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Questions tagged [filesize]

Use this tag to mark questions related to file sizes on any file system.

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PHP 8.2 filesize() unable to read from directory [closed]

I have looked up what my issue would be with filesize() that cant read the file size of a file which is in a sub directory (/media/). Also file_exists() and is_readable() gave negative feedback. ...
karadayi's user avatar
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How to get available data in a pipe in linux

In Linux, after writing some data in a pipe (yet not read), when using fstat on read/write side of a pipe, the st_size field is zero. Is it possible to get the size of data available in a pipe? Sample ...
tahzibi.jafar's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does the ProGuard rule expand my APK size to be even larger than the jar itself?

I have finished a very simple demo just includes a button and textview.If I enable these two switch with empty apk's size will be 1.5M. build.gradle buildTypes { release { ...
Mirko's user avatar
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Flutter/dart: How to identify drivers for large aab file sizes

I have updated some dependencies of my flutter app, and suddenly the aab file size of my release has doubled from 190mb to 380mb. Now, I get a warning when uploading to the play store. How can I find ...
Mercutio1243's user avatar
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Issue with file size validation using multer middleware in Node.js

I'm having an issue with validating the file size using the multer middleware in a Node.js application. I have implemented a custom middleware setFileLimit to set the file size limit based on the file ...
Aswin K S's user avatar
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Why hbase StoreFileSize (from jmx) and hdfs dfs -du -h are different?

i want to get the hbase table StoreFileSize, but result of the command curl hostip:port/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=HBase,name=RegionServer,sub=Tables are different from hdfs dfs -du -h /hbase/data/default/...
ray's user avatar
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Should I prefer using basic_istream::tellg() or filesystem::file_size()?

Suppose I have a std::filesystem::path, which I then open as an std::ifstream, and suppose that I want to determine its size (e.g. maybe I want to read the whole file). Should I prefer calling auto ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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truncate does not support creating files with sizes greater than 2^63-1

Apparently, gnu truncate on my x86_64 system does not support creating files with sizes of size >= 8EiB (= 2^63 Bytes = 9223372036854775808 Bytes). /usr/bin/truncate: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, ...
Semnodime's user avatar
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How to reduce the size of my executable made via `jpackage`

I have a jpackage build script that takes one of my projects (all have the exact same structure) and creates an executable. This script works and produces an installer, which I can run to create my ...
davidalayachew's user avatar
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In Linux, why lseek(1.txt, 0 , SEEK_END) = 1.txt's size +1?

In Linux, why lseek(1.txt, 0 , SEEK_END) = (number of texts in 1.txt) + 1, (but, if file empties lseek() is 0) ?? #include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<fcntl.h> int main(int ...
SSS's user avatar
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Why does the size of any HTML page become 6 bytes greater after saving it to a file?

I use Python's Requests module to download HTML pages. For each URL I execute this statement response = requests.get(URL), so the result of any GET request is written to the response variable. I ...
snailontheslope's user avatar
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Angular build warning "Bundle initial exceeded maximum budget." I know how to remove the warning, but how big is too big? [duplicate]

I am creating a small HTML game (think Wordle). There are only a few small pages (home/game/about/create). I don't use many, but I do have Angular Material controls package installed. I'm shocked that ...
Todd Davis's user avatar
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git repo size due to commit binary file to multiple branches

I used git-filter-repo to remove several large binary files from my git repo after migration from SVN. Now, I have to add few selected files back and was wondering what will happen to the git repo ...
matth's user avatar
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how to get size of file bigger than LONG_MAX in c? [duplicate]

how do you get the size of a file bigger than LONG_MAX in C? I know you can use fopen+SEEK_END+ftell as long as your filesize don't exceed LONG_MAX, but what if it does? #include <stdio.h> int ...
hanshenrik's user avatar
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How can we use a command to get exact size of files or folders in CMD?

I know nothing about bat file or cmd file. I asked chatGPT to pull me someting that I can use as command as such: fsize <filename[s]> where fsize takes filename[s] and calculate size in human ...
Mr Handsome's user avatar

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