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Questions tagged [sum]

The sum of two or more random variables.

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Summation of a product

I need to calculate the following expression: $$\sum_{k=1}^N a_k b_k$$ ${a_k}$ and $b_k$ are real positive numbers. N and k are integers. I know the average values of $a_k$ , defined as $\overline {...
Narj's user avatar
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variance of summation/compound variable?

here is my situation. I am weighting a packet of material that has 10 individual units in it. In the end of the day I would like to know the average weight and variance of the individual units but the ...
geo's user avatar
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Generic sum of Gamma random variables

I have read that the sum of Gamma random variables with the same scale parameter is another Gamma random variable. I've also seen the paper by Moschopoulos describing a method for the summation of a ...
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Random variables for which the distribution of the sum of the RV with a Gaussian RV is known

For a counter example, I am searching for random variables $Y$ such that for a independent normal random variable $X$ the distribution of $Z=Y+X$ is known parametrically. Ideally, the Shannon entropy ...
fabee's user avatar
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Why is this MGF identity true?

If $X_i \overset{i.i.d.}\sim N(\mu, \sigma^2) $, we know that: $\bar{X} \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2 /n)$. But why does: $$\exp\left({\sigma^{2}\over 2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(t_{i}-\bar{t})^{2}\right)= M_{X_{1}-\bar{...
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What can we conclude about the distribution of the sum of two random variables?

If we know, for independent random variables $X$ and $Y$, $P(X>x)\leq0.05$, and $P(Y>y)\leq0.05$, can we say anything about $P(X+Y>x+y)$? Can we be certain that it is less than $0.05$? Under ...
Masood_mj's user avatar
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How to rewrite a sum of probabilities formula as multiplications?

I have an equation like that: $p(r|s)= \frac{p(s,r)}{p(s)}=\frac{ \sum_{w,c} p(c,s,r,w)}{\sum_{w,c,r} p(c,s,r,w)} $ I am new to probability and I want to learn that how can I write sum formula as ...
kamaci's user avatar
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Sum(XY) in terms of Xbar and Ybar [closed]

If $x$ and $y$ are two series, is there any relation between $\sum{(x,y)}$ that can be expressed in terms of mean of these two. Specifically, I want to know if any sort of relation exists between $\...
nth's user avatar
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Getting past independence assumptions in modeling the sum of random variables (application in education)

I'm trying to model a student's semester GPA $G$ as a random variable. Semester GPA is a weighted (based on credit hours) sum of a student's grade points (e.g. 0=F,1=D,2=C,3=B,4=A). We can consider ...
dave's user avatar
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Deriving OLS estimates using method of moments

I've worked the slope all the way down to $\sum [x_i(y_i - \bar{y})] = \hat\beta_1 \sum[x_i(x_i - \bar{x})]$ But I can not figure out how to show the steps for: $\sum[x_i(y_i - \bar{y})] = \sum(x_i -...
Travis's user avatar
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Estimate variance of sub-sets from overall variance

I am looking for a way to estimate the variance of a summed sub-set based on the variance of those sums. Si = sum( Ai ) S = { S0...Sn } V = variance( S ) That is,...
edA-qa mort-ora-y's user avatar
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Understanding summations in COV formula for time series

I am looking through Time Series Analysis: With Applications in R (my first exposure to time series) and refreshing summations. I. When given the following rule: COV[$\sum_{i=1}^{m} c_{i}Y_{t_{i}},\...
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