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JavaScript Patterns
Adding Tools to Your Toolbox
Derek Brown / @derekbrown
Can you drive a nail into a board using a Phillips-head
Yep. But it'll suck. Get a hammer, moron.
Why Patterns?
Great design patterns are reusable, modular expressions of
what's going on in your code. They allow you to
communicate to other developers simply by the way you
code, in addition to being easily maintainable themselves.
Put simply, patterns are the available tools in the
developer's toolbox.
The Patterns We'll Cover
There are hundreds of design patterns that can be
leveraged for use here in your code base. Ain't nobody got
time for that, so we'll cover only a few that are pretty
different from one another, but are prevalent in
applications, to get a glance at what's out there.
For each pattern, we'll look at the following:
Code Sample
Advantages & Disadvantages
Common Usage
Module / Revealing Module
You are already familiar with this pattern. Trust me. It's one
of the most common patterns on the web.
There can be only one....instance of this object.
A facade is exactly what it sounds like: makeup on a bulldog.
You're covering over complex, ugly things with a simplified
interface for future, more scalable development.
This pattern is useful for action-oriented objects.
The factory pattern lets you encapsulate multiple types of
objects within a categorical constructor.
This is a pattern that we've talked about previously, within
the context of Ember. But how can you implement a
publish/subscribe model yourself? And when should you?
Delegates are a pattern that allow for event-like
communication between components.
Module / Revealing Module
This is one of the most fundamental design patterns in the
JavaScript universe. It's primary use is to include both
private and public variables within a single class-like object
while at the same time protecting the private
methods/properties from the application.
Modules accomplish this encapsulation by using closures to
protect the private pieces while allowing the developer to
determine which pieces of the object should be publicly
exposed to the rest of the application.
Module / Revealing Module
vrmMdl =(ucin( {
a youe
fnto )
vrmPoet ='au'
a yrpry
rtr {
gtrpry fnto ( {
ePoet: ucin )
rtr mPoet;
eun yrpry
strpry fnto (eVle {
ePoet: ucin nwau)
mPoet =nwau;
mMdl.ePoet(;/ Rtrs'au'
youegtrpry) / eun Vle
youestrpry'e au';
mMdl.ePoet(;/ Rtrs'e Vle
youegtrpry) / eun Nw au'
Module / Revealing Module
My return object is going to get a bit messy....
Module / Revealing Module
vrmMdl =(ucin( {
a youe
fnto )
vrmPoet ='au'
a yrpry
fnto gtrpry( {
ucin ePoet )
rtr mPoet;
eun yrpry
fnto strpry(eVle {
ucin ePoet nwau)
mPoet =nwau;
rtr {
gt gtrpry
e: ePoet,
st strpry
e: ePoet
mMdl.e(;/ Rtrs'au'
youegt) / eun Vle
youest'e au';
mMdl.e(;/ Rtrs'e Vle
youegt) / eun Nw au'
Advantages: Module
Clean, readable, & consistent syntax.
Less clutter in the global namespace.
Allows developers to control scope of properties & methods.
Localization of functions & variables
Disadvantages: Module
Unit testing can be difficult if the methods aren't exposed.
Private methods are unaccessible.
Can't easily extend private methods.
Common Usage
Everything. <sarcasm>
But really.
The singleton pattern is extremely useful if you only one
instance of the object to ever exist. Basically, what occurs
within the Singleton pattern is that you write your object,
and then as a part of that object, you have an additional
method. This function simply checks if an instance of the
object already exists. If it does, use that instance. If not, then
create a new one and store the reference.
vrmSnltn=(ucin( {
a yigeo
fnto )
a ntne
mPoet ='au'
fnto gtrpry( {
ucin ePoet )
rtr mPoet;
eun yrpry
fnto strpry(eVle {
ucin ePoet nwau)
mPoet =nwau;
fnto iiilz ( {
ucin ntaie )
rtr {
gt gtrpry
e: ePoet,
st strpry
e: ePoet
rtr {
gtntne fnto ( {
eIsac: ucin )
i (!ntne){
isac =iiilz(;
Advantages: Singleton
Reduced memory usage
Single point of access
Delayed initialization prevents instantiation until required
Disadvantages: Singleton
Once an instance exists, it's difficult to "reset".
