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Making Your Site Printable
Presented by Adrian Roselli
July 15, 2014
About Adrian Roselli
• Co-written four books.
• Technical editor
for two books.
• Written over fifty
articles, most recently
for .net Magazine and
Web Standards Sherpa.
Great bedtime reading!
About Adrian Roselli
• Member of W3C HTML Working Group, W3C
Accessibility Task Force, five W3C Community
• Building for the web since 1994.
• Founder, owner at Algonquin Studios
• Learn more at
• Avoid on Twitter @aardrian.
I warned you.
What We’ll Cover

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Abstractions: Fringe Accessibility
Abstractions: Fringe AccessibilityAbstractions: Fringe Accessibility
Abstractions: Fringe Accessibility

If you are aware of accessibility practices, you may know some of the basics for supporting users (labels, contrast, alt text). I'll touch on some newer or more obscure techniques that can help prime you to look at the new hotness features with a more critical eye. Instead of pushing stricly code techniques, I’ll review the logic behind these approaches (which you can refute, checking off that elusive audience participation selling point!). We'll discuss the search role, language attribute, <main> element, infinite scroll, page zoom, source order, and as much as I can squeeze in before I am chased from the room.

Selfish Accessibility for Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Selfish Accessibility for Global Accessibility Awareness DaySelfish Accessibility for Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Selfish Accessibility for Global Accessibility Awareness Day

The document provides an overview of a presentation on accessibility. It discusses statistics on disabilities worldwide and in the United States. It then discusses techniques for improving accessibility such as writing user stories from personas with different impairments and conducting basic accessibility tests like checking for proper keyboard and screen reader functionality.

Selfish accessibility: 2015 Buffalo Unconference
Selfish accessibility: 2015 Buffalo UnconferenceSelfish accessibility: 2015 Buffalo Unconference
Selfish accessibility: 2015 Buffalo Unconference

Adrian Roselli presented on the topic of "Selfish Accessibility". He argued that building accessible websites benefits all users now and in the future, as disabilities are common and can affect anyone over time. He suggested taking basic accessibility tests like using only the keyboard, turning off images/CSS, and checking color contrast. The presentation covered accessibility statistics, ways accessibility impacts everyone personally, and basic checks to improve accessibility. The overall message was that building accessibility into websites now serves one's own future needs and helps others.

What We’ll Cover
• Background
• Techniques
• Measuring
• Future
• Questions
Responsive Web Design (RWD)
• Responsive design (or
adaptive design) is about
supporting any device:
• Desktop computer
• Smartphone
• Tablet
• Television
• Printer?
Photo of printed page from
• As developers tout their responsive designs,
they often forget the printed page.
• Support for print styles goes back more than a
decade, before RWD.
• Used as initial seed, then
picked up from articles, awards, etc.
• Hoped shaming might improve state of print

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Guelph A11y Conf: Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack ...
Guelph A11y Conf: Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack ...Guelph A11y Conf: Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack ...
Guelph A11y Conf: Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack ...

Accessibility practitioners tend to live in a bubble, taking for granted many of the basics with which developers struggle. Explore questions developers ask one another.

Selfish Accessibility — CodeDaze
Selfish Accessibility — CodeDazeSelfish Accessibility — CodeDaze
Selfish Accessibility — CodeDaze

We can all pretend that we’re helping others by making web sites and software accessible, but we are really making them better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from aging or you after something else limits your abilities). We’ll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This isn’t intended to be a deep dive, but more of an overall primer for those who aren’t sure where to start nor how it helps them.

Selfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HK
Selfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HKSelfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HK
Selfish Accessibility — Harbour Front HK

We can pretend that we’re helping others by making websites and software accessible, but we are really making them better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from ageing or you after something else limits your abilities). We’ll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This is an overall primer for those who aren’t sure where to start nor how it helps them.

Source page:
Maturing (a bit)
• Decided the best approach would be teaching.
• Used lessons, common issues from
PrintShame to develop tutorial(s).
• Pitched this very talk.
Print Services
• Add a third-party “print” button to your site.
• You have no control over layout.
• You have no control over ads.
• You have no control.

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Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp NYC 2015
Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp NYC 2015Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp NYC 2015
Selfish Accessibility: a11y Camp NYC 2015

We can all pretend that we're helping others by making web sites and software accessible, but we are really making them better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from aging or you after something else limits your abilities). We'll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This isn't intended to be a deep dive into ARIA, but more of an overall primer for those who aren't sure where to start nor how it helps them.

Fringe Accessibility: Booster 2016
Fringe Accessibility: Booster 2016Fringe Accessibility: Booster 2016
Fringe Accessibility: Booster 2016

Slides from my workshop on accessibility at Booster Conference 2016 in Bergen, Norway. 23 different techniques for fun and awesomeness.

Selfish Accessibility: Presented at Google
Selfish Accessibility: Presented at GoogleSelfish Accessibility: Presented at Google
Selfish Accessibility: Presented at Google

We can all pretend that we're helping others by making web sites and software accessible, but we are really making them better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from aging or you after something else limits your abilities). We'll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This isn't intended to be a deep dive into ARIA, but more of an overall primer for those who aren't sure where to start nor how it helps them.

