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How I built a REST microservice
DevNet API
Ashley Roach – Cisco DevNet
Principal Engineer & Evangelist
About Me
• API & Cloud Evangelist
• 10+ Yrs Technical Product Mgmt
• Life-long, self-taught developer
• Denver, CO
• &
• Podcast:
DevNet Vision
Help developers build solutions
and grow their careers.
Learn Code Inspire Monetize
• §1: Why and What
• §2: Show the code

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How to build a Whatsapp clone in 2 hours
How to build a Whatsapp clone in 2 hoursHow to build a Whatsapp clone in 2 hours
How to build a Whatsapp clone in 2 hours

This document provides an overview of how to build a basic WhatsApp-like chat application in 2 hours using Skygear and other tools. It discusses the necessary skills, features, and steps including setting up the project, configuring Skygear, signing up users, creating conversations, sending and receiving messages. The document is intended as a technical discussion and not a recommendation to clone other products.

Enhance existing REST APIs (e.g. Facebook Graph API) with code completion us...
Enhance existing REST APIs  (e.g. Facebook Graph API) with code completion us...Enhance existing REST APIs  (e.g. Facebook Graph API) with code completion us...
Enhance existing REST APIs (e.g. Facebook Graph API) with code completion us...

Explains how you can add code completion to an existing third-party API (e.g. Facebook Graph API) using Swagger-Codegen Devoxx Belgium Nov. 2015

swaggerfacebook graph apiswagger-codegen
Implement Web API with Swagger
Implement Web API with SwaggerImplement Web API with Swagger
Implement Web API with Swagger

Swagger is a description standard of REST API. I will show you features of Swagger UI, and how to make it out with grape and grape-swagger. At the end introduces PostgREST and emphasizes DRY principle.

rubyconftwgrape swagger
§1: Why and What
Cross-train our technical
What Did We Do?
• Created background “mini-hacks” activity at
sales conference
• Needed a way for them to submit answers
• Why not make them do it via an API?!
How we ran it
• Three challenges per day (Jive site)
• Answers were provided at the beginning of the next day
• Support via a Cisco Spark room
• Submissions were analyzed after the event
• Small monetary rewards to top 3 finishers

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Khaleel Ahmed has over 8 years of experience in DevOps, build engineering, and release engineering. He has extensive experience with configuration management tools like Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, and deployment automation using scripts. He has deployed applications on various platforms and environments including AWS.


This document contains Nick Yefimov's resume. It summarizes his qualifications and experience in programming, testing, and leading QA teams. It lists the programming languages, technologies, and tools he has experience with. It also provides details on his professional experience at various companies from 2004 to the present, where he performed tasks like test automation, test planning, API testing, and leading QA teams.

Crystal clear service interfaces w/ Swagger/OpenAPI
Crystal clear service interfaces w/ Swagger/OpenAPICrystal clear service interfaces w/ Swagger/OpenAPI
Crystal clear service interfaces w/ Swagger/OpenAPI

Learn how to better communicate between Python services. We'll use simple-to-follow examples and go from a service with undocumented endpoints to one which has full docs and validation on requests. Learn how to use Swagger tooling for python, including the bravado (client) and pyramid_swagger (server) libraries. In the end, you'll (hopefully!) find nirvana and make the machines do all the hard work for you.

Solution evaluation was hardest part
• Wrote a CLI
• Created manually, but could have used swagger-code-
• Wrote test cases
• Manual validation in the end
§ 2: Show the code
Project Requirements
• Build an API quickly (~a couple days)
• Data Persistence
• User and API Authorization
• Only an API (No UI for user)
• Package in a “cloud native” way

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Writer APIs in Java faster with Swagger Inflector
Writer APIs in Java faster with Swagger InflectorWriter APIs in Java faster with Swagger Inflector
Writer APIs in Java faster with Swagger Inflector

Swagger provides a clean contract for your REST API. Swagger Inflector is a project which uses Swagger as the language of the API, automatically wiring REST endpoints directly to controllers in the Jersey 2.x framework. By doing so, the specification and code are always up to date, removing potentially error-prone redundant code and bringing development on the JDK up to speed with typeless languages.

Design Driven API Development
Design Driven API DevelopmentDesign Driven API Development
Design Driven API Development

This document discusses design-driven API development using API description languages like Swagger and RAML. It recommends generating documentation and code from a single API schema to avoid inconsistencies. This approach allows server code and related resources like SDKs and tests to be generated from the schema rather than developed separately. The document provides an example using Swagger-Node, Swagger-JS, and React to build a Hacker News API with automatically generated server code and client.

web api#apijpio.js
Designing APIs with OpenAPI Spec
Designing APIs with OpenAPI SpecDesigning APIs with OpenAPI Spec
Designing APIs with OpenAPI Spec

A look into designing and build RESTful APIs using OpenApi Specification and Swagger tools, with examples in Node.js.

