008 EIR Feature 5
  • 3. ‘This Is Big-Time’ dent. And what we have as a Presidency today has no resem- So: What I’ll do in the course of today’s remarks—I’ve blance to that, whatsoever. As a matter of fact, the question of portioned things into two sections, because I can anticipate species is also in doubt. from certain leading circles in our political system and else- So therefore, it requires a special effort. The effort will, where, that there will be certain questions addressed to me, however, come in the course of the campaign—a critical through Debbie, which will either identify themselves, or will point. Because if one or two figures, who are Presidential can- identify themselves categorically, by their profession or by didates, or pre-candidates at this point, step forward, as Hill- their interest. But some of them are very highly sensitive, and ary Clinton has made a step in that direction—if they step for- the questions will come to me, not with their name attached to ward to take charge of the leadership of the parties going into it, but with the category that they represent involved. And their Presidential nomination procedures, then they will be- what I’m addressing most immediately, are certain leading come a focal point of leadership, to counter the idiot who oc- political and other circles, inside the United States and inter- cupies the White House today. That’s our best shot. And peo- nationally, which need to know what I know, and they do not ple from abroad will observe that, because they will say, “Yes, yet know, and to make that clear. you have interesting ideas. It would be nice if the United So this is big-time. This is not small-time. States would do that.” But, will the United States do that, con- We also have a big problem of a bankruptcy of ideas and sidering the idiot we have in the White House today? And mentality among a dominant section of our culture. The more with the Cheney hanging around his neck. And with a Speaker influential part of our upper 20% of family-income brackets of the House, Pelosi, who seems to be owned by a notable fas- are crazy, and corrupt. Especially the generation now between cist, and is doing everything to sabotage what needs to be 50 and 65 years of age. That is the generation which is the most done to save this nation? And similar problems in the Senate. disoriented and most corrupt, especially certain influentials. So therefore, the first thing we have to address is the fact So therefore, the problem is that some of the people, in- of a general incompetence in dealing with a specific problem cluding in the major press, major publications, mass media we must solve, and also a massive corruption, political and generally, and so forth, on this question, are either outrightly moral corruption, within relevant parts of the upper 20% of lying or incapable of telling the truth, because they couldn’t our family-income brackets, notably those in politics. That’s know where to find it. And they are the most influential voices our problem. you hear, so far, from the U.S. Senate, from leaders of the Therefore, I could say the following, just as an example: House of Representatives—not all leaders, but the ones who You could imagine two politicians trained in economics. They are the most vocal and most reported—and from most Presi- jump out of an airplane, to take a parachute to the ground— dential candidates. They are all, by my book, idiots, and but they have forgotten their parachutes. The first one says, “I worse; because their opinions are worse than worthless. If think we’re in for it.” The other one says, “Don’t believe any their opinions were to prevail, the whole country will go to of those conspiracy theories. We’re going to make it. We’ll Hell; that I can guarantee you. bounce back.” And you’ll get that from a lot of them, today. Therefore, what we’re in the process of doing, which I’m particularly in the process of doing, is, being a veteran Presi- The British Empire ‘Slime-Mold’ dential campaigner, and of some international significance: I Now, let’s go back in American history to a point, which am not running for President, but I am running to create the should be a point of reference today—it doesn’t contain the situation on which the coming President of the United States, solution, but it contains the suggestion of what the solution if properly selected, will take the steps which are necessary on might be: Franklin Roosevelt, as President. Franklin Roos- behalf of the United States, to enter into cooperation on these evelt as President saved the United States, by returning the principles with other nations, and under those conditions, this United States to its Constitution. Measures by Roosevelt were planet can survive, civilization can survive. We can recover in accord with the principle of the Constitution. The Presi- again. This is not as easy as Franklin Roosevelt faced with the dents who preceded him, since the assassination of McKinley, Great Depression. This is a much tougher problem, a much including Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, Hoover, more dangerous, deeper corruption than that. And so, the Coolidge, so forth, had actually been the enemies of the best precedents from that period, while valuable to us today as a interests of the United States, operating from the top level of lesson, are not a prescription by imitation for solving this the United States. problem. The problem that Roosevelt faced, was a problem of the The greatest problem we have, is the incumbent President British Empire. Now, the British Empire is not really a mon- of the United States, and the number of idiots, both Demo- archy. It’s a slime-mold: That is, it is a collection—and this cratic and Republican, in the Congress, including the Senate, has been the case since the beginning of the British Empire in who think like they do. That’s our biggest problem. Because 1763, with the Peace of Paris—an international financier car- what we need at this moment, looking back at our history, we tel, largely of Anglo-Dutch denomination, but essentially are in a moment, that we need a Franklin Roosevelt as Presi- bankers in the Venetian tradition, a slime-mold. They kill each 6 Feature EIR January 25, 2008
  • 4. what the British Empire is: It’s the Anglo-Dutch Liberal system, which is a system of interna- tional finance, which in respect to each other are predatory. They eat each other, and they eat each other’s children. But then, they gang up against all of the rest of us, and play us for fools. For example, who started the war in Iraq, the last war in Iraq, that’s now still ongoing? It was done by the Tony Blair government of England. Tony Blair orchestrated it. Remember the case of David Kelly? The key figure inside the United States was Dick Cheney, but not really Dick; it’s his wife. His wife is the one who picked him out of the swamp, got him jobs, got him positions, and she’s the terror who runs him. She’s a British agent, a Fabian, part of the Fabian Society, the same thing that Tony Blair represents. So, you had American accomplices of the British Em- Painting by Alexander Kotzebue pire—which is not the British monarchy, it’s the The Seven Years’ War was typical of British Empire “slime mold” practice. Britain slime-mold of British or Anglo-Dutch finance— won the war in 1763 after it got all its rivals on Continental Europe to fight and destroy each other. Here, a painting depicting the Battle of Kunersdorff in 1759, orchestrated a war in Iraq, in Southwest Asia, to where Russian and Austrian troops defeated the Prussians. destroy the United States by inducing it to de- stroy itself! Just in the same way that the Anglo- Dutch Liberals set up, in the early part of the other by night, and they gang up together against the human 18th Century, a war called the Seven Years’ War, in which the race in the morning. This is the type. powers of Continental Europe chopped at each other. And the In 1763, this slime-mold, this international financial gang, British came in and collected the remains, the Anglo-Dutch took over Britain, at a time that Britain had been the victor in a Liberals. war it orchestrated, called the Seven Years’ War. What Britain In our midst—if you think that Felix Rohatyn is an advisor had done, which is typical Liberal practice, is to defeat all its to any leading figure, you should fire that leading figure, should rivals on the continent of Europe, by inducing them to make be fired from office, particularly from the position of Speaker war against each other. So Britain sat back, while Russia, and of the House. Because they represent a danger to the United France, and Prussia, and