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See Girl Work Marketing & Branding
SEO optimization is meant to ensure you are
creating valuable content that Google can use
to answer people’s questions when they search.
They’re meant to improve your search traffic
and boost your website’s rankings.
SEO can often be viewed as a difficult, techy
oddity, and not something that every company
needs. Small-scale businesses often think they
won’t benefit from spending money on online
93% of online experiences begin
with a search engine.*
But you’re in charge of your brand’s reputation
and SEO plays a big part of this by providing
organic search results. You control what you
are putting on your website — so you might as
well do it right.
SOURCE: Search Engine Journal

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This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) factors that can help improve a website's visibility and rankings. It discusses including relevant keywords in page content and meta tags, as well as developing inbound and outbound links through article writing, blogging, and strategic linking to other high-quality sites. While SEO requires ongoing time and effort, taking a methodical approach like the tortoise rather than shortcuts can help achieve long-term success and build a sustainable online business.

Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors & Guide to SEO by SearchEngineLand
Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors & Guide to SEO by SearchEngineLandPeriodic Table of SEO Success Factors & Guide to SEO by SearchEngineLand
Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors & Guide to SEO by SearchEngineLand

Updated in July 2013,'s Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors is explained in a quick-start presentation format. Read the companion Guide to SEO, featuring nine chapters that explain the Periodic Table of SEO elements in more detail, perfect to use a beginner's guide and tutorial for getting started with search engine optimization. The Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors Read the Search Engine Land Guide to SEO: Chapter 1: Types Of Search Engine Success Factors Chapter 2: Content & Search Engine Success Factors Chapter 3: HTML Code & Search Engine Success Factors Chapter 4: Site Architecture & Search Engine Success Factors Chapter 5: Link Building & Ranking In Search Engines Chapter 6: Social Media & Ranking In Search Results Chapter 7: Trust, Authority, Identity & Search Rankings Chapter 8: Personalization & Search Engine Rankings Chapter 9: Violations & Search Engine Spam Penalties

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Search engine optimization, learn seo easily
Search engine optimization, learn seo easilySearch engine optimization, learn seo easily
Search engine optimization, learn seo easily

The term Search Engine Optimization describes a diverse set of activities that you can perform to increase the amount of targeted traffic that comes to your website from search engines (you may also have heard these activities called Search Engine Marketing or Search Marketing).

seosearch engine optimization
On-page SEO optimization includes addressing the elements
that exist right on the pages of your website or in each post of
your blog. On-page SEO optimization is what you, as the site
owner, tell Google that your pages or posts are about.
Even though we’re discussing Google and
search engine rankings, it’s always important
to note that as bloggers, writers and website
owners, we write for people, and not for
rankings. Your website or blog posts must offer
informative and engaging content. Your
content must be accessible, easy to read and
designed for your target audience.
In order to get your pages to rank in Google search,
you have to think about the words that someone
might use to find your website or blog post. Your
website’s page must answer someone’s search
This is referred to as the “keywords”.
This is how Google determines which sites pop-up
in their search engine rankings. Use the Google
Keyword Planner to help determine the best
keywords to use in your post.
Title tag refers to the keywords used in the tab
of your browser. Use your keywords in your
post title and h (#) headings.
H headings are the sub-titles or sub-headings
that you might use throughout your post or at
the top.

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The document provides tips on using search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and link building to promote a website. It recommends focusing website content on specific topics, using keywords appropriately, and standing out by offering unique and valuable information. The document also discusses measuring marketing efforts through tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics to determine what strategies are most effective.

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On page off-page seo points

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SEO -- The Tortoise or the Hare
SEO -- The Tortoise or the HareSEO -- The Tortoise or the Hare
SEO -- The Tortoise or the Hare

This document discusses factors involved in search engine optimization (SEO), including keywords, meta tags, inbound and outbound links. It notes that SEO takes time but will provide longevity, unlike shortcuts. While not quick, SEO is worth it for building a sustainable online business over time.

It’s important to ensure that you’re naming
your image files correctly.
Use your keyword to name the image file
before importing the image into the post. File
names provide information that helps Google
understand what your images are about.
You should also try to create alt tags on each
image. Optimization is not only important for
your text. Your images need to be optimized
for search engines as well.
Before you hit publish on your post — make
sure that the URL also includes the keyword.
Your URL structure can easily be edited to
include the keyword.
Off-page SEO simply tells Google what others think about
your site. People only cite, reference and share content they
like. If you have a lot of valuable links pointing to your
pages, search engines will assume that you’ve got great
content – the type that provides value for readers.
External links are very important to Google. It’s
almost impossible for Google to determine the
value of any web page if there are no links pointing
to it — no matter how useful or in-depth the page
content might be.
Activities such as guest blogging and other
editorial contributions to authoritative online
publications or sites can generate links back to
your website or blog.

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The document provides tips for search engine optimization (SEO) to increase website traffic and visibility. It recommends properly coding the site so search engines can index it, using keyword density of less than 20% per page, and adding meta description tags to each page to tell readers what the site is about. It also suggests using keywords in internal anchor text, creating an XML sitemap to help search engines crawl the site, adding transcripts for media content, and using alt text descriptions for images to include keywords search engines can find.