Print Services “More Evidence of the Need for Print Styles”
Screen versus Print
• Continuous
• Visual, audible, tactile
• Vector and bitmap
• Interactive
• Online
• Paged
• Visual
• Bitmap
• Static
• Offline
• Is my site built mobile-first?
• Things I want the user to see.
• Things the user may not want to see.
• Things that probably won’t print anyway.

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Accessible Design WordCamp Europe 2018 in Belgrad
Accessible Design WordCamp Europe 2018 in BelgradAccessible Design WordCamp Europe 2018 in Belgrad
Accessible Design WordCamp Europe 2018 in Belgrad

This document discusses accessible design and provides best practices for creating accessible websites. It explains that accessibility is important for people with disabilities, both temporary and permanent. The key aspects of accessible design are supporting the content, functionality, and providing access for everyone. Common mistakes like low color contrast, hard to read typography, and lack of structure are identified. The document then outlines a workflow for accessible design that includes selecting content formats, creating a semantic layout, styling text elements first without color, then adding color, and creating style guides. Resources for further information on accessible design are also provided.

Mind your lang (for role=drinks at CSUN 2017)
Mind your lang (for role=drinks at CSUN 2017)Mind your lang (for role=drinks at CSUN 2017)
Mind your lang (for role=drinks at CSUN 2017)

The lang attribute is necessary, I explain why. Animated GIFs and videos can be found on my site at

WordPress Accessibility - WordCamp Buffalo 2016
WordPress Accessibility - WordCamp Buffalo 2016WordPress Accessibility - WordCamp Buffalo 2016
WordPress Accessibility - WordCamp Buffalo 2016

With recent announcement that all code submitted to WordPress core (as well as themes) must meet WCAG 2.0 AA, proper accessibility techniques are more important within WordPress than ever. I’ll review some basic and fringe accessibility techniques you can use for your personal and client projects, as well as for contributing to WordPress core.

• Is my site built mobile-first?
• Sometimes your mobile-first styles will get you
nearly all the way there.
• If you built desktop-first, you may be able to re-
use your smaller viewport styles.
• Things I want the user to see:
• Branding
• Cross-branding
• Page address
• Copyright
• Path to page (breadcrumb)
• Link addresses (?)
• Things the user may not want to see:
• Primary navigation
• Secondary navigation
• Site search
• Social media icons
• Ad banners
• Fat footers
• Things that probably won’t print anyway:
• Colors
• Backgrounds (images and colors)
• Bits of timed / interactive elements
• White elements (logos, text, effects)

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Selfish Accessibility: UXSG 2014
Selfish Accessibility: UXSG 2014Selfish Accessibility: UXSG 2014
Selfish Accessibility: UXSG 2014

The document summarizes Adrian Roselli's presentation on "Selfish Accessibility" at UX Singapore 2014. It provides background on Adrian Roselli and defines accessibility terminology. It then discusses statistics on disability rates and types to emphasize the widespread need for accessibility. It explores motivating accessibility from a self-interested perspective by considering how disabilities can unexpectedly affect anyone. Finally, it offers techniques for accessibility including user stories, personas, and checklists, as well as resources for further information.

uxaccessibilityuser story
Web Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st CenturyWeb Accessibility for the 21st Century
Web Accessibility for the 21st Century

You know it's important for your web project to be accessible to people who use all kinds of assistive technology to access the internet. But all the guidelines for web accessibility you can find don't go much beyond "make sure all your images have alt text", and all the resources you can find treat "accessibility" as a synonym for "making your site work in a screen reader". You know there are other things you should be doing and other forms of assistive technology you should be accomodating, but all the best practices documents are a complicated morass of contradicting information (if you can find best practices documents at all.) Have no fear! This tutorial gives you a number of concrete steps to take to make things more accessible. This presentation has downloadable notes and exercises available at . Video of the talk should be available later.

Tales from the Accessibility Trenches
Tales from the Accessibility TrenchesTales from the Accessibility Trenches
Tales from the Accessibility Trenches

Presentation given to students on the Bachelor in Web Development degree at the Business Academy Southwest ( in Esbjerg, Denmark on the 17th November 2017.

accessibilityweb accessibility consultancy
Examples: Caveats
• The following CSS examples are just examples.
• Selectors vary between IDs, classes and
elements to show something that may be
familiar to everyone
• Styles may differ from what is on the live site,
sometimes to remove redundancy or simplify
code samples.
No Print Styles
Calling Print Styles
Make a home for your print styles:
@media print {
/* insert your style declarations here */
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="/css/print.css" media="print">

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Prototyping Accessibility: Booster 2019
Prototyping Accessibility: Booster 2019Prototyping Accessibility: Booster 2019
Prototyping Accessibility: Booster 2019

The document provides an overview of prototyping accessibility for a workshop presentation. It includes instructions for group exercises to prototype user interface elements and develop personas. It also covers various accessibility topics like disability types, user experience models, technical accessibility standards around text alternatives, typography, links, color contrast, labeling fields, document structure, and keyboard/screen reader support. The goal is to educate attendees on inclusive design practices through hands-on exercises and discussions.