other countries, fought each other, States, as great as a traitor in a high position during warfare. and came down in ruins, with the Peace of Paris, in which the She, under the influence, is a poor patsy, a poor, dumb patsy, British came in and collected the remains. It was the British controlled by Felix Rohatyn, who has done the most to destroy East India Company, who collected the remains. The British the United States House of Representatives, during her term of monarchy is not the controlling force inside the British Em- service, since she gained that position. These are the kinds of pire. The controlling force is a slime-mold, called the Anglo- problems we face. Dutch Liberal financial establishment. They run the empire. They are not necessarily British citizens; they’re often Dutch, Roosevelt Used the Constitution To Save they are French, they’re Venetian, they’re New York bankers. the U.S.A. George Shultz, for example, the guy who sank the Roosevelt Now, go back to, again as I said, to Roosevelt: Roosevelt monetary system, is part of this. He’s a fascist. So’s Rohatyn. came into the Presidency at a point that we hadn’t had—with Rohatyn’s a fascist. It’s not a term, it’s a species designation. the exception of Taft, in a sense, and Harding, who were ques- And what we’re faced with today, and with the Bloom- tionable figures—we hadn’t had an honest President since the berg game, is the attempt to establish a Presidency of the Unit- British killed McKinley, in order to bring Teddy Roosevelt ed States, under Bloomberg and Schwarzenegger (whose fa- into the Presidency. Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, ther gave him fascist credentials by birth) to establish a Coolidge, Hoover, so forth, were problems. We were almost dictatorship in the United States, modelled immediately on destroyed by this. We were still a powerful nation at that time; that which was used by the British to create Mussolini as a we were almost destroyed. dictator in Italy, the same British circles which put Hitler into Roosevelt came along. Now, Roosevelt was a descendant power in Germany. This is the problem. We are faced with a of a New York banker by the name of Isaac Roosevelt, who threat of tyranny beyond belief, by this crowd. And this is had been a collaborator of Alexander Hamilton, in his time. January 25, 2008 EIR Feature 7
  • 5. by doing so, to create a bond among nations, in co- operation among nations, by which these kinds of problems can be cured. We can not eliminate the nation-state; we do not need a Tower of Babel. Because the ability of a people to govern itself depends upon its culture. And without that culture, a people can not be self- governing. So therefore, you can not impose law upon nations, simply by just imposing law upon them. You must work through the culture of that nation, the culture of its people, and have their will- ful consent to cooperation of the type needed to fulfill the intentions specified by the 1648 Peace of Westphalia. This is embedded in our Constitution, in the ci- tation from Leibniz, in the Declaration of Indepen- dence: the “pursuit of Happiness,” which was Leibniz’s attack on the Liberal theory. Liberalism Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (NLFDR) is not U.S. philosophy, not constitutional philoso- “Franklin Roosevelt as President saved the United States by returning the United phy: Liberalism is rejected in U.S. constitutional States to its Constitution.” philosophy. This principle of the “pursuit of Hap- piness” which Benjamin Franklin and others took And Roosevelt did not stumble around, and did not innovate from a book by Leibniz, was expressed as the great Preamble in some curious manner, did not violate the Constitution, but of our Constitution, the so-called Bill of Rights. And this prin- he used the Constitution precisely, and followed it, in order to ciple of our Preamble is our fundamental law. And that is the organize an effort to save the United States from itself, and law which is the interpretation imposed on every other aspect from what previous Presidents had done to the United States. of our constitutional system. The Preamble of the Constitu- He saved the United States. He did more than save the United tion is our fundamental law! Which expresses, echoes the States: At the time he came in, the British ruling class, includ- Declaration of Independence, but is our constitutional law, as ing the British monarchy itself, had not only put Mussolini a Federal Republic. Every other part of the Constitution is into power in Italy, but had put Hitler into power in Germany. subject to interpretation according to the specifications of Who created Hitler? It was not Germans, it was Brits. They that Preamble. That’s our law. That was the law understood organized it. They insisted upon it. by Franklin Roosevelt. When Roosevelt became President, this underwent some degree of change. Roosevelt took emergency measures which The Federal Power of Bankruptcy were based on the U.S. Constitution. And today, we should fol- We also have another feature of our Constitution, which is low exactly those precedents that Roosevelt used then, that are different than anything you find in Europe, or at least in west- constitutional precedents. His constitutional conceptions are ern and central Europe: We do not believe in monetary sys- constitutional. What exists now, as a so-called “constitutional” tems, constitutionally. The United States system is not consti- interpretation of these matters, is not constitutional: It is some- tutionally a monetary system. European systems are monetary thing imported from abroad. This is not our Constitution. systems, based on parliamentary government. There is no Remember, our Constitution is derived, primarily, imme- moral principle controlling. There are moral principles adopt- diately, from the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, the Peace of West- ed in constitutions in Europe, but the essential thing is not phalia. This was the foundation of a commitment among na- there. In the U.S. Constitution, the creation of money, and the tions to the modern, sovereign nation-state by those nations, in regulation of money is a function of the Federal government. 1648. This ended a long period of religious warfare, which had The issuance of money is done by the consent of the House of been induced by Venetian interests, from 1492, the Expulsion Representatives, and enacted by the Treasury Department, of the Jews from Spain, by the Grand Inquisitor, through the under the direction of the President. It is unlawful to create end of the war in Europe in 1648, the Thirty Years’ War. money, or a form of money, in the United States, except by the This agreement, prompted by a great Cardinal Mazarin, Federal government, and except according to this principle, from France—actually an Italian, but he was stuck in there by this constitutional principle. We are not a monetary system! the Pope—and this agreement on the Peace of Westphalia, on Not constitutionally. We are a Federal Republic, and we have the “benefit of the other,” that each people and each nation a credit system, which is based upon the constitutional prin- must devote itself primarily to the benefit of other nations, and ciple reflected in our system of the creation of credit. 8 Feature EIR January 25, 2008
  • 6. We will therefore have a system under which loans outstanding can not fluctuate in the interest rates upon them, but will be kept within payable limits. Because, in general with the world economy as it is today, if the interest rate on long-term loans exceeds 2%, you’re going to have a collapsed economy. Because you can not afford, in today’s productivity, to have higher rates of interest in general, for long-term capital and related improvements. Therefore, you must have a fixed-exchange-rate system. That does not mean a gold-based system, but it does mean that we probably would do the same thing with gold that Roosevelt did with gold: We will con- Library of Congress sider it, not as a monetary asset, but as a means The founding philosophy of the United States is in opposition to Anglo-Dutch for settling accounts among sovereign national Liberalism and the parliamentary system. The U.S. Constitution is derived from the powers. And thus, to use that power, to maintain 1648 Treaty of Westphalia and its principle of the “benefit of the other,” established a counter-inflationary stability in long-term in- by Cardinal Mazarin (left). This idea is embedded in the Declaration of vestments among nations. Independence’s statement of the inalienable right to the “pursuit of Happiness,” as articulated by Gottfried