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R function to compute variance of average of correlated random variables

I want to calculate the variance of the average of n correlated variables. I found a formula for that in Borenstein et al. (2009) Introduction to Meta-Analysis. $$\operatorname{Var}\left(\frac{1}{m}\...
Dr Ljotsson's user avatar
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Fast Evaluation of a Double Sum

Let $q$ be a probability distribution on $\mathcal{X}$, $w$ be a nonnegative function from $\mathcal{X}$ to $\mathbf{R}$ which is bounded away from $0$ and $\infty$, and $s$ be a bounded function ...
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How can we decompose $\text{Var}[\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^m f(A_i,B_j)]$?

Formulas for decomposing the variance of a summation of random variables can be found on Wikipedia but what is the variance of a double summation of a function of random variables? That is, are there ...
Bertus101's user avatar
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Linear regression $y_i=\beta_0 + \beta_1x_i + \epsilon_i$ covariance between $\bar{y}$ and $\hat{\beta}_1$

I am currently reading through slides from Georgia Tech on linear regression and came across a section that has confused me. It states for $$ y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1x_i+\epsilon_i $$ where $\epsilon_i \...
strwars's user avatar
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Covariance of random variables whose sum is less than a constant

Suppose that we have integer random variables $X>0$ and $Y>0$ and constant number $a$. We have: $X+Y < a$. Can we say that the covariance of these random variables is less than or equal to ...
KRL's user avatar
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Correlation between Weighted Sum of Random Variables and Individual Random Variables

Given the following set of random variables and constants, $\newcommand{\inreala}[2]{\in \mathbb{R}^{#1 \times #2}} \newcommand{\var}{\mathrm{Var}} \newcommand{\cov}{\mathrm{Cov}} \newcommand{\corr}{\...
ijoseph's user avatar
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covariance between sum and elements of sum, given the weighting of the elements, their variances and the covariance between elements

For simplicity let's say that M consists out of two elements: A and B. The weighting of A is w(A) and of B it is w(B). Hence w(A)+w(B)=1. Both weightings are given. Also given is Var(A), Var(B) and ...
von mises's user avatar
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What is the variance of the sum of Yi's

Seems a simple enough question, and I presume that, if Yi are normally distributed, Var(Sum(Yi)) = Sum(Var(Yi)) This feels like I'm jumping to the wrong conclusion though. Any help would be ...
Colin Gladue's user avatar