Fringe Accessibility: A11y Camp Toronto 2015
Fringe Accessibility: A11y Camp Toronto 2015Fringe Accessibility: A11y Camp Toronto 2015
Fringe Accessibility: A11y Camp Toronto 2015

If you work in accessibility, you probably know some of the basics for supporting users (labels, contrast, alt text). I'll touch on some newer or more obscure techniques that can help prime you to look at the new hotness features with a more critical eye. Instead of pushing code techniques, I’ll review the logic behind these approaches (which you can refute, checking off that elusive audience participation selling point!). We'll discuss the search role, language attribute, &lt;main> element, infinite scroll, page zoom, source order, and as much as I can squeeze in before I am chased from the room.

Making Your Site Printable: Booster Conference
Making Your Site Printable: Booster ConferenceMaking Your Site Printable: Booster Conference
Making Your Site Printable: Booster Conference

Where I talk about why you should make your site print-friendly, how to go about doing it, and techniques to measure when users print pages.

General Styles
• Reset type sizes to points, set text to black.
• Points (mostly) provide more consistent text size
across browsers and devices than pixels.
• Light grey text doesn’t trigger browser overrides
to convert text to black.
• Not all users have color printers. Set red to black
so it doesn’t come out as a medium gray (perhaps
with other styles as appropriate).
General Styles
• Clear whitespace around the content.
• User’s print settings will handle page margins.
• Lets user get as much content on a page as
possible (yay for trees!).
• You shouldn’t need to worry about portrait vs.
landscape, A4 vs. 8.5×11, etc.
General Styles
• Write values of title (or alt, or data-*, etc.)
attributes into the page.
• Think @cite on blockquote, or @title on abbr.
• You can do this with most attributes on most
elements, although it might not be a good fit.
• Perhaps a @data-shortURL attribute to display a
minified link address to make it easier for users to
type URLs.
• A novel way to promote @longdesc.
In-Page Links
Select links in content container(s) and then
display the href value as text after the link.
#Content a[href]:after {
content: " [" attr(href) "] ";
word-wrap: break-word;
#Content a[href^="#"]:after, #Content
a[href^="tel"]:after, #Content a[href^="mailto"]:after,
#Content a[href^="javascript"]:after {
content: "";
Yes, you can do the inverse selector, but then I don’t get to show the variations!

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The web standards gentleman: a matter of (evolving) standards)
The web standards gentleman: a matter of (evolving) standards)The web standards gentleman: a matter of (evolving) standards)
The web standards gentleman: a matter of (evolving) standards)

This talk discusses standards evolution, HTML5 and CSS3 in detail. Starting with the history of HTML and CSS, it goes on to show how HTML5 and CSS3 were developed, why they were necessary, the problems they aim to solve, what the main new features are and why they are so useful, and how we can start using these features in the real world, right now. It also provides advice for the discerning web standards gentleman.

Fringe Accessibility — Portland UX
Fringe Accessibility — Portland UXFringe Accessibility — Portland UX
Fringe Accessibility — Portland UX

The document summarizes a presentation given by Adrian Roselli on fringe accessibility techniques that should be avoided. It discusses common techniques like clicking on labels and checking color contrast. It then covers more fringe techniques such as avoiding default focus styles, using <h1> headings wisely, and setting the lang attribute. The document warns against disabling zoom, using tabindex greater than 0, and avoiding infinite scroll. It emphasizes that accessibility is an ongoing process rather than a checklist.

Week 8 - Interactive News Editing and Producing
Week 8 - Interactive News Editing and ProducingWeek 8 - Interactive News Editing and Producing
Week 8 - Interactive News Editing and Producing

This document provides an overview of responsive web design and media queries. It begins with an agenda for the topic and then discusses how media queries allow content to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. It provides examples of common media query values like width, height, and orientation. The document also includes code snippets showing how to write media queries and link different style sheets. Finally, it outlines workshops and assignments for students to practice working with media queries hands-on.

First Round of Changes
First Round of Changes
• Get rid of the primary, secondary, tertiary
• Remove social media links,
• Remove other bits that won’t make sense
when printed.
#Nav, #FlyOutNav, #SubNav, .NoPrint, #SMLinks {
display: none;

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FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web DesignFITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design
FITC - 2012-04-23 - Responsive Web Design

The document discusses responsive web design and its key elements. It notes that the web is now accessed through various devices like desktops, mobile phones, tablets, TVs and game consoles. Responsive web design adapts websites to different screen sizes and devices by using flexible grids, images and media queries. Some key aspects are using relative units like ems instead of pixels, flexible layouts, images that scale with the page and media queries to apply CSS styles for different devices. The document provides examples and resources for learning more about responsive design.

ethan marcottehtml5responsive web design
"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...
"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin..."Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...
"Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques". Vitaly Friedman, Smashin...

Responsive web design challenges web designers to apply a new mindset to their design processes, as well as to techniques they are using in design and coding. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

Making your site printable: WordCamp Buffalo 2013
Making your site printable: WordCamp Buffalo 2013Making your site printable: WordCamp Buffalo 2013
Making your site printable: WordCamp Buffalo 2013

The push for responsive web design has helped web developers consider how the sites they develop can adapt to different devices, including sizes, screen resolutions, and even contexts. It should now be easier than ever to respond to a format that has existed since the start of the web – print. I’ll walk through the process for making your responsive sites respond to the format we most often forget.

