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14 votes
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Physical meaning of the chiral condensate in QCD

Considering the QCD Lagrangian in the chiral limit, where all the quarks masses are set to zero. Then the Lagrangian has the following chiral symmetry: $$ SU(L)_{V} \times SU(L)_{A} \times U(1)_{V} \...
ottavio 's user avatar
11 votes
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From which dimensionful constants does proton mass arise?

It is well known that the most of the proton (or any other hadron with light quarks) mass is not made up from quark masses, but it is dynamically generated by QCD mess inside. I've also heard that, ...
Varin Esan's user avatar
8 votes
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Intuitive explanation of how hadron mass emerges from the strong force

I'm not familiar with QCD, but I'm looking for intuitive explanation of this phenomenon (it could be that easy explanation does not exist). What I've read is that large part of hadron masses arises ...
krzysztoft's user avatar
9 votes
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Spontaneous symmetry breaking of anomalous global abelian symmetries and $U(1)$ of QCD

Let me restate the $U(1)$ problem of QCD: Let us forget about the $s$ quark, and consider the $u$ and $d$ massless. This is a good approximation since $m_{u,d} \ll \Lambda_{QCD}$. Then $\mathscr{...
EEEB's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Massive Gauge Bosons without Higgs fields

In a possible theory like our Standard model but without a Higgs i.e.: $$ \mathcal{L}=i\bar{\Psi}_f\gamma_\mu D^\mu\Psi_f-\text{Tr}[G^b_{\mu\nu}G^{b\,\mu\nu}] $$ where $b,f$ run over the typical ...
Nontriviality's user avatar
4 votes
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Question about the linear sigma-model

Suppose the linear sigma-model lagrangian: $$ L = \bar{N}(i\gamma_{\mu}\partial^{\mu}-g_A \phi)N + |\partial_{\mu}\phi|^{2} - V(|\phi|) - c\sigma , $$ where $$ N = \begin{pmatrix} p \\ n\end{pmatrix}, ...
Name YYY's user avatar
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8 votes
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Peccei-Quinn-symmetry and effective Lagrangian for the Axion field

To solve the strong CP-problem Peccei and Quinn suggested the use of a new $U(1)$-symmetry called the PQ-symmetry. For this symmetry they constructed an effective Lagrangian involving the Nambu-...
Alpha001's user avatar
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3 votes
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$U(1)_A$ effects on the baryons?

We know that the axial $U(1)_A$ is anomalous thus not a global symmetry. Therefore there is no direct associated pseudo goldstone boson for $U(1)_A$. This makes the $\eta'$ much more massive than the ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
2 votes
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gauge-invariant 6-quark order parameter

In this Review paper in p.1462, bottom left: Rev.Mod.Phys.80:1455-1515,2008 -- Color superconductivity in dense quark matter It says that "There is an associated gauge-invariant 6-quark order ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
0 votes
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chiral symmetry condensate and 2SC, CFL breaking C, P and T symmetry?

Because we know that chiral symmetry condensate causes the chiral symmetry breaking, and it produces Goldstone modes of pseudo-scalars, so I believe that chiral symmetry breaking also breaks the T ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
0 votes
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Are the arrangements of quarks in hadron ground-state wavefunctions rotationally symmetric?

The Hamiltonian of quantum chromodynamics (like the rest of the Standard Model) is rotationally symmetric. My question is whether these space symmetries are spontaneously broken in the ground state of ...
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