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Questions tagged [post-scarcity]

For questions about societies where meeting basic human needs is no longer a worry due to an abundance of available resources.

3 votes
1 answer

Designing giant space creatures becomes a popular fad in a super advanced post-scarcity society. How large can space creatures get?

This is a completely post-scarcity society. Robots and automated systems run the economy and most research. AIs are commonplace, and available to all in the human-like, completely obedient, and super-...
user107900's user avatar
8 votes
12 answers

What would justify the use of homing pigeons in a world where sending digital messages is a viable option? [duplicate]

The setting is a post-scarcity civilization, where a galactic government exists, but due to the limitations on faster-than-light travel, each world is relatively self-governed. I want a city on one of ...
koi's user avatar
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10 votes
9 answers

Implementing a system of "happiness currency" in a transhumanist society as a way to avoid wireheading

I am writing a transhumanist science fiction story that employs a system called "utility vouchers". A utility voucher is a redeemable unit of value that humans are allotted on an egalitarian ...
Strava Ostetnis's user avatar
7 votes
9 answers

What factors would determine the behaviors of post-scarcity society?

I'm looking for something more like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, but extended beyond the purely physical. I'm not looking for a list of things people would do, or "Here's what I would do", ...
Robert Rapplean's user avatar
22 votes
18 answers

How can a post scarcity Society not be hedonistic?

The society I am building is highly automated, post-scarcity, with the ability to essentially "3-D print" anything. Is there a reasonable way for me to explain why the people of this ...
Bryan McClure's user avatar
2 votes
8 answers

Justifying why the birth of a post-scarcity world would cause other planets to secede

So, in roughing out the basic historical timeline of this project o’ mine, I have decided that the two most important aspects of the 24th century are: 1st, the birth of a post-scarcity on Earth, ...
user98816's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

How to make money from free electricity (and not draw attention)? [closed]

TL;DR Some new magic/handwavium device provides free electricity. How does my character make (good) money out of that without letting people/the authorities know about the device? Longer background My ...
frIT's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Life in a post-scarcity economy [closed]

Quoting Wikipedia, a post-scarcity is a theoretical economic situation in which most goods can be produced in great abundance with minimal human labor needed, so that they become available to all very ...
user98816's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How could a pandemic trigger a renaissance? [closed]

In all this gloomy pandemic reporting of the last 3/4 years nobody ever noticed that one of the worst pandemics in known history happened at the beginning of the renaissance and it did not stop it. It ...
FluidCode's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How big would a city of crops need to be to minimise all agricultural land use?

I made these sketches to envision a world where food is grown in buildings and people can live in forests covered lands instead of the land being used for agriculture. But how big would such a city ...
speculativesketches's user avatar
3 votes
14 answers

Why would a very advanced Transhumanist Civilization ever need to have a military or wage wars?

My Setting First of all, let's define what a very advanced transhumanist civilization is in my setting: 1- Post-scarcity civilization (Kardashev level II or even III) where everyone has abundance in ...
Abanob Ebrahim's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Could a waiting list be used as a monetary system in a post-scarcity society?

I'm writing a futuristic sci-fi story that takes place in a mostly post-scarcity economy. Resources are abundant, and no one needs to work for basic necessities or luxuries. Robots do all manual labor,...
StrangerHopeful's user avatar
24 votes
14 answers

How can a dictatorship government be beneficial to a dictator in a post-scarcity society?

In my scenario of a post-scarcity society in the far future, everyone has abundance in their basic needs from food and energy and the technology is very advanced that humans are more intelligent, ...
Abanob Ebrahim's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

In a future post-scarcity civilization, how would evolution change humans when survival is no longer a challenge? [closed]

Let's imagine a post-scarcity society where everyone has unlimited access to food, energy and the aging problem has been solved so people are practically immortal. Now my understanding is that, our ...
Abanob Ebrahim's user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

Essentials for post apocalyptic traveler

You are a traveling across what used to be Colorado and Utah: it may be cold, it may be hot. This is okay, you have caches of clothing and weather gear you can easily pick up. Electricity is ...
Tanzanite Dragoness's user avatar

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