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Frédéric Harper
Developer Evangelist @ Microsoft Canada
@fharper |
How we viewed the web…
• The Desktop Browser
How we view the web today…
• The Desktop Browser
• Mobile Browsers
• Tablet form-factors
• Televisions
• Game Consoles
• More…

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Responsive Design Tools & Resources
Responsive Design Tools & ResourcesResponsive Design Tools & Resources
Responsive Design Tools & Resources

Covers frameworks, navigation patterns, preprocessors, responsive images, responsive data tables, polyfills. Presentation at the Cleveland Web Standards Association, October 30, 2012.

web designresponsive designresponsive web design
WordPress, not just for blogs
WordPress, not just for blogsWordPress, not just for blogs
WordPress, not just for blogs

The document discusses how WordPress can be used for more than just blogs. It notes that WordPress is a content management system that allows users to easily manage content, links, media, posts and pages through an intuitive dashboard interface. It highlights some key benefits of using WordPress for websites over blogs, such as the ability to have static pages instead of just dynamic posts, thousands of theme customization options, and the vast library of plugins that expand its functionalities far beyond blogging. The document aims to demonstrate that WordPress is a versatile platform for building various types of websites.

Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere
Using Responsive Web Design To Make Your Web Work Everywhere

The document discusses responsive web design techniques for creating websites that work well across all device screens. It covers fluid layouts using relative units like percentages, media queries to apply styles conditionally based on screen width, and image optimization techniques like srcset and sizes attributes to serve the most appropriately sized image for different screens. The goal is to provide an optimal viewing experience for users on any device without needing separate mobile sites.

responsive web designweb developmentcss
How we view the web today…
• The Desktop Browser
• Mobile Browsers
• Tablet form-factors
• Televisions
• Game Consoles
• More…
• So what’s the problem?
The Anti-Pattern
Responsive Web
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design

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Basic web page designing
Basic web page designingBasic web page designing
Basic web page designing

This document provides an introduction to basic web page design using the WordPress platform. It discusses why individuals should have a personal website, including to share their story, connect with others, and help with job opportunities. The document then outlines what is required to build a website, highlighting WordPress as a free and easy to use option. It includes step-by-step instructions for signing up for WordPress and choosing a theme. Widgets and customizing the appearance of the site are also covered at a high-level. Readers are then instructed to create their own basic four page website on WordPress.

Responsive Web Design - Drupal Camp CPH
Responsive Web Design - Drupal Camp CPHResponsive Web Design - Drupal Camp CPH
Responsive Web Design - Drupal Camp CPH

This document discusses responsive web design. It begins by explaining that current grid/layout thinking is based on pages, but with responsive design there is no page. It then discusses how responsive design works by using fluid grids, flexible images and media, and media queries to adapt the layout based on screen size. It provides examples of how to implement a fluid grid and make images flexible. Finally, it gives some tips for responsive design such as using relative sizing and media queries to define breakpoints for different screen widths.

responsive web designdrupalcampcph
Web Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st CenturyWeb Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st Century

You know it's important for your web project to be accessible to people who use all kinds of assistive technology to access the internet. But all the guidelines for web accessibility you can find don't go much beyond "make sure all your images have alt text", and all the resources you can find treat "accessibility" as a synonym for "making your site work in a screen reader". You know there are other things you should be doing and other forms of assistive technology you should be accomodating, but all the best practices documents are a complicated morass of contradicting information (if you can find best practices documents at all.) Have no fear! This tutorial gives you a number of concrete steps to take to make things more accessible. This presentation has downloadable notes and exercises available at . Video of the talk should be available later.

