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Questions tagged [likelihood-ratio]

The likelihood ratio is the ratio of the likelihoods of two models (or a null and alternative parameter value within a single model), which may be used to compare or test the models. If either model is not fully specified then its maximum likelihood over all free parameters is used - this is sometimes called a generalized likelihood ratio.

227 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Understanding Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT) Likelihood Ratio

I am a software developer looking to develop an alternative for the simple hypothesis testing scheme described here. In short, the test works as follows: Two URLs are compared for their ability to ...
jkndrkn's user avatar
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One-Sample t Test and Likelihood Ratio Test

Concerning testing the hypotheses about the mean $\mu$ of a single population I know of things like the One-Sample $t$ test where there is a null hypothesis: $H_0: \mu = \mu_0$, and a test statistic $...
user782220's user avatar
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What are some of the robustness checks for the likelihood ratio test?

In the application of statistical methods in social science, one usually does a lot of robustness checks. If I got some publishable findings using LRT test by discrimination two theoretical models, ...
High GPA's user avatar
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What is the difference between the F-test and the Wald / Likelihood Ratio / Score tests of linear models?

In statistical inference, it's common that investigators will report the results from Wald tests for simple univariate inference or likelihood ratio tests for nested models. However, in regression ...
Arumairajan's user avatar
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When to use likelihood ratio test vs. incremental F-test in nested nonlinear model selection?

I have two nested nonlinear models and I want to know which provides a better fit to some data. I see descriptions of both the likelihood ratio test and of the incremental F-test (also called the ...
Ken Miller's user avatar
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Reference for implementing generalized likelihood ratio test to determine online whether time-series mean has shifted

What is a reference that describes the "generalized likelihood ratio" test to determine online (i.e., meaning that we add an observation, then check, then add an observation, then check) whether the ...
Davoud Taghawi-Nejad's user avatar
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P-value of LR test

I've been studying more about GLRT (Generalized Likelihood Ratio Tests) and I came up with the following problem. Let $X\sim N(\theta,1)$ and consider the hypothesis $H_0:\theta\in[a,b]$ against $H_1:\...
Statistical Shiba inu's user avatar
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How to interpret anova output for mixed model likelihood ratio test

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Testing Fixed and Random Effect of Mixed Model

This pdf illustrates nicely how is to test the random effect of multilevel model . But I am simulating data from a two-level model and estimating the parameters of the model for various combination of ...
user81411's user avatar
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Comparing likelihoods from non-nested models

Short: I have a series of joint probabilities (likelihoods) for how likely sample $Q$ belongs to group $K$. I need to compute a p-value describing how "significant" the "top" group is compared to ...
Stephen Turner's user avatar
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Clarification on interpreting Wald's test and Likelihood ratio tests

I am running multinomial logistic regression analysis on my data. The response variable is the number of calves produced each year (0,1, or 2). I am trying to evaluate the influence of the X ...
Kerry's user avatar
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Neyman-Pearson lemma: critical region and hypothesis testing

Let $X_1,X_2,...,X_n$ be i.i.d r.v's with common p.d.f. $$ \mbox f(x)=\frac{x^5e^{-x/\theta}}{5!\theta^6} $$ where $\theta$ > 0. Show that the Neyman-Pearson lemma produces a test of $H_0: \...
user123965's user avatar
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Application of likelihood ratio test to test the Markov property

Do you know a reference (freely available on the web) where the likelihood ratio test is applied in order to test for the Markov property? The setting is a directly observable discrete Markov-chain ...
Richi W's user avatar
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Likelihood ratio test versus AIC for model comparison

When performing model comparison, why does the likelihood ratio test require two nested models while this is not required when using the AIC?
user7064's user avatar
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Likelihood ratio test: $f(x)=2x$ vs $f(x)=3x^2$: $2n$ degrees of freedom?

Suppose $X_1, . . . , X_n$ are i.i.d. with pdf $f(·)$. We want to test the hypotheses \begin{align} H_0 &: f(x) = 2x , \;\, \text{ for } 0 \le x \le 1, \text{ against}, \\ H_1 &: f(x) = 3x^2 , ...
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