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Non-Parametric Regression with an Omitted Variable

Suppose we use the Kernel Regression Estimator $$\hat{m}(c)=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n K\left(\frac{x_i-c}{h}\right)y_i}{\sum_{i=1}^n K\left(\frac{x_i-c}{h}\right)}$$ where $h\to 0$ and $nh\to \infty$ as $n\...
Joseph Basford's user avatar
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Linear model for maximizing rank correlation between observed and predicted response

linear regression is modelled as $$Y = X\beta + \epsilon$$ for response variable $Y$ (vector), design matrix $X$, and iid Gaussian noise $\epsilon$ (vector). instead of minimizing the mean squared ...
fool's user avatar
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Are these two estimated regression coefficient asymptotically equivalent? If not, which one is more efficient?

Suppose I have $Y=\beta_1X_1+\beta_2X_1X_2+g(X_2)+u$, where $E(u|X_1,X_2)=0$ and $S=g(X_2)+e$ with $E(e|X_2)=0$. I have a random sample $\{Y_i,X_{1i},X_{2i},S_i\}_{i=1}^n$. Suppose I first use a ...
ExcitedSnail's user avatar
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Non-Parametric Test for Regression Significance

I have created a plot of the regression slope of sea surface temperatures (x) and an atmospheric variable (y). Although, I need to test the statistical significance of these trends using a non-...
Megan Franke's user avatar
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OLR for non-normal continuous dependent variable with two categorical independent variables?

ID Sex Surface B1 1 female UN 1255 2 female UN 542 3 female UN 818 1 female UN 274 2 female UN 261 3 female UN 314 1 female UP 552 2 female UP 548 3 female UP 721 1 female UP 431 2 female ...
Noob29's user avatar
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Projection pursuit regression

Projection pursuit regression (PPR) is described in Hastie et al.'s The Elements of Statistical Learning in the chapter on neural networks. The algorithm was introduced by Friedman and Stuetzle (1981)....
Estacionario's user avatar
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Multiple Linear regression unmet assumptions, what can I do?

I need your help with some work I am doing. Some context first: I am writing a dissertation for my master. The topic is about perceived trust in Smart Home technology. I launched a survey with a ...
Abdel Kdj's user avatar
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Can I use log-log OLS with no constant to measrue the relationship between two variables in a non-normal distribution?

I am trying to measure the relationship between the price of a futures-contract and the current price of the underlying asset on the day of purchasing said futures-contract. For this I have a dataset ...
Statauser's user avatar
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How to use the argument stype in boot-package in R? [closed]

The stype argument in boot of R can take 3 values: "i" which is the default, "w" or "f". What is ...
Hussain's user avatar
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Gaussian Process Regression prior with observations as integrals?

Consider some standard 1d Gaussian Process Regression (GPR). Suppose you are not happy with a typical mean-zero prior away from the data and you actually want something like the derivative of the mean ...
safetyduck's user avatar
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which non parametric test to use? friedman or Kruskal?

I am conducting a study on textrual complexity. We fed people food (3 types) over 3 sessions and asked questions about hunger levels. 20 participants were tested during 60 trials in total. Of the 14 ...
luke pringle's user avatar
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Gasser Müller estimator for estimating the derivative $m'(x)$ of a nonparametric regression function

I would like to compare the performance of the Gasser Müller estimator with other estimators for estimating the the derivative $m'(x)$ of the regression function $m(x)$. Let's say we have the ...
Mathieu Rousseau's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is the Cox-PH Model called "Semi Parametric"?

When it comes to Survival Analysis, I understand that there are 3 main classes of models: Non-Parametric Models Parametric Models Semi-Parametric Models Non-Parametric models are like the Kaplan-...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Which statistical test should I use if the assumptions of a 2-way ANOVA are not met?

My study design consists of two factors (one with 2 levels, the other with 6) and a continuous response variable. In order to analyze the influence of both factors on the explanatory variable I built ...
Insect_biologist's user avatar
8 votes
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What do the terms "nearly-optimal rate", "near-minimax rate", "minimax optimal rate" and "minimax rate" mean in the context of posterior consistency?

