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How to report ANOVA results when comparing to negative binomial models?

I want to report the results of an ANOVA test used to compare two negative binomial models in R: anova(model1, model2, test = "Chi") I receive the ...
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Necessary diagnostics of multiple quantile regression

I am wondering what are necessary statistics for multiple quantile regression model. I am considering creating a model e.g. using the quantreg R package: ...
Mikołaj's user avatar
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The "detectseparation" package. How to interpret its results?

I am running a logistic regression on financial data of several companies. The dependent variable is the company to be a smoother (binary variable: 0, 1), and there are several independent variables: ...
Hussain's user avatar
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Beta regression coefficient interpretation

I'm trying to use beta regression on a data set where the response variable is in percentage (i.e. between 0 and 1), so let's say it's the unemployment rate. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around ...
theworldistoosmall's user avatar
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Should I report df, SSQ, F and p, or should I report estimate, std error, t and p for my linear model?

Im using multiple linear models/regressions and wondering whats the best way to report a model in a scientific manuscript? I see so many versions. Should i go for the info in summary() or anova()? If ...
EcotoxicologyGirl's user avatar
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How to report on model selection

I have run model selection and have been advised to use the BIC value to determine the best model for my purposes. However, having looked around online I cannot seem to find a standard way to report ...
Rstudioamateur's user avatar
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Showing names of levels in glmer R [duplicate]

I have a simple question that would help me a lot in interpreting my results I ran a glmer model in R with the following variables: a binary DV that is dummy coded a categorical IV1 named "...
Alaa's user avatar
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How do we report a regression with categorical * continouns interaction?

I was wondering how would be the best way to report this model ? ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
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Properly displaying Categorical Variables Represented as R Factors in a Table

I submitted the following table for peer review in a manuscript. The reviewer comments showed that the table confused them. In our study we have a pre- and post-score that we measured as DVs. Our ...
Kevin T's user avatar
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How to report results from linear mixed models: interaction terms changing significance

I've used linear mixed models to test if factors genotype and sex influence colon length, while including batch as a random effect. I first ran the test...
oregaymi's user avatar
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Which model fit indices do you report from lavaan CFA for scale development?

For RMSEA there seems to be a regular value and two robust values. Are there any recommendations on which of the three values to report? Would you report 1, 2 or 3 from ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Reporting guideline for bayesian using pd and ROPE

In the bayestestR articles, I came across the reporting guidelines that they recommend “the effect of X has a probability of pd of being negative (Median = median, ...
HNSKD's user avatar
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How to report the results of an anova() model comparison?

I have two models with the same outcome variable and the same independent variables, but Model 1 has two more independent variables than ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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When should I report multiple r-squared versus adjusted r-squared in a linear regression?

I am trying to report the r-squared value for the results of a linear regression in R using the lm package. I noticed that the ...
user2352714's user avatar
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How to write fitted model using data from R?

I don't know how to write a fitted model. What I did was: Y hat = (1.222 * e^1) + (3.938 * e^-4 * sqft_living) This is for the fitted model for waterfront = 0 group. However, I don't know how to do it ...
Mary's user avatar
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