Responsive Web Design
• Thinking of the user’s needs instead of ours.
• Adapt to various device capabilities instead of
• Help future-proof our sites.
The way to go
Elements of Responsive Web Design
Elements of Responsive Web Design
• A flexible, grid-based layout,

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WordPress, Domain Names and Web Hosting Basics
WordPress, Domain Names and Web Hosting BasicsWordPress, Domain Names and Web Hosting Basics
WordPress, Domain Names and Web Hosting Basics

In this presentation we cover the difference between and We then move on to some tips on how to choose and register a good domain name as well as finding the right hosting provider.
Child Themes, Starter Themes, and Frameworks... Oh My!
Child Themes, Starter Themes, and Frameworks... Oh My!Child Themes, Starter Themes, and Frameworks... Oh My!
Child Themes, Starter Themes, and Frameworks... Oh My!

This document discusses different options for developing WordPress themes, including frameworks, child themes, starter themes, and parent themes. It defines each option and outlines the pros and cons. Frameworks provide base CSS and components but require a parent theme. Child themes are easiest but depend on the parent theme's code. Starter themes give full control but require building everything. The document recommends researching frameworks, gaining experience with child themes on one parent theme, and eventually moving to a preferred starter theme.

wordpressweb design and developmentthemes
Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there
Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get thereOptimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there
Optimizing Your WordPress Site: Why speed matters, and how to get there

Learn why you should improve your WordPress site's loading speed, and what steps to take to load your site in under two seconds.

cachingwordpressresponsive images
Elements of Responsive Web Design
• A flexible, grid-based layout,
• Flexible images and media,
Elements of Responsive Web Design
• A flexible, grid-based layout,
• Flexible images and media,
• Media queries.
Elements of Responsive Web Design
•   A flexible, grid-based layout,
•   Flexible images and media,
•   Media queries.
•   Something else.
Flexible, Grid-based

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Accessibility with WordPress
Accessibility with WordPressAccessibility with WordPress
Accessibility with WordPress

Slides from my May 23 webinar for the ADA Great Lakes Center. Overview of the state of things for WordPress and accessibility and the principles of web accessibility.

Adobe MAX 2008: HTML/CSS + Fireworks
Adobe MAX 2008: HTML/CSS + FireworksAdobe MAX 2008: HTML/CSS + Fireworks
Adobe MAX 2008: HTML/CSS + Fireworks

The document summarizes a presentation about using Adobe Fireworks for designing HTML and CSS websites. It discusses how Fireworks is ideal for web design as it integrates well with other Adobe applications. It also explores how Fireworks allows for rapid prototyping through features like slicing images and exporting code. The presentation emphasizes writing code by hand and using frameworks like the 960 grid system to help maintain consistency and improve efficiency.

Getting started with WordPress
Getting started with WordPressGetting started with WordPress
Getting started with WordPress

Why use WordPress, the difference in and .org. The difference in posts and pages, the importance posts and categories, how to choose a theme. How to find hlep with WOrdPress

wordpress basics
Ok, so what’s the problem?
•   Non-responsive sites are no fun.
•   Fixed-width sites are not the best experiences.
•   Design tools tend to use pixels.
•   Sometimes a pixel does not equal a pixel.
•   So how do we turn pixels to their em
Pixels to Ems Algorithm
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

     h1 {                                         h1 {
em     font-size: 24px;       24 / 16 = 1.5         font-size: 1.5em;
     }                                            }

     h1 a {                                       h1 a {
%                             11 / 24 =
       font-size: 11px;                             font: 0.458333333+;
     }                                            }

               1                        2                    3

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Introduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website Speed
Introduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website SpeedIntroduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website Speed
Introduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website Speed

The document provides an introduction to optimizing WordPress for website speed. It discusses optimizing various areas like plugins, themes, cache, images, CSS, and JavaScript. It recommends using a caching plugin, optimizing images by reducing file sizes, minifying CSS and JavaScript, and using a content delivery network. Regular updates and testing website speed using tools like GTMetrix are also advised to improve load times and user experience.

optimize siteoptimize websiteoptimize wordpress
Design Concepts and Web Design
Design Concepts and Web DesignDesign Concepts and Web Design
Design Concepts and Web Design

Updated Feb. 9, 2014. This PPT is a review of color and fonts as used with HTML5 and CSS. Used in an undergraduate journalism class called Advanced Online Media Production.

