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Questions tagged [tmux]

tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals (or windows), each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached.

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wezterm > tmux > nvim colors not forwarded through tmux correctly

I'm currently having the problem that the colors are not forwarded correctly from nvim through tmux to wezterm. I think tmux is to blame since the colors work like expected when I invoke nvim from ...
glades's user avatar
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Accidentally detached all tmux sessions but the processes are still running

I have no idea what happened here but i deleted /tmp/ and now all my tmux sessions are gone, but for some weird reason the processes that used to be attached to these sessions are still running in the ...
Alizer's user avatar
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Bind C-h in tmux copy mode

I'm trying to bind C-h to move to the window on the left. Here is my tmux.conf set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color" bind -n S-down new-window bind -n C-l next bind -n C-h prev bind q ...
ludog's user avatar
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SSHing into remote machine from terminal doesn't ask for password, but through VS Code integrated terminal, it does, Why?

I'm working on a project where I have to run a python script which will open a tmux session with multiple windows, in each one ssh into a different remote machine, and run another python script. I'm ...
a dude's user avatar
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Tmux copy-paste with mouse mode on while using the `less` command

Hopefully this is not already answered, given that there are 100s of question specifically about tmux copy-paste on mouse mode. I am specifically trying to copy text using mouse selection while using ...
Ayush Goel's user avatar
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How to setup zsh with fzf history backsearch in tmux (I get zle errors)

I am using tmux with the zsh shell. I try to setup fzf, and I do it like this (inside my zshrc): eval "$(fzf --zsh)" This works, as long as I am not in tmux. I can use Ctrl-R and get the ...
Nathan's user avatar
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tmux scrolling enabling fails in msys2

I recently started using tmux (in addition to screen), both in a Linux environment and in msys2 (which is also new to me and for which I cannot install screen). Very similar to screen, starting tmux ...
Hauke Laging's user avatar
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How to keep a script running persistently in background

Currently I launch my UDP BitTorrent tracker using the command ./target/release/aquatic_udp -c "aquatic-udp-config.toml" the app shuts down when I close the console. What is the preferred ...
skarz's user avatar
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get access to console of application that is auto started

I have my "c" application which uses a lot of printf to display the necessary information. Application has started automatically at boot time (using init.d or systemd). How I can access to ...
Андрей Тернити's user avatar
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How to customize tmux list session color scheme? [duplicate]

Please, what are the options to customize tmux list session color scheme? ❯ tmux -V tmux next-3.5 tmux.conf ## COLORSCHEME: spoke (medium) set-option -g status "on" # default statusbar ...
Alexandre Cardoso's user avatar
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Move/rebind tmux keybinding to a different key without spelling it out

There is a number of default keybindings in tmux that create menus of various sorts. Apparently, these keybindings open-code the entire menu they are displaying: bind-key -T prefix < ...
intelfx's user avatar
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What is the difference of passing an sleep command to tmux new-session -d and not passing anything?

I was playing with an script that sends text to a tmux stdin after this answer ( by @Kamil Maciorowski) and I was wrongly doing this tty=$(tmux new-...
Whimusical's user avatar
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TERM ANSI escape sequences compatibility between xterm and screen although infocmp does not say so

I am making an script in zsh on mac that uses tmux and after the amazing answer, I found out that when I use tmux, it uses a different ...
Whimusical's user avatar
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Redirecting stdout of a script as the stdin of another script/command running in a tmux session

I am adapting Marcus Müller’s answer to a question I asked last week — a script that redirects its stdout to a tmux session in order to render ANSI escape sequences, and then captures the pane render ...
Whimusical's user avatar
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"tmx" (tmux) erroneously connects to existing session because of prefix matching

I used "tmx" to create a tmux session called "foos" and now I want to create a new session called "foo", where the latter is a prefix of the former. But tmux connects me ...
Mihai Danila's user avatar
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systemd service terminates with error because the script (expectedly) returned

Searched extensively, many questions related but none that I found actually worked. So I have a shell script which I want to automate via a systemd service. The script: #!/usr/bin/env bash SESSION=&...
unsafe_where_true's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the color of the tmux status bar in command mode?