printingcssweb design and development
Keep the breadcrumb as a wayfinding method, but
reduce its size and don’t expand the links.
#Bread a:link, #Bread a:visited {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #000;
#Bread {
color: #000;
font-size: 6pt;
#Bread > a:after {
content: "";
• Change any text to
print units,
• Adjust colors,
• Handle spacing,
• Make sure you keep
the logo.
• Consider SVG.
• Change any text to print units,
• Adjust colors,
• Handle spacing,
• Remove unneeded bits.
footer {
border-top: 1px solid #000;
font-size: 6pt;
color: #000;
background-color: transparent;
footer p {
margin: 0;
color: #000;
footer p a::after {
content: attr(data-alt);
footer img {
display: none;
Page Breaks
The CSS properties page-break-before, page-
break-after and page-break-inside have the
following values:
• auto: default value, no specified behavior.
• avoid: tries to avoid a page-break.
• always: invokes a page-break (not for page-break-
• left | right: Tries to place element on the start of a page
on the left or right, for when you are printing bound material
(books, magazines, etc.) (not for page-break-inside).

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Great Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web DesignGreat Responsive-ability Web Design
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With great power, comes great responsive-ability web design. Responsive web design (RWD) will be demystified. Believe it or not, it's more than just media queries, although those will be discussed. It starts with proper UI design and application architecture, and then the dive into CSS - but not too deep! You don't have to be an expert to do RWD, but it helps to have some idea of what you are doing.

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Node.js 101
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Node.js 101

Node.js 101 with Rami Sayar Presented by FITC at Web Unleashed 2014 in Toronto on September 18 2014, 10:30 - 11:15am Node.js is a runtime environment and library for running JavaScript applications outside the browser. Node.js is mostly used to run real-time server applications and shines through its performance using non-blocking I/O and asynchronous events. This talk will introduce you to Node.js by showcasing the environment and its two most popular libraries: express and TARGET AUDIENCE Beginner web developers ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Working knowledge of JavaScript and HTML5. OBJECTIVE Learn how to build a chat engine using Node.js and WebSockets. FIVE THINGS AUDIENCE MEMBERS WILL LEARN Node.js environment and basics Node Package Manager overview Web Framework, express, basics WebSockets and basics Building a chat engine using Node.js

FITC - Bootstrap Unleashed
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FITC - Bootstrap Unleashed

OVERVIEW Twitter Bootstrap is a wildly popular HTML and CSS framework for building websites and web applications. It is the number 1 project on GitHub. Bootstrap supports responsive web design, allowing the layout of your page to adapt to the device (desktop, tablet, mobile). This talk will introduce you to the basics of using Bootstrap and show you how to build responsive web layouts to build your own app. TARGET AUDIENCE Beginner web developers ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Working knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3. OBJECTIVE Learn how to use Twitter Bootstrap to quickly build a beautiful, responsive web app. FIVE THINGS AUDIENCE MEMBERS WILL LEARN Twitter Bootstrap basics Bootstrap CSS basics Bootstrap responsive layouts Bootstrap components JavaScript Bootstrap plugins

css javascript html5 web bootstrap responsive desi
Further Consideration
• Hide videos.
• Hide controls for embedded audio.
• Hide Flash movies.
• Hide canvas elements (assuming interactive).
• Don’t scale images to 100% width (looking at
you, mobile styles and frameworks).
• Determine if ads should be printed or not.
Before (9 pages)
After (2 pages)
Widows and Orphans
Use these to control how many lines must be at
the end of a page (orphans) or how many at the
start of a page (widows).
p {
orphans: 3; /* 3 consecutive lines at end of page */
widows: 2; /* 2 lines at start of new page */
Because widows and orphans are confusing:

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The document provides an overview of designing Drupal themes. It discusses common tools used to design themes such as Photoshop, Fireworks, and Illustrator. It also discusses Drupal-specific tools like Firebug and the Theme Developer module. The presentation covers designing for Drupal concepts like regions, blocks, and views. It provides examples of existing Drupal themes and recommendations for naming conventions, image preparation, CSS organization, and common theme techniques like CSS resets and menu placement.

Fundamentals of Web
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Fundamentals of Web

Website Fundamentals - Web Technologies - Responsive Design - Web Browsers A great place to start if you are interested in web designing or research on the internet

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Responsive Design Overview for UB CIT
Responsive Design Overview for UB CITResponsive Design Overview for UB CIT
Responsive Design Overview for UB CIT

The document provides an overview of responsive web design. It discusses techniques like using media queries and mobile-first approaches to adapt styles based on screen size and other factors. It covers best practices like letting content determine breakpoints, treating layout as an enhancement, and accounting for different user contexts. It also highlights common mistakes to avoid and emphasizes the importance of testing designs on actual devices.

Invert Logos
For those rare cases with a white logo where
you can’t load an alternate image (Chrome &
Safari only):
Img#Logo {
-webkit-filter: invert(100%);
filter: invert(100%);
If you can load an alternate, a quick tutorial:
QR Codes
• They’re a personal (lifestyle) choice.
• Allows more savvy users to get directly to the
source of the printed page.
• Easy to implement without burdening mobile
users, users who do not print.
• Not perfect – they don’t always fire in time.
Call the QR Code
@media print {
header::before { content:
url(; }
QR Code in Use

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Mobile Best Practices

A brief presentation for the Missouri State Digital Media Developer group on cutting through the hype surrounding mobile development and responsive design.

