History of Israel

History of Israel


Latest news on the Jewish & Christian History of Israel rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures & tied to the land of Israel!

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Detailed & up to date information on the history of the two world religions that originate in Israel and about the three Abrahamic faiths (Also Islam) and how their relations to Israel developed in the past (pre-1947). Creating friendship & acceptance of each uniqueness between religions is the main lesson history should teach us! To much hatred and violence lies behind us. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" George Santayana "A beautiful valley has not one but two sides. Each unique & they share the river".

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History & Archaeology, religion, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Judah, Samaria, Israel, Eretz Yisrael en Palestine



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    "IT'S IDENTITY WITH THE SITE OF SOLOMON'S TEMPLE IS BEYOND DISPUTE" This text was written in 1925 by the Muslims that controlled Temple Mount in a their guidebook (photo 7) of Temple Mount. It gives an insight in how they looked at history during the British Mandate. Clearly their own scholars confirmed modern archaeology that this was the site of the original Solomon's Temple (Photo 1), the temple of the Jewish people. [https://lnkd.in/eewgVSfx] And for all who like to read more on archaeological finds related to this holy site for Judaism below there's a list. But first everyone should understand that several passages in the Hebrew Scriptures/ Bible indicate that during the time when they were written, the Temple Mount was identified as Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Without question, the Temple in Jerusalem and it's destruction are of major significance for Judaism! For example all synagogues around the world are designed to have their congregation face and pray towards Jerusalem! A timeline of remarkable archaeological findings: ○ The Immer Bulla (2), a seal dated to the 7th-6th century BCE, bearing the names "lyahu" and "Immer", the name of a well known Biblical priestly family, of which one member is recorded as a major office holder in the Temple. [https://lnkd.in/eKZK59PB] ○ More than 7000 Coins (!) dating from the 6th century BCE untill the First Jewish Revolt coinage (70 CE) and even up until the Middle Ages. Photo 3 shows Yehud coins, dating to the Persian occupation.[see https://lnkd.in/e93VSNX6] ○ Dozens of multi-colored opus sectile tiles (4) of various shapes, which enabled a reconstruction of the tiling patterns employed in the courtyards of Herod's Temple (1st Century BCE) [https://lnkd.in/efbVjhPQ] ○ Trumpeting Stone (5), is an inscribed stone from the 1st century CE discovered next to the southern wall of the Temple Mount. The stone, showing just two complete words written in the Square Hebrew alphabet, is believed to be a directional sign for the priests who blew a trumpet announcing the beginning and end of the Shabbat in the Second Temple period. [https://lnkd.in/eceJBUh5] ○ 9th century Arabic inscription visible at a Mosque in Hebron. This 'NUBA inscription' identifies the Dome of the rock as "Bayt al Maqdis" or "Beit haMikdash" in Hebrew. Just like the 1925 guidebook this finding confirms that early Muslims were aware of the Temple Mount's significance as the site of the Jewish Temple. [https://lnkd.in/eCqUYwnF] INDEED THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE CONCLUSION: THE SITE OF SOLOMON'S TEMPLE MOUNT IS BEYOND DISPUTE! & to explore more on the history of Israel: https://lnkd.in/eY68Pp2e #Temple #Mount #Beit #haMikdash #archaeology #Israel

