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of testing
ISTQB Foundation Level
1. Tesing process
2. Psychology of testing
3. Exam
Testing process
 (K2) Explain the impact of context on the test process
 (2) Describe the test activities and respective tasks within the
test process
 (K2) Differentiate the work products that support the test process
 (K2) Explain the value of maintaining traceability between the
test basis and test work products

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ISTQB foundation level - day 2ISTQB foundation level - day 2
ISTQB foundation level - day 2

The document provides an agenda for Day 2 of an ISTQB Foundation Level training which includes the following topics: test design techniques like test analysis, test design, equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, use case testing and experience-based testing. It also discusses test management topics like test leader and tester roles and responsibilities, test plan vs test strategy, estimation techniques, configuration management, risk based testing, exploratory testing and defect management. The last sections provide overviews of tool support for testing and an exercise on classifying different types of triangles based on side lengths.

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Chapter 4 - Quality Characteristics for Technical Testing
Chapter 4 - Quality Characteristics for Technical TestingChapter 4 - Quality Characteristics for Technical Testing
Chapter 4 - Quality Characteristics for Technical Testing

The document discusses quality characteristics for technical testing, focusing on reliability testing. It provides definitions and explanations of reliability sub-characteristics like maturity, fault tolerance, and recoverability. It describes approaches to measuring software maturity and reliability over time. Types of reliability tests discussed include fault tolerance testing, recoverability (failover and backup/restore) testing, and availability testing. General guidance is provided on planning and specifying reliability tests, noting the need for production-like environments and long test durations to obtain statistically significant results.

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Software Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing Trends
Software Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing TrendsSoftware Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing Trends
Software Testing Process, Testing Automation and Software Testing Trends

This is the slide deck that KMS Technology's experts shared useful information about latest and greatest achievements of software testing field with lecturers of HCMC University of Industry.

testing processsoftware testingkms technology
Test process in Context
Contextual factors that influence the test process for an organization:
 Software development lifecycle model and project methodologies
 Test levels and test types being considered
 Product and project risks
 Business domain
 Operational constraints (Budgets and resources, Timescales,
Complexity, Contractual and regulatory requirements)
 Organizational policies and practices
 Required internal and external standards
Test Activities and Task
 Test planning
 Test monitoring and control
 Test analysis
 Test design
 Test implementation
 Test execution
 Test completion
Each activity within each group of activities consist of multiple
individual tasks, which would vary from one project or release to
Test planning
• Define the objectives of testing
• Define the approach for meeting test objectives within constraints
imposed by the context
Work product: Test plan
• Test basic
• Tracebility information (exit criteria)
Test monitoring and control
• Comparing actual progress against the test plan
• Taking actions necessary to meet the objectives of the test plan
• Checking test results and logs against specified coverage criteria
• Assessing the level of component/system quality based on test results and log
• Determining if more tests are needed

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QA Should be led from top down and implemented from bottom up. A presentation by Moti Demri, QA consultant and manager, experienced in building QA teams from the ground up, establishing market level standards (ISO 9000, CMMI) , processes, and testing methodologies for both manual and automated testing. Presented November 2013 to the JAX Chamber IT Council.

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This is a free module from my course ISTQB CTAL Test Manager revised to 2012 syllabus. If you need full training feel free to contact me by email ( or by mobile (+201223600207).

istqbtest manager

This Slideshare will give you the basics introduction of the ISTQB Foundation level testing certification. ISTQB stands for the “International Software Testing Qualifications Board.” ISTQB Certification is a universally acknowledged programming testing affirmation that is directed online by its Member Boards through a testing Exam Provider.

Test monitoring and control
Work product: Test report (test progress report, Test summary report)
• Audience-relevant details about the test progress as of the date of the report
• Summarizing the test execution results
• Address project management concerns, such as task completion, resource
allocation and usage, and effort.
Test analysis
Task: identify what to test
• Analyzing the test basis appropriate to the test level being considered
• Evaluating the test basis and test items to identify defects of various types
• Identifying features and sets of features to be tested
• Defining and prioritizing test conditions for each feature based on analysis of the test
basis, and considering functional, non-functional, and structural characteristics, other
business and technical factors, and levels of risks
• Capturing bi-directional traceability between each element of the test basis and the
associated test conditions
Test analysis
Work products:
• Test condition (include priority)
• Testabel features
Task: identify how to test
• Designing and prioritizing test cases and sets of test cases
• Identifying necessary test data to support test conditions and test cases
• Designing the test environment and identifying any required infrastructure
and tools
• Capturing bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions,
test cases, and test procedures
Test design

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ISTQB Foundation Level Basic. It is prepared to give basic information about testing to IT Department.

