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Questions tagged [armor-class]

For questions about Armor Class (AC), the mechanical abstraction of how difficult it is to hit and cause damage to an opponent in D&D and related RPGs.

2 votes
1 answer

How would i go about making a melee character that doesn't wear armor?

I've been brainstorming an idea about a character that doesn't wear any armor at all using only their mobility to avoid getting hit. I already know about Monk, Bracers of Armor, Mage armor and the ...
Masakan's user avatar
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Does the Sorcerer Draconic Resilience stack with Barbarian Unarmored Defense? [duplicate]

If you have a dexterity of 30 and a wisdom or constitution of 30, with Unarmored Defense for Barbarian your AC while not wearing armor would be 10+your dexterity modifier + your constitution modifier ...
HTTYDTHW's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What defensive option would be ideal for martial characters?

I have been hearing players around me saying that "after lv.10, you should move from AC to missing chances and the stuff that won't let people target you (e.g. total concealment or total cover)&...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

If a monk increases their dexterity or wisdom modifier, does their AC increase as well?

I'm DM-ing an adventure, and my players are about to hit level 4, where the first ability score increase happens. If my monk chooses to increase their dexterity or wisdom, will their AC increase as ...
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6 votes
3 answers

maximize AC with full plate and tower shield

I know the max AC is without armor. monk / fist of the forest / sorcerer / cha / con / dex to ac etc./ polymorph and spells. +-114AC I would like to know of way's to max up AC with full plate. For a ...
lennert nonhof's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Is there a balancing reason why you cannot switch unarmored defense when multiclassing?

I have a monk player that multiclasses into a barbarian. Since his constitution is higher than his wisdom he wants to use the barbarians unarmored defense feature. According the PHB page 164 If you ...
AvW's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do the prone condition and AC against ranged attacks interact?

So, this is just a clarification about how a character's AC interacts with the Prone condition aside from the Flat-Footed condition. Mostly because being prone gives you the ability to Take Cover and ...
Snakehelm's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Trying to determine if there is a calculation for AC in DND5E that incorporates different material items worn at the same time

In D&D5eE - I want some homebrew rules involving calculating AC and their modifiers when mixing different materials of armor. If a player has on a plate mail chest piece and studded leather ...
dale landry's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Does a Lizardfolk benefit from wearing +1 leather armor?

I just realized a quirk of wording. Lizardfolk Natural Armor: You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to ...
vonBoomslang's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What character options (except spells) increase AC as reaction?

Some monsters, (e.g. the Death Knight) have a reaction called Parry which enables them to increase their AC. Are there any character options that work the same way, i.e. increase AC as a reaction? I ...
Anagkai's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is the lowest possible level that a PC get an AC of 39 without any magic items and with help from only one ally?

What is the lowest level AC a Player Character can have an AC of 39 (so a Tarrasque can't hit them without a critical hit) with help from at most one same-level ally? No magic items may be used that ...
IUltimateMage's user avatar
4 votes
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Multiattack defense vs legendary actions

I have a question about the DnD 5E Ranger Hunter Multiattack Defense feature. Should you or do you get Multiattack Defense against legendary actions? For example, when you get a bite and two claw ...
Somewhere_Nthemiddle 's user avatar
21 votes
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How much would a +7 AC magic item be worth?

For context: A DM in this multi-DM run D&D 5e campaign I'm in said she would be doing very difficult sessions with very high level loot if we succeed in said sessions. Well, disregarding the fact ...
pestival's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

What would be the impact if I allowed Barbarian's Unarmored Defense to stack with Lizardfolk's Natural Armor?

I am going to preface this question with the fact that yes, I am well aware they are separate AC calculations that you choose between. I am simply posing a theoretical question that warrants deeper ...
wheatleycrab's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Do bracers of armor stack with magic armor enhancements and special abilities?

I am aware that bracers of armor's armor bonus does not stack with the basics armour bonus, but I wonder: 1- does the armor effect of bracers of armor stack with the enhancement effect of an armor? (...
Digius's user avatar
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