Marlies Schijven

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  • Amsterdam UMC

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  • Research Gate -full overview of over 100 downloadable peer-reviewed publications

    Research Gate -full overview of my over 100 downloadable scientific publications.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Oratie Technologie in de Zorg, - Game On!

    Universiteit van Amsterdam

    Technologie in de zorg – Game on!

    Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar Chirurgie, in het bijzonder Serious Gaming, Simulation en Applied Mobile Healthcare, aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op 10 september 2015

    Publicatie weergeven
  • How to Systematically Assess Serious Games Applied to Health Care

    JMIR Serious Games 2014;2(2):e11

    The usefulness and effectiveness of specific serious games in the medical domain is often unclear. This is caused by a lack of supporting evidence on validity of individual games, as well as a lack of publicly available information. Moreover, insufficient understanding of design principles among the individuals and institutions that develop or apply a medical serious game compromises their use. This article provides the first consensus-based framework for the assessment of specific medical…

    The usefulness and effectiveness of specific serious games in the medical domain is often unclear. This is caused by a lack of supporting evidence on validity of individual games, as well as a lack of publicly available information. Moreover, insufficient understanding of design principles among the individuals and institutions that develop or apply a medical serious game compromises their use. This article provides the first consensus-based framework for the assessment of specific medical serious games.

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  • Training situational awareness to reduce surgical errors in the operating room

    British Journal of Surgery


    Surgical errors result from faulty decision-making, misperceptions and the application of suboptimal problem-solving strategies, just as often as they result from technical failure. To date, surgical training curricula have focused mainly on the acquisition of technical skills. The aim of this review was to assess the validity of methods for improving situational awareness in the surgical theatre.


    A search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, the…


    Surgical errors result from faulty decision-making, misperceptions and the application of suboptimal problem-solving strategies, just as often as they result from technical failure. To date, surgical training curricula have focused mainly on the acquisition of technical skills. The aim of this review was to assess the validity of methods for improving situational awareness in the surgical theatre.


    A search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library and PsycINFO® using predefined inclusion criteria, up to June 2014. All study types were considered eligible. The primary endpoint was validity for improving situational awareness in the surgical theatre at individual or team level.


    Nine articles were considered eligible. These evaluated surgical team crisis training in simulated environments for minimally invasive surgery (4) and open surgery (3), and training courses focused at training non-technical skills (2). Two studies showed that simulation-based surgical team crisis training has construct validity for assessing situational awareness in surgical trainees in minimally invasive surgery. None of the studies showed effectiveness of surgical crisis training on situational awareness in open surgery, whereas one showed face validity of a 2-day non-technical skills training course.


    To improve safety in the operating theatre, more attention to situational awareness is needed in surgical training. Few structured curricula have been developed and validation research remains limited. Strategies to improve situational awareness can be adopted from other industries.

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  • Systematic review of serious games for medical education and surgical skills training

    British Journal of Surgery

    Background: The application of digital games for training medical professionals is on the rise. So-called
    ‘serious’ games form training tools that provide a challenging simulated environment, ideal for future
    surgical training. Ultimately, serious games are directed at reducing medical error and subsequent
    healthcare costs. The aim was to review current serious games for training medical professionals and to
    evaluate the validity testing of such games.
    Methods: PubMed, Embase…

    Background: The application of digital games for training medical professionals is on the rise. So-called
    ‘serious’ games form training tools that provide a challenging simulated environment, ideal for future
    surgical training. Ultimately, serious games are directed at reducing medical error and subsequent
    healthcare costs. The aim was to review current serious games for training medical professionals and to
    evaluate the validity testing of such games.
    Methods: PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PsychInfo and CINAHL
    were searched using predefined inclusion criteria for available studies up to April 2012. The primary
    endpoint was validation according to current criteria.
    Results: A total of 25 articles were identified, describing a total of 30 serious games. The games were
    divided into two categories: those developed for specific educational purposes (17) and commercial games
    also useful for developing skills relevant to medical personnel (13). Pooling of data was not performed
    owing to the heterogeneity of study designs and serious games. Six serious games were identified that
    had a process of validation. Of these six, three games were developed for team training in critical care and
    triage, and three were commercially available games applied to train laparoscopic psychomotor skills.
    None of the serious games had completed a full validation process for the purpose of use.
    Conclusion: Blended and interactive learning by means of serious games may be applied to train both
    technical and non-technical skills relevant to the surgical field. Games developed or used for this purpose
    need validation before integration into surgical teaching curricula.

