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Questions tagged [loans]

This tag is a generic tag to be used when asking a question on Loans / lending. If there is a specific question the other related tags like home-loan, student-loans, etc should be used.

95 votes
15 answers

Spouse wants to pay all debt in a month but I don’t. Is this a good idea?

Between both of our student loans and car loan, we are in the hole about $48,000. My spouse is adamant about paying off all debt in the next month or two since we currently have about $55,000 in the ...
jo13's user avatar
  • 1,053
85 votes
10 answers

Why is being "upside down" on a mortgage so bad?

For the longest time (especially during/after the housing crash in the US), people would speak in hushed whispers or terrified pleas when they talked about being upside down on their mortgage. While I ...
WannabeCoder's user avatar
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72 votes
1 answer

My friend cosigned for a defaulted loan. Should he declare Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Background: My friend Abe co-signed an auto loan for about $25k with his "friend" Bella, in the USA state of Maryland, about 4-5 months ago. The car was for Bella's use. The deal was that ...
President James K. Polk's user avatar
70 votes
12 answers

I cosigned for a friend who is not paying the payment

I cosigned for a loan for a friend. He has now moved away and is not making payments. I have been asked to pay--they even called my job--and I need to keep my credit. The payments are too high for me ...
Leslie's user avatar
  • 657
60 votes
9 answers

Why are 30-year mortgages seen as unwise, if you can pay off the loan in a shorter period of time anyway?

I'm slowly working towards buying my first home (yay!), and have been playing around with the numbers. As far as I can tell, there's literally zero advantage for getting a 10 or 15-year mortgage since ...
user avatar
59 votes
5 answers

Borrowing money in one country to pay off debt in another

I'm currently living in Germany and can borrow a substantial amount of money at almost no interest, effective 3.4%. In my home country I have several mortgages, basically at the moment funding ...
Cillier's user avatar
  • 693
57 votes
12 answers

Should I pay off a 0% car loan?

I'm ahead on 0% interest car loan. I don't have to make a payment until October. I currently owe $3,000 and I could pay it all off. Should I do that or leave that money in my savings account that ...
Steve's user avatar
  • 571
50 votes
12 answers

My mother co-signed for my car. Can she take it away from me if I am the one making car payments?

My credit is in the low 500s and I was unable to get a car loan. My mom cosigned for me and I've now had a beautiful car for three months. I've been making on-time payments, the registration is in my ...
Megan M's user avatar
  • 479
46 votes
4 answers

Would using an expensive car as collateral for a small loan to get cheap parking work?

There's a rather old joke which is being told in many variations and my question would be whether events narrated could actually happen in real life. I'm not in the US so I don't know all the details ...
sharptooth's user avatar
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44 votes
12 answers

Should I buy a house now before prices rise even more?

We rent an apartment in Frankfurt, Germany and we are contractually bound to it for another 1.5 years. We are 33 and 35 years old and there will be children soon. We make around 110k € annually (...
8192K's user avatar
  • 475
43 votes
14 answers

Hypothetically, should I pay off the smaller + higher interest rate loan first, or the larger + higher absolute interest cost?

I have this hypothetical situation on my mind and I am not sure which is the best solution. Given: Loan 1: $340,000 at an interest rate of 1.69% per year Loan 2: $40,000 at an interest rate of 3.6% ...
user99451's user avatar
  • 441
43 votes
14 answers

How can I support myself financially as a 17 year old with a loan?

I'm a 17 year old Ohio high school student who makes ~$160 a month working minimum wage. I have a $3500 loan (4 year duration) to pay off for a car with ~$2880 left. Monthly payments are ~$80 for ...
CMew3's user avatar
  • 439
43 votes
3 answers

Can I take out a loan and invest it at higher interest?

I noticed today that my bank is offering small loans of up to £15000 at 3.3% interest. Meanwhile, services like Zopa and RateSetter are offering over 6% interest on investments in their platforms. I ...
MHG's user avatar
  • 555
40 votes
6 answers

Can a car company refuse to give me a copy of my contract or balance details?

I have an auto loan with a car company that after looking at all possible amortizations, doesn't match what my payment should be. I'm talking with 40% interest rates, adjustable interest rates, ...
Anoplexian's user avatar
40 votes
7 answers

Why use credit when you have the cash?

I've heard several people state that they get loans even when they have the money to cover the cost in the bank, and it befuddles me why they would pay interest instead of using their own money. This ...
C. Ross's user avatar
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40 votes
13 answers

Is there a price point beyond which it no longer makes sense to buy an apartment or house?