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ISTQB / ISEB Foundation Exam Practice - 5

The document discusses various aspects of test management including organizational structures for testing, configuration management, test estimation and monitoring, incident management, and standards for testing. It describes different levels of independence for testing, such as testing by developers, testing by development teams, and independent test teams. It also outlines the importance of configuration management, estimating and measuring test progress, logging incidents, and following standards for quality assurance and industry-specific testing.

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Chapter 4 - Defect Management
Chapter 4 - Defect ManagementChapter 4 - Defect Management
Chapter 4 - Defect Management

This is chapter 4 of ISTQB Advance Test Manager certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

istqbistqb examinationistqb certification
Test design
Work products:
• Test cases and sets of test cases
• Test data
• Test environment
Task: answers the question “do we now have everything in place to run the tests?
• Developing and prioritizing test procedures, and, potentially, creating automated test
• Creating test suites from the test procedures and (if any) automated test scripts
• Arranging the test suites within a test execution schedule
• Building the test environment and verifying that everything needed has been set up
• Preparing test data and ensuring it is properly loaded in the test environment
• Verifying and updating bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions,
test cases, test procedures, and test suites
Test implementation
Test implementation
Work products:
• Test procedures and the sequencing of those test procedures
• Test suites
• A test execution schedule
Test execution
Task: run test
• Recording the IDs and versions of the test item(s) or test object, test tool(s), and testware
• Executing tests either manually or by using test execution tools
• Comparing actual results with expected results
• Analyzing anomalies to establish their likely causes
• Reporting defects based on the failures observed
• Logging the outcome of test execution (e.g., pass, fail, blocked)
• Repeating test activities either as a result of action taken for an anomaly, or as part of the planned
• Verifying and updating bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases,
test procedures, and test results

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The document discusses software quality assurance and testing. It describes the software development life cycle, which includes stages like information gathering, analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. It then provides details about various testing techniques like black box testing, white box testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. It also discusses testing documents like test plan, test cases, defect report and test summary report.

manual testing book
Test execution
Work products:
• Documentation of the status of individual test cases or test procedures (e.g.,
ready to run, pass, fail, blocked, deliberately skipped, etc.)
• Defect reports
• Documentation about which test item(s), test object(s), test tools, and
testware were involved in the testing
Test completion
Task: collect data from completed test activities to consolidate experience, testware, and any other
relevant information
• Checking whether all defect reports are closed, entering change requests or product backlog items
for any defects that remain unresolved at the end of test execution
• Creating a test summary report to be communicated to stakeholders
• Finalizing and archiving the test environment, the test data, the test infrastructure, and other
testware for later reuse
• Handing over the testware to the maintenance teams, other project teams, and/or other
stakeholders who could benefit from its use
• Analyzing lessons learned from the completed test activities to determine changes needed for future
iterations, releases, and projects
• Using the information gathered to improve test process maturity
Test completion
Work products:
• Test summary reports
• Action items for improvement of subsequent projects or iterations (e.g.,
following a project Agile retrospective)
• Change requests or product backlog items
• Finalize testware
Psychology of Testing
 Recall that the success of testing is influenced by psychological
factors: (K1)
 Contrast the mindset of a tester and that of a developer. (K2)

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Chapter 1 - Testing Process
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This is the chapter 1 of ISTQB Advance Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.

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Chapter 5 - Reviews
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Chapter 5 - Reviews

This is the chapter 5 of ISTQB Advance Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.

