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What's wrong with this question

The question. I've added some details to it after the closure. I'd like to have it reopened, maybe you can point me in the right direction.
Andrea Nerla's user avatar
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Can we ask for an answer from a particular school

What is the relation between the individual and the collective? This is actually two questions. The first question is easy, as it's yet another version of Yoneda's lemma: the relation between the ...
andrós's user avatar
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I want to answer a closed question

Why this has been closed at all? Are there different types of randomness? I want to answer pointing out the existence of the theories dealing with uncertain probabilities such as possibility theory ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Spurious Edits followed by rollbacks

Is something happening with a particular user apparently clobbering questions and answers for no reason? I see a bunch of edits by one person that seem nonsensical then immediately rolled back by ...
Scott Rowe's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Should we just accept that this q&a site is now for people to express opinions on a variety of broadly speaking philosophical topics?

Should we just accept that this q&a site is now for people to express opinions on a variety of broadly speaking philosophical topics? It seems to have gone that way, and even asking for someone to ...
andrós's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

I don't understand the voting patterns

What is intention +1 What is free will +6 What is virtue -2 and 4 close votes Is it just random?
andrós's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is "Mike Song" using a LLM to create answers?

This is just a hunch, and people more familiar with newcomer behavior might be better qualified to judge this: User "Mike Song" joined today and already wrote answers to a number of pretty ...
Hans-Martin Mosner's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Red Hot subjects and agit-prop

Some issues that are very current and very hot, come up here on occasion — fortunately much less often than on politics-SE but still it does happen. Is it of any use? To anyone or cause? Repeating ...
Rushi's user avatar
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How much does my high rep immunise me against bans?

How much does my high rep immunise me against bans? I have got quite a few downvotes recently, and I actually don't want to be banned.
andrós's user avatar
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2 votes
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I wanted to apologize for some of my recent outbursts

My apologies for being weird and disturbed recently (I've been unwell). I should read some philosophy...
andrós's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is there hostility to professional philosophy, on this site?

Is there hostility to professional philosophy, on this site? Maybe some of you are or were professional philosophers (Geoffrey Thomas e.g.), and it is not surprising, if you look at the way that most ...
andrós's user avatar
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Deleting and re-asking the same question

There was this question. The asker themself deleted it. And then asked it again. When I tried to flag it as duplicate, the system said Cannot flag a deleted entity as a duplicate. Now it seems to me ...
Rushi's user avatar
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Bee in the Bonnet questioners

What is/should be the policy for "bee in the bonnet" questioners? eg. Polcott who is very personally offended by Mr. Gödel Thinkingman and his antiGod pro physicalist 100s of questions ...
Rushi's user avatar
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Trying to pinpoint the right question about life and existence and self-demise

I thought I post this in meta first because I'm not a philosopher and I wouldn't even know where to begin to look for sources for something like this. I'm trying to formulate a question that is more ...
Slawek's user avatar
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Should I report accounts that I believe is a returning banned LLM user?

Should I report accounts that I believe is a returning banned LLM user? I don't have enough evidence for it to warrant these accounts being banned, but it is really getting on my nerves, and I wonder ...
andrós's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Philosophy Zulip Chat: I’m accepting applications to be a moderator See this site as an example of what I think a flourishing Zulip Chat can be modeled off of: Mainly interested in moderators who are ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Why does this comment remain an 'answer'?

It seems that you consider humans a kind of prototype species in the universe... This 'answer' clearly is not an answer, but a comment. It should be not stand as answer. Why does it remain an answer?
Vector's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Close Reason for overly speculative question?

I see a lot of questions that I find frivolous, or that bring up familiar yarns from 2000 years ago or more, and I often wonder if this is the place to entertain such rehashing. There really should be ...
Scott Rowe's user avatar
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What makes this question about sexuality and social determinants of gender about philosophy?

See Is the notion that queer identities and sexuality are innate incompatible with the view that genders are socially molded? This seems like a science question question to me (perhaps biology, ...
Lowri's user avatar
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Why was this +10 answer deleted by a moderator (some time ago)?

I just saw that this answer of mine was deleted 4 months ago: Is it defensible to claim that religion is a personal relationship with God and therefore contains no claims? In that answer, I try to ...
NotThatGuy's user avatar
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Why are so many upvoted questions with upvoted answers being deleted recently?

Just as a small sample, these questions have all been posted in the last few days, and subsequently deleted by the "Community" bot a few hours or days later: Is an explanation for ...
NotThatGuy's user avatar
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Threads disappearing without a trace

I have recently seen a couple of threads disappearing totally even from my inbox and achievement list, as if they never existed. What has happened? Shouldn't deleted posts be still visible in pink to ...
Pertti Ruismäki's user avatar
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Why has this question been closed by the Community Bot?

Why are the following question and its answers deleted by Community Bot?
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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How identical does a "duplicate" question have to be?

How identical does a "duplicate" question have to be? There are a lot of examples of very similar questions cropping up again (since thinkingman this has been a trend even). e.g. this ...
andrós's user avatar
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Tag for Linguistic Relativity

This question prompted this (meta) question. I added the tag "linguistic-relativity" But it could be called a number of other things Sapir-Whorf Whorfianism Linguistic Determinism ...
Rushi's user avatar
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1 vote
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Why was this question about logic deleted?

