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Questions tagged [pipe]

A pipe is an interprocess connection between file descriptors of two processes. A pipe is created with the POSIX pipe() function (from <unistd.h>). Shells create pipes between processes if the "|" symbol is used: "cmd1 | cmd2" directs the output of cmd1 to the input of cmd2. On Windows use CreatePipe(). This mechanism redirects standard input, standard output, and standard error into the calling process in .NET and Java.

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capture hash value from git log --oneline --graph using regex [duplicate]

When running git log --oneline --graph you can get something like this * 7e5dbb0 Merge |\ | * c873a96 My | * f5817ba Amazing * | f6a34ac Feature |/ * f5a51ce Other stuff I want to take that and ...
Net-worker's user avatar
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Tomcat: Too many files open. FIFO pipes

I have this problem for a while now with one of my tomcat server running an java application. When I start the tomcat it slowly starts opening this kind of pipes java 10329 tomcat 427u a_inode ...
Stoian Dardzhikov's user avatar
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Handling Large Text Files with Pipes in C: Minimizing and Debugging a Word Frequency Counter

This program is a minimized version of a larger project that processes text files to generate CSV output with word frequencies. The full version works well for small to medium-sized files but ...
iPc's user avatar
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Why isn't ERRORLEVEL giving the correct value in my batch file

I am trying to write a batch file that will test all local groups and report if a user belongs to the group. Here is my code: echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f "tokens=*" %%G ...
DazedAndConfused's user avatar
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Why do I get different outputs for calling "replicate" with and without pipe "%>%" in R?

I want to generate a character vector with 20 elements, each has a random string. So I generate a random string with the following code: sample(x = c(letters, LETTERS), size =, 1), ...
Alireza Sadeghi's user avatar
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I am getting this error Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'> OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

I cat some logfiles into a python script which I then pipe into head as follows: cat *mongodb.log.* | python -b 20240101000000 -e 20250101000000 | head the output is as follows, I am ...
Dennis's user avatar
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Can't communicate between different levels of admin privileges using named pipes in .NET 8

I have a program which is composed of a Windows Service and a GUI. The windows service runs under a local system account, and the GUI runs on a user account and receives information about the service ...
haxonek's user avatar
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Angular 15, .pipe .subscription response modifications

let data = { ticketId: id }; this.apiService .call("tickets", "/detail", "GET", true, data, null) .pipe(first()) .subscribe( (data) => { data = this....
Lokesh Lokhande's user avatar
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how to expand a string in bash so that it evaluates to a pipeline [duplicate]

Suppose I have the following variable in a bash script cmd='echo hi | wc'. Since I forgot how many characters are in the string "hi", I want to run cmd. I expected this be as simple as ...
Mark VY's user avatar
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Equivalent for pipe() in bash or other shell

In libc, there is an ability to create an (anonymous) pipe: I am aware of mkfifo in bash and similar shells, and I am aware of the | which allows ...
Philip Adler's user avatar
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Using procmail to pipe to a php script, can I add a variable to be checked [closed]

I have a procmail script set up which pipes to a PHP script when an email subject line matches: :0 * ^[email protected]|^Subject.*(REMOVE|Undelivered Mail) | /usr/bin/php -f /var/www/somefolder/...
jamminjames's user avatar
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Broken pipe passing Python output to C++ input due to size

I'm trying to transform an image into a matrix of it's rbg values in c++, i really like the simplicity of PIL on handling different images extensions, so i currently have two codes from PIL import ...
Leonardo Dantas's user avatar
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Named Pipe security problem on some Windows clients

I'm using named pipe for a communication inside a C# process. The software is used on different Windows PCs. On some PCs my software is working and on some I get the following error: "Some or all ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to get available data in a pipe in linux

In Linux, after writing some data in a pipe (yet not read), when using fstat on read/write side of a pipe, the st_size field is zero. Is it possible to get the size of data available in a pipe? Sample ...
tahzibi.jafar's user avatar
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Is there a Flutter equivalent of the pipes in Angular?

I am learning Angular, and I have discovered pipes, which not only seem very useful but should also be much more RAM-efficient than functions for data transformation. Is there an equivalent of Angular ...
Pandruz's user avatar
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