WordPress Themes Demystified
WordPress Themes DemystifiedWordPress Themes Demystified
WordPress Themes Demystified

WordPress Themes Demystified was presented at the Melbourne WordPress Meetup in November 2014. It covers the very basics for newcomers and then digs a little deeper referencing some useful resources and tools for developers.

themestheme developmentwordpress themes
And the Grid?
Flexible Images and
A Simple Solution
 img {
    max-width: 100%;

Works on images, as well as other media like <video>.
Another Possibility
  Filament Group –
 depends on cookies
    and JavaScript

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Responsive Web Design Tutorial PDF for Beginners
Responsive Web Design Tutorial PDF for BeginnersResponsive Web Design Tutorial PDF for Beginners
Responsive Web Design Tutorial PDF for Beginners

Learn Bootstrap 4 and responsive design basics step by step. For beginners and for experienced developers who want to migrate existing Bootstrap 3 sites to Bootstrap 4. Includes a tutorial, cheat sheets, templates, and quick reference guides.

bootstrap 4responsive web designtutorial
WordPress and Accessibility
WordPress and AccessibilityWordPress and Accessibility
WordPress and Accessibility

WordPress has some inherent accessibility limitations, especially with themes which are often not accessible and difficult to find. While WordPress itself has few issues, it only controls a small part of a site's presentation. The admin interface has improved accessibility but more work is needed. Finding truly accessible plugins also requires careful vetting as there is no quality control. Efforts are underway to develop accessible themes, highlight helpful resources, and add accessibility auditing to improve the situation overall.

SCREENS - 2012-09-28 - Responsive Web Design, get the best from your design
SCREENS - 2012-09-28 - Responsive Web Design, get the best from your designSCREENS - 2012-09-28 - Responsive Web Design, get the best from your design
SCREENS - 2012-09-28 - Responsive Web Design, get the best from your design

This document discusses responsive web design and how websites can adapt to different devices. It notes how people now access the web through desktop browsers, mobile browsers, tablets, TVs, game consoles and more. Responsive web design involves making sites flexible through techniques like flexible grids, flexible images and media, and media queries. Media queries allow stylesheets to be tailored for different device widths. Key aspects of responsive design include considering user needs over our own, adapting to device capabilities, and future-proofing sites. The document provides examples of responsive patterns and techniques.

html5ethan marcottefluid
Media Queries
Not so long ago…
•   We could define media types: screen and print.
•   But not easily respond to the user’s display.
•   Lots of grunt work.
•   Didn’t spend much time thinking about mobile
CSS3 Media Queries
• The CSS3 Media Queries Module specifies
 methods to enable web developers to scope a
 style sheet to a set of precise device capabilities.
Simple Example
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
   body {
      font-size: 80%;

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Responsive Web Design - Web & PHP Conference - 2013-09-18
Responsive Web Design - Web & PHP Conference - 2013-09-18Responsive Web Design - Web & PHP Conference - 2013-09-18
Responsive Web Design - Web & PHP Conference - 2013-09-18

There is no mobile Web, there is no desktop Web, and there is no tablet Web. We view the same Web just in different ways. So how do we do it? By getting rid of our fixed-width, device-specific approaches and use Responsive Web Design techniques. This session will focus on what is Responsive Web Design and how you can use his 3-pronged approach on your current apps today which will also adapt to new devices in the future.

ethan marcotteresponsive web designhtml
Prairie Dev Con West - 2012-03-15 - Responsive Web Design
Prairie Dev Con West - 2012-03-15 - Responsive Web DesignPrairie Dev Con West - 2012-03-15 - Responsive Web Design
Prairie Dev Con West - 2012-03-15 - Responsive Web Design

The document discusses responsive web design, which involves designing websites to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. It covers key aspects of responsive design like flexible grid layouts, flexible images and media, and media queries. Responsive design helps ensure websites are usable on a variety of devices and future-proofs sites as technology changes.

