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Physical significance of the reality of an ${\bf N}$ representation: how the nature of interactions is affected?

Background The fundamental representation of ${\rm SU(N)}$ is denoted by ${\bf N}$ and the conjugate of the fundamental is denoted by ${\bar{\bf N}}$. If the representation ${\bf N}$ is related to ${\...
SRS's user avatar
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What does it mean by active quarks?

Do the active quarks mean valence quarks? Or we can also consider other quarks, like when there are offshell-quarks produced from gluons by pair production processes? For example: how the active quark ...
zero_field's user avatar
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Could a proton be produced using the dynamical Casimir effect?

According to the standard model, would it be theoretically possible to emit protons or other complex particles from the vacuum using the dynamical Casimir effect? Or is it only possible to emit ...
sakurashinken's user avatar
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QCD energy scale $\Lambda_{\rm MS} $, $\Lambda_{\rm QCD}$, ...?

Why there seems to be different conventions of QCD energy scales? Is that due to the running coupling? For example in Wikipedia $$ \Lambda_{\...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Why quarks are confined? Why can't they be found in unbound states?

No one has observed before a "free" quark, i.e. a quark in an unbound state. According to one paper, I read that $p\bar{p}$ collision produce unbound $t\bar{t}$ pair which quickly decay into ...
A.M.M Elsayed 马克's user avatar
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Connections between conformal field theory and particle physics

I'm wondering if one could use conformal field theory to predict any facts in (experimental) particle physics? I think CFT shares some similarities with QCD, but I'm not sure if one could use CFT to ...
feng lin's user avatar
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If quark current masses were equal, processes like $dd \to ss$ would be forbidden?

The QCD lagrangian has a $SU(N_{f})$ vectorial symmetry, which is explicitly broken by the difference in quark current masses. If this symmetry was exact ($m_{u}=m_{d}=m_{s}$...) the charges ...
Victor Alencar's user avatar
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How to expand the QCD loops in terms of infrared scale for matching with heavy quark effective field theory

According to Manohar:"argument applies almost without change to a practical example,the derivation of the HQET Lagrangian to one-loop." on page 37 of the following paper on effective field ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Emergence of Dual Resonance model from QCD

This question is about getting to understand better what the Dual Resonance (DR) model actually managed to successfully predict or model from the nuclear interactions, in the context of understanding ...
lurscher's user avatar
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Conservation of left-handed quark current

I'm reading about the Operator Product Expansion in Gelis's A Stroll Through Quantum Fields section 7.4.2. As an example, he's using the product of currents $$A_1^\mu = \overline{d}_L\gamma^\mu u_L$, ...
GrassyNol's user avatar
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Can a gauge theory with $SU(2)_{left}*SU(2)_{additional}$ symmetry contain confinement?

Consider a gauge theory with $SU(2)_{left}*SU(2)_{additional}$ symmetry. By $additional$, I mean adding a new symmetry between an electron and a quark(like up quark and electron forming a doublet). ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Strong force coupling

My lecture notes write that the coupling constant for the strong force goes to infinity as the distance goes to infinity. However the range of the strong force is said to be small. If the strength ...
code noob's user avatar
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Why do we need two gluons for the decay $ϕ \to 2K$?

The Feynman diagram for the decay $\phi \to K^+K^-$ usually depicts two gluons. (This can be seen e.g. on Wikipedia). Why do we need two gluons, instead of just one?
ersbygre1's user avatar
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Color symmetry and flavor symmetry in QCD

In QCD, there is an SU(3) color symmetry for each flavor of quark as well as an SU(3) flavor symmetry for $u, d, s$ (although the latter is approximate). Why is there a gauge field for the SU(3) color ...
Shen's user avatar
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How does neutron radiation affects a body? [closed]

My question involves two aspects of the same thing: how does neutron radiation affect the particles in our body. • First of all: How does the effects happen, from a quantum perspective? • Second, ...
Ergative Man's user avatar

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