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Concentration inequality for sums of independent gamma random variables

I am dealing with the following problem: Say $X_1, \ldots, X_n$ are independent Gamma random variables, each one having shape and rate parameters $\alpha_i$ and $\beta_i$, respectively. Let $S_n = \...
HeyCool08's user avatar
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Calculating the probability of the total duration of N sequential events with different cdfs describing their duration

Be patient, I am not very skilled with cdf. I seem to have a seemingly simple problem for which I either can't seem to find material about or simply lack the vocabulary for. Given are N sequential ...
Pepijn Ekelmans's user avatar
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Consistency when we want to find the distribution of sum of random variables following each one a distribution

I want to clarify a point that disturbs me among different cases. I am interested in formulate correctly in a general case when we know the distribution of different random variables and we want to ...
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How do I sample Simultaneous Sums of Gamma-Distributed Variables?

Suppose I have 7 variables $y_i$ sampled from $Gamm(a,1)$, with $a>0$. Now, I define $$x_1 = y_1+y_2+y_3+y_4,$$ $$x_2 = y_1+y_2+y_5+y_6,$$ $$x_3 = y_1+y_3+y_5+y_7$$ What is the distribution of $x_1$...
Arthur Campello's user avatar
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Distribution sum of correlated normal variables squared

I'm trying to deduce which distribution my data follows and how to estimate the parameters. I have four random variables $X_i \sim N(\mu_i,\sigma_i^2)$ where the means and variances are all different. ...
PhPanda's user avatar
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Lower incomplete gamma function format in series representation and R [closed]

As known that the lower incomplete gamma function can be written as $\gamma(a,x) = x^{a}e^{-x}\sum_k^\infty{{x^{k}}\over a^{k+1}}.$ What is the format for $\sum_j^\infty{\gamma(v/p-j,rx^{p})} $ in ...
Alicia's user avatar
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Question regarding the distribution of sum of random variables

Let $X_1, ... X_n$ be i.i.d random variables that have an exponential distribution with parameter $\theta$. So we know that $\sum X_n \sim \Gamma(n, \theta)$. This makes sense by working backward. ...
student_R123's user avatar
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Linear combination of non central chi-squared random variables

I want to analyze the distribution of $$X = \sum_i X_i^2$$ where independent $X_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, \sigma_i^2)$. If $\mu_i=0$, I can derive the distribution by passing Gamma distribution like ...
Sabrina Cantu's user avatar
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How to explain the following discrepency when changing parameter for exponential?

Suppose $y$~ $\exp(\frac{1}{2\theta})$ then $\frac1\theta y$~$\exp(\frac12)=\frac14\chi^2_2=\frac14\gamma(1,2)$ then $\sum \frac1\theta y=\frac14\chi^2_{2n}$ then $\sum y$~$ \frac{\theta}{4} \chi^...
CoolKid's user avatar
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Can we show this sum of Gamma CDF converges, and if so can we derive its limit?

This is a bit of a strange question, but suppose I have some random variables. $$Y_i \sim Gamma(i,\lambda)$$ Where this comes from the fact that each $Y_i$ is defined as the sum of $i$ independent ...
Patty's user avatar
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PDF of sum of truncated exponential distribution

Let $x_i$ represent samples from a Truncated Exponential distribution between $0$ and $1$, with rate parameter $\lambda$. Defining $\tilde x = \dfrac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i}{n}$ What is the PDF of $\...
Diogo Santos's user avatar
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Generic sum of Gamma random variables

I have read that the sum of Gamma random variables with the same scale parameter is another Gamma random variable. I've also seen the paper by Moschopoulos describing a method for the summation of a ...
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