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  • Dokters, bemoei u met technologie


    Dokters, bemoei u met technologie (NTVG).
    Over e-health, Google Glass, serious games en loombandjes

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  • Publications and Citations


    Publicatie weergeven
  • Who is Who in research -AMC


  • Hospitality App

    - heden

    Een afspraak bij de arts op de polikliniek is voor veel patiënten een belangrijke gebeurtenis, die vaak als erg stressvol ervaren wordt. De 'Hospitality App', een app voor de mobiele telefoon, helpt!

    Hospitality App is ontwikkeld om de oudere patiënt daadwerkelijk te ontzorgen. U wordt als u dat wilt, volledig ondersteund in de route van huis naar het ziekenhuis, in het ziekenhuis (of andere zorginstelling) -en weer terug. Via de app kunt u gemakkelijk een taxi regelen, een ‘Hospitality…

    Een afspraak bij de arts op de polikliniek is voor veel patiënten een belangrijke gebeurtenis, die vaak als erg stressvol ervaren wordt. De 'Hospitality App', een app voor de mobiele telefoon, helpt!

    Hospitality App is ontwikkeld om de oudere patiënt daadwerkelijk te ontzorgen. U wordt als u dat wilt, volledig ondersteund in de route van huis naar het ziekenhuis, in het ziekenhuis (of andere zorginstelling) -en weer terug. Via de app kunt u gemakkelijk een taxi regelen, een ‘Hospitality Host’ oproepen om u te begeleiden naar en tijdens uw afspraak en ziet u een overzicht van al uw afspraken. Zo hoeft u nooit meer zelf naar de weg te zoeken in een ziekenhuis!

    Als u van de taxiservice in Hospitality App gebruik maakt, bent u altijd op tijd. De app 'schakelt' met uw afspraakagenda in het ziekenhuis zodat de taxi u altijd op tijd komt ophalen, óók als de afspraak verandert! Dat scheelt voor veel patiënten een hoop zorg. U kunt er ook voor kiezen om alleen gebruik te maken van de gratis Hospitality Host service in het ziekenhuis.

    De app is geheel gratis beschikbaar voor alle patiënten en geïnteresseerde zorginstellingen in Nederland. Vanaf 19 februari 2014 is de app als eerste beschikbaar voor patiënten van de polikliniek GIOCA (Gastro-Intestinaal Oncologisch Centrum Amsterdam) van het AMC te Amsterdam.
    Bekijk voor meer informatie de website

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  • Societal Impact Award 2022

    Amsterdam UMC

    Societal impact is becoming more and more important for research. To increase awareness, the Amsterdam UMC Societal Impact Award was established.

    Marlies Schijven is professor of Surgery, Principal Investigator and Principal Educator at Amsterdam UMC and affiliated with the Amsterdam Public Health Institute and with the Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism research institute.
    Marlies aims to build bridges between various clinical practices, professionals and the…

    Societal impact is becoming more and more important for research. To increase awareness, the Amsterdam UMC Societal Impact Award was established.

    Marlies Schijven is professor of Surgery, Principal Investigator and Principal Educator at Amsterdam UMC and affiliated with the Amsterdam Public Health Institute and with the Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism research institute.
    Marlies aims to build bridges between various clinical practices, professionals and the patient using digital technology. This year, Marlies initiated a new overarching research program, Digital Health (DH) within Amsterdam Public Health. She felt such a research program was in urgent need, as digitalization (e.g. use of virtual reality solutions, apps, and artificial intelligence in the workplace) is rapidly increasing in cure and care. DH aims to catalyze research and foster collaborations with the ethical domain, medical informatics, law and industry. This, to improve health, provision of healthcare and health equity for all.