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Responsive Web Design_2013

This document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows websites to automatically adjust their layout depending on the user's screen size using media queries. It is important for accessibility and usability as most internet users now access the web on mobile devices. The document recommends using a mobile-first and progressive enhancement approach where basic content and functionality work on all browsers and advanced features are progressively added. It provides examples of RWD techniques and tools to test responsive designs.

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Web Service Creation in HTML5

This document provides guidance on creating web services. It discusses registering a domain, planning the service, developing the service, launching it, and measuring its success in an iterative process. It also covers choosing a web hosting provider, deciding between using WordPress or custom coding, and the basics of HTML5 and CSS for building the web service structure and design. The key steps outlined are to plan the purpose, information architecture, user interface, and branding before starting development.

• Consider the explosion of mobile.
• Same goals on mobile as desktop.
• Mobile has played catch-up in print, but has
arrived within past year.
• Firefox & Safari print background colors.
• Firefox used odd page size.
• Android browser outputs raster PDF.
Printing from Mobile Has Improved:
Android Browser Chrome Firefox
Android Browser Chrome Firefox
• Print to PDF for your first (most) rounds.
• Chrome Developer Tools (next slide).
• Use every browser you can.
• Use each browser visiting your site.
• Change paper size (8.5" × 11", A4, etc.).
• Change paper orientation.
• Scale the content in the print dialog.

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Role of Design in Accessibility — VilniusJS Meet-up
Role of Design in Accessibility — VilniusJS Meet-upRole of Design in Accessibility — VilniusJS Meet-up
Role of Design in Accessibility — VilniusJS Meet-up

Designers can have an outsized impact on the accessibility of a project, being the ones who produce the visuals that are often critical for understanding and sign-off. Adrian will talk about the ways designers contribute to the overall accessibility of a site or application. We'll look at typography, structure, documentation, colour, contrast and more. Each of these has a corresponding WCAG SC to help provide guidance.

SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
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SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013

Presented with Christian Ståhl Everyone is talking about responsive design. But are you really ready to bring SharePoint to mobile and tablets? While you may have an idea of what your site will look like when finished, there are many basic concepts and pitfalls that aren’t always outlined in the “How To’s”. In this session, we will go through foundational steps to planning a responsive SharePoint site including how to handle a hybrid content scenario that uses publishing and team sites. You will learn what tools and templates can make your life easier during design, build and testing. If you are excited about the capability of bringing SharePoint to any device but not sure where to start, check out this session to get the foundational understanding of the concept, best practices and examples to get you started.

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Rwd slidedeck
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Rwd slidedeck is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations. We publish best presentations.

Chrome Developer Tools
1. Open the drawer,
2. Select the Emulation tab,
3. Choose Screen,
4. At the bottom check CSS Media,
5. Choose print from the menu.
Chrome Developer Tools
Google Analytics
• Call the GA tracking image, but only when the
print styles get used.
• Attach a custom event to that image.
• View custom events in Google Analytics.
• Identify which pages get printed.
• Make sure that at least those pages print well.
• For fun, compare to your carousel.
Full tutorial:

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Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.

This document summarizes Vitaly Friedman's talk on responsive design techniques and tricks. The talk covered resolution independence using SVG/icon fonts, content choreography with Flexbox, compressive images that maintain quality at different sizes, conditional loading of assets based on breakpoints, and lazy loading of JavaScript and social buttons. It also discussed maintaining aspect ratios for images and videos across screens, and serving different video files for different devices. The overall message was that responsive design requires a new mindset and pragmatic solutions rather than rigid rules.

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CSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML Semantics
CSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML SemanticsCSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML Semantics
CSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML Semantics

Developers who choose HTML elements that best describe a screen’s structure and semantics often don’t know how browsers use their CSS to break those semantics.

Selfish Accessibility —DevOpsDays Buffalo
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Selfish Accessibility —DevOpsDays Buffalo

My Selfish Accessibility talk as a 5 minute Ignite talk, with slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds and no speaker notes. You know, for fun.

Query String Parameters
Variable Description
utmac Account String. Appears on all requests. This is your UA-#######-# ID.
Tracking code version. While my standard GA requests use 5.4.0, I opted to use 4.3 for reasons I no
longer recall.
Unique ID generated for each GIF request to prevent caching of the GIF image. I just concatenate the
current year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
utmhn Host Name of your site, which is a URL-encoded string.
utmr Referral, complete URL. In this case I just insert a dash so it is not blank.
utmp Page request of the current page.
Indicates the type of request, which is one of: event, transaction, item, or a custom variable. If
you leave it blank, it defaults to page. Because I am tracking events, I use event.
utme Extensible parameter. This is where you write your event. I use 5(Print*{page address}).
Cookie values. This request parameter sends all the cookies requested from the page. It can get
pretty long. It must be URL encoded. It must include __utma and __utmz values.
Sample Query String
Call the Image
@media print {
header::after { content: url(
Check the Data

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Selfish Accessibility — YGLF VilniusSelfish Accessibility — YGLF Vilnius
Selfish Accessibility — YGLF Vilnius

We can pretend that we’re helping others by making websites and software accessible, but we are really making them better for our future selves. Learn some fundamentals of accessibility and how it can benefit you (whether future you from ageing or you after something else limits your abilities). We’ll review simple testing techniques, basic features and enhancements, coming trends, and where to get help. This is an overall primer for those who aren’t sure where to start nor how it helps them.