When I type Prefix-: to start typing a command, tmux changes the color of the status bar to dark yellow. A similar effect happens if I push Prefix-, to change the name of a window. Is it possible to ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Open a new window in tmux only if no window is opened in the given path, otherwise attach to it

Currently I have my terminal (alacritty) run tmux new -A -s 0 at start to start a new session 0, or attach to it if it already exists. One problem is, I sometimes use open in directory from file ...
MathIsNice1729's user avatar
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How do I fix Tmux status bar?

I tried a new theme plugin I found from gihub: tmux-tokyo-night. I didn't like it, so I removed the plugin (confirmed with my .tmux.conf file that it was removed) but the broken status bar won't go ...
lsh0723's user avatar
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How to look up and switch to a pty or pid within tmux?

I have this shell script to figure out from a pid or a tty which tmux window that is: #!/bin/sh if [ -c "$1" ]; then tty="$1" else tty=/dev/$(ps -q "$1" -otty=) ...
sh1's user avatar
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How do I start tmux with N equally-sized, vertically-split panes given an arbitrary list of startup directories?

I want a shell script that will launch tmux with N equally-sized, vertically-split panes, each with its own starting directory, where N is determined by the number of starting directories specified. ...
David A. Pimentel's user avatar
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Split a tmux window into panes, with one or more panes in a separate terminal window

I know that I can have two different views on the same session using commands described in this post. This is how that would look: monitorA monitorB ┌──────────────────...
chb's user avatar
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Using virtualenv with Tmux causes it to source additional packages

I previously was sourcing some setup files using my .bashrc file. I've since removed this because I found that it was being concatenated with any virtual environment setup on my PC. I would check this ...
nohacks's user avatar
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Can I configure tmux to show seconds of current time upon Prefix t?

On Prefix t (by default Ctrl+b t), tmux displays the time, and it looks something like this: Is there any way to configure this, e.g. to show the seconds, too? I tried setting export LC_TIME="%H:...
Vince Varga's user avatar
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How to enable <Ctrl+Backspace> with Tmux, Neovim and Alacritty to delete the previous word?

I use the alacritty terminal, and neovim editor with tmux. At first Ctrl+Backspace (for deleting a previous) wasn't working at all in the terminal. So added the following line to alacritty.yml: ...
an4s911's user avatar
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Cannot create 2 columns with TMUX

This seems create a bunch of rows with a single column. I am trying to create 2 columns, and then all the rows needed. #!/usr/bin/env bash ( unset TMUX export session_uuid="$(uuidgen)" ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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What causes tmux search to be case insensitive or casesensitive?

When I run a search in the copy paste mode of tmux sometimes it's case insensitive and other times it isn't. I think I know what I do, but I don't understand what causes the search to be case-...
leeand00's user avatar
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How to continue journal output to serial console after dev-mqueue.mount is started

So far I managed to get the kernel & systemd to output the first log messages from booting on the system’s serial port. Further, after the boot process is (nearly) completed, journald continues to ...
Felix Stupp's user avatar
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Find which tmux session and pane runs a given process ID

Sometimes I'll find a process I started a long time ago from a shell but won't remember from which tmux session and pane I started it. How can I find out, given the process ID, from which session and ...
dazedviper's user avatar
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tmux scrolling itself is fast, but after some weeks of running the tmux session, the start is slow

when i start scrolling back in tmux with CTRL+b+PgUp it first starts directly, but over time it starts really slow - some minutes untill the backscroll starts. When it is started, everything is ...
rubo77's user avatar
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tmux won't unbind Ctrl+b - (Delete the most recent paste buffer) [duplicate]

It seems like I can't unbind/rebind keys. In this scenario, I'm trying to change the split-window keys, but tmux doesn't seem to honor my config file. For example, I'll try to 'split-window -v' via ...
wabbajack001's user avatar
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How to pad the tmux messages by one space to the left?