Infrastructure Architecture
Technologies involved and evaluated
• I know MEAN stack (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node)
• I wanted to try out building using a REST modeling tool
• Swagger-node
• Osprey (RAML-based): seemed less feature rich
• Containerized to be deployed on
• GitHub
• Postman
• MongoHub (Mongo client)
• mLab (Hosted mongo)
OpenAPI Spec (fka Swagger)
• Open specification for describing REST APIs
• A top-down approach where you would use
the Swagger Editor to create your Swagger definition
and then use the integrated Swagger Codegen tools to
generate server implementation.
• A bottom-up approach where you have an existing
REST API for which you want to create a Swagger
FROM node:5.11.1
# Create app directory
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
# Establish where your CMD will execute
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Bundle app source into the container
COPY ./node_modules /usr/src/app/node_modules
COPY ./api /usr/src/app/api
COPY ./config /usr/src/app/config
COPY ./app.js /usr/src/app/
# Expose the port for the app
EXPOSE 10010
# Execute "node app.js"
CMD ["node", "app.js"]

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Hiring the right developer for your startup can be wearying. In this bitesized Garage Academy session, Ben Cheng, CEO of Oursky will provide you with all the tips for hiring your first developer -- from app development team structure to recruitment to management. About the speaker: Ben Cheng is the CEO of Oursky, a Hong Kong-based app dev studio that helps entrepreneurs and startups turn their ideas into reality. He has driven the company’s vision, strategy, and growth since its inception in 2008, and grown the technology-driven team from 3 to over 40 in Hong Kong and Taipei. ABOUT OURSKY: Founded in 2008, Oursky has developed web & mobile apps for startups and enterprises such as ASOS and Thomson Reuters. In 2015, 60% of Oursky's published iOS apps were featured in Apple's App Store and one was selected as a Best of 2013 App.

Understanding how to use Swagger and its tools
Understanding how to use Swagger and its toolsUnderstanding how to use Swagger and its tools
Understanding how to use Swagger and its tools

Swagger is a toolset for designing, building, documenting, and using RESTful APIs. It includes tools like swagger-editor for designing APIs, swagger-ui for documenting and testing APIs, and swagger-codegen for building servers and clients from API definitions. The tools support the API lifecycle from design through documentation, testing, building, and operation. Integration workflows allow using multiple Swagger tools together such as designing an API with swagger-editor and generating servers and clients with swagger-codegen.

Swagger in the API Lifecycle
Swagger in the API LifecycleSwagger in the API Lifecycle
Swagger in the API Lifecycle

Short presentation on what Swagger is and isn't - and how it fits into the API lifecycle. Presented at NYC ApiCraft meetup 4/29/2015

swagger rest api lifecycle tools readyapi
Docker run --link
• Legacy container links within the Docker default bridge.
• This is a bridge network named bridge created
automatically when you install Docker.
• Superceeded by Docker Networks feature
docker run --rm --name $(NAME)-$(INSTANCE) $(LINK)
$ make run
$ docker run --rm --name devnet-challenge-api-default
--link mymongo:mongo -p 8080:10010 --env-file=.env
Node Libraries Used
• Swagger-node
• Express: Node HTTP server
• Bcrypt: Password hashing in DB
• Mongoose: Node mongo library
• Jsonwebtoken: JWT library
• Password-generator: generate random passwords
• Marked: Convert Markdown to HTML for docs
• Runtime environment that includes Swagger Editor
• swagger project <command>
• Start
• Edit
• node app.js for proper deployments

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Swagger 2.0: Latest and Greatest
Swagger 2.0: Latest and GreatestSwagger 2.0: Latest and Greatest
Swagger 2.0: Latest and Greatest

A look at the latest from the Swagger team, including a Swagger 2.0 overview, the Swagger Editor, and design-first API development using Swagger 2.0

apiproduct managementsoftware development
Swagger 2.0 and Model-driven APIs
Swagger 2.0 and Model-driven APIsSwagger 2.0 and Model-driven APIs
Swagger 2.0 and Model-driven APIs

Learn what is coming with the first major revision to the world’s most successful API framework. Tony Tam, the founder of Swagger, discusses the new workflows, tooling, and a more descriptive specification that Swagger 2.0 brings.

apisapi modeling#iloveapis2014
API Developer Experience: Why it Matters, and How Documenting Your API with S...
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API Developer Experience: Why it Matters, and How Documenting Your API with S...