Leibniz (right). If we don’t do that, if we’re unwilling to do just exactly that, there is no chance that the world civilization as we know it, in its present We also have, under the same term, as a Federal govern- organized form, will continue to exist, as long as the remain- ment, the power of bankruptcy. And this power of bankruptcy der of this year. Because the rate of acceleration of deca- is very important at this time, because without exerting it, dence, of collapse, that is now built into the system, will ac- you’re not going to save the United States. And if you can’t celerate to such a degree, that we can not determine on what save the United States, you’re not going to save the rest of the date the system disintegrates, but it will be soon. world. That means: That most of the outstanding debt, represent- Mobilizing the Base ed by financial interests, as claims upon the United States, its So the question is: Can we find in the United States, in par- territories, and its people, will be put by the Federal govern- ticular, can we find a group of people, especially leading fig- ment, into bankruptcy receivership. What should be paid, in ures, who will come together to do what I have prescribed on the short term, will be paid. What should be supported in the this account? short term, will be supported. But those sums we can not af- Now what we’re doing right now, we are mobilizing the ford to pay, we shall not pay. We shall proceed under bank- base: The problem has been, that since the corruption from the ruptcy law, under our Federal law, to put the entire system, of top down, in the Senate and the House of Representatives, the money and related things, into receivership. If we do that, oth- corruption typified by that expressed by Nancy Pelosi, the er countries will do it, too. stooge for the fascist Felix Rohatyn, that has prevented the Now, what I’ve proposed, as you know, is that four pow- Houses of Congress from functioning. They don’t function. ers in this planet must come together to share a policy, an ini- There are people in there who would like to function. There tiative, which will save this planet from a general collapse. are good people in there, but they don’t function. Because the These four powers are, the United States (despite the idiot in system of “go along to get along” doesn’t permit them to func- the White House now); Russia, China, and India. Because, if tion properly under these conditions. With proper leadership these four nations agree on a relevant policy, not only will in the Senate, and proper leadership in the House, yes, they other nations join them, automatically, other nations, which would function. We’ve got to, first of all, change the Speaker are smaller nations, will join them in common interest. But of the House, right away. Otherwise, you don’t care much we will solve the problem. We can organize a recovery of the about the United States. If you care about the United States, world economic system, by reorganization of its financial you will say that she needs to go, into some peaceful retire- system. We will return to a principle, if we agree among these ment, where her limited mental powers will find a proper re- nations, under which the same principle that applies to the alization. U.S. Constitution, in terms of money, applies there: We will So, thus, in this way, we had to go to a lower income- create a fixed-exchange-rate system, echoing what Roosevelt bracket section of the population. We went to the states and intended before he died—and I’ll explain what that signifi- localities, working on the state level, to campaign for an ac- cance, “before he died” is. tion, which I prescribed, which if it is not implemented ex- January 25, 2008 EIR Feature 9
  • 7. actly as I have prescribed, means the doom of the nation. This Europe Needs a Lender of Last Resort is the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act. If that act is not The next step is to proceed on the international level. And instituted, in exactly the method I have specified, without that means, the President of the United States has to go to Rus- changes, the system won’t survive: We’re finished. sia, to China, and to India, and to other countries, and to pro- Now, what we have now, is a growing mass support in the pose a treaty agreement, a draft treaty agreement, which is base of the population, on the state level, for that act. That the equitable, which establishes a fixed-exchange-rate system. people in the Senate and the Congress are increasingly aware And this will probably bring nearly everybody in, if you do it. of the pressure coming from the states, in our mobilization for For example, in Europe, as my wife has explained to peo- support of this act—to be implemented precisely as I have ple—she’s German, and she knows about Germany, which prescribed, without changes. many Germans don’t; but she also has her contact with Ger- Why? Let me explain this act: The bankruptcy of home- man experts and French experts and so forth—and has been owners, or nominal homeowners, can not be allowed. And we conducting a discussion, an intensive discussion, on the ques- can not solve the problem by selective bailouts of some peo- tion of the Lender of Last Resort. Now, the reason that Conti- ple. It won’t work. You have to have a national freeze on fore- nental Europe is absolutely doomed today, under its present closures. Now, that has been picked up by some political fig- conditions, is there is no lender of last resort under the Maas- ures, such as Bill Clinton and his wife. And so far, that’s good. tricht Treaty and implementation. You have to reverse and can- But that’s not enough, as I think they know. You also have to cel the Maastricht Treaty, to save Europe! And all it takes is a protect the bankers simultaneously, and in the same act. Why? couple of countries who are key countries, to break out of the Because mortgages, if they’re legitimate, and orderly mort- Maastricht Treaty, and it will disintegrate of its own accord. gages, not some kind of fly-by-night thing, are related to In that case, then Germany, Italy, France, and so forth, will banks: to chartered banks, to chartered Federal banks, to be forced to return to the principle of the lender of last resort, chartered state banks. These banks are now in danger of col- which is their own national government, their own constitu- lapse and liquidation. tional government. Once they agree to return to this principle, Therefore, you can not simply suspend these mortgages then we can talk to Russia, to China, and India, in terms of by themselves: You’ve got to put the banks under protection, long-term trade agreements, we’re talking about 25-to-50- in exactly the same act! If you don’t put the bank under pro- year trade agreements, for infrastructure, all these kinds of tection, your attempt to defend the mortgages will do no good. things. And we can have a program of expansion of the econ- And if you allow the thing to continue, where the banks are omy, development, which will give us a perspective of long- being chewed up, now—by disreputable things that should be term recovery. written off entirely—are being looted. As in the recent round Once we decide, under treaty agreements of that sort, that of trying to buy out some of these hedge-fund operations we are going to survive, over the coming 50 years, then we which should not have been saved. They should be collapsed! shall survive. Because we will then make the decisions and be Write them off the books! They’re not worth anything. able to make the agreements which enable us to accomplish We’ve got to save the homeowners. We’ve got to keep the common aims of mankind. And that’s our function on that them in their houses. We’ve got to keep the communities sta- account. ble. We’ve got to protect the local banks. Because, if the local, Now, there are several things that have to be dealt with to regular banks, the honest banks, are not able to conduct busi- clean up the garbage which is left over from the past. Go back ness, the whole economy of any part of the country will pro- to FDR. Now, there are two views of what the Bretton Woods ceed to disintegrate! If you are not prepared to defend the ho- Agreement was. One view, which is little known today, is the meowners, and the banks, the legitimate banks, in the same intention of Franklin Roosevelt, and that intention was very Federal act of bankruptcy, using bankruptcy law as the means clearly declared, repeatedly, by Franklin Roosevelt, while he of doing it, you aren’t worth anything! And you should stop was President, especially during the war: President Roos- talking. Stop