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    THE FIRST CENTURY SYNAGOGUES OF MIGDAL/MAGDALA & THE UNIQUE MIGDAL MENORAH STONE! The Migdal Synagogue is an ancient synagogue, located in Israel on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and part of the archaeology site of acient Magdala. The synagogue, excavated in 2009, was in use in the Second Temple period (50 BCE-100 CE). As in other ancient synagogues, it has stone benches built against the walls. The walls were decorated with elaborately designed and colored frescos and the floor is partially made of mosaics. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, Magdala grew into a city of 40,000 in the first Century AD. Josephus also wrote that during the great Jewish War of A.D. 66-70, Magdala was a base for Jewish rebels. MARY MAGDALENE Magdala was a fishing town that was mentioned in Jewish documents and is also mentioned in Christian texts as the home community of Mary Magdalene. Most historians believe the Magdala Synagogue may have been a place where Jesus worshiped. Some speculate it might even have been where He read the scroll of Isaiah as recorded in Luke 4 MIGDAL STONE It is notable for detailed carvings depicting the Second Temple, carvings made while that Temple still stood and therefore assumed to have been made by an artist who had seen the Temple before the Roman destruction of 70 CE. Some archaeologists describe the carvings as enabling a new, scholarly understanding of the synagogue conceptualized as a sacred space even during the period while the Temple was still standing. This new understanding would overturn a long-held scholarly consensus that during the period when the Temple still stood, synagogues were merely assembly and study halls, places where the Torah and other sacred books were read aloud and studied, but not sacred spaces in their own right. The stone is also notable for having the earliest known images of the Temple Menorah to be found in a synagogue. SECOND SYNAGOGUE In December 2021, another synagogue dating from the same period was discovered in a salvage excavation at Magdala. It was shaped as a square and built in basalt and limestone. This synagogue stood close to a residential street, while the one found in 2009 was surrounded by an ancient industrial zone. The find marks the first time two synagogues dated to the Second Temple period, roughly 516 B.C.E. to 70 C.E., have been unearthed in a single town. ○ More info on the second synagogue: https://lnkd.in/etHpiEJf ○ More info on the 200+ ancient synagogues in the land of Israel, dating from 50BC to 1947 AD, see: https://lnkd.in/gUBdUY3K (Pictures wikipedia & Herman de Fries: https://lnkd.in/eeGi2kPW) #migdal #magdala #synagogue #israel #jewish #revolt #Josephus #Mary #Jesus

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    19TH C. PEACEFULL COEXISTENCE IN JAFFA & IMPROVING THE LIVES OF WOMEN! In general there was an impressive growth of Jewish and Christian communities during the 19th Century in that part of the Ottoman empire that is today's Israel. This is clearly visible in the history of hundreds of Churches and Synagogues that are still in use today. An interesting 19th century example of both coexistence & the important role of women in the developments in the Holy land is still visible in Jaffa. In 1863 Jane Walker–Arnott, the eldest daughter of a Glasgow University professor, founded the Tabeetha school. The school was aimed at improving the lives and independence of girls in a still oppressive society. The school admitted its first pupils, fourteen Christian, Jewish and Muslim girls on 16 March 1863 to a room In Jane Walker-Arnott’s house. The school expanded with help of Mr Thomas Cook, the renowned Travel Agent and purchased a plot outside the walls of the old city of Jaffa. This larger school was run by the Church of Scotland and was opened in November 1875. The school developed and until today it tries to serve boys and girls of all different faiths (!) teaching both Hebrew and Arab languages, interfaith coexistence and they help children through intellectual learning, respecting and understanding of each other. A truly fascinating example for a peacefull future!!🇮🇱🕎✝️☪️🇮🇱 The school is building a new museum of coexistence that will reveal the unique interaction of the Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities in Jaffa through the lens of religion, history, and politics of the 155-year-old Tabeetha community: https://lnkd.in/eaPZUAWQ For a link with more info about Jane Walker Scott: https://lnkd.in/erzVvpb9 For more information about the history of Israel see: https://lnkd.in/gpxu4R8C #coexistence #jaffa #israel #history #Jane #Walker

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    Profiel weergeven voor Pinchas Landis, afbeelding

    Published Author. Public Speaker. Helping Jews live the life they want to live.

    28 Sivan - Yigal Yadin - 1984 On this day in 1984, Yigal Yadin passed away.  Born in pre-state Israel, he joined the Haganah at age 15 in 1932.  He served in the War of Independence as Head of Operations, as the Chief of Staff of the IDF from 1949-52, and as Deputy Prime Minister under Menachem Begin from 1977-81.  Yadin is probably the most famous though for his archeology. The son of noted archeologist Eleazar Lipa Sukenik, he outshined his father in the area of archeology.  A biblical authenticist, he uncovered for the world many of the great biblical sites in Israel to explore.  He won the Israel Award for his translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls. He excavated Masada while doing so, proving that the measurements for a mikva recorded in the Talmud were the exact ones used in antiquity. He excavated Tel Hazor and Tel Megiddo, proving many of the descriptions that the Bible relates about the Kingdom of Judah. His excavations in the Judean Desert uncovered proof of the Bar Kochba revolt from 132-135. While many other archeologists try to disprove the validity of the Bible, Yigal Yadin will always be remembered as one who defended its truths. Order the Today In Jewish History book: https://lnkd.in/gpcMKmdW Find out more: WhatsApp: bit.ly/WhatsAddMe iTunes: apple.co/2Vxv6kq Spotify: bit.ly/TIJHspot Alexa: https://amzn.to/3UcYSu5 #ad . . . . . #jew #jewish #jewishart #jewishcommunity #jewishculture #jewishfood #jewishgirl #jewishhistory #jewishholidays #jewishlife #jewishnewyear #jewishpride #jews #judaism #kosher #love #neveragain #hebrew #shabbat #holocaust #shabbatshalom #israel #jerusalem

