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65 votes
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How do I construct the $SU(2)$ representation of the Lorentz Group using $SU(2)\times SU(2)\sim SO(3,1)$?

This question is based on problem II.3.1 in Anthony Zee's book Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell Show, by explicit calculation, that $(1/2,1/2)$ is the Lorentz Vector. I see that the generators of ...
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Position operator in QFT

My Professor in QFT did a move which I cannot follow: Given the state $$\hat\phi|0\rangle = \int \frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3 2 E_p} a^\dagger_p e^{- i p_\mu x^\mu}|0\rangle,$$ he wanted to show that this ...
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Is this useful identity valid only under the integral sign?

Studying dimensional reugularization one often encounters the following identity: $$ \int d^d q\, \, q^\mu q^\nu f(q^2) = \frac{1}{d}g^{\mu\nu}\int d^d q\,\, q^2 f(q^2) $$ often justified by some ...
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Problem understanding the symmetry factor in a Feynman diagram

I am trying to understand a $1/2$ in the symmetry factor of the "cactus" diagram that appears in the bottom of page 92 In Peskin's book. This is the diagram in question (notice that we are ...
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Bessel function representation of spacelike KG propagator

Preliminaries: In their QFT text, Peskin and Schroeder give the KG propagator (eq. 2.50) $$ D(x-y)\equiv\langle0|\phi(x)\phi(y)|0\rangle = \int\frac{d^3p}{(2\pi)^3}\frac{1}{2\omega_\vec{p}}e^{-ip\...
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Schrodinger Wave Functional (quantum fields) - Solving Functional Gaussian Integrals

Okay, So i'm doing some research that involves the Schrodinger representation in quantum field theory. The ground state wave functional for the Klein Gordon field is a generalized gaussian in position ...
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Simple QFT exercise

Consider a particle on the real line with: $L=\frac{1}{2}(\partial_0q)^2 + f(q)\partial_0q$ the equation of motion is that of a free particle $\partial_0^2q=0$. In fact $\delta[f(q)\partial_0q]=0$. ...
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How to apply the Faddeev-Popov method to a simple integral

Some time ago I was reviewing my knowledge on QFT and I came across the question of Faddeev-Popov ghosts. At the time I was studying thеse matters, I used the book of Faddeev and Slavnov, but the ...
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Three integrals in Peskin's Textbook

Peskin's QFT textbook 14 $$\int_0 ^\infty \mathrm{d}p\ p \sin px \ e^{-it\sqrt{p^2 +m^2}}$$ when $x^2\gg t^2$, how do I apply the method of stationary phase to get the book's answer. 2....
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Deriving Schrodinger equation from Klein-Gordon QFT with the definition $\psi(\textbf{x},t)\equiv \langle 0|\phi_0(\textbf{x},t)|\psi\rangle$

In the book "Quantum Field theory and the Standard Model" by Matthew Schwartz, page 23-24, the position space wavefunction is defined as $$\psi(x)=\langle 0|\phi(x)|\psi\rangle, \tag{2.82+2.83}$$ ...
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How do you prove that $L=I-V+1$ in $\lambda\phi^4$ theory?

It is known that the number of loops in $\lambda\phi^4$ theory is given by the formula $$L=I-V+1$$ where $L$ is the number of loops, $I$ the number of internal lines and $V$ the number of vertices. ...
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Recovering QM from QFT

Reading through David Tong lecture notes on QFT. On pages 43-44, he recovers QM from QFT. See below link: QFT notes by Tong First the momentum and position operators are defined in terms of "...
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17 votes
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How to obtain the explicit form of Green's function of the Klein-Gordon equation?

The definition of the green's function for the Klein-Gordon equation reads: $$ (\partial_t^2-\nabla^2+m^2)G(\vec{x},t)=-\delta(t)\delta(\vec{x}) $$ According to these resources: Green's function ...
an offer can't refuse's user avatar
8 votes
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How to derive completeness relation in quantum field theory with a Lorentz invariant measure?

$\bullet$ 1. For the one-particle states, the completeness relation is given in Peskin and Schroeder, $$(\mathbb{1})_{1-particle}=\int\frac{d^3\textbf{p}}{(2\pi)^{3}}|\textbf{p}\rangle\frac{1}{2E_\...
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Deriving photon propagator

In Peskin & Schroeder's book on page 297 in deriving the photon propagator the authors say that $$\left(-k^2g_{\mu\nu}+(1-\frac{1}{\xi})k_\mu k_\nu\right)D^{\nu\rho}_F(k)=i\delta^\rho_\mu \tag{9....
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