I am talking about that messages what you get when there is only one window and You try to switch the the next window by pressing C-b n: It prints as |No next window | | but I want it as | No next ...
Vladyslav Rehan's user avatar
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tmux: always show session's windows list on left

I would like tmux to always show a list of the session's windows on the left. When I click once on a window in the list, it should switch to that window on the right side (no preview - switch straight ...
chrispsn's user avatar
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Find the tmux pane that has a certain directory in the directory stack

Sometimes I will lose track of what pane relates to a certain project that I'm working on. This happens most often when I cd out of a project directory and then let the keyboard get cold for an ...
chb's user avatar
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remap tmux keys to navigate panes as in vim

I navigate panes in vim by hitting Ctrl+w release + an arrow key (left|right|down|up) . I'd like to change my tmux config so the pane navigation is the same as in vim so I don't have to context switch....
milosgajdos's user avatar
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Mouse events not working in Vim on Debian?

If I click on a line, I can see "19m" or "18m" etc. show up in the bottom right of the screen. If I scroll, nothing happens, but shift+click&drag works. set encoding=utf8 ...
John P's user avatar
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tmux not starting a python script from cron

I am having issues with cron (Debian bullseye - Raspberry Pi 4) not starting a tmux session from a bash script I gave it to run on @reboot. Here is the problematic fragment of my bash script: ...
Kuba0040's user avatar
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validity of imposing tmux on users

If you look at STIG reference V-230349 you will see the full text, which I am about to summarize. The initial statement, or rule title, is RHEL 8 must ensure session control is automatically started ...
ron's user avatar
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how to source tmux session_id into tmux

I have this: export session_uuid="$(uuidgen)" remove_session() { tmux kill-session -t "$session_uuid" } export -f remove_session trap remove_session TERM INT SIGINT SIGTERM ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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Tmux set-hook session-attached doesn't work with choose-tree mode

I've sat a hook in .tmux.conf. The assumption was it should reconnect last SSH session after tmux session was attached. The problem is it works only when attaching session using tmux a -t session_name....
XorOrNor's user avatar
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Copy all text in a tmux pane?

How can I copy all the text in a tmux pane? Pressing Ctrl + b and ] I can select a portion of text, but it is cumbersome to scroll all the way to the top in a long pane. Is there an easier way to ...
a06e's user avatar
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Get current directory of last tmux pane

I'm looking for a tmux command to obtain the current directory (#{pane_current_path}) of the last focused pane, that doesn't require switching to it and switching back. The following works: tmux last-...
kwyntes's user avatar
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tmux new-window command plus argument including spaces - bash var

I'm trying to execute a command on a new tmux window. A simple console/terminal pdf reader. The script needs argument, a PDF file, the file name may include spaces. I've tried this: #!/bin/bash tmux ...
Krackout's user avatar
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TMUX pane not fitting to terminal size

I am trying to use tmux on Kali linux and I maximize my terminal size. When I start tmux with the following command the pane does not fit to the terminal size: tmux new -s session As seen in the ...
JC_D's user avatar
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How to prevent user input and create a read-only mode in tmux window?

I would like to create a read-only mode for a specific window within a tmux session. I want to prevent any user input or interactions in that window, effectively making it read-only. Changing the ...
kyrlon's user avatar
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Is there a way to customize the keys in tmux's "choose mode"?

From tmux's manual - Choose mode, which allows an item to be chosen from a list. This may be a client, a session or window or pane, or a buffer. This mode is entered ...
Jethro Cao's user avatar
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tmux behave differently between the command lines and equivalent config file (.tmux.conf)

tmux behave differently between the command lines and equivalent config file (.tmux.conf) command line: bash$ tmux new \; split-window -h \; config file (.tmux.conf), (and then, in the command line, ...
Robin Hsu's user avatar
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Does tmux run-shell support interactive shell?

I know tmux run-shell can execute shell: $ tmux run-shell "echo start; echo \${var}end" start end But what if I want my shell could work interactively or read some user input, $ tmux run-...
Qiu Yangfan's user avatar
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How to stop background jobs in subshell with infinite loop?

In my tmux session over SSH, I ran: ( \ ( while true; do echo subsubshell1 && sleep 5; done ) & \ ( while true; do echo subsubshell2 && sleep 10; done ) & \ wait; \ ) ...
wjwrpoyob's user avatar
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Cannot copy text from tmux integrated terminal in update 1.82.2

I solved this issue of copying text from tmux window inside Visual Studio Code's integrated terminal by holding Option key but with the latest upgrade to 1.82.2 I am not able to copy the text from ...
romanzdk's user avatar
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