Harder to unit test.
Common Usage
Application Instances.
The facade pattern is often paired with other patterns to
add an extra layer of security while at the same time
providing a simpler interface to the underlying functionality.
vrmFcd =(ucin( {
a yaae
fnto )
vrmPoet ='au'
a yrpry
fnto gtrpry( {
ucin ePoet )
rtr mPoet;
eun yrpry
fnto strpry(eVle {
ucin ePoet nwau)
mPoet =nwau;
rtr {
gt fnto ( {rtr gtrpry) }
e: ucin )
eun ePoet(; ,
st fnto (eVle {strprynwau) }
e: ucin nwau)
Advantages: Facade
Enhances security, as internal functions aren't exposed.
Easy to implement
Works well with other design patterns.
Easy to patch internals
Provides a simple public interface
Disadvantages: Facade
Is the cost of implementation really worth the extra layer of
Common Usage
One of the most prevalent uses of the Facade pattern ever:
The command pattern completely separates the
implementation and execution of methods. Usually, in order
to execute a method, you directly invoke the method itself.
The command pattern takes the name of the method to
execute as an argument into an "execute" or "run" method
on the command object, applying the rest of the arguments
list to the function being invoked.
In most programming, objects represent nouns. In the
command pattern, objects are verbs.
a yomn

rqetaa fnto (d atiue {
eusDt: ucin i, trbt)
rtr 'aaatiue'+atiue+'hsbe rqetdfrojc '
eun Dt trbt
a en euse o bet

ceraa fnto (d atiue {
laDt: ucin i, trbt)
rtr 'h dt atiue'+atiue+'hsbe rstfrojc '
eun Te aa trbt
a en ee o bet
mCmadrn=fnto (omn){
ucin cmad
rtr mCmadcmadrqet(omn.d cmadatiue
eun yomn[]cmadi, omn.trbt)

Atraiey ternfnto cudlo lk ti,wihwudps eta
lentvl, h u ucin ol ok ie hs hc ol as xr
mCmadrn=fnto (omn){
ucin cmad
rtr [.lc.alagmns 1)
eun yomn[omn]apy yomn, ]siecl(ruet, );
o fragmnls cmad,yucng ee smlr
r o ruetes omns o a o vn ipe:
mCmadrn=fnto (omn){
ucin cmad
Advantages: Command
Decouples implementation from execution, which allows for
extensibility while minimizing code changes.
Stacking command objects allows you to cache them, store them in a
history, or otherwise manipulate them. Undo, anyone?
Disadvantages: Command
Counter-intuitive to most OOP practices.
Very limited use to 'verb-centric' applications.
Common Usage
Command Line Interfaces for Node.js
The factory pattern is as a interface that can be used to
create objects, usually which belong to a set or category.
The factory takes in the attributes of the object to be
created, and then returns a new instance of our object.
fnto Mngr(cni ){
ucin aae
ofg| 'ihe Sot;
ofgnm | Mcal ct'
ti.oe=cni.oe| 0
ofgrl | ;| 'iheSot2'
ofgue | Mcalct13;
fnto Cnrbtr(cni ){
ucin otiuo
ofg| 'o Sih;
ofgnm | Bb mt'
ti.oe=cni.oe| 1
ofgrl | ;| 'oSih2'
ofgue | Bbmt13;| 'iheSot2'
ofgmg | Mcalct13;
fnto Cnrco (cni ){
ucin otatr
ofg| 'onDe;
ofgnm | Jh o'
ti.oe=cni.oe| 2
ofgrl | ;| 'ono13;
ofgue | JhDe2'| 'iheSot2'
ofgmg | Mcalct13;
ti.em=cni.em| ' mnh'
ofgtr | 6 ots;
fnto WreFcoy){
ucin okratr( }
WreFcoypooyehrSmoe=fnto (cni )
ofg {
Advantages: Factory
Allows the sharing of properties across multiple objects.