The Role of Design in Accessibility — a11yTO Meet-up
The Role of Design in Accessibility — a11yTO Meet-upThe Role of Design in Accessibility — a11yTO Meet-up
The Role of Design in Accessibility — a11yTO Meet-up Designers can have an outsized impact on the accessibility of a project, being the ones who produce the visuals that are often critical for understanding and sign-off. Adrian will talk about the ways designers contribute to the overall accessibility of a site or application. We'll look at typography, structure, documentation, colour, contrast and more. Each of these has a corresponding WCAG SC to help provide guidance.

WCBuf: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics
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Many (most?) developers make the effort to choose HTML elements that best describe the structure and semantics of the content. They then use CSS to set the layout for the visual design. What they don’t know is how browsers use that CSS to break the HTML semantics. I will demonstrate issues and offer unfortunate workarounds.

Check the Data
Here or on Its Way
• Browser support for existing features.
• Electronic Books.
• HTML5 as a publishing platform.
• CSS3, CSS4.
Page Rules
The @page rule allows you to specify page
margins (CSS 2.1), size and orientation (CSS3).
@page {
margin: 20cm;
size: A4 landscape;
I recommend you do not use it and defer to user

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The document is a slide presentation by Adrian Roselli for London Web Standards about using the lang attribute in HTML. It discusses what the lang attribute is, examples of its use, research showing around 47% of pages use it correctly, its importance for HTML validation, internationalization, accessibility, and screen readers. It also covers fun facts like the history of the "en-US-x-Hixie" language code.

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Running tests with real users is critical for so many organizations, whether when evaluating MVPs or just as part of iterative updates. For an organization that already has embraced inclusive design, the next step is to integrate it into user testing by incorporating users with disabilities into your normal testing process. Note that this is not the same as accessibility testing. Ideally your accessibility work is done so that you can test a fully functional and accessible site/application for usability regardless of disability. I will discuss how to plan for and execute these sessions as well as pitfalls to avoid. Ideally you will walk away with high-level understanding of where to start.

accessibilityusabilityusability testing
CSUN 2018: Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow
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CSUN 2018: Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow

Accessibility practitioners tend to live in a bubble, taking for granted many of the basics with which developers struggle. Explore questions developers ask one another.

Left, Right, First Pages
• Use @page rule with pseudo classes to specify
right, left, first:
• :right will affect the page on the right.
• :left will affect the page on the left.
• :first will affect the first page.
• :blank will affect the blank pages resulting from forced break.
• An @page rule with no pseudo classes applies
to all pages.
Bleed and Crops
• The bleed property relies on the crops
property having a value.
• Bleed specifies how much the page can
extend outside the page box:
• <length> units, referring to width of page box.
• Crop draws marks outside page box:
• crop: shows where a page should be cut.
• cross: used to align sheets.
Boxes across Pages
• The box-decoration-break specifies how a
box’s background, margin and border behave
when broken across pages:
• slice: chops the box in two.
• clone: duplicates the styles
onto each box.
Page Margin Boxes
@page {
@bottom-left {
content: "Copyright me."
@bottom-right {
counter-increment: page;
content: "Page " counter(page);

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Inclusive Usability Testing — a11yTOCamp
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If you’ve embraced inclusive design, next is to integrate it into user testing by incorporating people with disabilities into your process.

Selfish Accessibility - Girl Develop It Buffalo
Selfish Accessibility - Girl Develop It BuffaloSelfish Accessibility - Girl Develop It Buffalo
Selfish Accessibility - Girl Develop It Buffalo

Adrian Roselli discusses how accessibility benefits everyone now or in the future. Supporting accessibility now helps serve one's future self as people age and experience injuries or impairments. It also helps others who are currently injured or encumbered. Teaching younger developers about accessibility helps future generations if they pass on what they learn. Accessibility is an ongoing process, not just a checklist, and requires ongoing maintenance.

Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow
Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack OverflowEverything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow
Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned from Stack Overflow

The document summarizes a presentation where the presenter discusses what they have learned about accessibility from questions and answers on Stack Overflow. It includes questions asked on Stack Overflow about HTML, CSS, ARIA, assistive technology, and accessibility in general, along with short answers or responses provided. The presentation concludes by emphasizing the importance of accessibility professionals being present and providing guidance on sites like Stack Overflow and at local tech events.

Wrap-up, Questions
Further Reading
• Tracking Printed Pages (or How to Validate Assumptions)
• Make your website printable with CSS:
• Calling QR in Print CSS Only When Needed:
• Tracking When Users Print Pages:
• Tips And Tricks For Print Style Sheets:
• Printing The Web:
• CSS Paged Media Level 2:
• CSS Paged Media Module Level 3:
• Proposals for the future of CSS Paged Media:
• Can you typeset a book with CSS?
Making Your Site Printable
Presented by Adrian Roselli
July 15, 2014

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Making Your Site Printable: CSS Summit 2014