How to Write SEO Content
How to Write SEO ContentHow to Write SEO Content
How to Write SEO Content

SEO content is content that search engines especially Google find worthwhile and attractive. There are certain factors to consider when developing search engine optimized content.

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5 seo hacks to improve on page
5 seo hacks to improve on page5 seo hacks to improve on page
5 seo hacks to improve on page

Here are three key SEO hacks that can be implemented right away to boost on-page optimization: 1. Optimize meta tags and H1 tags by including targeted keywords to clearly outline what the page is about and encourage clicks. 2. Make images more searchable by adding relevant keywords to image file names, titles, and alt text to increase traffic from image searches. 3. Ensure the website is responsive for all devices to provide a good user experience and prevent search engine penalties for being mobile-unfriendly.

5 seo hacks to improve on page
Social media is an important part of your off-page
SEO. By using social media channels to distribute
your content you can extend your network online,
connect with other thought-leaders in your niche
and promote your website to build an online
Submit your website to the most popular search
engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alexa,
Alltheweb, Lycos, Excite, etc., to get listed for free.
Remember, your content should be written for the reader. It should
be written in a way that is natural and easy to understand. It should
offer users the information and answer the question that they first
typed into Google. That's the best way to think of SEO.
W W W . S E E G I R L W O R K . C O M
W W W . B L O G . S E E G I R L W O R K . C O M

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How to Grow Your Traffic Using SEO

  • 1. HOW TO GROW YOUR TRAFFIC WITH SEO W W W . S E E G I R L W O R K . C O M W W W . B L O G . S E E G I R L W O R K . C O M THE SEE GIRL WORK BLOG See Girl Work Marketing & Branding
  • 2. WHAT IS SEO? SEO optimization is meant to ensure you are creating valuable content that Google can use to answer people’s questions when they search. They’re meant to improve your search traffic and boost your website’s rankings. 01
  • 3. SEO FOR YOUR BRAND 02 SEO can often be viewed as a difficult, techy oddity, and not something that every company needs. Small-scale businesses often think they won’t benefit from spending money on online marketing.
  • 4. 03 93% 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.* But you’re in charge of your brand’s reputation and SEO plays a big part of this by providing organic search results. You control what you are putting on your website — so you might as well do it right. SOURCE: Search Engine Journal
  • 5. ON‐PAGE SEO FACTORS On-page SEO optimization includes addressing the elements that exist right on the pages of your website or in each post of your blog. On-page SEO optimization is what you, as the site owner, tell Google that your pages or posts are about. 04
  • 6. QUALITY CONTENT Even though we’re discussing Google and search engine rankings, it’s always important to note that as bloggers, writers and website owners, we write for people, and not for rankings. Your website or blog posts must offer informative and engaging content. Your content must be accessible, easy to read and designed for your target audience. 05
  • 7. TARGETED KEYWORDS In order to get your pages to rank in Google search, you have to think about the words that someone might use to find your website or blog post. Your website’s page must answer someone’s search query. This is referred to as the “keywords”. This is how Google determines which sites pop-up in their search engine rankings. Use the Google Keyword Planner to help determine the best keywords to use in your post. 06
  • 8. TITLE TAGS Title tag refers to the keywords used in the tab of your browser. Use your keywords in your post title and h (#) headings. H headings are the sub-titles or sub-headings that you might use throughout your post or at the top. 07
  • 9. ALT TAGS It’s important to ensure that you’re naming your image files correctly. Use your keyword to name the image file before importing the image into the post. File names provide information that helps Google understand what your images are about. You should also try to create alt tags on each image. Optimization is not only important for your text. Your images need to be optimized for search engines as well. 08
  • 10. URL Before you hit publish on your post — make sure that the URL also includes the keyword. Your URL structure can easily be edited to include the keyword. 09
  • 11. OFF‐PAGE SEO FACTORS Off-page SEO simply tells Google what others think about your site. People only cite, reference and share content they like. If you have a lot of valuable links pointing to your pages, search engines will assume that you’ve got great content – the type that provides value for readers. 10
  • 12. EXTERNAL LINKS External links are very important to Google. It’s almost impossible for Google to determine the value of any web page if there are no links pointing to it — no matter how useful or in-depth the page content might be. Activities such as guest blogging and other editorial contributions to authoritative online publications or sites can generate links back to your website or blog. 11
  • 13. SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is an important part of your off-page SEO. By using social media channels to distribute your content you can extend your network online, connect with other thought-leaders in your niche and promote your website to build an online reputation. 12
  • 14. SEARCH ENGINES Submit your website to the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alexa, Alltheweb, Lycos, Excite, etc., to get listed for free. 13
  • 15. THANK YOU! Remember, your content should be written for the reader. It should be written in a way that is natural and easy to understand. It should offer users the information and answer the question that they first typed into Google. That's the best way to think of SEO. W W W . S E E G I R L W O R K . C O M FIN W W W . B L O G . S E E G I R L W O R K . C O M