Whether you’re new to Swagger, or have already been using the framework for API design, there’s a good chance you still have questions about how to improve your API documentation. Creating API documentation your consumers will love can take some work, but the investment will have a significant payoff in the form of a great developer experience, easier implementation, and improved adoption of your API. This presentation covers good developer experience in detail, focusing on why and how to provide an optimal experience for developers using your API. We will also cover how Swagger has changed the API design and documentation landscape, and finally show some good practices for API documentation using Swagger in SwaggerHub’s integrated API development platform. Things to expect in this webinar: What is Developer Experience (DX)? What does it mean for an API to have good DX? API documentation in the context of good DX? An introduction to the Swagger framework Designing APIs from a usability perspective using Swagger and SwaggerHub

apidocumentationapi documentation
Swagger Editor
My swagger-node workflow
Model &
Make build
& run
git add /
commit /
├── Dockerfile
├── api
│ ├── controllers
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── authenticate.controller.js
│ │ ├── challenge.controller.js
│ │ ├── challenge.model.js
│ │ ├── health.controller.js
│ │ ├── user.controller.js
│ │ └── user.model.js
│ ├── helpers
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── mongoose
│ │ ├── common-fields.js
│ │ └── search.js
│ ├── mocks
│ │ └──
│ └── swagger
│ └── swagger.yaml
Correspond to swagger
// swagger.yaml
• x-swagger-router-controller
• operationId
Anatomy of project
# swagger.yaml
paths: /users:
x-swagger-router-controller: user.controller
description: Create a user account
operationId: createUser
- application/json
- name: user
in: body
description: Your requested username
required: true
$ref: "#/definitions/NewUser"
description: "created user"
$ref: "#/definitions/NewUserResponse"
description: Bad request (duplicate user)
$ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
description: "unexpected error"
$ref: "#/definitions/ErrorResponse"
// user.controller.js
exports.createUser = function(req, res) { }

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Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)
Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)
Swagger APIs for Humans and Robots (Gluecon)

Presentation to Gluecon 2014 about Swagger for API development and adoption of services. Reverb also announced the Swagger 2.0 Working Group, with Apigee as a founding member

API Design first with Swagger
API Design first with SwaggerAPI Design first with Swagger
API Design first with Swagger

Presented at JavaOne 2016. Using Swagger has become the most popular way to describe REST APIs across the web, enabling people to more quickly understand and communicate with services, with developer-friendly documentation and rich, autogenerated client SDKs. As the API has moved more into being one of the most important aspects of a service, the Swagger definition has become increasingly more important and essential to the design phase. This presentation explains how the Swagger definition can be used to streamline the iteration process and enable client and server engineers to develop concurrently with complex APIs.

Open Source Tools for Container Security and Compliance @Docker LA Meetup 2/13
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Open Source Tools for Container Security and Compliance @Docker LA Meetup 2/13

This document discusses open-source tools for security and compliance using Docker containers. It introduces Anchore, an open-source tool that allows deep inspection of container images to check for compliance with policies. Anchore performs image scanning, analyzes operating system packages and artifacts, checks for secrets or source code, and validates Dockerfiles. It generates reports on findings and can integrate with DevOps pipelines using plug-ins for notifications and policy enforcement. Anchore is open-source, extensible, and provides both a web interface and command line tools.
├── app.js
├── config
│ ├──
│ ├── default.yaml
│ └── seeds
│ └── basic.js
├── env_make
├── Makefile
├── package.json
├── static
│ ├── css
│ │ └── main.css
│ └──
└── test
└── api
├── controllers
│ ├──
│ ├── authenticate.js
│ └── health.js
└── helpers
// app.js
var express = require('express');
• Swagger-node provides fast REST API creation
• Prototyping, mocking
• Spec-first development was an adjustment
• Container-based workflows made deployment
super simple
Helpful Links

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Drupal workshop ist 2014
Drupal workshop ist 2014Drupal workshop ist 2014
Drupal workshop ist 2014

1) O documento apresenta um workshop sobre Drupal realizado pela Drupal Portugal em 28 de Abril de 2014. 2) É introduzido o que é Drupal, como funciona a comunidade Drupal Portugal e como utilizar e customizar sites com Drupal. 3) O workshop inclui demonstrações práticas de como criar e gerir conteúdo, utilizadores, módulos e traduções em Drupal.

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Story of an investigation to improve cloud The sad VirtualMachine story Containers and non-containers DEMO - Drupal Docker Drupal Testbots story in a Glance Docker as a testing automation factor DEMO - Docker Tesbot Integration path

How To Train Your APIs
How To Train Your APIsHow To Train Your APIs
How To Train Your APIs

Originally presented at API Strat and Practice conference in Boston 2016 by me and Mandy Whaley, this presentation shows the multiple archetypes that you could encounter while trying to govern APIs at your company.

cisco devnetapisapi governance
Thank you!
Building a REST API Microservice for the DevNet API Scavenger Hunt

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