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Why do I get different outputs for calling "replicate" with and without pipe "%>%" in R?

I want to generate a character vector with 20 elements, each has a random string. So I generate a random string with the following code: sample(x = c(letters, LETTERS), size =, 1), ...
Alireza Sadeghi's user avatar
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define condition while piping a tibble

Is there any way to define a condition so as I can use it several time while piping a tibble? data <- tibble(age = c(25, 30, 18, 40), income = c(50000, 70000, 35000, 80000)) filter_condition <- ...
fred's user avatar
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Merge dataframes with unequal lengths and substituting 0 for values that are not present [duplicate]

I have two data frames of unequal length, one data frame contains a subset of dates of the first data frame and they each have different columns: Data Frame 1: structure(list(date = structure(c(19241, ...
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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Using C# System.Diagnostics to launch R to process information and pass results back to console

I have a legacy C# application that uses datatables in its operations. I need to pass information from a datatable in a C# program to R; then get R to process the data using the instructions from a ...
User_zyp9's user avatar
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Generate new variable using reference to cell within pipe

I am trying to add a new column to a dataframe, with values coming from a specific cell of the same df. I want to do this within a pipe, without referring explicitely to the original dataframe. In the ...
menomale's user avatar
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How can I run a function at the end of a pipe?

This code makes a sentence from two different columns in a data frame library(dplyr); library(tibble); library(magrittr) mtcars %>% rownames_to_column(var = "car") %>% sample_n(5)...
luciano's user avatar
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R piping: object not found. What am I missing?

So this is really a basic question, however I am stuck with trying to use the following basic code: dc_test |> table(testVar) It leads to: Error: Object 'testVar' not found dc_test is a data....
user23986189's user avatar
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How do I summarize data and bind new rows to an existing data frame?

Edited to give reprex in response to comments. I'm reading in several years of public temperature data for California's 58 counties. I'd like to create a summary, the daily statewide average, and put ...
David Crow's user avatar
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purrr::set_names using pipe operator in R

How do I edit the below R pipe so that I can change the column names before reading all the sheets into a single dataframe? Currently, the set_names function is applied to sheet names in the Excel, ...
sjedi's user avatar
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Create a column with one of two variables based on another columns character

I have a dataframe that looks like this: location sample_year mean Ann Lake 2003 22 Bird Lake 2003 22 Tree Lake 2003 22 Ann River 2003 22 Tim River 2003 22 Dog River 2003 22 Apple River 2003 ...
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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R's new native pipe does not work How to solve? [duplicate]

This is my reproducible sample data df1 <- structure(list(No = 1:3, A = c(1L, 0L, 0L), B = c(0L, 1L, 0L), C = c(1L, 2L, 1L), D = c(0L, 1L, 0L)), class = "data.frame",...
Anh's user avatar
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Why can very long pipe (%>%) statements cause "Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit"?

Before I start: I'm aware that there are quite a few threads on this error "out there" but none of them seem to narrow the problem down to very long pipe statements specifically. By chance I ...
Patrick's user avatar
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how to refer to local and upper level LHS

In the following, is there a way to refer to both expr1 and expr2 in the expr? expr1 %>% { expr2 %>% expr } For example, this doesn’t work mtcars %>% { mtcars[1:3] %>% mutate(disp2 = ...
blueskyddd's user avatar
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avoiding/disabling lazy evaluation for pipeline processing [duplicate]

Imagine I have a set of functions for data processing, for example: procA <- function(input){ cat('\n Now processing #A') # message just to log pipeline flow # Actual data processing, may ...
Vasily A's user avatar
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Is there a base pipe way of using the unique value of a column to pipe into labs from ggplot

The problem is fairly simple - if I take a df and perform a few filtering steps on it, I'd like to be able to pipe the output of those into a ggplot function and use the unique value of a particular ...
biomiha's user avatar
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