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Questions tagged [black-holes]

A black hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing can escape. More formally, the future light cone of any observer within the black hole is completely contained in the black hole, and the black hole region is not within the past light cone of any observer that goes to spatial infinity in an infinite amount of time.

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Does gravity accelerate you towards the geodesic of light between you and the mass?

If there's a planet far away, you will accelerate straight towards it due to gravity. If you place a Schwarzschild black hole right in the middle between you and the planet (the distance between the ...
Zach's user avatar
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Orthogonal complement of null vector [closed]

I am trying to solve excercise 8.5 d) from Straumanns book on general relativity (here V is an n-dimensional Minkowski vector space): Prove that the orthogonal complement of a null vector is an $(n-1)$...
Lenti's user avatar
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Derive metric tensor from frame fields [closed]

I am new to frame fields formalism. I want to ask if there is any way to derive metric tensor from given fuenfbein frame fields? The problem I meet is $\rm AdS_5$ SUSY black hole solution in https://...
LaplaceSpell's user avatar
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Can part of space be causally disconnected from the rest of the universe by being surrounded by black holes? [duplicate]

Is it possible for black hole event horizons to overlap and form a spherical wall around an island of space (that's not inside a black hole) while still being causally disconnected from the rest of ...
user3624007's user avatar
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Quantum field expansion and bogoliubov coefficients in the interior of a rotating black hole

I am trying to quantize a real scalar field in the interior of a rotating black hole (3+1 D, asymptotically flat). My question is regarding the modes of the radial part of the equation (obtained after ...
Ratul Thakur's user avatar
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Are we certain of the mass we calculate for supermassive black holes?

If astronomers have concluded that the rotation speed of objects held firmly within a galaxy but far from a galactic center is too great to be explained by the visible matter of the galaxy alone, what ...
mdswartz's user avatar
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Where is the mass in a Black Hole without a "central" curvature singularity?

Not all black holes have a curvature singularity at their center (an example). But in principle, I thought that the curvature singularity was a direct result of the fact that the mass is concentrated ...
Aleph12345's user avatar
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Photonic black holes

"Can a photon turn into a black hole?" - usually the answer to this question is - it can't, because it has zero rest mass. However, when we derive the Schwarzchild Metric initially the $2M$ ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Imagining Graham's number in your head collapses your head to a black hole

My question is how does the above phenomenon, as mentioned in Numberphile here, occur in a semi-quantitative way through physical laws. (i.e saying statistical mechanics implies that is not ...
Mahammad Yusifov's user avatar
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Different Bekenstein bound equations – what’s the difference?

Can someone help me understand the difference between the Beckenstein bound equations that I’ve come across? They all appear to have different dimensions. I’ve been told that if you include the ...
Nate S's user avatar
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Robin conditions from action principle

Consider the Lagrangian density $$L(\tilde{\phi}, \nabla \tilde{\phi}, \tilde{g}) = \tilde{g}^{\mu \nu} \nabla_{\mu} \tilde{\phi} \nabla_{\nu} \tilde{\phi} + \xi \tilde{R} \tilde{\phi}^2$$ with $\...
Octavius's user avatar
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Is there a database or catalog of all black hole candidates?

I am searching for a catalog, list, database, etc. That should show astronomical observations of known black hole candidates. I am primarily interested in knowing the mass of these candidates. I have ...
2 votes
2 answers

WKB Approximation of the Quasinormal Mode Spectrum of the Poschl-Teller (PT) Potential

In Black Hole Spectroscopy, it is well known that the Pöschl-Teller (PT) potential behaves approximately, or similarly to the more complicated Regge-Wheeler (RW) Potential. The WKB Approximation has ...
RudyJD's user avatar
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Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals and GWs cycles

I was reading through the following paper GRMHD study of accreting massive black hole binaries in astrophysical environment: A review. Therein, we have the following image It is not quite clear how ...
RKerr's user avatar
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Binary black hole merging condition