I am in a very frustrating situation right now. I have accumulated a decent amount of value in cash and stocks. My wife and I however are still living in a rented small flat in our town in Austria ...
Orsinus's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

How do I lend money to a friend for a car and put the car as collateral?

A friend of mine wants to buy a car, but does not have the money for it. Instead of him going to a bank and borrowing the money to buy the car, I was thinking of maybe taking some cash from my bank ...
Jonathan's user avatar
  • 415
39 votes
10 answers

Why do governments borrow money instead of printing it?

This question is raised in the movie Money as Debt (at time index 29:00). The answer that immediately pops to my head is "because printing money causes inflation". However, according to this movie, ...
ripper234's user avatar
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38 votes
8 answers

Optimal way to use a credit card to build better credit?

I have a credit card with a $700 limit and I am curious how to optimize credit gain with it. Right now, I use it once a month (usually on something small like a drink from a convenience store or ...
MyNameIsKhan's user avatar
38 votes
5 answers

Should I dump my savings into my student debt?

I've got about $5000 saved up in my savings account. At the same time, I've got about $8500 left to pay off on my student loan, with all the interest that includes (6%/year, compounded monthly). ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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36 votes
7 answers

How does a bank lend your money while you have constant access to it?

How do banks / fintechs lend your money while you have constant access to it, ie. can withdraw at any moment? I assume there is some kind of liquidation pool, but how exactly is that managed with ...
Anonona's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

Why is the car dealer insisting on a loan instead of cash?

I saw a question that said "He (dealer) knocked down the price quite a bit" but my experience is different. The dealership says that they have a US$1500 incentive if I take a loan from their financing ...
Raj's user avatar
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32 votes
11 answers

Should I charge my children interest when they borrow money? [closed]

My children (both male, ages 25, soon to be married, & 32, married) have borrowed money from me and my wife on several occasions. They have yet to pay us back what they borrowed. We have never ...
Michael Riley - AKA Gunny's user avatar
32 votes
6 answers

Is it legal to mortgage a property twice or more?

I was talking to one loan agent lately about getting an investment loan, she was trying to convince me to mortgage my house but my house has been mortgaged already. She was saying "let us not worry ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
  • 573
31 votes
13 answers

Do I pay a zero % loan before another to clear both loans faster?

I have $11,000 to put toward one of my three loans. I think I should pay off the 0% car loan and then in two months it will be zero and I can apply that $635 to the 2.5 % car loan and pay it down ...
AllenH's user avatar
  • 335
31 votes
9 answers

Is asking to pay off principal first a placebo?

Some people say that in order to pay off a loan sooner, you should ask the lender to "apply your payment towards the principal", so that they won't "apply your payment towards the interest". From my ...
Stack Exchange Supports Israel's user avatar
31 votes
9 answers

Is it a good idea, to buy a flat with a loan, whilst using the rent to pay it off? [closed]

I have been thinking about taking a loan to buy a flat which I would rent out. My reasoning is that the loan would be paid off over time by the renters. After perhaps 30 years, I'd be left with a ...
RotV's user avatar
  • 484
31 votes
11 answers

Is it a good time to replace my used car?

We have a 2005 Chevy Impala with 105,000 miles that we purchased in 2011. We have made many repairs such as replacing the transmission, repairing the radiator, heating and AC system, thermostat, belt,...
dlp's user avatar
  • 413
31 votes
3 answers

What are the pitfalls of loaning money to friends or family? Is there a right way to do it?

What are the pitfalls of loaning money to friends or family? Is there a right way to do it?
user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

Making a big purchase over $2500. I have the money to cover it. Should I get a loan or just place it on credit?

I am planning to make a big purchase. I have the money in savings to cover it, but I don't want to drop $2500 all at once if I can avoid it. I have a credit card with a $9000 limit, but I know that ...
Jason's user avatar
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29 votes
9 answers

Should I pay cash or prefer a 0% interest loan for home furnishings?

I live in France. I bought an apartment with a mortgage a month ago. I've been buying plenty of stuff for this apartment like furniture, decoration, oven, etc. And I still need to buy other stuff. I'...
dotixx's user avatar
  • 401
28 votes
6 answers

Why will the bank only loan us 80% of the value of our fully paid for home?

