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Homebrewing a 2-way Bag of Holding: price & balance [duplicate]

Our DM has decided that it only makes sense for a two-way Bag of Holding to exist in our world. Background: Our characters own a small shipping company that frequently makes its profits by selling ...
Erin B's user avatar
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Pathfinder warbow concept review - redux

This is a revisit of the warbow initially described in this question. Consideration was given to all answers, and combined/adapted for the below. Primarily, some of the spell storing abilities were ...
JohnP's user avatar
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Pathfinder warbow concept review

This is a review request for a warbow, intended for the Pathfinder system. The purpose behind the creation of this particular item was to allow the player to quest for a magic item that was not ...
JohnP's user avatar
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How much should this homebrew ioun stone cost?

I want one of my NPCs to have a custom Ioun stone: Ioun stone, dark galena Aura moderate evocation; CL 12th Slot none; Weight —. With a command word, the user may activate or de-activate the fast-...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
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12 votes
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Is this Cloak of Unearthly Grace pricing fair?

In an upcoming mythic campaign one of my players asked whether he can craft/purchase a Cloak of Unearthly Grace, as the Nymph's supernatural ability: Unearthly Grace (Su) A nymph adds her Charisma ...
Ligwin's user avatar
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