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Questions tagged [msys]

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tmux scrolling enabling fails in msys2

I recently started using tmux (in addition to screen), both in a Linux environment and in msys2 (which is also new to me and for which I cannot install screen). Very similar to screen, starting tmux ...
Hauke Laging's user avatar
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Automatically detecting whether a process is running normally by listening to stdout for continuous stream of messages

I have a chatty application that I'd like to automatically test post CI/CD build by leveraging the output stream as follows: If the application is running normally it will continuously dump a few ...
Olumide's user avatar
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Tmux: Scroll buffer not working on MSYS2/MINGW64 (Git for Windows SDK)

I installed the Git for Windows SDK on Windows 11 to have the pacman package installer available to install tmux. A lot of stuff works like it used to be on other platforms, but scrolling back using ...
Martin Braun's user avatar
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MSYS2: Command works fine in terminal, but syntax error `(' in script

On Windows, with MSYS2, I want to add the file extension for an executable back to the output of which, if it has one. Here's a one-liner: locAlt="$(which "mingw32-make")" ; echo &...
RL-S's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the magnet uri scheme in PKGBUILDs?

Is it possible to use resources exchanged with the BitTorrent protocol in pacman's PKGBUILDs?
Scrooge McDuck's user avatar
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Exclude from rsync log file or output non-updated files

For rsyncs that involve a large number of potentially transferred files, I mean to have a "clean" log, with only what was transferred. I worked with stdout, since: I did not know how to ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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git-bash window title issue

I started a git-bash window, and type following commands : git-bash ~$ echo $BASH_VERSION 4.4.23(1)-release git-bash ~$ type cd cd is a shell builtin git-bash ~$ cd tmp git-bash ~/tmp$ # Change of ...
Philippe's user avatar
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scp from remote to remote does not work if not using -3 [duplicate]

I mean to copy files from one remote server to another. If using scp -3, command succeeds (I have remote1 and remote2 in my ~/.ssh/config) $ scp -p -3 remote1:dir1/file1 remote2:dir2/ but when not ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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Is there a convenient way to test if a given flag is supported on a command?

Okay, so I'm kinda stumped here. I'm in the midst of a deep-dive into BASH, for the purposes of writing some automation scripts for my employer. Also, full disclosure here: I'm a web guy; hitherto I'...
NerdyDeeds's user avatar
-2 votes
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To count the number of occurrences of first field in text file [closed]

i require to count the number of occurrences of first field in txt file and to print output file as two column file having first field of input file & no. of occurrences of fist field in input ...
SBM Anand's user avatar
9 votes
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Handling Bash script with CRLF (carriage return) in Linux as in MSYS2?

Let's say I have the following trivial script, echo "testing" stat . echo "testing again" Trivial as it is, it has \r\n (that is, CRLF, that is carriage return+line feed) as line endings. ...
sdaau's user avatar
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Inspect/browse gzipped dd disk image from command line without decompressing and mounting?

I did a disk image, as per How to dd a remote disk using SSH on local machine and save to a local disk : ssh user@remote "dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -1 -" | dd of=image.gz` Now, I would just like to ...
sdaau's user avatar
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Purpose of "!::=::\" `name=value pair` in `env` stdout [duplicate]

Inspecting the stdout the invocation of env utility without supplying an operand it returned a name=value pair whose meaning I don't understand nor was able to find any documentation $ env ... !::=::...
Paulo Tomé's user avatar
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3 votes
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paste: /dev/fd/63: No such file or directory

I'm new to Unix command. I was trying to execute the following commands in Git Bash and it directs to error message: paste: /dev/fd/63: No such file or directory # Set Up Image Lists paste <(awk "{...
scionx's user avatar
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Why does `ldd <dynamic_lib>` output "??? => ???" (question marks in both library and location)?

Running ldd <dynamic_lib>, I noticed that there are some entries that read ??? => ???. Searching for a variety of combinations of "Linux", "ldd" and "??? => ???", both via search engine ...
JDQ's user avatar
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