babbling. That’s the only way you can save this evelt’s intention for the Bretton Woods system, was a breakup system. of the British Empire. Roosevelt was committed—as I was at That is not all that’s required. If we stabilize the United the time, I was in military service at the time—he was com- States politically, by the Homeowners and Bank Protection mitted to the liberation of all territories from colonial occupa- Act, then we open the door for the next required steps, which tion or oppression; and also the elimination of what we call is to change national policy, probably in this time I would semi-colonialism. That was his intention. change it through leading pre-Presidential candidates. What The British, and Winston Churchill, had a fit about that. you need, is an organizing voice, or more organizing voices, And as soon as we had breached the wall in France, in the in- to get something moving behind this. If leading candidates vasion of Continental Europe, immediately, those banking in- defend the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, as pre- terests, in London and in the United States—like the Harri- scribed, we can save this nation. But that’s only the first step man bank, which had initially put Hitler into power in towards saving this nation. Germany, and also had put Mussolini into power in Italy— 10 Feature EIR January 25, 2008
  • 8. these banks, which had created Fascism, on the continent of Europe, with the participation of cer- tain U.S. bankers, Wall Street bankers of the same type which I’m fighting today, like Shultz, and Har- riman, and so forth—these guys made a right turn. And the British policy was to prevent the war from being won too quickly at that point. Therefore, the war was sabotaged. For exam- ple, you had a General Montgomery, who was probably the worst commander in World War II, who ran an operation with the First Army, which screwed everything up, and prolonged the war for at least six to seven months. Other things were done, to try to eliminate the Roosevelt perspective for the post-war world. And the issue was largely expressed between Churchill and Roosevelt. Roos- evelt would talk to Churchill, and say, “Winston! We are not going to do this! We’re not going to put The imperialists double-crossed leaders in Indo-China like Ho Chi Minh, who up with this any more! We’re going into a world had worked with the United States during the war, for the freedom of Indo-China; without colonialism, without people being op- thus they guaranteed a situation of chaos and war in the region. Here, French President Georges Bidault greets Ho Chi Minh in 1946, after Ho proclaimed the pressed by other people. We’re going to the Ameri- Republic of Vietnam (and before the French recolonized Vietnam). can System, of the conception of independent, sov- ereign nation-states. And every people has to have the right to have a development, a self-development, of a sov- converting the war-production capability of the United States ereign nation-state.” to a peace-production capability, for the needs of these peo- Oh! Churchill wanted none of that! He was out to defend ple. We proposed to make a world free of imperialism and its the British Empire. So, as soon as Roosevelt was safely dead, vestiges. That was Roosevelt’s policy. Churchill’s friends—take the case of Indo-China: Indo-China When Roosevelt died, immediately, Truman, who was an had won its independence in warfare, under Ho Chi Minh. Ho agent of the British in terms of his connections, moved to sab- Chi Minh had been cooperating with the United States in that otage everything that Roosevelt had represented, in terms of struggle. With Roosevelt now dead, the British ordered the this post-war policy of decolonization. The post-war policy of Japanese to come out of the prison camps where they had been the Truman Administration was re-colonization. A British held in Indo-China, to be re-armed, and to occupy the country policy of recolonization. which had just been liberated from them. And the entire history of the Indo-China War since that time, was that creation. FDR’s Bretton Woods System Was Anti-British A similar operation was run in Indonesia. There was a Now, despite these changes, the United States continued very effective liberation movement in Indonesia against the on its internal economic policy, in the same direction, until the Dutch imperialism. The British backed that, with armed assassination of President Kennedy. And it was not just the as- forces, a war that went on for some time, and created the mess sassination of President Kennedy that was key, it was the fact which we suffer still today. that his successor, Johnson, was terrified. And because John- Similar things were done in the split-up of India, in the son was terrified, Johnson supported the Gulf of Tonkin Reso- Pakistan-India split—and it was a horrible scene to see, the lution, which got us into the Indo-China War. way it occurred. This was done, by the British. The Indo-China War, a long war, like the Peloponnesian Africa was given liberation, but not liberation: They were War, destroyed the United States, or destroyed the United given the title to liberation, but no power to run their coun- States’ economy, and so undermined it, that in 1971, the Bret- tries. Similar kind of thing. ton Woods system disintegrated under Nixon. Similar efforts were made in Central and South America. Now, the other view of the Bretton Woods system was that So that when this Bretton Woods agreement was presented, by of Keynes. Keynes was at the 1944 conference of the Bretton Franklin Roosevelt, the intention had been to use the power of Woods convention, and did submit a proposal. Now, people the U.S. military, that is the economic power, to convert the who don’t know their history, will say that the Bretton Woods military power into economic power, for machine tools and system was designed by Keynes. Not so. The Bretton Woods similar kinds of development, to assist not only war-ravaged system was an anti-British, anti-colonialist position. What Western Europe, but also the nations which had been colo- happened with the death of Roosevelt, was that Truman and nized or semi-colonized, to be liberated and developed, by Co., were able with their fascist friends in New York, like the January 25, 2008 EIR Feature 11
  • 9. Harrimans and so forth—the same people who had put Hitler into power earlier—to turn it into the “Keynesian” alternative. So therefore, Roosevelt’s Bretton Woods sys- tem is made clear by his own testimony: This was an anti- colonialist system. The Keynesian system was a colonial- ist copy. But nonetheless, despite the fact that this was merely a colonialist copy, in the United States, we maintained, internally, an economic system which was very much like the intention of Roosevelt. We maintained that up until the death of Kennedy, when things began to go bad at the time, after Kennedy had been killed. So therefore, today, when people say the “Keynesian system,” that’s a way of covering up the fact of this. So, we maintained a protectionist economy, up through Kennedy, up through Kennedy’s Presidency, and lost it rapidly after that point, especially after 1968. Then, in 1971, we lost our honor; we lost everything. The British took over, through George Shultz, the same U.S. National Archives George Shultz who, in the same period of time, put a fas- Lord Keynes (right), chairman of the British delegation at the Bretton cist dictator, Pinochet, into power in South America, in Woods meeting in 1944. Roosevelt had designed Bretton Woods as an anti- Chile. The same George Shultz who owns Schwarzeneg- British, anti-colonialist program, but after FDR’s death, the fascist ger today (whose father was a real Nazi), who ran a Nazi- financiers who had put Hitler into power turned it into the “Keynsian” aided operation in the Southern Cone of Americas during alternative. Within the United States, however, the economic system followed that of Roosevelt, until about 1968. the first half of the 1970s. And has not improved his mor- als since that time—or Schwarzenegger’s either. So this is what the issue is. We had a system, which is the the other things, to give us the room to move on the other Roosevelt Constitutional system, for decolonization of the things we must move to—including immediate long-term world. Now if we look at things today, look at Asia and Africa, agreements, starting no later than January of the coming year, and the struggles in South America and Central America, you with the nations I indicated: the United States, Russia, China, see a similar situation. The mission, the long-term mission for and India. We must have