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Human Psychology and Testing
Human psychology
• Identifying defects may be perceived as criticism of the product and of its
• An element of human psychology called confirmation bias can make it difficult
to accept information that disagrees with currently held beliefs
• , it is a common human trait to blame the bearer of bad news, and
information produced by testing often contains bad news
Human Psychology and Testing
Ways to communicate well
• Start with collaboration rather than battles. Remind everyone of the common goal of
better quality systems.
• Emphasize the benefits of testing
• Communicate test results and other findings in a neutral, fact-focused way without
criticizing the person who created the defective item. Write objective and factual defect
reports and review findings.
• Try to understand how the other person feels and the reasons they may react
negatively to the information.
• Confirm that the other person has understood what has been said and vice versa.
Tester’s and Developer’s Mindsets
Developers and testers often think differently
Developers Testers
• Objective of development is to design
and build a product
• A developer’s mindset are often more
interested in designing and building
solutions than in contemplating what
might be wrong with those solutions
• Objectives of testing include verifying
and validating the product, finding
defects prior to release, and so forth
• Tester’s mindset should include curiosity,
professional pessimism, a critical eye,
attention to detail, and a motivation for
good and positive communications and
Tester’s and Developer’s Mindsets
Independence avoids author bias and is often more effective at finding defects
and failures.
Independence :
• Tests by the person who wrote the item under test;
• Tests by another person within the same team, such as another programmer;
• Tests by a person from a different organizational group, such as an
independent test team

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This is my complete introductory course for Software Test Automation.If you need full training that includes different automation tools (Selenium, J-Meter, Burp, SOAP UI etc), feel free to contact me by email ( or by mobile (+201223600207).

STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)
STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)

The document discusses the phases of the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC). It begins by introducing the group members and defining software testing as a process to find bugs by executing a program. It then outlines the six main phases of the STLC: 1) Requirements analysis to understand requirements and identify test cases, 2) Test planning to create test plans and strategies, 3) Test case development to write test cases and scripts, 4) Environment setup to prepare the test environment, 5) Test execution and bug reporting to run tests and log defects, and 6) Test cycle closure to review testing artifacts and lessons learned. Each phase is described in 1-2 sentences with its activities, deliverables, and examples provided.

#testing life cycle#software testingchaudhry fahadi
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chapter-no-4-test-management fudhg ddh jchapter-no-4-test-management fudhg ddh j
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Any questions?
You can find me at
@Hoang Hien/