    For the third year in a row, Marlies is nominated for this Award, which is unprecedented. And reflective of her ability to positively, visibly and markedly impact society.

  • Winner Award 'Digital Leadership and Diversity 2022' by Rightbrains and Computable Magazine

    RightBrains and Computable

    Honorable Mention, 2nd prize.

  • Winner Medische Inspirator Prijs 2020-2021 / Medical Inspirator Prize 2020-2021


    The Medical Inspirator Prize rewards the best Dutch initiative / collaboration between patiets and researchers. Initiatives are selected bij ZonMW, The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development. The Prize of 100.000 Euro was granted to me for the project 'Children Stoma App'.

  • John G Wade Visiting Professorship in Patient Safety and Simulation –Based Medical Education

    Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

    This award was established in recognition of Dr. John G. Wade’s contributions to Canadian patient safety and simulation-based medical education. As an anesthesiologist, Dr. Wade advocates for the use of simulation to assess the performance of individuals and teams of health care providers, and as a principal means of teaching CanMEDS and patient safety competencies. This visiting professorship provides support for a distinguished educator to visit a Royal College-accredited simulation centre in…

    This award was established in recognition of Dr. John G. Wade’s contributions to Canadian patient safety and simulation-based medical education. As an anesthesiologist, Dr. Wade advocates for the use of simulation to assess the performance of individuals and teams of health care providers, and as a principal means of teaching CanMEDS and patient safety competencies. This visiting professorship provides support for a distinguished educator to visit a Royal College-accredited simulation centre in Canada each year, to promote the use of simulation in medical education, and its applications to improving patient safety. Ideally, the visiting professor will interact with a wide variety of medical professionals: students, staff and other members of the interdisciplinary health care team.

  • Winner 'Mobiles for Good' Challenge € 40.000 prize with the Hospitality-app

    Vodafone Netherlands

    Dr. Marlies Schijven heeft gewonnen in de categorie ‘smart accessibility’ van de Vodafone Mobiles for Good Challenge. De chirurg van het Academisch Medisch Centrum Amsterdam heeft een mobiele applicatie bedacht waarbij oudere patiënten zowel voor, tijdens als na een consult begeleid worden door een werkstudent. De patiënt doorloopt met minder stress de route door het ziekenhuis en kan het consult nabespreken met de werkstudent.

  • Subsidy for project: the Mirracle Magical Mirror: Human anatomy in(ter)action!

    Surfnet / Kennisnet Innovation Programme

    Innovation fund Surfnet/ Kennisnet Innovationprogramme
    This project integrates human anatomy with radiology in an interactive fashion, by use of the Kinect and augmented reality overlayer.

  • Subsidy for project Patientsafety: ‘Pieken in de Delta’ / Serious Gaming

    Ministry of Economic Affairs

    The Subsidy ‘Strengths in the Region’, also known als ‘Pieken in de Delta (PID)’ , is a tender from the Ministry of Economy, Agriculture and Innovation in the Netherlands. The central point of the tender is its focus on stimulating area specific economical strengths in six Dutch regions. It aims at supporting and strengthening clusters important for a dynamic economy in a strong and innovative Europe.

  • ZonMw Network subsidy


    Subsidy for the promotion of networks between (young) scientist, financing of scientific meetings and/or congresses in the Netherlands to promote scientific knowledge and -implementation

    Acknowledged for the symposium: E-learning and the E-portfolio in modern medical specialist training, 12 September 2007, University Medical Center Utrecht by ZonMW; the Dutch Organization for Health Research and Medical Care Innovation

  • Docent van de Maand


    Vanochtend de 'docent van de maand' geworden in het AMC.
    Eervol - en veel dank ook aan eenieder die hiervoor gezorgd heeft natuurlijk!

    Became 'Teacher of the Month' of the AMC! Thanks to many for this honourful nominiation!


  • Engels


  • Duits


  • Frans



  • Amsterdam University Medical Centers


    - heden

    Full professor of Surgery

  • Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare - DSSH-


    - heden

    Co-founder, treasurer and former President of the Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare -DSSH-

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