a long-term agreement, or series of humanity now, if we get out of this crisis, is to fix this prob- treaty agreements, with those and with other nations, which lem: We have large populations in Asia, most of whom are govern the way we are going to develop this planet economi- extremely poor. By their own unaided means, they could not cally, for the future of humanity! For a thousand or two thou- solve the problems as they must be solved. However, with in- sand years to come. ternational cooperation, long-term cooperation, long-term Defending the principle of sovereignty of a people, be- agreements, the development of infrastructure, the develop- cause a people has embedded in its culture, its language, or the ment of other things needed. For example: The need for the use of its language, it has the deeper aspects of mentation. A thorium cycle of fission power, in India. India’s a very poor people that’s denied that, and is supposed to speak an argot, country. It has some people in it, who are not so poor. But 70% moving from one country to another, and speaking some kind are desperately poor, and their condition of life is worsening. of a pidgin—they lack that cultural continuity of develop- Without thorium-cycle nuclear power, India can not in prac- ment, and the people are turned into virtual slaves, or approx- tice recover from this mess. imations of that. So, we know that we must maintain national China has a similar problem. It has certain technological sovereignty, national cultural sovereignty among nations. progress, certain achievements, but it also has vast needs of And therefore, national sovereignty must be expressed in development. This requires nuclear power; it requires coop- terms of cooperation among sovereigns, to develop long-term eration in infrastructure. It requires long-term agreements. agreements on common objectives, for up to a thousand years The same thing is true of all of these countries, of the world. or so to come. That’s what we require. We need these long-term agreements, which must be treaty And that is what should be laid on the table of the next agreements, based on a fixed-exchange-rate system, like that President of the United States, properly selected. of Franklin Roosevelt’s design for the Bretton Woods system. That’s what’s required. And therefore, what we do is move LaRouche’s ‘Triple Curve’ from an act like the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, to Now, let’s go to the first of these Triple Curves, to explain stabilize the U.S. economy sufficiently, to begin to move on where I come in on this thing [Figure 1]. This was something 12 Feature EIR January 25, 2008
  • 10. FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 LaRouche's Triple Curve The Collapse Reaches a Critical Point Of Instability Financial aggregates Financial aggregates $ Monetary $ aggregates Monetary aggregates Time Time $ $ Physical-economic input/output Physical-economic input/output The increasing decrease of the physical output coincides with an accelerating rate of monetary emission. The continued collapse of physical output and the explosion of monetary and financial aggregates put the U.S. economy in a which I first produced, actually in the end of 1995, and pub- terminal collapse phase. lished for the first time in January of 1996. It was published as a feature of my pre-Presidential election campaign that year. I published in 2000 [Figure 2]. There was a change that oc- And what it describes is the actuality at that time, of the U.S. curred that time, in which the United States entered into a financial-economic situation. The three values are simply: long-term, deep, depression. This happened before George You have the issue of money, Monetary Aggregate, issued by Bush was able to pollute the White House, that is, George governments or by other means, other agencies. You have also Bush, Jr. But what had happened was, you had the rate of then, the generation of Financial Assets, as distinct from just monetary aggregates, that you had to generate to sustain the simply money assets, which are related to monetary assets. financial explosion, and financial aggregates expanded. So, You also then must compare this with the per-capita, per- as a result of that, with a continued collapse of the physical square-kilometer productive powers of labor, in physical output, per capita and per square kilometer, you had entered terms, including infrastructure, as well as other aspects of pro- into a collapse phase of the U.S. economy, a terminal col- ductivity. lapse phase. So, by the time Bush came in, as President, in Now, what has been happening, especially at an accelerat- January of 2001, the United States economy was already ing rate, since 1971 in particular, and at an accelerated since doomed under its existing policy. It was doomed to collapse 1987, since October of 1987, has been an increasing decrease at an accelerating rate, over the period of the decade. And it of the physical output per capita of the population of the Unit- did. ed States, per capita and per square kilometer. What has been That’s the problem we have to fix. We have a bankrupt happening at the same time, is this has been sustained, as es- system, which is inherently bankrupt, in which the amount of pecially under Greenspan, by an accelerating rate of monetary monetary aggregate being generated to bail out, as you see the emission. The U.S. government, in various forms, has been bailouts occurring today, to bail out an inflated, explosive extending the emission. mass of financial aggregate, has reached the point that it is Now the emission has been used by a multiplier factor, now going to accelerate at such a rate, that the question is, which is insane, to increase the rate of financial aggregates whether the U.S. economy, under its present policies, will out- outstanding. So now, you see an accelerating rate of financial live this current year. People who think they have money, are aggregates’ growth, relative to an accelerating rate of decline going to find they don’t have any. People who thought they of physical production. For example: infrastructure. The New had vast savings, will find out they don’t have any. That’s the York streets, for example, under Bloomberg. The New York kind of world we’re living in. streets are collapsing under Bloomberg. Maybe it’s an expres- And idiots out there, are saying, we’re going to induce a sion of their dislike for the man! palliative to some homeowners, we’re going to “stimulate the Now then, we come to a second one, a second case, which economy.” “Stimulate?” What’s that mean? More monetary January 25, 2008 EIR Feature 13
  • 11. The Human Mind Is Not Digital Well, let me take one more little side issue, because it’s so crucial to understand this problem, which most people don’t. Let’s take computer games. Killer computer games. What’s the difference between a man and a monkey? And how does this apply to understanding computer games? Because com- puter games are designed on the basis of two things: First of all, they were designed to kill; they were designed to train a mass of the population, and retrain soldiers, as killers, who would shoot more often and at more people. And it worked! In order to train soldiers to kill more profusely, they invented games; they went to the computer industry to produce games, which are point-and-shoot training games. Then, late in the 1990s, when the subsidies to the computer industry were col- lapsing, under the previous arrangement, then, the computer industry, which otherwise would have gotten suddenly poor, went into mass production of the computer killer-game in- dustry. They produced this killer wave: We are on the verge of Cartesian Economics 101: This diagram from having suicide-prone mass-killers, just like you talk about in has the following text above it: “How to make money from your first the Middle East, inside the United States. These mass-killers ever high school economics lesson. Think back to that first simple will be from our own youth, and they will be from youth who diagram on the blackboard. If you happened to miss that class, have been indoctrinated in playing computer games. And don’t worry, it really is simple. The diagram is the same as the one those who produce these games, are fully aware of this. And [shown here].” our study of case-histories shows that the secret of these games is, the children don’t play the games. The games play aggregate! That’s like putting more fuel in the fire, in the for- the children. est fire! The worst thing you can do. You have to go back to One of my experiences earlier in life—oh, a quarter- the Roosevelt idea, the Roosevelt