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ISTQB Test Process

  • 3. Contents 1. Tesing process 2. Psychology of testing 3. Exam
  • 4. Testing process  (K2) Explain the impact of context on the test process  (2) Describe the test activities and respective tasks within the test process  (K2) Differentiate the work products that support the test process  (K2) Explain the value of maintaining traceability between the test basis and test work products
  • 5. Test process in Context Contextual factors that influence the test process for an organization:  Software development lifecycle model and project methodologies  Test levels and test types being considered  Product and project risks  Business domain  Operational constraints (Budgets and resources, Timescales, Complexity, Contractual and regulatory requirements)  Organizational policies and practices  Required internal and external standards
  • 6. Test Activities and Task  Test planning  Test monitoring and control  Test analysis  Test design  Test implementation  Test execution  Test completion Each activity within each group of activities consist of multiple individual tasks, which would vary from one project or release to another.
  • 7. Test planning Task: • Define the objectives of testing • Define the approach for meeting test objectives within constraints imposed by the context Work product: Test plan • Test basic • Tracebility information (exit criteria)
  • 8. Test monitoring and control Task • Comparing actual progress against the test plan • Taking actions necessary to meet the objectives of the test plan • Checking test results and logs against specified coverage criteria • Assessing the level of component/system quality based on test results and log • Determining if more tests are needed
  • 9. Test monitoring and control Work product: Test report (test progress report, Test summary report) • Audience-relevant details about the test progress as of the date of the report • Summarizing the test execution results • Address project management concerns, such as task completion, resource allocation and usage, and effort.
  • 10. Test analysis Task: identify what to test • Analyzing the test basis appropriate to the test level being considered • Evaluating the test basis and test items to identify defects of various types • Identifying features and sets of features to be tested • Defining and prioritizing test conditions for each feature based on analysis of the test basis, and considering functional, non-functional, and structural characteristics, other business and technical factors, and levels of risks • Capturing bi-directional traceability between each element of the test basis and the associated test conditions
  • 11. Test analysis Work products: • Test condition (include priority) • Testabel features
  • 12. Task: identify how to test • Designing and prioritizing test cases and sets of test cases • Identifying necessary test data to support test conditions and test cases • Designing the test environment and identifying any required infrastructure and tools • Capturing bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, and test procedures Test design
  • 13. Test design Work products: • Test cases and sets of test cases • Test data • Test environment
  • 14. Task: answers the question “do we now have everything in place to run the tests? • Developing and prioritizing test procedures, and, potentially, creating automated test scripts • Creating test suites from the test procedures and (if any) automated test scripts • Arranging the test suites within a test execution schedule • Building the test environment and verifying that everything needed has been set up correctly • Preparing test data and ensuring it is properly loaded in the test environment • Verifying and updating bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, test procedures, and test suites Test implementation
  • 15. Test implementation Work products: • Test procedures and the sequencing of those test procedures • Test suites • A test execution schedule
  • 16. Test execution Task: run test • Recording the IDs and versions of the test item(s) or test object, test tool(s), and testware • Executing tests either manually or by using test execution tools • Comparing actual results with expected results • Analyzing anomalies to establish their likely causes • Reporting defects based on the failures observed • Logging the outcome of test execution (e.g., pass, fail, blocked) • Repeating test activities either as a result of action taken for an anomaly, or as part of the planned testing • Verifying and updating bi-directional traceability between the test basis, test conditions, test cases, test procedures, and test results
  • 17. Test execution Work products: • Documentation of the status of individual test cases or test procedures (e.g., ready to run, pass, fail, blocked, deliberately skipped, etc.) • Defect reports • Documentation about which test item(s), test object(s), test tools, and testware were involved in the testing
  • 18. Test completion Task: collect data from completed test activities to consolidate experience, testware, and any other relevant information • Checking whether all defect reports are closed, entering change requests or product backlog items for any defects that remain unresolved at the end of test execution • Creating a test summary report to be communicated to stakeholders • Finalizing and archiving the test environment, the test data, the test infrastructure, and other testware for later reuse • Handing over the testware to the maintenance teams, other project teams, and/or other stakeholders who could benefit from its use • Analyzing lessons learned from the completed test activities to determine changes needed for future iterations, releases, and projects • Using the information gathered to improve test process maturity
  • 19. Test completion Work products: • Test summary reports • Action items for improvement of subsequent projects or iterations (e.g., following a project Agile retrospective) • Change requests or product backlog items • Finalize testware
  • 20. Psychology of Testing  Recall that the success of testing is influenced by psychological factors: (K1)  Contrast the mindset of a tester and that of a developer. (K2)
  • 21. Human Psychology and Testing Human psychology • Identifying defects may be perceived as criticism of the product and of its author • An element of human psychology called confirmation bias can make it difficult to accept information that disagrees with currently held beliefs • , it is a common human trait to blame the bearer of bad news, and information produced by testing often contains bad news
  • 22. Human Psychology and Testing Ways to communicate well • Start with collaboration rather than battles. Remind everyone of the common goal of better quality systems. • Emphasize the benefits of testing • Communicate test results and other findings in a neutral, fact-focused way without criticizing the person who created the defective item. Write objective and factual defect reports and review findings. • Try to understand how the other person feels and the reasons they may react negatively to the information. • Confirm that the other person has understood what has been said and vice versa.
  • 23. Tester’s and Developer’s Mindsets Developers and testers often think differently Developers Testers • Objective of development is to design and build a product • A developer’s mindset are often more interested in designing and building solutions than in contemplating what might be wrong with those solutions • Objectives of testing include verifying and validating the product, finding defects prior to release, and so forth • Tester’s mindset should include curiosity, professional pessimism, a critical eye, attention to detail, and a motivation for good and positive communications and relationships.
  • 24. Tester’s and Developer’s Mindsets Independence avoids author bias and is often more effective at finding defects and failures. Independence : • Tests by the person who wrote the item under test; • Tests by another person within the same team, such as another programmer; • Tests by a person from a different organizational group, such as an independent test team
  • 25. THANKS! Any questions? You can find me at @Hoang Hien/