prairie dev con westhtml5ethan marcotte
Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013Responsive Web Design_2013
Responsive Web Design_2013

This document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows websites to automatically adjust their layout depending on the user's screen size using media queries. It is important for accessibility and usability as most internet users now access the web on mobile devices. The document recommends using a mobile-first and progressive enhancement approach where basic content and functionality work on all browsers and advanced features are progressively added. It provides examples of RWD techniques and tools to test responsive designs.

drupalresponsive web designsandcamp
Other Queries
@media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-

@media not print and (max-width:600px)

@media screen (x) and (y), print (a) and (b)
Can be declared…
In the Stylesheet
Import Rule
   @import url(mq.css) only screen and (max-
link Element
   <link rel=“stylesheet” media=“only screen and
   (max-width:800px)” href=“mq.css”>
Supported Media Properties
•   min/max-width    •   device-aspect-ratio
•   min/max-height   •   color
•   device-width     •   color-index
•   device-height    •   monochrome
•   orientation      •   resolution
•   aspect-ratio
Supported Media Properties
•   min/max-width    •   device-aspect-ratio
•   min/max-height   •   color
•   device-width     •   color-index
•   device-height    •   monochrome
•   orientation      •   resolution
•   aspect-ratio

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Rwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeckRwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeck is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations. We publish best presentations.

Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.

This document summarizes Vitaly Friedman's talk on responsive design techniques and tricks. The talk covered resolution independence using SVG/icon fonts, content choreography with Flexbox, compressive images that maintain quality at different sizes, conditional loading of assets based on breakpoints, and lazy loading of JavaScript and social buttons. It also discussed maintaining aspect ratios for images and videos across screens, and serving different video files for different devices. The overall message was that responsive design requires a new mindset and pragmatic solutions rather than rigid rules.

web designweb developmentgraphic design
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013

Presented with Christian Ståhl Everyone is talking about responsive design. But are you really ready to bring SharePoint to mobile and tablets? While you may have an idea of what your site will look like when finished, there are many basic concepts and pitfalls that aren’t always outlined in the “How To’s”. In this session, we will go through foundational steps to planning a responsive SharePoint site including how to handle a hybrid content scenario that uses publishing and team sites. You will learn what tools and templates can make your life easier during design, build and testing. If you are excited about the capability of bringing SharePoint to any device but not sure where to start, check out this session to get the foundational understanding of the concept, best practices and examples to get you started.

responsive designrwdmicrosoft sharepoint
Little Pea Bakery
What About Devices?
• viewport meta tag
  • <meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device-
• device-width vs. width
• maximum-zoom
What about non-supportive browsers?
• css3-mediaqueries-js by Wouter van der Graaf
• Just include the script in your pages
• Parses the CSS and applies style for positive media
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design

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Great Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web DesignGreat Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web Design

With great power, comes great responsive-ability web design. Responsive web design (RWD) will be demystified. Believe it or not, it's more than just media queries, although those will be discussed. It starts with proper UI design and application architecture, and then the dive into CSS - but not too deep! You don't have to be an expert to do RWD, but it helps to have some idea of what you are doing.

responsive designresponsive web designmedia queries
Responsive Web Design - 01.26.12
Responsive Web Design - 01.26.12Responsive Web Design - 01.26.12
Responsive Web Design - 01.26.12

This document discusses responsive web design and how it allows websites to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. It introduces some key concepts of responsive design including flexible grid-based layouts, flexible images and media, and media queries. It provides examples of how to use these techniques like converting pixel sizes to relative units and setting breakpoints with media queries. The goal of responsive design is to think about the user's needs on different devices and help future-proof websites.

Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Designing for the web is no longer what it used to be. The number of devices with web-browsing capabilities is growing at an increasing speed. RWD is an approach aimed to provide a solid viewing experience for a multiple of screens with one set of code.

responsive designfront endweb design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design

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There Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web Design
There Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web DesignThere Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web Design
There Is No Mobile: An Introduction To Responsive Web Design

The web has come a long way. One of the great features of the modern web is responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows developers to create a single web client for all devices & platforms. This presentation is an introduction to key concepts developers need to understand in order to start implementing responsive web design.

responsive web designcss3html5
Making Your Site Printable: CSS Summit 2014
Making Your Site Printable: CSS Summit 2014Making Your Site Printable: CSS Summit 2014
Making Your Site Printable: CSS Summit 2014

The push for responsive web design has helped web developers consider how the sites they develop can adapt to different devices, including sizes, screen resolutions, and even contexts. It should now be easier than ever to respond to a format that has existed since the start of the web -- print. I'll walk through the process for making your responsive sites respond to the format we most often forget and show you how to use Google Analytics to track what pages are printed from your site.

Week 8 - Interactive News Editing and Producing
Week 8 - Interactive News Editing and ProducingWeek 8 - Interactive News Editing and Producing
Week 8 - Interactive News Editing and Producing

This document provides an overview of responsive web design and media queries. It begins with an agenda for the topic and then discusses how media queries allow content to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. It provides examples of common media query values like width, height, and orientation. The document also includes code snippets showing how to write media queries and link different style sheets. Finally, it outlines workshops and assignments for students to practice working with media queries hands-on.

FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design

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Responsive Design
Responsive DesignResponsive Design
Responsive Design

Responsive web design is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and screen sizes. It involves using fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries to automatically adjust for different screen sizes and devices. While the concept has existed since the early days of the web, it has grown in popularity recently due to advances in CSS3 and JavaScript that allow for more flexible and dynamic layouts. Responsive design aims to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices by adapting the layout depending on screen size and orientation.

lrdnugweb design and development
Let's dig into the Omega Theme!
Let's dig into the Omega Theme!Let's dig into the Omega Theme!
Let's dig into the Omega Theme!

The Omega Drupal 7 Base Theme is a highly configurable HTML5/960 grid base theme that uses built-in media queries to make the site responsive. Each zone (group of regions) can be configured for content first layouts, that resize and rearrange themselves depending on the screen size of the user's device. The presentation will walk-through the theory behind Omega's mobile-first approach, how to use the many configuration options on the theme settings page, pitfalls to avoid, and what's on the forecast for Omega 4.x! Additional Resources:

Advancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web Design
Advancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web DesignAdvancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web Design
Advancio, Inc. Academy: Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design allows a website to adapt to different screen sizes using fluid grids, scalable images, and media queries. It involves developing sites using relative units like percentages instead of pixels so elements resize proportionately. Media queries allow different CSS stylesheets to be loaded depending on screen width, orientiation, resolution and other factors. This allows a single website to be accessed seamlessly on any device from phones to desktops to tablets without needing separate mobile sites.

advancioinc academyresponsive web design
Hey, what was that 4th thing?
Hey, what was that 4th thing?
Hey, what was that 4th thing?
• Do we start with mobile-first?
Hey, what was that 4th thing?
• Do we start with mobile-first?
• Is it best that all sites are responsive?

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How to Project-Manage and Implement a Responsive Website
How to Project-Manage and Implement a Responsive WebsiteHow to Project-Manage and Implement a Responsive Website
How to Project-Manage and Implement a Responsive Website

How to Project-Manage and Implement a Responsive Website Marcos Corro, Designer & Developer Balboa Park Online Collaborative Jennifer Jurgens, Design & Developer Minneapolis Institute of Arts

mcn2013reponsive design
Everything Old is New Again: The State of Web Design
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Everything Old is New Again: The State of Web Design

Back to the Old School: Device-Independence with Responsive Design Process: Art, Copy & Code: The New Creative Team Embrace the Medium: Flat vs. Skeuomorphic Design


1) The document discusses responsive web design, which involves making websites flexible and adaptable to different devices through flexible grids, images, and media queries. 2) Key aspects of responsive design include thinking of user needs rather than our own, adapting to various device capabilities, and future-proofing sites. 3) Media queries allow scoping styles to specific device capabilities like width, height, and orientation. Common patterns like fluid, column drop, and layout shifter are described.