conception. Put the system century ago, or more; back in the 1960s, actually—was, I had under bankruptcy, put it under control, and some things will been an old chess player. And I got away from it, because I got have to go into negotiation, and some things will be paid; and bored with the game, couldn’t stand it any more. I went to all that decision will be made on the nature of national interest the games. I didn’t win tournaments, but I was a blindfold and human interest, and human rights. That’s our only chess player, simultaneous blindfold chess, all these kinds of chance. tricks which I was good at, when I was younger and quicker. Now, most people have a problem with this, including But then I said, “I gotta change.” So, I looked at the game of people who may be asking questions not too distant from now. “Go.” And after a little too much playing the game of Go, I “I don’t understand it,” they will say. “I don’t understand what realized what it does to your mind—and I said, “never you see.” “Won’t it be sufficient. . .?” again!” Now, the problem we have: We have two kinds of people Now, the game of Go does not have a bad intention as who are ignorant of economics: those who are honestly igno- such. It has a negative effect on the mind. But it does not have rant, and those who are inherently dishonest. And the latter a bad intention. Killer games have a bad intention. And the outnumber the former. In other words, “How can I cheat?” intention which is built into the design of the games, is that This is Economics 101 today: “How Can I Cheat?” Not “How you think that the person is playing the game on the Internet? Can I Earn?” Well, we abolished earning: We shut down our Uh-uh! The game is playing him! And the firm that runs the factories, we stopped building our infrastructure, we shut game, and monitors it, is playing him! Or her. down our farmers. We allowed Al Gore, who was reputed to So the point is, first of all, it has all the defects of Go, with have been eaten by a polar bear—which likes fat. Polar bears all the necessary moral failures added. Kill! Kill! Game ends! like fat. They see a guy walking up there, with fat, “This guy, Game ends! Game ends! Die! what a fat head! He must be fat all over. We’ll eat him!” When does game end? When the law enforcement agency But, these kinds of ideas of sophistry, the same kind of or other official comes on the scene—and you stop killing the sophistry in an extreme form, which sank ancient Greece un- people, and kill yourself. That’s exactly what happened in Vir- der Pericles, the same kind that we’re repeating today. This is ginia, exactly that. our problem. And as a result of the popularity of sophistry: And all the time this is happening, the companies that run “All my friends tell me. . . .” the games on the Internet, are monitoring the games. They’re 14 Feature EIR January 25, 2008
  • 12. coaching the games. Controlling and manipulating the minds tration span, measurable? What is the length of concentration of the players! span of a game player, on a killer game? These guys are bab- You have also a similar effect on MySpace, another mass- blers! They have no concentration span, whatsoever. brainwashing operation produced by the digital industry. So we’re destroying a section of a population, by destroy- Facebook, another one, and so on and so forth. We’re seeing ing their minds, destroying their mental capacities, and turn- the development of mass terrorism potential, inside the Unit- ing them potentially into mass killers. And this is what our ed States, based on these games! And the effect in the United policy is. States will be comparable to what we have in Southwest Asia, as so-called terrorism. But coming from inside the United It Is Time for a Global Peace of Westphalia States, generated, and monitored, and controlled by computer And this is the way we teach economics. Gore is typical of companies that manage these games, while the poor suckers this. Gore is an exemplification of evil. Why? Because he de- who are playing them are being managed. nies the existence of creativity. For example, the case of India. We allow it. He says he’s for reducing carbon emissions—it doesn’t mean The other aspect of this thing, which is what I refer to in a damned thing. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about! this case, is that the human mind is not digital. There is no But! What does he mean? He’s against the development of the digital mathematics that can represent the processes of the hu- fission process, for thorium-fission cycle. The thorium-fission man mind, as distinct from those of a monkey. The human cycle, using a material called thorium, which is rather abun- mind is creative by virtue of functions we associate only with dant in India, used in proper devices, can be placed locally to analog devices. Creativity, as expressed by a human mind, provide power in locations, to improve water management corresponds generally to an analog function. We’ve done and do a lot of other things. So the people of India require a some work on that. very large increase of this process, set into motion. And to do In the case of economics—coming back to that: in econo- this, you have to have a nuclear reaction which charges the my today, what is taught as economics, is Cartesian kinemat- thorium—which is not military problem at all—which thus ics, a projection, a statistical projection. There are virtually no gives the local village and so forth the ability to have a nucle- competent economists engaged in long-term forecasting— ar plant which provides what it can’t get otherwise: freshwa- none! But many incompetent ones! And every one is wrong. ter. Because it does not correspond to human behavior. Take for example, the Deccan in southern India: In south- Human behavior is creative. Look at yourself. Now stand ern India, the supplies of water have depended for long time, next to a picture of a gorilla or a chimpanzee. Or a baboon if on drawing down fossil water! Now fossil water in southern you prefer. And say, “what’s the difference between me, and a India, in the Deccan region, means water which was put down baboon, and a gorilla, or a chimpanzee? What do I do? I can there before the beginning of the Ice Age, 2 million years ago, think.” the first ice age we know of. So, fossil water, which has been “Well, prove that.” buried there for 2 million years, is now the recommended re- Well, what is the population-density of baboons, chim- source, for providing water for a village in southern India. It’s panzees, and gorillas. How many millions per square kilome- crazy. With a nuclear plant, on the coast—and India has a very ter can you have, of chimpanzees, baboons, and gorillas? small area, relative to the coastline—near the coast, you can Now, what is the rate of growth of world population, per cap- produce from seawater, you can produce freshwater in quanti- ita and per square kilometer of the human species? What’s the ties, and economically, for these people. And improve the difference? The difference is discoveries, which take two conditions of life. forms: of scientific principle, physical scientific principles, So the United States government, in its infinite lack of and Classical artistic principles. And these things enable hu- wisdom, has tried to ban the thorium cycle from use in India, man beings to increase the potential of the human species, as along with the British. So, the point is that humanity progress- no other living creature can do. es through technological progress, and so forth. This power comes as a result of what we call creativity, What we represent as the American System is this: Europe which does not exist in any digital system. But the only way has a very special kind of quality. Remember that about 19- you can represent it, mathematically, is by analog systems. 20,000 years ago, we had great ice ages, all over the northern That does not cause it, but it’s capable of reflecting that. hemisphere, not every part of it, but a lot of it. Ice was thick, So the point today, is people are living in a digital society, habitation was poor. The most advanced cultures were mari- whose deleterious effects are enhanced, increased, by the role time cultures, people sailing in flotillas of boats, using astro- of these games, and similar kinds of entertainment. Look at navigation, to go large distances, up to 1,000 miles or so, or the attention span of a young kid, 16-to-25 years of age! What 2,000 miles, across oceans, or down oceans, from one place of is the typical attention span? What is it, 30 seconds? 15 sec- residence to another place of residence, as the seasons change. onds? Strictly as a result of MySpace. Take a MySpace addict, And we know of these things, because through the study of a typical MySpace addict: What is the length of their concen- astronomy, we recognize that some of these astronomical cy- January 25, 2008 EIR Feature 15