  • 1. Making Your Site Printable Presented by Adrian Roselli July 15, 2014 #CSSSummit
  • 2. About Adrian Roselli • Co-written four books. • Technical editor for two books. • Written over fifty articles, most recently for .net Magazine and Web Standards Sherpa. Great bedtime reading!
  • 3. About Adrian Roselli • Member of W3C HTML Working Group, W3C Accessibility Task Force, five W3C Community Groups. • Building for the web since 1994. • Founder, owner at Algonquin Studios ( • Learn more at • Avoid on Twitter @aardrian. I warned you.
  • 5. What We’ll Cover • Background • Techniques • Measuring • Future • Questions
  • 7. Responsive Web Design (RWD) • Responsive design (or adaptive design) is about supporting any device: • Desktop computer • Smartphone • Tablet • Television • Printer? Photo of printed page from
  • 8. • As developers tout their responsive designs, they often forget the printed page. • Support for print styles goes back more than a decade, before RWD. • Used as initial seed, then picked up from articles, awards, etc. • Hoped shaming might improve state of print styles. •
  • 11. Maturing (a bit) • Decided the best approach would be teaching. • Used lessons, common issues from PrintShame to develop tutorial(s). • Pitched this very talk.
  • 12. Print Services • Add a third-party “print” button to your site. • You have no control over layout. • You have no control over ads. • You have no control.
  • 13. Print Services “More Evidence of the Need for Print Styles”
  • 15. Screen versus Print Screen • Continuous • Visual, audible, tactile • Vector and bitmap • Interactive • Online Print • Paged • Visual • Bitmap • Static • Offline
  • 16. Planning • Is my site built mobile-first? • Things I want the user to see. • Things the user may not want to see. • Things that probably won’t print anyway.
  • 17. Planning • Is my site built mobile-first? • Sometimes your mobile-first styles will get you nearly all the way there. • If you built desktop-first, you may be able to re- use your smaller viewport styles.
  • 18. Planning • Things I want the user to see: • Branding • Cross-branding • Page address • Copyright • Path to page (breadcrumb) • Link addresses (?)
  • 19. Planning • Things the user may not want to see: • Primary navigation • Secondary navigation • Site search • Social media icons • Ad banners • Fat footers
  • 20. Planning • Things that probably won’t print anyway: • Colors • Backgrounds (images and colors) • Bits of timed / interactive elements • White elements (logos, text, effects)
  • 21. Examples: Caveats • The following CSS examples are just examples. • Selectors vary between IDs, classes and elements to show something that may be familiar to everyone • Styles may differ from what is on the live site, sometimes to remove redundancy or simplify code samples.
  • 24. Calling Print Styles Make a home for your print styles: @media print { /* insert your style declarations here */ } Or: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/print.css" media="print">
  • 25. General Styles • Reset type sizes to points, set text to black. • Points (mostly) provide more consistent text size across browsers and devices than pixels. • Light grey text doesn’t trigger browser overrides to convert text to black. • Not all users have color printers. Set red to black so it doesn’t come out as a medium gray (perhaps with other styles as appropriate).
  • 26. General Styles • Clear whitespace around the content. • User’s print settings will handle page margins. • Lets user get as much content on a page as possible (yay for trees!). • You shouldn’t need to worry about portrait vs. landscape, A4 vs. 8.5×11, etc.
  • 27. General Styles • Write values of title (or alt, or data-*, etc.) attributes into the page. • Think @cite on blockquote, or @title on abbr. • You can do this with most attributes on most elements, although it might not be a good fit. • Perhaps a @data-shortURL attribute to display a minified link address to make it easier for users to type URLs. • A novel way to promote @longdesc.
  • 28. In-Page Links Select links in content container(s) and then display the href value as text after the link. #Content a[href]:after { content: " [" attr(href) "] "; word-wrap: break-word; } #Content a[href^="#"]:after, #Content a[href^="tel"]:after, #Content a[href^="mailto"]:after, #Content a[href^="javascript"]:after { content: ""; } Yes, you can do the inverse selector, but then I don’t get to show the variations!
  • 29. First Round of Changes
  • 30. First Round of Changes
  • 31. Navigation • Get rid of the primary, secondary, tertiary navigation, • Remove social media links, • Remove other bits that won’t make sense when printed. #Nav, #FlyOutNav, #SubNav, .NoPrint, #SMLinks { display: none; }
  • 33. Breadcrumb Keep the breadcrumb as a wayfinding method, but reduce its size and don’t expand the links. #Bread a:link, #Bread a:visited { text-decoration: underline; color: #000; } #Bread { color: #000; font-size: 6pt; } #Bread > a:after { content: ""; }
  • 34. Banner • Change any text to print units, • Adjust colors, • Handle spacing, • Make sure you keep the logo. • Consider SVG.
  • 35. Footer • Change any text to print units, • Adjust colors, • Handle spacing, • Remove unneeded bits. footer { border-top: 1px solid #000; font-size: 6pt; color: #000; background-color: transparent; } footer p { margin: 0; color: #000; } footer p a::after { content: attr(data-alt); } footer img { display: none; }
  • 36. Page Breaks The CSS properties page-break-before, page- break-after and page-break-inside have the following values: • auto: default value, no specified behavior. • avoid: tries to avoid a page-break. • always: invokes a page-break (not for page-break- inside). • left | right: Tries to place element on the start of a page on the left or right, for when you are printing bound material (books, magazines, etc.) (not for page-break-inside).
