My new laptop has Intel HD integrated video and an Nvidia card. Both drivers are enabled according to the device manager. Should I disable the integrated video or leave both running? I'm having the 'dim screen' problem in Windows 7 on a separate monitor. Nvidia detects the 2nd screen correctly and the Intel driver doesn't. Modifying the power options doesn't have any effect.

It's a Lenovo t520 running 64 bit Windows 7. The monitor is dvi connected thru the docking station. The Nvidia card sees it & the Intel integrated graphics doesn't.

  • More information about the laptop you are using would be helpful: model, OS, etc.
    – viking
    Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 15:37

1 Answer 1


I would disable the on board graphics. Having them both running is not worth it. Choose one and disable the other one.

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