I want to know the height of one row of <textarea>. I want to know that because I want to do some calculations.

Do we know it or do we have to do some scripting?

  • If you just want to know the number of rows there are, just split by \r\n \r \n respectively.
    – Dave Chen
    Commented Jul 4, 2013 at 17:32

3 Answers 3


The height of a row is set by line-height.

For example:

<textarea rows="1">hello world</textarea>

If you set the following:

textarea { line-height: 1; font-size: 12px; border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }

By inspecting the textarea element you'll find out that it has a height of 12px.


Basically it is the same as whatever the line-height is set to. You can either set it explicitly, or figure out what it is set to, and go from there.

Here is an example


You could also determine the value of line-height (or any style) by using currentStyle or getComputedStyle, as per this answer for getting the line-height of a div:


And if you have jQuery you can use .css(), which abstracts the above (there are browser differences to consider).

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