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Questions tagged [shapiro-wilk-test]

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4 votes
2 answers

How to compare three groups of patients if one group is normally distributed but the other two are not?

Retrospective study involving three groups of patients. Group 1 are patient's diagnosed with sepsis. Group 2 are patient's diagnosed with a localized infection. Group 3 are "healthy" ...
Faye Morton's user avatar
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Ambiguity between Statistic Normality Test vs Visual Normality Check

I'm learning some basic EDA using the Boston housing price dataset and I want to filter out outliers in the feature columns. To do that I first wanted to understand what distribution each of my ...
joesan's user avatar
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My professor insists that this data is normally distributed but I cannot work out how that can be!

I have a data set on deforestation and the impact that the distance from a road has on deforestation. For the assignment, I need to assess the correlation between these two variables. In class, my ...
Daisy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Heteroscedasticity in linear mixed effects models (lmer)

I am computing the following model in R, using lme4::lmer: m3 = lmer(e ~ (X*Y*Z) + (1|ID/R), data = data_transform) e is a continuous variable. X, Y, and Z are ...
hilberthotel's user avatar
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Wilcoxon's Signed-Rank Test in the context of 2 algorithms and 1 domain

I'm trying to understand whether my analysis for a problem is in the right direction. I have 2 algorithms (3d object detectors) that I've applied to the same dataset to obtain TP, FP and FN's for each ...
neoavalon's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I violate assumptions of normality for categorical linear regression models?

I'm using packages included in this R/rStudio tutorial to set up some linear regression models comparing a continuous dependent variable (eccentricity) to three categorical variables (year, bird ...
ElizaBeso000's user avatar
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About the normality question with four conditions

I am encountering difficulties in determining the normality of data and distinguishing whether the data I have collected is parametric or non-parametric. I have gathered data using a 7-point Likert ...
SamSic's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

When to use Pearson's test and when to use Spearman's test?

I want to do a correlation analysis on a dataset of 28 samples. I want to correlate the age with the size of a reflex response. But I don't understand whether I should use Pearson's or Spearman's test....
Oskar's user avatar
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Do I need to use a factor for the ANOVA? [closed]

The problem: A psychologist is interested in short-term working memory under (1) sleep deprivation, (2) a strong dose of caffeine, (3) following 8 hours sleep. They conduct a between subjects design. ...
Cathrine's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to test for normality on paired samples between two treatments when the number of observations per treatment is unequal?

I have mice which need to poke a device to receive food across a one hour period. The device records the number of pokes and poke_time which is the duration that the mouse remained in the poke hole. ...
JLit98's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can I assume normal distribution?

I have calculated daily price returns of Bitcoin and plotted this data in the following way: x-axis: returns in % y-axis: count I assumed the data had a normal distribution to calculate the $$\rm ...
BlankerHans's user avatar
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Can I remove a single data point if it is changing drastically a Shapiro Wilk test?

I'm conducting a hyphotesis test to compare the mean of two independent samples. To do so, I need to check normality of both samples. I have two samples of size 20. A single data point, on both ...
mateusvl's user avatar
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How to determine normalcy for a one group pre-test post-test? [duplicate]

My study is a retrospective one group pre-test post-test on multiple variables. Not every patient in the study had scores for all of the variables, so as long as a patient had both a pretest and a ...
Brian's user avatar
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Are there differences for the Shapiro tests in Python and R?

I am aiming to reproduce the issue (using Python) described in the answer here Is normality testing 'essentially useless'? It states that the assumption of normality is more likely to be ...
makkreker's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does checking normality of residuals give a different result than checking bivariate normality of the two variables?

I am checking the conditions for hypothesis testing a Pearson correlation as significant or not, and also checking the residuals normality conditions for OLS. Why are the following methods giving ...
jp5602's user avatar
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