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Time reversal operator and Dirac gamma matrices

How would you prove that $T^{-1}\gamma_\mu T=\gamma_\mu$? Being $T$ the time reversal operator defined as $T=\gamma_1\gamma_3 K$ with $K$ the complex conjugate operator and $\gamma$ the Dirac gamma ...
Salmon's user avatar
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Feynman propagator from Hadamard propagator

The Feynman propagator is defined as $$i G_F = \theta(t-t')G^+ + \theta(t'-t)G^-. \tag{1}$$ Using $$G^{(1)} = G^+ + G^-,$$ $$G_R = -\theta(t-t')G, $$ $$G_A = \theta(t'-t)G, $$ $$\bar{G} = \frac{1}{2}(...
Samuel Jaramillo's user avatar
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Plane wave expansion and time independence of Hamiltonian

I am confused by a statement made in "Lectures on Quantum Field Theory", 2nd edition by Ashok Das. The author is describing the interaction picture (IP) of QFT. In equation (6.52) he shows ...
baba26's user avatar
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Heisenberg's picture on complex field operators

I've been reading David Tong's lecture notes on QFT, and specifically on Lecture 2, he writes (section 2.6, eq. 2.8.3) $$e^{i\hat{H}t}\,\hat{a}_{\vec{p}}\,e^{-i\hat{H}t}\,=\,e^{-iE_{\vec{p}}t}\,\hat{a}...
Murillo de Godoy's user avatar
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How are the creation and annihilation operators constructed for a single mode?

I'm reading Weinberg's QFT, and he defines the creation and annihilation operators as \begin{align} (a_k)_{n_1',n_2',\dots,n_1,n_2,\dots}&=\sqrt{n_k}\delta_{n_k',n_k-1}\prod_{j\ne k}\delta_{n_j',...
Redcrazyguy's user avatar
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Verify that a field operator creates a particle

In example 4.1 of Lancaster and Blundell's "Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur", we verify that a field operator creates a particle as follow: Let $|\Psi\rangle=\hat{\psi}^{\dagger}(...
Donky Dang's user avatar
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How to calculate the 4th order perturbation energy of harmonic oscillator with diagram correctly?

I'm learning Feynman diagram. It is said that: $$\Delta E=\frac {i} {T_{tot}}\sum connected\ vacuum\ diagram$$ in which $T_{tot}$ is the total time for perturbation acting. I want to test the theorem ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Deriving the Single Body Hamiltonian in QFT

I'm having some trouble with a few steps of the reasoning. My first issue is why kinetic energy is diagonal in momentum representation, and why that means the Hamiltonian as a whole will be diagonal ...
Redcrazyguy's user avatar
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Does antimatter really exist and is it a given in the scientific community? [closed]

Antimatter erases ordinary matter when it meets, that is, it cannot be found on planet Earth. Can Karl Anderson’s experiment be disproved about his alleged discovery of the existence of antimatter? Is ...
Red bel's user avatar
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Building Lagrangians for Classical Field Theory

I've been studying quantum mechanics and classical field theory for quite a while now. However, I still struggle with the idea of building scalars from vectors and tensors for the Lagrangian density. ...
Nikolawn's user avatar
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Energy expectation values in quantum mechanics with the provided spatial wave function [closed]

Consider an electron is in a one-dimensional potential well of thickness $𝐿$, with infinitely high barriers on either side, and with the potential energy zero at the bottom of the well. The equation ...
Ahitagni's user avatar
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Mode expansion using generalised Fourier transform

I'm looking at a generalised Lagrangian $L = \frac{1}{2} \left[\dot{\phi}² + \phi \mathcal{D} \phi\right]$, where $\mathcal{D}u_n = -\omega_n²u_n$, where $\left\{ u_n | n \in \mathbb{Z} \right\}$ span ...
hodjafrapjort's user avatar
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QFT: strange interaction term?

I have QED plus a massive vector field $A'_{\mu}$. The Lagrangian is: $$L = L_{QED} -\frac{1}{4} F'^{\mu \nu}F'_{\mu \nu} + \frac{a}{2} F^{\mu \nu}F'_{\mu \nu} -\frac{1}{2}M^2 A'_{\mu}A'^{\mu}+ \...
dfgoe55's user avatar
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Perturbation expansion with path integrals

This is from Hugh Osborn's 'Advanced Quantum Field Theory' notes, Lent 2013, page 15. I want to evaluate the expression $$ Z = \exp\Big(\frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial}{\partial \underline{x}} . A^{-1} \...
saad's user avatar
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Microcausality when quantizing the real scalar field with anticommutators

We know by the spin-statistics theorem that the real scalar field has to be canonically quantized by commutators. But if we try to use anticommutators, we would expand the field $$\phi(x)=\int\frac{d^...
Gabriel Golfetti's user avatar

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