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Questions tagged [specific-reference]

Use this tag for questions seeking a single specific paper or a short, non-open-ended list of references, like "What paper first discovered X?", "Where can I find the original derivation of X?", or "What is the canonical source for X?" etc. Also for requests for hard-to-find electronic copies of resources when the exact reference is known. NOT TO BE USED for generic requests for resources (use [resource-recommendation] for that).

1 vote
0 answers

The Copenhagen Interpretation

What are the actual papers in which Bohr, Born, and others proposed the Copenhagen interpretation? I know that Bohr himself didn't use the term, but I assume that he outlined the way of understanding ...
0 votes
0 answers

Source of a problem on pion-proton interaction in elementary particles

What book is this picture taken from? It is page 383 of the book in question.
2 votes
1 answer

Original BPS state paper by Bogomol'nyi

I've been searching for the original paper by E.B. Bogomol'nyi titled "The Stability of Classical Solutions" online, and have yet to find a resource which holds it. So far, the closest I've ...
4 votes
0 answers

Frederic Schuller lecture notes

I saw that Frederic Schuller gave a lecture on statistical physics almost 10 years ago. Does anyone have the corresponding lecture notes? Unfortunately, the link https://eswirdeinskriptgeben.wordpress....
3 votes
0 answers

Qualitative difference of excitations in Fermi VS Bose superfluids

Assume that we have an electrically neutral interacting gas (or liquid) of Bose or Fermi particles in a superfluid state. For simplicity, assume that the particles interact via an assigned central ...
Quillo's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Where can I find Einstein's paper on relativity first to end?

Is there online resource where I can find Einstein's all papers on Relativity. I found something here. But no title contains "Relativity". So I think I can't find what I was expecting but ...
0 votes
0 answers

"Bogus Axioms of Continuum Mechanics"

In this very interesting IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics article on the sources of irreversibility in thermodynamics [1] L.C. Woods writes This author has latterly published two articles on the &...
1 vote
0 answers

Mathematical method of classical Mechanics Arnold [closed]

I wanted to know that is there any textbook or PDF file containg suloutin of the book Mathematical methods of classical mechanics by Arnolʹd Some of the questions are really hard.
0 votes
1 answer

English translation of Preisach's paper "Über die magnetische Nachwirkung"

This paper [1] has been already cited 2000+ times according to the statistics of Google Scholar. Hence I assume there should be English translated version for such a classic paper on hysteresis but I ...
2 votes
1 answer

Japanese book on 3D Ising model and higher dimensional CFT

So I came across this Japanese book by Yu Nakayama on the conformal bootstrap, called "高次元共形場理論への招待―3次元臨界Ising模型を解く" (Invitation to High Dimensional Conformal Field Theory - Solving 3D ...
5 votes
1 answer

In what paper did Einstein posit the cosmological constant?

Einstein's seminal papers On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies and Explanation of the perihelion movement of Mercury from general relativity were fundamental in the descriptions of Special and ...
Jim421616's user avatar
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Has there been a followup paper?

I am reading this paper M. Christodoulou et al. Planck-star tunneling-time: an astrophysically relevant observable from background free quantum gravity Phys. Rev. D. 94 (2016) 084035 At the end they ...
mattiav27's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Which paper introduced the concept of the "Bloch sphere"?

Everyone loves Bloch sphere, but which paper of Bloch was it introduced? The Wikipedia article on Bloch sphere (here), as of 17/May/2021 links to this paper of Bloch “Nuclear Induction” but it doesn’t ...
Yuji's user avatar
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3+ electron wave function expansion coefficients for atoms

I was curious if anyone knows of any published coefficients for 3+ electron ground state wave function expansions. For example, I have recently come across a paper "Ground State of the Helium ...
gigo318's user avatar
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English translation of Oseen's book on Hydrodynamics

Is there an English translation of Oseen's 'Neure methoden und ergebnisse in der Hydrodynamik' available anywhere? I could not find it on Amazon. Google search didn't shed any light. I believe that ...

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