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81 votes
4 answers

How should tiny $p$-values be reported? (and why does R put a minimum on 2.22e-16?)

For some tests in R, there is a lower limit on the p-value calculations of $2.22 \cdot 10^{-16}$. I'm not sure why it's this number, if there is a good reason for ...
paul's user avatar
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25 votes
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How to present box plot with an extreme outlier?

I could use some guidance about presenting some data. This first plot is a case-control comparison for the cytokine IL-10. I've manually set the y axis to include 99% of the data. The reason I set ...
Alex C's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

How to present results of a Lasso using glmnet?

I would like to find predictors for a continuous dependent variable out of a set of 30 independent variables. I am using Lasso regression as implemented in the glmnet package in R. Here is some dummy ...
jokel's user avatar
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How to report negative binomial regression results from R

I have fit a negative binomial model in R, and would like to report the findings, but I'm unsure how (or if) I should convert the estimates to reportable coefficients. Here is my output: ...
MGy's user avatar
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Reporting binomial logistic regression

I want to report the results of a binomial logistic regression where I want to assess difference between the 3 levels of a factor (called System) on the dependent variable (called Response) taking two ...
L_T's user avatar
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How to report the results of an anova() model comparison?

I have two models with the same outcome variable and the same independent variables, but Model 1 has two more independent variables than ...
Charlotte's user avatar
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How do we report a regression with categorical * continouns interaction?

I was wondering how would be the best way to report this model ? ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
1 vote
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How to report a permutation test?

I want to compare a parameter between two independent groups of volunteers (see MWE below). All volunteers had baseline reading (V1) and a subsequent reading by a later visit (V2) for intervention (<...
doctorate's user avatar
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Reporting guideline for bayesian using pd and ROPE

In the bayestestR articles, I came across the reporting guidelines that they recommend “the effect of X has a probability of pd of being negative (Median = median, ...
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