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Questions tagged [fzf]

Use for questions specific to the command-line fuzzy finder, fzf :

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How to setup zsh with fzf history backsearch in tmux (I get zle errors)

I am using tmux with the zsh shell. I try to setup fzf, and I do it like this (inside my zshrc): eval "$(fzf --zsh)" This works, as long as I am not in tmux. I can use Ctrl-R and get the ...
Nathan's user avatar
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How to detach a piped command from the terminal?

I want to allow the leading program(s) to operate in a standard manner and detach from the terminal once a graphical application launches. In this example fzf reads paths from a file, feeds the ...
user598527's user avatar
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How to copy fzf preview window directly to the terminal

Is there a way to print the contents of the fzf preview window directly to the terminal? The only way I have found so far is to repeat everything in the --bind section, then pass the result to xclip ...
dhm's user avatar
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using CTRL+T of fzf to put commands on command line

I keep a list of frequently used command snipets in a file (called sniplist) that I use to cut/copy what I need onto the command line for further editing before execution. I thought I would leverage ...
dhm's user avatar
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problematic script: query buku, select via fzf and then print using (again) buku

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to review the question. I have the following script: select an array of IDs from buku's database, and then use buku again to print information using ...
Răzvan Petruescu's user avatar
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fzf output to xdotool instead of the terminal

I can create a script to launch a list of items, allow me to select an item, and print the output of the specific line selected to the terminal: #!/bin/bash cat ~/list.txt | fzf --reverse I ...
jophuh's user avatar
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fzf behavior changes when capturing its output

The following command works fine as expected: find ~ -type f | fzf -m --preview-window=up:30% --header "ctrl-f: selected all and exit" --bind "enter:execute(less {})" --bind "...
dhm's user avatar
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Fuzzy finding directories is slow

I have following bash script to find git repositories. echo "$(fd -I -i -H -E '.local' -E '.cargo' -E '.password-store' -t d ^.git$ ~ -x 'echo' '{//}' | sk)" fd pipes search results to sk (...
s1n7ax's user avatar
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select menu option from a file --shell scripting

I have A question regarding the menu in shell scripting. I created a menu in shell scripting. however, in one of the options, I have a list the user can select from but the list is big, so I want the ...
sun moon's user avatar
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fzf refuses to execute in bind option when selection is a path

This is the test script: zapit() { find ~/ -type d | fzf --header='ENTER to select, ESC to abort' --bind='enter:execute(ls {})' } I had my own function call inside the execute bracket. But as the ...
dhm's user avatar
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Access/copy contents of preview window of fzf

Is it possible access/copy the contents of the preview window of fzf? For example this code creates a list consisting of the top ten lines of a few selected files: find -type f | fzf --multi --preview=...
dhm's user avatar
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is it possible to dump partially filtered fzf result in a file?

I often need all the text lines that fzf has suitably filtered. It allows me to scroll through the list. I can select only one of them ( or more by marking them individually). But I want them all (...
dhm's user avatar
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How to add the expanded version of commands involving fzf to history?

Say I would like to edit a file ./long/path/to/my/file/ with Vim, but I do not remember the path to the file. In this case, I would run vim `fzf` to use fuzzy search to find and edit the file. ...
Matt's user avatar
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Is there a way to format what fzf displays without formatting its output?

I'm currently trying to write a script that takes a list of filenames with their absolute paths as input and feeds them to fzf. After making a selection, they are passed as command-line arguments etc. ...
Utku Boduroglu's user avatar
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Understanding bind mapping to switch between emacs and vi modes

tl;dr If I execute the following in bash, Ctrl+z seems to have no effect bind -m vi-command '"\C-z": emacs-editing-mode' bind -m vi-insert '"\C-z": emacs-editing-mode' bind -m ...
Enlico's user avatar
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