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Richard Kirk's user avatar
Richard Kirk's user avatar
Richard Kirk
  • Member for 2 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • London, United Kingdom
46 votes

Can 21 sports kits be visually distinct?

36 votes

Can lenses defend against lasers in space combat?

26 votes

Would it be possible, given current technology, ten years, and an infinite amount of money, to construct a 7,000 foot (2200 meter) aircraft carrier?

24 votes

Is it possible to design a bottle that can always be "full"?

23 votes

Is a society where children are entirely raised by boarding schools sustainable?

18 votes

What is the safest way to camp in a zombie apocalypse?

17 votes

Is a desert planet with a small habitable area possible?

16 votes

How would computers develop in a society where a Cherokee-like language is the dominant lingua franca?

15 votes

Hiding a star cluster

15 votes

What would a city look like that adapted to sporadic tsunami-like flash floods?

14 votes

How could the switch from steam to diesel locomotives be delayed 20-30 years?

14 votes

How can a society have a group of people who are sick (from radiation?) while others are kept healthy?

13 votes

Space-ships and stations...made from cast-iron?

13 votes

What parts of a spaceship would still work 100 million years later?

12 votes

Best female underwear for rocket travel

11 votes

Is there a reason why computers of the 1920s-1980s look the way they do?

10 votes

How would FTL travel based on tachyons most likely work?

10 votes

Would an industrial level society be able to visually identify orbital debris from a destroyed mega structure?

10 votes

How would the "Hardness vs Toughness" dynamic of gems apply if it were possible to make shields out of them?

10 votes

Everyone knows not to look at the sun. What about a gas giant?

9 votes

What would justify the use of homing pigeons in a world where sending digital messages is a viable option?

9 votes

Universal Graphical Representation of a specific moment in time

9 votes

How would humans adapt to suddenly gaining new senses?

9 votes

Birds flying or swimming in space

9 votes

how early can people build a giant clock?

9 votes

Everyone is sent into the future via regularly scheduled timejumps. How can I make sure I survive?

9 votes

Knocking Out Zombies

8 votes

Max tech level for society of 200,000

8 votes

What replaces Mr/Mrs/Ms as a title courtesy/respect in a world that cares less about gender?

8 votes

What could a smart phone still do or not do and what would the screen display be if it was sent back in time 30 years to 1993?

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