Assuming two black holes with the same rest mass $m$ collid coming from infinity with velocity $v$ and impact parameter $b$. Lets ignore spin at first. For which values of $v$ and $b$ would these ...
Okarin's user avatar
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Black Hole Formation -- How Can an Event Horizon be Observed to Grow? [duplicate]

This is a question about black hole formation. To be clear, I’m not suggesting that black holes don’t form. It’s that I’m having trouble with the accepted explanation so there’s a flaw in my logic ...
Bounder's user avatar
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ADM mass calculation for the BTZ black hole

Considering a non-rotating and non-charged 2+1 dimensional black hole, known as the BTZ black hole which obtained by adding a negative cosmological constant $\Lambda=-\frac{1}{l^2},l\ne0$ to the ...
Daniel Vainshtein's user avatar
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Black hole production via light speed [duplicate]

As a test particle with rest mass approaches $c$ relativistic mass increases to infinity, does this mean that the energy required to continue the acceleration will create a black hole (as time also ...
John Pryme's user avatar
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Is the information or energy in a black hole converted to another form of energy during decay of Hawking radiation?

The Hawking temperature equation states that the temperature of a black hole is inversely proportional to it's mass, and and the black hole loses mass when it emits particles in the form of radiation, ...
Sumer's user avatar
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Conformal equivalent to Schwarzschild metric

Consider Schwarzschild spacetime in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates $(v,r,\theta,\phi)$ $$g \enspace = \enspace -f(r) \, dv^2 + 2 \, dv \, dr + r^2 \, d\Omega^2 \quad , \qquad f(r) = 1 - \frac{2m}{r}...
Octavius's user avatar
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How come the magnetic field disappears when a neutron star becomes a black hole, while the rotation remains?

The only question I found is this one, but this considers as non-rotating neutron star collapsing: Our final and most comprehensive test is represented by the collapse to a BH of a magnetized ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
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What is the difference between Hawking radiation and a black hole laser?

While reading this paper (, I got a little bit puzzled: what is the difference between Hawking radiation and a black hole laser? Is it the same thing? From my ...
Andris Erglis's user avatar
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When you are in a gravitational field, do object far away get physically closer to you as you get closer to the mass?

An observer A is close to a black hole and an observer B one light year away. They are both remaining at constant radial distance from the black hole. A is at 2 Rs away from the center of the black ...
Zach's user avatar
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How to Understand Negative Energy in the Ergoregion?

I am trying to understand the Penrose process and having trouble explaining negative energy in the ergoregion. How I interpret it is: Energy is the dot product between the four momentum of the object ...
Gene's user avatar
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When do we talk about spaghettification or pancakification in black holes?

So I've been doing some research for a while now, and yesterday came across the video of PBS space time talking about what happens to quantum information in a black hole. In the thought experiment ...
Anais-Ellie Gucek's user avatar
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Can wormhole inside a black hole become an escape?

I did not major in Physics so not sure if this is a proper question; but according to some Google search there do exist papers discussing wormhole inside black hole like this, which I am not able to ...
Luke Lee's user avatar
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When it comes to getting closer to the Schwarzschild radius, how is discrete a limit?

From Keeton (2014) in Principles of Astrophysics: Using Gravity and Stellar Physics to Explore the Cosmos, Gravitational time dilation near a large, slowly rotating, nearly spherical body, such as the ...
olivierlambert's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does the timelike killing vector become spacelike inside the ergoregion?

Why does the timelike killing vector become spacelike inside the ergoregion? Some textbooks make this claim and move on to explain negative energy, but I could not find any proof for this claim. I can'...
Gene's user avatar
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Realistic black holes

If I understand the answers provided in this Link Why singularity in a black hole, and not just "very dense"? Then the singularity at $r=0$ may just be a mathematical artifact, and may not ...
Precious Adegbite's user avatar