Hey, what was that 4th thing?
• Do we start with mobile-first?
• Is it best that all sites are responsive?
• Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device?
Hey, what was that 4th thing?
• Do we start with mobile-first?
• Is it best that all sites are responsive?
• Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device?
• Don’t dismiss mobile as walking and looking something up.
Hey, what was that 4th thing?
• Do we start with mobile-first?
• Is it best that all sites are responsive?
• Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device?
• Don’t dismiss mobile as walking and looking something up.
• We are at the beginning, that’s what makes this interesting!
Hey, what was that 4th thing?
• Do we start with mobile-first?
• Is it best that all sites are responsive?
• Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device?
• Don’t dismiss mobile as walking and looking something up.
• We are at the beginning, that’s what makes this interesting!

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Responsive Web Design, get the best out of your designs - JavaScript Open Day...
Responsive Web Design, get the best out of your designs - JavaScript Open Day...Responsive Web Design, get the best out of your designs - JavaScript Open Day...
Responsive Web Design, get the best out of your designs - JavaScript Open Day...

There is no mobile Web, there is no desktop Web, and there is no tablet Web. We view the same Web just in different ways. So how do we do it? By getting rid of our fixed-width, device-specific approaches and use Responsive Web Design techniques. This session will focus on what is Responsive Web Design and how you can use his 3-pronged approach on your current apps today which will also adapt to new devices in the future.

css3responsive web designhtml
2017-11-09 - Fitbit Norcal Developers Meetup (fred)
2017-11-09 - Fitbit Norcal Developers Meetup (fred)2017-11-09 - Fitbit Norcal Developers Meetup (fred)
2017-11-09 - Fitbit Norcal Developers Meetup (fred)

Frédéric Harper from Fitbit gave a presentation on developing apps and clock faces for Fitbit devices. He overviewed Fitbit's SDK and Studio platform, which allows creating apps using web technologies that run directly on Fitbit devices without installation. The presentation demonstrated how to build clock faces using SVG, CSS, and JavaScript, and introduced Fitbit's developer tools and resources. Attendees were encouraged to be creative in building clock faces and apps for Fitbit.

fitbitfitbit osfitbit sdk
2018 04-25 - HLTH hackathon
2018 04-25 - HLTH hackathon2018 04-25 - HLTH hackathon
2018 04-25 - HLTH hackathon

Fitbit is challenging developers to build apps using their SDK or API to help individuals better manage conditions like diabetes, heart health, sleep, and mental health. The challenge offers a $10,000 prize to be split amongst the winning team. Fitbit's developer platform includes a standards-based SDK with JavaScript, SVG, and CSS as well as simulator tools. It also provides RESTful APIs for accessing activity, biometric, and other user data to power health and fitness apps.

fitbitfitbit apifitbit sdk
Free t-shirts to first 50 people

                           Paul Laberge
                           2:15 tomorrow

                           Like a boss: crushing it
                           with the new Web
Frédéric Harper

Developer Evangelist @ Microsoft

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Frédéric Harper
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Frédéric Harper
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Maria D'Amato
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Responsive Web Design, get the best out of your designs - JavaScript Open Day...
Frédéric Harper

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Frédéric Harper
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Frédéric Harper
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Frédéric Harper
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Frédéric Harper
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Frédéric Harper
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Frédéric Harper
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FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design