Extremely useful when object or component setup is complex.
Also useful when you need to generate different instances based on
Disadvantages: Factory
Fairly complex for smaller applications.
Garbage collection can have high overhead.
Can introduce problems with unit testing.
Common Usage
Address Book (contacts), To-Do App (tasks)
In the observer pattern, a type of publish-subscribe pattern,
there is an object (often called the subject or observable)
that notifies other objects (observers) of any changes that
occur to the state of the subject. The observers are often
maintained in a list on the observable, to be iterated upon
when a change occurs.
vrosre ={
a bevr
adusrbr fnto (alak {
dSbcie: ucin clbc)
rmvSbcie:fnto (alak {
eoeusrbr ucin clbc)
fr(a i=0 i<ti.usrbr.egh i+ {
o vr
hssbcieslnt; +)
i (hssbciesi ==clbc){
f ti.usrbr[] = alak
pbih fnto (ht {
uls: ucin wa)
fr(a i=0 i<ti.usrbr.egh i+ {
o vr
hssbcieslnt; +)
Source: For another example using Ember's implementation, check out Chad Hietala's Connection
i ( y e f t i . u s r b rrepository. ' u c i n ) {
f tpo hssbciesi == fnto'
Viewer [ ] =
mkPbihr fnto (){/ trsa ojc it apbihr
aeulse: ucin o
/ un n bet no
fr(a ii ti){
o vr
n hs
oi =ti[]
Advantages: Observer
Faciliates application-level thinking.
Removes direct relationships that are often unnecessary.
Can relate objects without tightly coupling them.
Disadvantages: Observer
There is no way to know if the other end of the telephone is still
Subscribers aren't aware of one another.
Common Usage
YUI Custom Events. Ember Observables.
In the delegate pattern, an object (the delegator) offloads a
task to an associated helper object (the delegate), rather
than performing the task itself. Often times, this is within an
MVC framework or architecture, involving a Controller as
the delegator.
vrVeCas=fnto ( {
a iwls
ucin )
rtr {
ii :fnto (l {
ucin e)
a e

/ RQIE:dlgt sol hv aveWslce mto ipee
/ EURD eeae hud ae
iwaCikd ehd mlmn
e.n'lc' hsdlgt.iwaCikd;
dlgt :nl
vrCnrleCas=fnto ( {
a otolrls
ucin )
rtr {
veWslce :fnto (){
ucin e
Source: David Drew's fantastic article on implementing Objective-C Delegates in JavaScript
cnoelg' wscle!)
osl.o(I a ald';
vrcnrle =nwCnrleCas)
a otolr
e otolrls(;
vrve =nwVeCas)
a iw
e iwls(;
Advantages: Delegate
Delegation allows for loose coupling without global eventing.
Easy to maintain structure within an application.
Disadvantages: Delegate
No well-structured way to enforce delegation attachment.
Assignment of delegate takes place prior to initialization.
Common Usage
Most MVC frameworks at least involve delegation in their
design in some regard, due to the interaction between
models, views, and controllers.
Helpful Resources & Reading
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani
JavaScript Patterns on GitHub
Carl Danley: JavaScript Design Patterns
JavaScript Design Patterns on Adobe DevNet
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
Zakas on the Factory Pattern
JavaScript Design Patterns

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JavaScript Design Patterns

  • 2. Question Can you drive a nail into a board using a Phillips-head screwdriver?
  • 3. Answer Yep. But it'll suck. Get a hammer, moron.
  • 4. Why Patterns? Great design patterns are reusable, modular expressions of what's going on in your code. They allow you to communicate to other developers simply by the way you code, in addition to being easily maintainable themselves. Put simply, patterns are the available tools in the developer's toolbox.