Definition: A sequence $\epsilon_n$ is a posterior contraction rate at the parameter $θ_0$ if $$\Pi_n(θ: d(θ, θ_0) ≥ M_n \epsilon_n| X^{(n)}) → 0$$ in $P^{(n)}_{θ_0}$-probability, for every $M_n → ∞$. ...
user3911153's user avatar
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how well would a robust mixed model fit these data? R (rlmer)

I want to investigate Y ~ X1 * X2 + (1|ID on this dataset (there's a plot of these data in that post too, it's the same dataframe) Y is a continuos outcome ...
Larissa Cury's user avatar
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MARS vs. CART regression predictive power

I have been wondering recently about the prediction power of the two similar models: Decision Trees and the MARS model (instead of fitting the mean to the subsets, OLS line is estimated). Given that ...
Fatafim's user avatar
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Does the P value need to be "back- transformed" after logging one variable in Regression analyse?

I have a data series, sediment concentration in water Vs Time. The data is not normal but I want to use regression and so have logged the sediment concentration (log10(x)). The residual and fit to ...
Rose's user avatar
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Sample size planning method differs from analysis method

I have seen some articles using one method for sample size estimation(two sample comparison for means or proportions) and subsequently using regression analysis/non parametric methods. If I have a ...
user45765's user avatar
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Is there a non-parametric form of a 3-way ANOVA?

I am currently in the process of writing a publication about the home range of cat shark species in South Africa. However, I am currently struggling with how to create an interaction model of shark ...
Tom Johnson's user avatar
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Design points of local polynomial regression

Let the random set $\{(Y_{t},X_t)\}_{t=1}^n$ follow the model: $$Y_t=m(X_t)+\epsilon_t,\quad t\in\{1,\cdots,n\}\quad (1)$$ where $\epsilon_t$ is a random error term and $m(\cdot)$ is an unknown smooth ...
Celine Harumi's user avatar
4 votes
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How to create a B-spline basis without intercept and linear trend included?

I want to fit the following model using splines: \begin{align} Y(t) = \beta_0 + \beta_1t + \sum_{j=2}^{d} \beta_jB(t)_j \end{align} where $B_j$ are the basis functions. However, when I run the ...
Dries De Witte's user avatar
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Is Kernel-Regression parametric or non-parametric?

As the title says, is kernel regression a parametric or non-parametric method, and how can this be motivated/explained?
Alexander's user avatar
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Closed form equations for simple linear regression estimators

I'm learning specifically about different forms of simple linear regression including ordinary least squares, median absolute deviation, and Theil-Sen. I have no background whatsoever in linear ...
hachiko's user avatar
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can daily count data use GAM ordered categorical family, proportional-odds model?

The observed response variable Y takes on one of K(=21) ordered categories. Here is a summary of my response data (count data: the number of hospital admission in each day), y has observations across ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How can I make a prediction interval for a future response (not its mean) in regression by using bootstrap?

I'd like to know how I can use bootstrap to predict the confidence interval for a future response (not for its mean) no matter what theorical model and error distribution are, I know I can train the ...
Davi Américo's user avatar
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Difference between kernel linear regression and non-parametric regression

A quick perplexity popped up in my mind while reading about non-parametric linear regression. In linear regression, we model our response $\textbf{y} \sim \mathcal{N}(X\beta, \sigma^2I)$ so basically ...
James Arten's user avatar
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What would be the interpretation of asymmetric kernels in Gaussian Process Regression?

This paper involves with asymmetric Kernels. They claim that this arises due to local parameters. But this is not really true. They induce a particular asymmetric structure in the Kernel yet still ...
safetyduck's user avatar
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No significant interaction in OLS, but significant in pairwise comparison

I have two independent categorical variables — (i) A: {1, 2, 3}, (ii) B: {0, 1} — with a continuous outcome variable ...
Alex Zakharov's user avatar
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Validity of multilevel modeling to include results for multiple psychometric tests with subscales #statsnube

I have survey data for approx n = 1650 for multiple psychometric tests (all participants have completed all the tests), and about 12 outcome variables (from a PCA of a 52-question survey, e.g. ...
scvbelle's user avatar

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