This question was deleted by a moderator (which prevents voting to undelete, hence we have to talk about it here instead). The question is all about logic, which is listed in the help center as a ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Am I missing active questions

At 23:48 GMT 16/04/24 Am I missing a disappearing (and reappearing) active question?
andrós's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is it appropriate for moderators to take sides in an argument?

There is another user who frequently responds to me with passive-aggressive snotty answers. I sometimes reply to him with all of the respect he deserves, and then, mysteriously, my answers get removed ...
David Gudeman's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to downvote for quackery?

(I'm going to create my own examples so as to not make this question an accusation at anybody. Please consider these claims a representation of my own mostly-suppressed quackery, and not ...
Kaia's user avatar
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Are people voting to close for reasons of clarity just because they question isn't literate enough?

Wittgenstein's notorious paragraph: can axioms in natural language prove their own consistency? This question should be closed cos the phrase "analaytic language" is unclear. How is it ...
andrós's user avatar
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Can we please undelete a question?

Here is my question asked 10 years ago: How belief in own specialness called? Solipsism is a belief that ...
Anixx's user avatar
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2 votes
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Attempt at a "sociology of knowledge" based on SE experience

Based on a comment received on a recent PhilSE post I'm interested in discussing some "trends" in the way the two different populations act on SE. The said post has been asked the same day ...
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Inappropriate conversion of answer to comment

I recently posted a pithy answer to this question Does the "gradual brain replacement" thought experiment prove consciousness is independent of substrate? The answer was entirely apropos the ...
Marco Ocram's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Wikimedia Charter “community engagement”: April 2nd - 30th [closed]

I personally find this roughly “on-topic”. Philosophy Stack Exchange is kind of a “free knowledge repository” or “free knowledge community”. In some ways, there are parallels or similarities between ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
1 vote
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Are poorly thought-out posts helpful?

The Stack Exchange prides itself on hosting a community of experts who volunteer their time and knowledge to assist others in understanding concepts they are inquiring about. In this, and other online ...
mkinson's user avatar
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4 answers

Anyone want to defend Philosophy SE, against upbraidments at r/AskPhilosophy?

Our Frank Hubeny referred to, but they are upbraiding Philosophy S.E. Anyone keen to responding to these upbraidments? I don't want to focus on the formality ...
user95921's user avatar
3 votes
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Mysteriously deleted comments

In this answer ScottRowe and I had an on-topic comment exchange that was mysteriously deleted. As best I recall, this is what it contained: Scott asked about the chance that a God hypothesis would be ...
causative's user avatar
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13 votes
9 answers

Has the idea of splitting the philosophy stackexchange ever been discussed?

This stackexchange has been stormed by non-philosopher (in the academical sense). To some extent, this can be a great source of naïve and yet profound questions. However, as it is way easier to write ...
Johan's user avatar
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2 votes
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References required vs Ism-dodges

In this (old) question on Was Math invented or discovered The accepted and highest rated answer says: "Intuitionists" believe that mathematics is just a creation of the human mind. In that ...
Rushi's user avatar
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Request to Enable MathJax/LaTeX Rendering on Philosophy Stack Exchange [duplicate]

I am ready to formally propose we enable this on this site to whoever has the power to enable it. I actually could not find information about that with a little Googling. Can a moderator please ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
-1 votes
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Recurrent Question Type (RQT): “Is X valid?”

1. Compile links to all known examples of such questions. Is this mathematical proof that moral relativism is contradictory valid? The validity of the definition of a valid argument Is this argument ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
-1 votes
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Do we have a genAI content policy? Should we have one?

Contrary to some sites and groups of people being quite openly hostile to the general use of generative AI to ask and answer questions, I have found philosophy SE refreshingly silent on that topic. I ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
1 vote
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Recurrent Question Type (RQT): “Is X ethical?”

Compile all known examples of such questions as links in a community wiki answer to this post. Offer an analysis in paragraph or bullet form about what you think the questions have in common. Suggest ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I search for a user name? Cannot find them

I think their name was 'Olivia' or sjmilar? Can anyone link to the questions and answers? I can't recall exactly any question I can find that they answered.
user avatar
-1 votes
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The leaderboard should reflect the best contributors

I’m not sure if there’s a word for something so obvious it’s almost tautological, and yet, it for some reason should still be explicitly said. Maybe a “truism”. I do like the “users” leaderboard as a ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
3 votes
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Policy and standardized feedback for opinion-based ethic questions

Many new users posts questions which amounts to "is X ethical ?" (see for example "Would reincarnated prisoners...".) Without any mention of an ethical setting or another, answers ...
Johan's user avatar
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1 vote
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General chat for philosophy SE seems very inactive

Should something be done to improve the responses from chat room? It could be helpful for friendly discussion or some relief in anxious or confused moment. Unfortunately the room is very non ...
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Check out Codidact, an open source, community oriented variant of Stack Exchange

I have proposed a philosophy site for Codidact here: I encourage contributors here to also join there as it gives people the freedom to try out new kinds of ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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What is canonicity?

As opposed to answerability, canonicity to me seems to have something more to do with the truth-value of an answer. Maybe there is a loose analogy between answerability, with syntax, and canonicity, ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
0 votes
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What is answerability?

I invite a discussion about what identifiable characteristics an “answerable” question has - which ideally has some level of convergence amongst moderators and editors. One obvious factor is, how many ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar

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