  • 5. The Patterns We'll Cover There are hundreds of design patterns that can be leveraged for use here in your code base. Ain't nobody got time for that, so we'll cover only a few that are pretty different from one another, but are prevalent in applications, to get a glance at what's out there. For each pattern, we'll look at the following: Definition Code Sample Advantages & Disadvantages Common Usage
  • 6. Module / Revealing Module You are already familiar with this pattern. Trust me. It's one of the most common patterns on the web.
  • 7. Singleton There can be only one....instance of this object.
  • 8. Facade A facade is exactly what it sounds like: makeup on a bulldog. You're covering over complex, ugly things with a simplified interface for future, more scalable development.
  • 9. Command This pattern is useful for action-oriented objects.
  • 10. Factory The factory pattern lets you encapsulate multiple types of objects within a categorical constructor.
  • 11. Observer This is a pattern that we've talked about previously, within the context of Ember. But how can you implement a publish/subscribe model yourself? And when should you?
  • 12. Delegate Delegates are a pattern that allow for event-like communication between components.
  • 13. Module / Revealing Module This is one of the most fundamental design patterns in the JavaScript universe. It's primary use is to include both private and public variables within a single class-like object while at the same time protecting the private methods/properties from the application. Modules accomplish this encapsulation by using closures to protect the private pieces while allowing the developer to determine which pieces of the object should be publicly exposed to the rest of the application.
  • 14. Module / Revealing Module vrmMdl =(ucin( { a youe fnto ) vrmPoet ='au' a yrpry Vle; rtr { eun gtrpry fnto ( { ePoet: ucin ) rtr mPoet; eun yrpry } , strpry fnto (eVle { ePoet: ucin nwau) mPoet =nwau; yrpry eVle } } ; }(; )) mMdl.ePoet(;/ Rtrs'au' youegtrpry) / eun Vle mMdl.ePoet(NwVle) youestrpry'e au'; mMdl.ePoet(;/ Rtrs'e Vle youegtrpry) / eun Nw au'
  • 15. Module / Revealing Module My return object is going to get a bit messy....
  • 16. Module / Revealing Module vrmMdl =(ucin( { a youe fnto ) vrmPoet ='au' a yrpry Vle; fnto gtrpry( { ucin ePoet ) rtr mPoet; eun yrpry } fnto strpry(eVle { ucin ePoet nwau) mPoet =nwau; yrpry eVle } rtr { eun gt gtrpry e: ePoet, st strpry e: ePoet } ; }(; )) mMdl.e(;/ Rtrs'au' youegt) / eun Vle mMdl.e(NwVle) youest'e au'; mMdl.e(;/ Rtrs'e Vle youegt) / eun Nw au'
  • 17. Advantages: Module Clean, readable, & consistent syntax. Less clutter in the global namespace. Allows developers to control scope of properties & methods. Localization of functions & variables
  • 18. Disadvantages: Module Unit testing can be difficult if the methods aren't exposed. Private methods are unaccessible. Can't easily extend private methods.
  • 20. Singleton The singleton pattern is extremely useful if you only one instance of the object to ever exist. Basically, what occurs within the Singleton pattern is that you write your object, and then as a part of that object, you have an additional method. This function simply checks if an instance of the object already exists. If it does, use that instance. If not, then create a new one and store the reference.
  • 21. Singleton vrmSnltn=(ucin( { a yigeo fnto ) vrisac, a ntne mPoet ='au' yrpry Vle; fnto gtrpry( { ucin ePoet ) rtr mPoet; eun yrpry } fnto strpry(eVle { ucin ePoet nwau) mPoet =nwau; yrpry eVle } fnto iiilz ( { ucin ntaie ) rtr { eun gt gtrpry e: ePoet, st strpry e: ePoet } ; } rtr { eun gtntne fnto ( { eIsac: ucin ) i (!ntne){ f isac isac =iiilz(; ntne ntaie)
  • 22. Advantages: Singleton Reduced memory usage Single point of access Delayed initialization prevents instantiation until required
  • 23. Disadvantages: Singleton Once an instance exists, it's difficult to "reset". Harder to unit test.
  • 25. Facade The facade pattern is often paired with other patterns to add an extra layer of security while at the same time providing a simpler interface to the underlying functionality.