  • 13. gence of Liberalism, and the creation of em- pires based on Liberalism. And we subject the entire planet to this cruelty. And we call that, “the way things are.” We call that, “common sense.” The time has come when the require- ments of maintaining humanity, the techno- logical requirements and scientific require- ments are such, that humanity can no longer exist under what has been the practice of much of European civilization over the pe- riod to date. We must take what we resolved in Europe in 1648, the Peace of Westphalia, and commit ourselves to the entirety of the human race, to all of it: It has the rights which are granted to Europeans among India has plentiful thorium to use as nuclear fuel and become energy independent. The themselves by the Peace of Westphalia. United States and Britain are trying to ban the thorium cycle and stop this technological So, that, to bring things to this close, as I progress, because thorium requires a small amount of plutonium to turn thorium into presume the questions’ll be pouring in short- fissile uranium-233. Here, India’s Kamini reactor, the first in the world designed to use thorium/U-233. ly, is what I have to say today. cles which are built into the calendars are of that character: Dialogue With LaRouche that only a society which was based on astronavigation, a maritime culture, could possibly have generated these fea- Freeman: before we get to the questions, I have a couple tures of those calendars: 25,000 years, 50,000 years, 200,000 of announcements and greetings. When we conduct one of years. Long-range calendars for cycles. these webcasts, we have satellite meetings in various parts of So in this process, the Mediterranean area and its adjoin- the world, and I couldn’t begin to announce all of them. But, ing areas became developed, as a maritime culture. This hap- when we have gatherings that are new to the network, I al- pened over thousands of years, but what we know of most of ways do try to extend greetings to them. My understanding it, started about 700 B.C. with the emergence of an alliance today, is that in addition to the normal gatherings that we’ve among Egypt—that is, the case of Egypt, the Etruscans, and had on the continent of Ibero-America, today we have several the Ionians, against Tyre. And this process led to the develop- gatherings in Bolivia, at the University of San Francisco de ment of European civilization, which had a promising start, Asis; teachers and deans at the campuses of La Paz and Tu- but kept being destroyed by empires, or the development of piza, which is the Tarija province, are gathering. Also, in La European empires, such as those of the Romans, or the Byz- Paz in Cochabama. The Association of Municipalities in Co- antine Empire, or the empire of the Venetians of the medieval chabama is listening today, and we welcome them to today’s period; and the attempted modern empire. broadcast. There is a gathering in Ecuador at the University of The issue has always been, in European civilization, in Manta. There is a very large gathering at the University of So- particular, that the tendency has been by oligarchs, to degrade nora in Mexico, and as always, there is a gathering in Mexico the lower 80% or more of the family-income brackets of a City. So, I’d like to extend a welcome to all of those groups, population to virtual animals, by denying them access to the and I will try to entertain your questions as I always do. process of developing creativity and new discoveries. This We also have a statement that was submitted by State Rep. was the issue posed by Aeschylus in his great Prometheus Joe Almeda of Rhode Island. He is the primary sponsor of a Trilogy and other writings. We take the distinction of mankind resolution calling for immediate Congressional action on the from the animal, which is the creative powers of the human Homeowners and Bank Protection Act in the Rhode Island mind, which don’t exist in any animal, which the strength of House of Representatives. And he wanted to convey this state- humanity lies in there, and we suppress that in large parts of ment to those who are listening: populations, with various kinds of oppression—colonial and “I support the policy proposed by Lyndon LaRouche in other oppression. the Homeowners and Bank Protection Act and we’re working So we take a society which had the most advanced power very hard right now, to push a resolution supporting this act in the planet, which was European society as it developed in through the Rhode Island House of Representatives. We are recovery from the dark age of the middle of the 14th Century; expecting a vote by next week. But I’d also like to urge all we corrupt it by things like the Grand Inquisitor, and the emer- other state legislatures across the country to join us in passing 16 Feature EIR January 25, 2008
  • 14. similar resolutions. You do not need an economics degree to tion, and introduce an altogether different one! realize that LaRouche’s proposal is necessary.” What we have to do, is forget monetary stimulation. We Lyn, I think that you answered many of these questions in have to have a governmental control of the creation of credit. the course of your presentation, but the various questioners We must have a banking system, a regular banking system, want them answered anyway, again. And my experience with which cooperates with government, in processing that credit them, is that repeating doesn’t hurt! into places where it’s needed: new firms, infrastructure, so forth. So, the creation of credit is by government, not financial A ‘Stimulation Package’ or a Sex Clinic? stimulation! You have too much sexual financial stimulation Before I get to those, one of the questions that came in going on, as it stands now! while you were speaking, is from somebody who was previ- What we have to do, is bring this thing under control, and ously associated with the Hamilton Group, and who now is take down the present financial-monetary system! Without over at the Congressional Budget Office. And he says: changing some of the labels. And how do you do that? You do “Mr. LaRouche, Hillary Clinton’s economic stimulus that by an orderly bankruptcy. What do you do with an order- package seems to me to be named incorrectly. I want to be ly bankruptcy? You put the entity into bankruptcy. And the clear that I happen to agree with what she’s proposing. I think first thing you do, you say, “We’re going to send this to the it’s necessary. But I think that it’s necessary only as a measure butcher shop, or revive it.” to address the immediate needs of the American population. I Now, in most of these cases, you can’t send it to the butch- do not see it as stimulating the economy per see, but merely as er shop. Let’s take the case right here: Loudoun County, near- an attempt to stabilize things. by. I warned about this. I warned about this back in 2000, that “I’d like to know if you agree. My own view is that, given Loudoun County was being set up to become Ground Zero for the nature of this crisis, there are two potential approaches. the biggest financial collapse in U.S. history. And it is in pro- One is to take LBJ’s approach, and I believe that Hillary’s pro- cess of becoming exactly that, as I warned. What happens posal actually falls into this category. The other approach is to with bankruptcy in Loudoun County? What happens with this take the kind of approach that John Kennedy took with his crazy idea of bailing out worthless real estate investment en- Moon mission. I don’t know if one can lead to the other, and terprises, at the cost of banks! It is the banks which are used I’m wondering if you think one can lead to the other. by the Federal government, and other means to bring credit “The other question that I have for you is, do you think into areas’ institutions! It is the security of these banks, which that we still have the capability to launch a JFK-style ap- is essential to us, in our system of government, our system of proach?” economy. We regulate! We do not destroy! We destroy that LaRouche: Well, as I said, there is no real precedent for which is worthless—we destroy diseases. We don’t destroy either the problem we face today, or for the remedies for that financial institutions. problem. There’s no precedent in known history, for what’s We don’t stimulate a sick economy. We don’t stimulate required now. I think, nonetheless, on the other