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  • 3. How we viewed the web… • The Desktop Browser
  • 4. How we view the web today… • The Desktop Browser • Mobile Browsers • Tablet form-factors • Televisions • Game Consoles • More…
  • 5. How we view the web today… • The Desktop Browser • Mobile Browsers • Tablet form-factors • Televisions • Game Consoles • More… • So what’s the problem?
  • 9. Responsive Web Design • Thinking of the user’s needs instead of ours. • Adapt to various device capabilities instead of configurations. • Help future-proof our sites.
  • 12. Elements of Responsive Web Design • A flexible, grid-based layout,
  • 13. Elements of Responsive Web Design • A flexible, grid-based layout, • Flexible images and media,
  • 14. Elements of Responsive Web Design • A flexible, grid-based layout, • Flexible images and media, • Media queries.
  • 15. Elements of Responsive Web Design • A flexible, grid-based layout, • Flexible images and media, • Media queries. • Something else.
  • 17. Ok, so what’s the problem? • Non-responsive sites are no fun. • Fixed-width sites are not the best experiences. • Design tools tend to use pixels. • Sometimes a pixel does not equal a pixel. • So how do we turn pixels to their em counterparts?
  • 18. Pixels to Ems Algorithm
  • 20. Responsive Web Design READ MORE >> h1 { h1 { em font-size: 24px; 24 / 16 = 1.5 font-size: 1.5em; } } h1 a { h1 a { % 11 / 24 = font-size: 11px; font: 0.458333333+; 0.458333333+ } } 1 2 3
  • 23. A Simple Solution img { max-width: 100%; } Works on images, as well as other media like <video>.
  • 24. Another Possibility Filament Group – depends on cookies and JavaScript
  • 26. Not so long ago… • We could define media types: screen and print. • But not easily respond to the user’s display. • Lots of grunt work. • Didn’t spend much time thinking about mobile devices.
  • 27. CSS3 Media Queries • The CSS3 Media Queries Module specifies methods to enable web developers to scope a style sheet to a set of precise device capabilities.
  • 28. Simple Example @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { body { font-size: 80%; } }
  • 29. Other Queries @media screen and (min-width:320px) and (max- width:480px) @media not print and (max-width:600px) @media screen (x) and (y), print (a) and (b)
  • 30. Can be declared… In the Stylesheet Import Rule @import url(mq.css) only screen and (max- width:600px) link Element <link rel=“stylesheet” media=“only screen and (max-width:800px)” href=“mq.css”>
  • 31. Supported Media Properties • min/max-width • device-aspect-ratio • min/max-height • color • device-width • color-index • device-height • monochrome • orientation • resolution • aspect-ratio
  • 32. Supported Media Properties • min/max-width • device-aspect-ratio • min/max-height • color • device-width • color-index • device-height • monochrome • orientation • resolution • aspect-ratio
  • 34. What About Devices? • viewport meta tag • <meta name=“viewport” content=“width=device- width”> • device-width vs. width • maximum-zoom
  • 35. What about non-supportive browsers? • css3-mediaqueries-js by Wouter van der Graaf • Just include the script in your pages • Parses the CSS and applies style for positive media tests
  • 44. Resources • • • • • • • • tools-and-design-strategies/ • •
  • 45. Hey, what was that 4th thing?
  • 46. Hey, what was that 4th thing? Design
  • 47. Hey, what was that 4th thing? Design • Do we start with mobile-first?
  • 48. Hey, what was that 4th thing? Design • Do we start with mobile-first? • Is it best that all sites are responsive?
  • 49. Hey, what was that 4th thing? Design • Do we start with mobile-first? • Is it best that all sites are responsive? • Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device?
  • 50. Hey, what was that 4th thing? Design • Do we start with mobile-first? • Is it best that all sites are responsive? • Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device? • Don’t dismiss mobile as walking and looking something up.
  • 51. Hey, what was that 4th thing? Design • Do we start with mobile-first? • Is it best that all sites are responsive? • Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device? • Don’t dismiss mobile as walking and looking something up. • We are at the beginning, that’s what makes this interesting!
  • 52. Hey, what was that 4th thing? Design • Do we start with mobile-first? • Is it best that all sites are responsive? • Do we need or want to do visual comps for every device? • Don’t dismiss mobile as walking and looking something up. • We are at the beginning, that’s what makes this interesting!
  • 53. Free t-shirts to first 50 people Paul Laberge 2:15 tomorrow Like a boss: crushing it with the new Web standards
  • 54. Questions? Frédéric Harper Developer Evangelist @ Microsoft @fharper

Editor's Notes