  • 26. Facade vrmFcd =(ucin( { a yaae fnto ) vrmPoet ='au' a yrpry Vle; fnto gtrpry( { ucin ePoet ) rtr mPoet; eun yrpry } ; fnto strpry(eVle { ucin ePoet nwau) mPoet =nwau; yrpry eVle } rtr { eun gt fnto ( {rtr gtrpry) } e: ucin ) eun ePoet(; , st fnto (eVle {strprynwau) } e: ucin nwau) ePoet(eVle; } ; }(; ))
  • 27. Advantages: Facade Enhances security, as internal functions aren't exposed. Easy to implement Works well with other design patterns. Easy to patch internals Provides a simple public interface
  • 28. Disadvantages: Facade Is the cost of implementation really worth the extra layer of abstraction?
  • 29. Common Usage One of the most prevalent uses of the Facade pattern ever: jQuery
  • 30. Command The command pattern completely separates the implementation and execution of methods. Usually, in order to execute a method, you directly invoke the method itself. The command pattern takes the name of the method to execute as an argument into an "execute" or "run" method on the command object, applying the rest of the arguments list to the function being invoked. In most programming, objects represent nouns. In the command pattern, objects are verbs.
  • 31. Command vrmCmad={ a yomn rqetaa fnto (d atiue { eusDt: ucin i, trbt) rtr 'aaatiue'+atiue+'hsbe rqetdfrojc ' eun Dt trbt trbt a en euse o bet } , ceraa fnto (d atiue { laDt: ucin i, trbt) rtr 'h dt atiue'+atiue+'hsbe rstfrojc ' eun Te aa trbt trbt a en ee o bet } } mCmadrn=fnto (omn){ yomn.u ucin cmad rtr mCmadcmadrqet(omn.d cmadatiue eun yomn[]cmadi, omn.trbt) } ; / * Atraiey ternfnto cudlo lk ti,wihwudps eta lentvl, h u ucin ol ok ie hs hc ol as xr mCmadrn=fnto (omn){ yomn.u ucin cmad rtr [.lc.alagmns 1) eun yomn[omn]apy yomn, ]siecl(ruet, ); } ; o fragmnls cmad,yucng ee smlr r o ruetes omns o a o vn ipe: mCmadrn=fnto (omn){ yomn.u ucin cmad
  • 32. Advantages: Command Decouples implementation from execution, which allows for extensibility while minimizing code changes. Stacking command objects allows you to cache them, store them in a history, or otherwise manipulate them. Undo, anyone?
  • 33. Disadvantages: Command Counter-intuitive to most OOP practices. Very limited use to 'verb-centric' applications.
  • 35. Factory The factory pattern is as a interface that can be used to create objects, usually which belong to a set or category. The factory takes in the attributes of the object to be created, and then returns a new instance of our object.
  • 36. Factory fnto Mngr(cni ){ ucin aae ofg| 'ihe Sot; hsnm ofgnm | Mcal ct' ti.oe=cni.oe| 0 hsrl ofgrl | ;| 'iheSot2' hsue ofgue | Mcalct13; } fnto Cnrbtr(cni ){ ucin otiuo ofg| 'o Sih; hsnm ofgnm | Bb mt' ti.oe=cni.oe| 1 hsrl ofgrl | ;| 'oSih2' hsue ofgue | Bbmt13;| 'iheSot2' hsmg ofgmg | Mcalct13; } fnto Cnrco (cni ){ ucin otatr ofg| 'onDe; hsnm ofgnm | Jh o' ti.oe=cni.oe| 2 hsrl ofgrl | ;| 'ono13; hsue ofgue | JhDe2'| 'iheSot2' hsmg ofgmg | Mcalct13; ti.em=cni.em| ' mnh' hstr ofgtr | 6 ots; } fnto WreFcoy){ ucin okratr( } WreFcoypooyeepoeCas=Cnrbtr okratr.rttp.mlyels otiuo; WreFcoypooyehrSmoe=fnto (cni ) okratr.rttp.ieoen ucin ofg {
  • 37. Advantages: Factory Allows the sharing of properties across multiple objects. Extremely useful when object or component setup is complex. Also useful when you need to generate different instances based on context.