hand, although the sale of cocaine. We don’t stimulate the spread of AIDS. that is true, that it is not beyond us, to discover the new ap- We don’t stimulate these things. What we do, is we concen- proach to be taken to solve an unprecedented problem. This is trate on creating and supporting things which are necessary to not new to humanity, to do that, it just requires a mustering of cause the physical recovery of the economy. the will and insight needed to do it. The problem with this thinking, is people are worship- The idea that we need a “stimulation package” is wrong! pers of money. The Mammonites, huh? Strict worshippers of That’s where the problem lies. Everybody is talking about money. And money is nothing. Money, except as government stimulation, like this is a sex clinic, or something. This is not makes it more than that, is either a system of usury or piracy, the problem! or it’s an instrument of government, controlled by govern- The problem is the fact that stimulation is the worst thing ment. Money must be controlled by government! Principle you can do. That is, stimulation of the present system. Well, #1. Before answering the question: Do you accept the control you had that, with the curve. It’s being stimulated! The rate of of money by government, in terms of its utterance and its cir- inflation is so-oa-arr-ring! You want more of that? culation? Do you accept that? Do you accept tax rates which Do you realize what the rate of inflation is now, underly- are selective? Which have the effect of regulating what things ing? Do you realize what it means relative to your income, get treated more favorably than other things, because the tax personally? How do you match your income with the rate of rates are better? No more golden parachutes; lead ones. They stimulation? The rate of inflation? Look at the price of bread, sink deeply. look at the price of Al Gore! He took food out of your diet—as So, stimulation is not the answer. What you have to do, is a carbon-control measure. create a new monetary system, without shutting down the No, the point is, forget stimulation. This economy is not monetary process. How do you do that? You take the core of going to recover by stimulation. This economy will recover this financial problem, the core is: The homeowners are losing only by massive surgery to remove the present kind of stimula- their homes. You can not have them thrown out of their homes. January 25, 2008 EIR Feature 17
  • 15. They are being thrown out, not because of any fault of their laws, which will be crafted, based on their impact on prices own, but the conditions imposed upon them, with the com- to incomes, in order to get things going so that you don’t have plicity of government, and with the complicity of powerful a Bloomberg getting $11 billion from a swindle, aspiring to financial institutions which say, “We’re more important than become a fascist dictatorship the United States. That is not the people.” People like Bloomberg. I mean, anybody who’s our policy, or should not be our policy. We don’t need all got an $11 billion income can not have done it honestly. these golden parachutes. We have a population that needs So therefore, what you do, is you say, “Money is, under care; we have a world that needs care, and resources are not United States law, money is the property of the U.S. govern- going to be sucked out of the blood of the masses of the peo- ment, and its regulation lies with the House of Representa- ple in our economy in order to enrich the few, at the expense tives as the representative agency, and lies with the Presiden- of the people. So, therefore, that’s where this problem lies, cy, especially the Treasury Department.” That’s what money and that’s where this question of stimulation takes people is, and money has no rights to exist except on that basis, or by way out of whack. Forget stimulation—go see your sex con- treaty agreements of the United States with other govern- sultant. ments. So, anything else, you get into bankruptcy, the wel- fare of this population is threatened, the welfare of the nation Infrastructure Plus Stimulation? is threatened, the economy is threatened, what do you do? Freeman: Well, you just provoked a whole mess with Money has got to go into the woodshed, and we’re going to that. Well, people are altering their questions. take cord wood, and we’re going to train it, get its hips back This is a question from someone who has responsibility in shape. So, that’s the first thing you have to understand. So, for one of the Congressional committees that has to deal with it’s not stimulation vs anti-stimulation; it’s reorganization. this. And what she says is, “Lyn, there’s a lot of discussion in And how do you do that? What you do is you go into the key Congress and the Administration regarding this so-called parts of the economy, starting with homeowners, communi- stimulus package. Maybe it shouldn’t be called a stimulus ties, and banks—real banks, not the fake ones. You stabilize package, maybe it should be called something else. The initia- them under bankruptcy protection, Federal bankruptcy pro- tives that we’re talking about include things like rebate checks, tection. Don’t try to resettle the accounts, don’t try to resolve extending unemployment benefits, aid to states, help with anything; just resolve they’re going to be under Federal pro- housing problems and the devastated construction industry, tection. and various other short-term measures. While infrastructure Then you have to go from there to other measures which spending is among the initiatives under consideration, there stimulate growth. Now, one of the first things you do, is you’re are concerns that legislation providing additional spending going to start up things like the national automobile industry through infrastructural development, would simply take too capability. We don’t need more automobiles right now, we’re long to enter the economy. So, from this standpoint, do you producing enough, or we’re getting the Japanese to produce think that ‘stimulus legislation’ is appropriate, and should ad- them for us. But what we do need, is to revive the machine ditional investment in infrastructure be included in any stimu- tool capability which was located within the automobile in- lus package, or should it be separate?” dustry as a machine tool capability to build infrastructure—to LaRouche: Forget stimulus! There’s too much stimulus. build nuclear plants, to build new mass transportation sys- Eleven billion dollars in the possession of Mayor Bloomberg tems. We don’t need all these highways; we don’t need people of New York is excessive stimulus. We don’t need any more to have to travel from West Virginia into Washington at a cost of that. We want to make sure that none of that ever happens of $7 a day or more in tolls, where it’s two or three hours each again. He is the horrible example of the year. He must never way to live in West Virginia where it’s cheaper to live, in order appear again, especially as a candidate. to work in the Washington, D.C. area. It’s nuts! We used to All right now, the point here is, forget the stimulus all to- have a system where you would have local production, and gether. What you’re going to do is, you’re going to cut and therefore when people were working or living, they didn’t cover. You’re going to cut crap; you’re going to cut golden have to travel three hours commuting. The ideal of commut- parachutes; and you’re going to put what you cut to the ac- ing or commuting organization was 15 minutes each way count of things that should have been paid. In other words, commuting. That was considered good; at the maximum half you’re not in the first instance going to increase the monetary an hour. When you go beyond half an hour or 15 minutes for aggregate. You’re going to put money into some areas, and commuting time, either way, to and from work or other essen- take it away from others. And that should be very stimulating, tial functions, as a normal daily function, you are insane, or depending upon your point of view. the government’s insane. So therefore, we do want a growth program, but a growth So, therefore, what we are going to do is reorganize the program must be based primarily on science and technology society to make sure that those things that are essential are and on capital improvements in basic economic infrastruc- encouraged, and those things that are not essential, well, they ture. That’s what you do. Look at what Roosevelt did, and the can sit there for a while. Then we will, in a sense, have new way he did it. That’s exactly the way it worked; that’s the way 18 Feature EIR January 25, 2008