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Color symmetry and flavor symmetry in QCD

In QCD, there is an SU(3) color symmetry for each flavor of quark as well as an SU(3) flavor symmetry for $u, d, s$ (although the latter is approximate). Why is there a gauge field for the SU(3) color ...
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Color symmetries in variant QCD

Suppose we only have two colors, for example, red (R) and blue (B) to construct the wave functions of baryons and mesons and that the color symmetry is SU (2) and not SU (3). In this situation, ...
Murillo de Godoy's user avatar
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Why is the approximate $\rm U(2)\times U(2)$ global symmetry of QCD that has a special importance?

I was looking at Peskin and Schroeder (Section 19.3, page $667-668$). They talk about $\rm U(2)\times U(2)$ symmetry for the QCD Lagrangian in the limit of massless $u$ and $d$ quarks. However, this ...
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Do Halzen and Martin use p and n to represent complex numbers?

In Halzen and Martin's Quarks and Leptons, on page 42, the $SU(2)$ isospin transformation represented by $e^{i\boldsymbol{\theta}\cdot\boldsymbol{\tau}/2}$ is said to act on the column represented by $...
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What is the effect of the Gell-Mann matrices on color antiparticles?

I'm studying QCD and I can't understand how exactly are defined the color antiparticles. Indeed, we have the particle color triplet $(r,g,b)$. With the usual SU(3) algebra, we define the 8 Gell-Mann ...
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What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons?

What maintains quark spin alignments in baryons? The $uud$ proton and $udd$ neutron are both spin 1/2, implying that two of their spin 1/2 quarks are always parallel and the other is always opposed. ...
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