  • 37. Further Consideration • Hide videos. • Hide controls for embedded audio. • Hide Flash movies. • Hide canvas elements (assuming interactive). • Don’t scale images to 100% width (looking at you, mobile styles and frameworks). • Determine if ads should be printed or not.
  • 40. Widows and Orphans Use these to control how many lines must be at the end of a page (orphans) or how many at the start of a page (widows). p { orphans: 3; /* 3 consecutive lines at end of page */ widows: 2; /* 2 lines at start of new page */ } Because widows and orphans are confusing:
  • 41. Invert Logos For those rare cases with a white logo where you can’t load an alternate image (Chrome & Safari only): Img#Logo { -webkit-filter: invert(100%); filter: invert(100%); } If you can load an alternate, a quick tutorial:
  • 42. QR Codes • They’re a personal (lifestyle) choice. • Allows more savvy users to get directly to the source of the printed page. • Easy to implement without burdening mobile users, users who do not print. • Not perfect – they don’t always fire in time.
  • 43. Call the QR Code <html> <head> <style> @media print { header::before { content: url(; } } </style> </head>
  • 44. QR Code in Use
  • 45. Mobile • Consider the explosion of mobile. • Same goals on mobile as desktop. • Mobile has played catch-up in print, but has arrived within past year. • Firefox & Safari print background colors. • Firefox used odd page size. • Android browser outputs raster PDF. Printing from Mobile Has Improved:
  • 48. TEST! • Print to PDF for your first (most) rounds. • Chrome Developer Tools (next slide). • Use every browser you can. • Use each browser visiting your site. • Change paper size (8.5" × 11", A4, etc.). • Change paper orientation. • Scale the content in the print dialog.
  • 49. Chrome Developer Tools 1. Open the drawer, 2. Select the Emulation tab, 3. Choose Screen, 4. At the bottom check CSS Media, 5. Choose print from the menu.
  • 52. Google Analytics • Call the GA tracking image, but only when the print styles get used. • Attach a custom event to that image. • View custom events in Google Analytics. • Identify which pages get printed. • Make sure that at least those pages print well. • For fun, compare to your carousel. Full tutorial:
  • 53. Query String Parameters Variable Description utmac Account String. Appears on all requests. This is your UA-#######-# ID. utmwv Tracking code version. While my standard GA requests use 5.4.0, I opted to use 4.3 for reasons I no longer recall. utmn Unique ID generated for each GIF request to prevent caching of the GIF image. I just concatenate the current year, month, day, hour, minute and second. utmhn Host Name of your site, which is a URL-encoded string. utmr Referral, complete URL. In this case I just insert a dash so it is not blank. utmp Page request of the current page. utmt Indicates the type of request, which is one of: event, transaction, item, or a custom variable. If you leave it blank, it defaults to page. Because I am tracking events, I use event. utme Extensible parameter. This is where you write your event. I use 5(Print*{page address}). utmcc Cookie values. This request parameter sends all the cookies requested from the page. It can get pretty long. It must be URL encoded. It must include __utma and __utmz values.
  • 55. Call the Image <html> <head> <style> @media print { header::after { content: url( 3&utmwv=4.3&utmn=2013326124551& utmr=&utmp=/Engage/Careers&utmt=event&utme=5%28Print*/Enga ge/Careers%29&utmcc=__utma%3D267504222.1477743002.13643147 22.1364314722.1364314722.1%3B%2B__utmb%3D267504222.17.7.13 64314901604%3B%2B__utmz%3D267504222.1364314722.1.1.utmcsr% 3D%28direct%29|utmccn%3D%28direct%29|utmcmd%3D%28none%29); } } </style> </head>
  • 59. Here or on Its Way • Browser support for existing features. • Electronic Books. • HTML5 as a publishing platform. • CSS3, CSS4.
  • 60. Page Rules The @page rule allows you to specify page margins (CSS 2.1), size and orientation (CSS3). @page { margin: 20cm; size: A4 landscape; } I recommend you do not use it and defer to user preferences.
  • 61. Left, Right, First Pages • Use @page rule with pseudo classes to specify right, left, first: • :right will affect the page on the right. • :left will affect the page on the left. • :first will affect the first page. • :blank will affect the blank pages resulting from forced break. • An @page rule with no pseudo classes applies to all pages.
  • 62. Bleed and Crops • The bleed property relies on the crops property having a value. • Bleed specifies how much the page can extend outside the page box: • <length> units, referring to width of page box. • Crop draws marks outside page box: • crop: shows where a page should be cut. • cross: used to align sheets.
  • 63. Boxes across Pages • The box-decoration-break specifies how a box’s background, margin and border behave when broken across pages: • slice: chops the box in two. • clone: duplicates the styles onto each box.
  • 64. Page Margin Boxes @page { @bottom-left { content: "Copyright me." } @bottom-right { counter-increment: page; content: "Page " counter(page); } }
  • 66. Further Reading • Tracking Printed Pages (or How to Validate Assumptions) • Make your website printable with CSS: • Calling QR in Print CSS Only When Needed: • Tracking When Users Print Pages: • Tips And Tricks For Print Style Sheets: • Printing The Web: • CSS Paged Media Level 2: • CSS Paged Media Module Level 3: • Proposals for the future of CSS Paged Media: • Can you typeset a book with CSS?
  • 67. Making Your Site Printable Presented by Adrian Roselli July 15, 2014 #CSSSummit