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    Theodor Herzl, the father of modern political Zionism, passed away on on this day in 1904. Herzl, originally a journalist and playwright, became a leading figure in the Zionist movement after witnessing the rampant antisemitism of his time, most notably during the Dreyfus Affair in France. His experiences led him to believe that the Jewish people needed a sovereign state of their own to ensure their safety and future. In 1896, Herzl published "Der Judenstaat" ("The Jewish State"), where he outlined his vision for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This work galvanized the Zionist movement and culminated in the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897. At this congress, Herzl famously proclaimed, "In Basel, I founded the Jewish State," setting the stage for the organized political movement towards establishing a Jewish nation. Herzl's untimely death at 44 was a significant loss, but his legacy endured. His relentless advocacy and visionary ideas laid the foundation for the eventual establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, fulfilling the dreams he had passionately pursued.

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    LACHISH, ISRAEL: LONG-LOST ASSYRIAN MILITARY CAMP DEVASTATED BY 'THE ANGEL OF THE LORD' FINALLY FOUND, SCIENTIST CLAIMS! Has a scholar located two Assyrian military camps mentioned in the Hebrew bible? Military camps used by the Assyrian king Sennacherib, whose exploits of laying siege to Lachish and Jerusalem are detailed in the Hebrew Bible, have finally been identified, a scholar says. At the time of the sieges, which both occurred around 701 B.C., the Assyrians controlled a rapidly growing empire that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. The sieges at Lachish and Jerusalem are mentioned frequently in the Hebrew Bible and supposedly ended at Jerusalem when "the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp" (2 Kings 19:35). But ancient Assyrian inscriptions tell a different story, claiming that Hezekiah, the king of Judah, paid a large amount of tribute to get the Assyrians to leave. The 19th-century archaeologists thought it was a Roman camp, but the excavation records indicate that the camp is oval. (see picture) "Roman [military camps] were rectangular, whereas the photos indicate that this was roughly oval, consistent with an Assyrian camp," Compton wrote. Additionally, the name "Mudawwara", a name associated with military camps, is used by 19th-century sources to describe the site. If this is the place where Sennacherib set up camp to lay siege to Jerusalem, it could also be Nob, a site that once held the Tabernacle, a portable sanctuary constructed by Moses, Compton said. The Hebrew Bible claims that the Tabernacle was set up at Nob and that Nob was where Sennacherib halted to attack Jerusalem. Source/text: https://lnkd.in/e_99RerA Photo: Assyrian camp, lachish: https://lnkd.in/ewqQGufU FOR LACHISH & MORE ANCIENT SITES, mentioned in the Bible or in other archaeological sources go to: https://lnkd.in/exyW3iF6 #assyrian #camp #lachish #jerusalem

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    ISRAEL: DISCOVERY OF A 3300 YEAR OLD SHIPWRECK FAR FROM THE COAST PROVES THAT ANCIENT SAILORS COULD NAVIGATE BY THE STARS! A 3,300-year-old ship was discovered off the Israeli coast, the oldest ever found in deep waters. Researchers say the location of this wreck, carrying hundreds of intact storage vessels, proves Late Bronze Age mariners could journey far out to sea. The discovery of the remains of the ship from the 14th-13th century BCE proves that ancient mariners could navigate the seas without a line of sight to the shore, contrary to what was previously believed, the IAA said. The vessels extracted from the sea floor will be on display during pre-opening tours of the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein National Campus for the Archaeology of Israel in Jerusalem. SOURCE: https://lnkd.in/exTnCFPG VIDEO: https://lnkd.in/eF2rMiTF #ancient #mariners #israel #coast #navigate

    Video. 3,300-year-old ship and its cargo discovered deep in Mediterranean

    Video. 3,300-year-old ship and its cargo discovered deep in Mediterranean


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    Profiel weergeven voor Pinchas Landis, afbeelding

    Published Author. Public Speaker. Helping Jews live the life they want to live.