  • 38. Disadvantages: Factory Fairly complex for smaller applications. Garbage collection can have high overhead. Can introduce problems with unit testing.
  • 40. Observer In the observer pattern, a type of publish-subscribe pattern, there is an object (often called the subject or observable) that notifies other objects (observers) of any changes that occur to the state of the subject. The observers are often maintained in a list on the observable, to be iterated upon when a change occurs.
  • 41. Observer vrosre ={ a bevr adusrbr fnto (alak { dSbcie: ucin clbc) ti.usrbr[hssbcieslnt]=clbc; hssbciesti.usrbr.egh alak } , rmvSbcie:fnto (alak { eoeusrbr ucin clbc) fr(a i=0 i<ti.usrbr.egh i+ { o vr ; hssbcieslnt; +) i (hssbciesi ==clbc){ f ti.usrbr[] = alak dlt(hssbciesi) eeeti.usrbr[]; } } } , pbih fnto (ht { uls: ucin wa) fr(a i=0 i<ti.usrbr.egh i+ { o vr ; hssbcieslnt; +) Source: For another example using Ember's implementation, check out Chad Hietala's Connection i ( y e f t i . u s r b rrepository. ' u c i n ) { f tpo hssbciesi == fnto' Viewer [ ] = ti.usrbr[]wa) hssbciesi(ht; } } } , mkPbihr fnto (){/ trsa ojc it apbihr aeulse: ucin o / un n bet no ulse fr(a ii ti){ o vr n hs oi =ti[] [] hsi; osbcies=[; .usrbr ]
  • 42. Advantages: Observer Faciliates application-level thinking. Removes direct relationships that are often unnecessary. Can relate objects without tightly coupling them.
  • 43. Disadvantages: Observer There is no way to know if the other end of the telephone is still listening. Subscribers aren't aware of one another.
  • 44. Common Usage YUI Custom Events. Ember Observables.
  • 45. Delegate In the delegate pattern, an object (the delegator) offloads a task to an associated helper object (the delegate), rather than performing the task itself. Often times, this is within an MVC framework or architecture, involving a Controller as the delegator.
  • 46. Delegate vrVeCas=fnto ( { a iwls ucin ) rtr { eun ii :fnto (l { nt ucin e) vr$l=$e) a e (l; / RQIE:dlgt sol hv aveWslce mto ipee / EURD eeae hud ae iwaCikd ehd mlmn $lo(cik,ti.eeaeveWslce) e.n'lc' hsdlgt.iwaCikd; } , dlgt :nl eeae ul } ; } ; vrCnrleCas=fnto ( { a otolrls ucin ) rtr { eun veWslce :fnto (){ iwaCikd ucin e Source: David Drew's fantastic article on implementing Objective-C Delegates in JavaScript cnoelg' wscle!) osl.o(I a ald'; } } } ; vrcnrle =nwCnrleCas) a otolr e otolrls(; vrve =nwVeCas) a iw e iwls(; ve.eeae=cnrle; iwdlgt otolr ve.ntdcmn.eEeetyd'yedr); iwii(ouetgtlmnBI(mHae')
  • 47. Advantages: Delegate Delegation allows for loose coupling without global eventing. Easy to maintain structure within an application.
  • 48. Disadvantages: Delegate No well-structured way to enforce delegation attachment. Assignment of delegate takes place prior to initialization.
  • 49. Common Usage Most MVC frameworks at least involve delegation in their design in some regard, due to the interaction between models, views, and controllers.
  • 50. Helpful Resources & Reading Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani JavaScript Patterns on GitHub Carl Danley: JavaScript Design Patterns JavaScript Design Patterns on Adobe DevNet Pro JavaScript Design Patterns Zakas on the Factory Pattern JavaScript Design Patterns
  • 51. Fin.