I need to setup conditional formatting to highlight any cells in the range that are not equal to the first cell. I have attached 2 pictures the first is how the data is typically entered and I have highlighted the range that I would like the formatting to apply too. The second picture is how I would like conditional formatting to highlight(ignoring blanks). I have tried multiple things but nothing seems to work quite as I would like.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • It would be useful if you include the range your data is in, so people answering can give exact samples based on your data Commented Jan 15 at 14:34

1 Answer 1


For example, if you have those numbers in Column B, with the first number in B2 (after the column header in B1), you can use a rule with a formula like this:


enter image description here

And set the Applies to to:


enter image description here

  • This works perfectly, thank you! Commented Jan 15 at 15:14
  • If my answer answered your question, please accept it as the Accepted Answer by ticking the checkmark to the left of the answer Commented Jan 15 at 15:18

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