I have applied conditional formatting to a row so that when one of the cells in the row is not blank, it is highlighted. I have entered a formula into the first cell so that it is linked to another cell in another worksheet - this is causing the conditional formatting to kick in even though the source cell is blank. How can I stop the conditional formatting kicking in, unless the source cell is not blank? Many thanks.

  • 1
    I suppose you used ISBLANK(), try ="" instead. Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 10:51

2 Answers 2


A cell that contains a formula is always considered 'not blank'.

You need to change the condition in the conditional formatting to compare to nothing: ="". If the formula produces 'nothing', then the conditional formatting will understand that as such.

  1. Select the row you want add the conditional formatting to
  2. Click conditional formatting
  3. Click + to add a new rule
  4. Make sure the row you want is populated in "Apply to range"
  5. You will want your rule type to be as follows:
    • Highlight cells with
    • Cell value
    • Not Equal to
    • =0
  6. Add your custom formatting
  7. Click "Done"

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