    13 Sivan - Bombing Jews In Cairo - 1948 On this day in 1948, the first in a series of bombing attacks targeting the Jewish Community of Cairo, Egypt took place.  This first bombing took place in a Karaite neighborhood.  The authorities blamed it publicly on either fireworks or squabbling between the Karaites and traditional Jews.  The truth was kept out of the press. In this first attack, 22 Jews were killed and 41 more were wounded. This was during the first truce in the Israeli War of Independence. The bombings continued through November 1948 with at least 5 more attacks. In total, at least 70 Jews were killed and at least 200 were injured in total.  The Muslim Brotherhood was the main perpetrator of the attacks. In the 1950 trial, the prosecution argued that the purpose of the attacks was to destabilize Egypt, and not necessarily to persecute Jews. The flight of Jews from Egypt began in 1945 after the Cairo Pogrom on the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.  The initial response of the Jewish community then was to try to separate itself from and denounce Zionism (similar to what Iran’s small Jewish Community does today).  This was not helpful as the government’s attitude towards the Jews had turned for the worst. After the 1948 bombings, the Jews started leaving on mass.  By the 1950s, official government expulsions began.  Before 1945, there were around 80,000 Jews in Egypt. Ten years later, there would be less than 20,000.  Today, there are less than 20. Order the Today In Jewish History book: https://lnkd.in/gpcMKmdW Find out more: WhatsApp: bit.ly/WhatsAddMe iTunes: apple.co/2Vxv6kq Spotify: bit.ly/TIJHspot Alexa: https://amzn.to/3WvX7Lh #ad . . . . . #jew #jewish #jewishart #jewishcommunity #jewishculture #jewishfood #jewishgirl #jewishhistory #jewishholidays #jewishlife #jewishnewyear #jewishpride #jews #judaism #kosher #love #neveragain #hebrew #shabbat #holocaust #shabbatshalom #israel #jerusalem

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    EVIDENCE OF LAST JEWISH REVOLT/GALLUS REVOLT FOUND IN LOD, ISRAEL (351-354 CE). For the very first time, evidence has been found in Lod from the Gallus Revolt, the last Jewish resistance against Roman rule. The dramatic discovery – a large public building, in whose foundations a 1650-year-old hoard was hidden, will be publicized in a new book commensurate with the annual Central Israel Region Archaeological Conference, open to the public free of charge. An excavation on Nordau Street in Lod, led by the Israel Antiquities Authority and funded by the Lod Municipality, uncovered a public building from the Late Roman—Early Byzantine period that suffered violent destruction. Its foundations held 94 silver and bronze coins dating between 221—354 CE, which were deliberately placed there – in the hopes of returning to collect them when the situation would calm. The latest coins are dated from the time of the Gallus Revolt (351-354 CE). Though written evidence is sparse regarding this revolt, there are texts reporting that major Jewish communities such as Lod, Zipori and Tiberias were destroyed by the forces of Roman Ceasar Flavius Constantinus Gallus. Source: Israël national News https://lnkd.in/eeaTdFHs #Lod #Israël #jewish #revolt #gallus

    Evidence found in Lod of last Jewish revolt against Roman rule in Israel

    Evidence found in Lod of last Jewish revolt against Roman rule in Israel


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    2000 YEAR OLD TEFILLIN FROM JUDEAN DESERT WITHOUT COLOR OR PAINT.(Jerusalem Post article) Tefillin are small leather cases containing miniscule parchment scrolls inscribed with biblical verses. They are worn even today by observant Jews as part of their morning prayers, one on the head and one on the arm. According to Jewish law, the tefillin cases should be colored black. But researchers from Ariel University in Samaria, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), the University of Exeter (UK), and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot have conducted a series of scientific tests on ancient tefillin cases from the Judean Desert and discovered that, contrary the accepted Jewish law, which mandates that tefillin cases be colored black, no color was applied to ancient tefillin. Antiquities Authority) In 1949, archaeologists discovered several leather tefillin cases in a cave near Qumran, where the first Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Subsequently, additional tefillin cases were unearthed in other caves near Qumran, in Wadi Murabba‘at and in Nahal Se’elim – all in the Judean Desert. Antiquities Authority). These findings are dated to the same time as the Dead Sea Scrolls, from around the end of the Second Temple period – or about two millennia ago. Source: https://lnkd.in/eG6_Kf9T

    Phylacteries were not colored black 2,000 years ago, new study reveals

    Phylacteries were not colored black 2,000 years ago, new study reveals


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