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SSHing into remote machine from terminal doesn't ask for password, but through VS Code integrated terminal, it does, Why?

I'm working on a project where I have to run a python script which will open a tmux session with multiple windows, in each one ssh into a different remote machine, and run another python script. I'm ...
a dude's user avatar
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How do I kill a hung ssh session within tmux

Here's my setup: Workstation==ssh=>jumphost(tmux with split panes)==ssh=>server1 ==ssh=>server2 If either of the two connections to the ...
Philippe's user avatar
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Can't detach from tmux session while process is running

I am logging in to a remote linux machine via ssh, and then I start a batch process in tmux. However, I can't detach from the current tmux session using Ctrl + b + d. So, for starting another tmux ...
Roland Hohensinn's user avatar
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How do I get the tmux window name back after ssh clobbered it?

This is a common problem, and while not critical, it is quite annoying. While using tmux on a remote server, each window is renamed according to the program being run. So if I have 3 windows running ...
user1794469's user avatar
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Why does my tmux theme not match the one I'm trying to install?

I am trying to install this theme for tmux. After all the steps specified in the instructions, I get this. The color of the invitation is completely different, as well as all the "strokes" ...
Santa Monica's user avatar
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Mistakenly started a long running task on an ssh shell

I understand that a long-running job on a server should be started with nohup/screen/tmux. But sometimes by mistake, I will start a job w/o realizing how long it would take. For example, I recently ...
rivu's user avatar
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Run a local script in a remote host using tmux on the remote host

I managed to run a local script through ssh: ssh <user>@<host> 'bash -s' < /path/to/ Also managed to run a remote script in a remote machine using tmux: ssh <user>@...
Sft's user avatar
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Tmux external clipboard interaction with loadb over SSH

I have the external clipboard option enabled: $ tmux show-options -g -s set-clipboard set-clipboard external And I'm using Kitty terminal with tmux in SSH. When I highlight text with the mouse or ...
jeanluc's user avatar
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Reset status bar tmux after exiting an ssh connection started within a tmux window

I tried many things but tmux seems to be very stubborn on this one. When I start a tmux session in bash it shows 0:bash* in my status bar. Then when I ssh to a server it gives me 0:user@server:~* When ...
Sjors Branderhorst's user avatar
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How to send a command to tmux-session of remote-device (using ssh)

On my vanila Arch Linux system, I can send to local tmux-session (session main) using: $ tmux send -t main.0 'echo asdf' ENTER I can also send commands to a remote machine using ssh: (just for the ...
Garid Z.'s user avatar
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How to "reuse" the SSH connection created? [duplicate]

Here's my workflow and pain point: In a terminal, I first use tmux and create 3 panes, sometime even more. In each pane, I do a two steps SSH to connect to the work server behind a bastion server. In ...
user3768495's user avatar
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How to copy text from nano (ssh tmux) to gui editor in local computer

I have already activated the mouse with set -g mouse on in .tmux.conf. This works inside tmux. But how do I copy to and from outside tmux? Copy text from one tmux pane to another (using vim) This ...
Kangarooo's user avatar
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Close tmux Session After Script Ends

The remote Python script is executed by a local script using ssh so this is not an interactive session. The tmux session is only useful while the script runs and want it to end after the script is ...
stocky's user avatar
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In tmux on remote machine, each new line in terminal is indented to the end of the previously displayed line [closed]

Update: Solved thanks to comment by @NotTheDr01ds Original question (Details of the machines I'm using at end) I connect to a my Uni's VPN using: sudo /sbin/modprobe tun && sudo openconnect ...
mattb's user avatar
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Problems with UTF-8 when attaching to a tmux session over ssh

Scenario: I have a server, on which a tmux session is running. Let's call that session tmux_session in the rest of this post. Attaching to that session can be done in two, slightly different ways: By ...
polemon's user avatar
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