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Questions tagged [shipbuilding]

For questions about the process of building, modifying or enchanting a ship. The ship can be a boat or a spaceship.

3 votes
6 answers

Advantages and disadvantages of outrigger ships

I'm designing boats and ships for a medieval seafaring civilization. I thought about basing their ships on Filipino outrigger boats. But then I wondered what the advantages and disadvantages of ...
GreedyGroot's user avatar
11 votes
9 answers

Why are worldships not shaped like worlds?

For the purposes of this question, let's say that a "worldship" is a starship (constructed by a civilization in the process of moving from K2 to K3, in my case) that is so large that it ...
controlgroup's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How would artificial gravity panels affect spaceship design? [closed]

Assuming these are panels that can be plastered anywhere that would be convenient, how would spaceship design change? Would every wall be covered with them so it's all effectively floor space? Would ...
Nick's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

A Sea of Mist and Steam? How would boats move?

How would a boat be designed for sailing through a sea made from mist and steam? This sea of mist and sea is a naturally occurring place in the world I made, it is in a deep, giant underground cave, ...
AussieNote's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How could iron-age ships be modified to withstand extreme storms?

Iron-age humans wish to cross an extremely stormy sea -- one that no pre-industrial vessel humans actually built could reasonably survive. Here is a graphical guide to some hazards These people don't ...
spraff's user avatar
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17 votes
15 answers

Why would newer spaceships still have core ejection systems despite the proliferation of fusion reactors?

Set in near future Space tourism becomes a thing, the older spaceships have some issues with their nuclear reactors that occasionally suffers from positive void coefficient whereby the saturation of ...
user6760's user avatar
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16 votes
22 answers

Why can't escape pods be opened from the inside?

Set in the near future Space tourism is a thing, all commercial and non-military spaceships must come equipped with multiple escape pods. The minimum specs for each escape pod are as follows: min ...
user6760's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Scrutinizing this anti trespass system implemented on a generation ship

Set on a generation ship, there is a unique teleporter room located just adjacent to the bridge where the captain works. This teleporter room has 26 telephone box-like chambers for personnel to be ...
user6760's user avatar
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2 votes
6 answers

Possible layouts for a sci-fi military airship [closed]

My story features airships that fly by using applying electrical to a strange mineral to generate antigravity. By altering the current the airship can increase or decrease its height. Since they don't ...
Kennedy Johnson's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to melt icebergs for water at below the cost of desalination with 1960s/1970s technology?

(i'm going to use dollars for cost because i don't really want to figure out currency conversions for the in world currencies) In this world people need water, a lot of water. But in areas that don't ...
OT-64 SKOT's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Maximum Size of a Wooden Sailing Vessel

King Darien "Stubby" Shortstock, the incredibly petite king of 1600s Imperial Rathakos, has commissioned me to build him a massive flagship to lead his mighty fleet. He wants it big. Bigger ...
LoganP98's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Stranded mining colony using its own resources to build an interplanetary spacecraft: how long to completion can I credibly make it? (More = better)

Setting In the not-too-far future, Mars hosts a few mining complexes that extract, refine and send materials back to our planetary system, as well as some scientific research bases. Commutes between ...
Kubler's user avatar
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14 votes
10 answers

Would it be possible, given current technology, ten years, and an infinite amount of money, to construct a 7,000 foot (2200 meter) aircraft carrier?

Given current technology, ten years, and an infinite amount of money, would it be possible to build an aircraft carrier with a 7,000-foot-long (2,200 meters) flight deck? This is about seven times as ...
Someone's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What would the aerodynamics of ships sailing on clouds look like (and thus their design)?

I'm currently working on a TTRPG setting where there is an ocean of caustic clouds surrounding the continents instead of a regular ocean. Tech level is roughly Age of Sail with some deviations due to ...
ThaddeusCahill's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Would hoofed creatures bother with sails on their ships?

So I am working on a species of large quadrupedal sentient beings at a level of technology similar to 16th century Asia. Specifically I was trying to conjure up an image to what their sailing vessels ...
Jacob Badger's user avatar
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