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Questions tagged [hamiltonian]

The central term in the hamiltonian formalism. Can be interpreted as an energy input, or "true" energy.

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Time-evolution operator in QFT

I am self studying QFT on the book "A modern introduction to quantum field theory" by Maggiore and I am reading the chapter about the Dyson series (chapter 5.3). It states the following ...
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How to get $ H=\int\widetilde{dk} \ \omega a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})a(\mathbf{k})+(\mathcal{E}_0-\Omega_0)V $ in Srednicki 3.30 equation?

We have integration is \begin{align*} H =-\Omega_0V+\frac12\int\widetilde{dk} \ \omega\Big(a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})a(\mathbf{k})+a(\mathbf{k})a^\dagger(\mathbf{k})\Big)\tag{3.26} \end{align*} where \...
liZ's user avatar
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How to get a lower bound of the ground state energy?

The variational principle gives an upper bound of the ground state energy. Thus it is quite easy to get an upper bound for the ground state energy. Every variational wave function will provide one. ...
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When is the derivative of Hamilton flow respect to initial conditions independent of time?

Consider a Hamiltonian system with coordinates $\Gamma^A=(q^i,p_i)$ and let $X^A(s,\Gamma_0)$ be the Hamiltonian flow (i.e. a solution to Hamilton's equations) parametrized by time $s$ and initial ...
P. C. Spaniel's user avatar
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Examples of systems with infinite dimensional Hilbert space, whose energy is bounded from above

We often encounter (and love to!) deal with systems whose energy is bounded from below, for good reasons like stability, etc. But what about systems whose energy is bounded from above? In finite ...
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