We own Land and a home, wanting to downsize and just buy a home and lot. We do not owe anything on our land and home, but have asked about a loan using our land and home as collateral, but, even ...
Kathy Rust's user avatar
28 votes
6 answers

Loan to son - how to get it back

A few years ago, we loaned our son money to start a business, which did not flourish. Yep, we know now it was a bad idea. But now, we owe $54k on our equity line, which he is only paying interest on....
Mike A's user avatar
  • 281
27 votes
5 answers

Buy house with down payment, no loan, sell instantly

I just read Rich Dad Poor Dad, and I have no idea about mortgages, loans or real estate. The author of the book describes a scenario in which a property is found for a cheap price (auction in this ...
Opcode's user avatar
  • 387
26 votes
6 answers

Does borrowing from my 401(k) make sense in my specific circumstance?

I know the standard answer and understand that I will be losing out on that compound interest, but I am young and only need to borrow a few thousand. here are some more details: Need to borrow $6500 ...
J. Tate's user avatar
  • 433
26 votes
7 answers

Why do people use mortgages, when they could just pay for the house in full?

I would like your recommendation on whether you should buy a house with a mortgage, which you would pay as you go, or should you buy it in full.
user avatar
26 votes
8 answers

To pay off a student loan, should I save up a lump sum payoff payment or pay extra each month?

I am a new college graduate with a student loan of $17k at 6.8% interest. The monthly minimum payment due is $193. I have been paying the minimum amount, and then taking that same amount and placing ...
Mike M's user avatar
  • 363
25 votes
7 answers

Should I pay for a computer up-front or on finance?

This reads a bit like a home-work question, but this is actually my situation. The job I've taken is a BYOD (bring your own device), workplace and I prefer to use my own equipment. I've just started ...
user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Who gets the interest on a 401(k) loan?

I was looking at some information about my 401(k) and noticed that it's possible to take out a loan from your 401(k) - it was something like 6.5% interest, which probably isn't as good as a ...
Wayne Werner's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Can my dad remove himself from my car loan?

I bought a new car from a dealership, and my dad agreed in front of my husband and my mother to co-sign for me. The dealership allowed me to take the paperwork out to my dad's house and have him sign ...
Kristyn Keese's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Options for paying for a nonreturnable leased vehicle

Late last year, my girlfriend's car was stolen and subsequently destroyed. This car was a leased vehicle. For reasons beyond her control‡, the insurance had lapsed a few months prior. The ...
Drise's user avatar
  • 341
24 votes
1 answer

Paying off home mortgage and lender wants a "Recording Fee"

So I whittled down my house note to the point where I have enough cash to just pay it off early and be done with it. Yay! I asked my lender for a "payoff" statement, which provides an accounting of ...
JohnFx's user avatar
  • 53.1k
23 votes
7 answers

Would it make sense to take a loan from a relative to pay off student loans?

Together my wife and I have about $80,000 in student loans. My mother in law is in the process of selling her house. We proposed the idea of borrowing ~$50000 from her, once she sells, so that we ...
Ajschuit's user avatar
  • 333
23 votes
10 answers

Someone asks you to co-sign a loan. How to reject & say "no" nicely or politely?

Hypothetical situation: A dear friend or family member comes to you and asks you to co-sign for their loan. Let's say the reason they need the money is not a life-or-death type of situation. ...
Chris W. Rea's user avatar
  • 31.7k
23 votes
4 answers

Would it be advantageous for me to pay off these two credit cards and cancel them with a 401k loan?

I'm considering taking a loan on my 401k in order to pay off and close 2 credit cards. I have approximately 30 years until I consider retiring. The amount of the loan will be $1700 which is less ...
user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

Should you co-sign a personal loan for a friend/family member? Why/why not?

I know someone who was recently asked to co-sign a hefty loan by a family member. I don't know what I'd do if I was put in the same position as the one asked. What are the risks? What are things to ...
Nat_Rea's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Paying off student loans early/lump sum -- best practices?

My wife & I have run into a large sum of cash recently and are interested in paying off/paying down our student loans -- about $30k between us, at about 6.5% avg interest. We're both earning ...
internetproj's user avatar
22 votes
13 answers

Prepaying a loan: Shouldn't the interest be recalculated like a shorter loan?

Maybe I'm incorrect in my thinking, but I have a question about prepaying a loan. When you take out a mortgage on a home or a car loan, it is my understanding that for the first years of payment you ...
user56397's user avatar
  • 245
22 votes
5 answers

Could the loan officer deny me even if I have the money as a first time home buyer?

As of right now I am a senior in college in the United States. I have managed to secure a job once I graduate in May making around 78K. I started working at my year long internship in May of this year....
Jghorton14's user avatar
22 votes
12 answers

Pay off Loan With Savings or Keep Emergency Fund

A year and a half ago I took out a Career Development Loan(£7000, 9.9% interest). Which is currently around £4900 now. I have been saving for no particular reason, and I now have over £5000 in savings ...
Geo's user avatar
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