
So, I have been pretty evil with how I make Hidato puzzles lately, with there being no numbers. To make up for it, I have decided to make a 3x3x3 Hidato for you all. Yes you read that right. I made a Hidato puzzle to apologize for my evil Hidato puzzles. So, I hope you enjoy this one!

The puzzle:

1st layer:

1 2 $\color{white}.$
6 16

2nd layer:

19 $\color{white}.$ 21
7 12

3rd layer:

25 23

GL HF! (Good Luck Have Fun!)


1 Answer 1


Here is a solution:

 1  2 13
18 17 14
 6 16 15

19 20 21
 7  3 12
 5  4 11

25 24 23
26 27 22
 8  9 10

Multiple solutions are possible:

In the solution shown above, 3 and 17 can be swapped, or 4 and 9 can be swapped.
In either case 10 and 11 can also be swapped, as well as 20 and 24.
This gives a total of 12 solutions.

  • $\begingroup$ lol good job! Also sorry for there being multiple solutions, but still, good job! $\endgroup$
    – CrSb0001
    Commented Nov 20, 2023 at 12:34

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