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Questions tagged [phase-space]

A notional even-dimensional space representing all relevant states of a dynamical system; it normally consists of all components of position and momentum/velocity involved in that unique specification. Use for both classical and quantum physics.

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Volume preserving transformation in the Circular Restricted Three-Body problem

the Lagrangian of the planar circular restricted three-body problem in the rotating coordinate frame is: $$\mathcal{L}(x,y,\dot{x},\dot{y})=\frac{1}{2}(\dot{x}-\Omega y)^2 + \frac{1}{2}(\dot{y}+\Omega ...
Hajarl's user avatar
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When is the derivative of Hamilton flow respect to initial conditions independent of time?

Consider a Hamiltonian system with coordinates $\Gamma^A=(q^i,p_i)$ and let $X^A(s,\Gamma_0)$ be the Hamiltonian flow (i.e. a solution to Hamilton's equations) parametrized by time $s$ and initial ...
P. C. Spaniel's user avatar
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Does time average induce phase space propability distribution?

Lets say we have a trajectory (positions and momenta) $(x(t), p(t))$ that is the solution of the equation of motion for a system with Hamiltonian $H(x,p)$. For some function $A(x,p)$, the time average ...
user403461's user avatar
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How does this canonical transformation on a Schwarzschild black hole work?

In this paper "Holography of the Photon Ring" the authors use a canonical transformation in section 2.4 in eqs. (2.52)-(2.55). It is basically a transformation from spherical coordinates for ...
Geigercounter's user avatar
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How is Hudson's theorem for the Wigner function proved?

Hudson's theorem tells us that a pure state has non-negative Wigner function iff it's Gaussian. This was originally proven in [Hudson 1974], and then generalised to multidimensional systems in [Soto ...
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The establishment of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators (OTOCs) from Lyapunov Exponents (LEs)?

the OTOC in quantum system is $$F(t) = \langle \hat{W}^\dagger(t) \hat{V}^\dagger(0) \hat{W}(t) \hat{V}(0) \rangle_{\beta} $$ the Lyapunov exponent is $$\lambda = \lim_{{t \to \infty}} \lim_{{d(0) \to ...
Sara's user avatar
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Generating function condition not satisfied?

We want to find a generating function $S(q_i,P_i,t)$ such that we get the best possible canonical transformations. So it must satisfy the Hamilton-Jacobi equation: $$H(q_i,\frac{\partial S}{\partial ...
Krum Kutsarov's user avatar
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Dirac delta of operators multiplying matrix element

In playing around with the Wigner-Weyl correspondence, I found myself needing to perform an integral of exponential operators, which I am confused about. TLDR: help to evaluate $$\int d{x}dy\ \delta(x\...
Landuros's user avatar
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Lorentz-invariant phase space integral

Consider the following Lorentz invariant integral associated to a $2\to 2$ scattering: \begin{equation*} I = \int \frac{d^3\mathbf{p_3}}{(2\pi)^3 2E_3} \int \frac{d^3\mathbf{p_4}}{(2\pi)^3 2E_4} \...
Spectree's user avatar
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Problems with Kerson Huang's derivation of NVE ensemble entropy

So I'm currently studying statistical mechanics from different textbooks, but my professor suggested Kerson-Huang for a general derivation of entropy in microcanonical ensembles. In chapter 6.2 is ...
Matteo Grandinetti's user avatar
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Why $q,p,Q,P$ are Independent Variables when Using Generating Functions?

In Hamiltonian formalism, specifically generating functions, why do the variables $q, p, Q, P$ are treated as independent when finding the equations that arise from the generating function? I ...
R24698's user avatar
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Why do we need a Poisson bracket structure?

Let me start by asking why we need a Poisson bracket like structure on the Hamiltonian phase space? Say we have a constraint, why do we go through the trouble of defining a Dirac bracket structure on ...
Spotless-hola's user avatar
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Regarding Poisson and Dirac brackets [duplicate]

The question starts with why Poisson brackets (in constrained systems) gives different relation if we substitute the constraints before or after expanding the bracket, and why this difference in ...
Spotless-hola's user avatar
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Regarding Poission structure of Hamiltonian phase space

Why exactly do we need $$ \{q^i,p_j\}=\delta^i_j,$$ where $\delta^i_j$ is Kronecker delta and $\{\cdot,\cdot\}$ is the Poisson bracket? What happens to the phase space structure if these fundamental ...
Spotless-hola's user avatar
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Decoherence model of two qubits interacting with correlated multimode fields - open quantum system

I read paper on open quantum system, that talk about non-Markovian process and memory effects. they described the system as a generic decoherence model of two qubits interacting with correlated ...
Yohay Halfon's user avatar

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