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Questions tagged [tmux]

tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals (or windows), each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached.

308 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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X11 unable to open display after re-logging into a tmux session

I have a desktop at work that I use as a "tmux server." I ssh -Y u@Work_Desktop from home into the Work Desktop then ssh -Y u@Work_Server into another server at work. I run x applications ...
Michael Ehrlichman's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Separator between status left and window list in tmux status bar?

I'm looking to set a separator between the status-left and window list sections of the tmux status bar. Is there something similar to how you can set a separator between windows with setw -g window-...
ihrm's user avatar
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tmux rotate panes in the sense of turning the splits

In tmux there is a command called 'rotate-window', which swivels the panes around numerically. An example could be: ┌───┬───┐ ┌───┬───┐ │ │ 2 │ │ │ 3 │ │ 1 ├───┤ → │ 2 ├───┤ │ │ 3 │ │ │ ...
bananabook's user avatar
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Moving cursor within TMUX on MAC

When I launch tmux from the terminal, and attempt to move the cursor between words on one terminal line, the shortcuts that work in a default terminal don't appear to apply. e.g. esc + b does move the ...
Zoso's user avatar
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How can I use a mac to scroll and copy-paste text on the tmux via ssh?

I always use macos to control my ubuntu servers via ssh, and I need to use tmux to keep my program running in background. Now, I know how to configure the tmux (on my ubuntu servers) to ...
Nico's user avatar
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Can I ask Tmux to immediately exit copy mode and paste the content when I yank?

I am using vi mode for my tmux. I mapped 'enter copy mode' to M-0. This is really convenient: just my left thumb on left-Alt and my right ring finger on 0 after that , i navigate with vi keys. When I ...
user152503's user avatar
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Is it possible to fork the current pane in tmux and put it in a new pane?

Often I have set up some temporary environment variables/modules and I would like them to persist as I create a split in Tmux. Is it possible to fork the current running program (i.e. bash) and put ...
Derek 朕會功夫's user avatar
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Tmux scroll in readonly

Is it possible to scroll up in read-only mode of tmux? I have scripts that run for a very long time, and I do not want to spoil it by Ctrl-c, while checking the output.
diadochos's user avatar
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dualhead with tmux and two xterm windows

I'm running a dualhead system. Unfortunately, my monitors do not sport the same resolution, so I can't "just" use a huge xterm window spanning both screens. Also I imagine that it would be hard to ...
Crazor's user avatar
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tmux killed when connection abruptly closed by remote host, but survives when logging out manually

On a host where I was attached to a tmux session, the connection was closed after ten minutes of inactivity: Connection to closed by remote host. After logging back in, tmux is no ...
gerrit's user avatar
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Bash command history stops working after starting new tmux session

My bash command history stops working after starting a new tmux session. No previous commands when typing up, down, reverse search, no output from running history. I've confirmed that this happens ...
Brian Duncan's user avatar
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Getting Alt to Work in the Terminal with Tmux and Vim

I'm trying to make Alt + h/j/k/l switch tmux panes and vim windows. Yet for some reason my terminal (xfce4-terminal) and and Alt do not play nicely with each other. I got Alt + h/j/k/l to switch ...
George's user avatar
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How to use Ctrl+mouse click in tmux?

Due to the change in Tmux2.1, I need to remap my mouse's middle click to tmux's paste: bind -T root MouseDown2Pane run -b "tmux paste-buffer" However, I also would like to enable using Ctrl (or Alt, ...
dragonxlwang's user avatar
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tmux blocks for certain commands

I am trying to understand why this program behaves differently depending on Y: #!/bin/bash rm -f /tmp/par21d9I.tmx mkfifo /tmp/par21d9I.tmx; tmux new-session -d true\ ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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xinitrc: starting xterm with tmux causes all windows to share same geometry

I have xterm with tmux open upon startup of X11 with the following line in my xinitrc file: xterm -e tmux & However the -e tmux causes all windows to assume the geometry of the first -geometry ...
user62055's user avatar

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