Template pool

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This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. 

A template pool is a group of structure pieces of jigsaw structures. A structure piece is a structure template, a placed feature, or a combination of multiple other pieces. During generation, pieces are randomly selected from the pool. Template pools are configured using JSON files stored within a data pack in the folder data/<namespace>/worldgen/template_pool.

JSON format[edit | edit source]

  • The root tag.
    •  fallback: template pool (referenced by ID) — Used as fallback if structures in this pool can't generate.
    •  elements: A list of elements to randomly select from.
      • : An element.
        •  weight: How likely this element is to be chosen when using this pool. Value between 1 and 150 (inclusive).
        •  element: A pool element.
          •  element_type: The type of the pool element. See below.
          •  projection: Can be rigid to place a fixed structure (like a house), or terrain_matching to match the terrain height (like a village road).
          • Additional fields depending on  element_type. See below.

Pool elements[edit | edit source]

A pool element represents a single piece of a jigsaw structure.

Single pool element[edit | edit source]

This piece places a single structure template. The jigsaw blocks in the template are used for connections and the size of the template determines the bounding box of the piece. The template gets processed using a processor list.

  • : The element
    •  element_type: minecraft:single_pool_element
    •  projection: See above.
    •  location: structure template (referenced by ID) — The template to place
    •  processors: processor list (referenced by ID or inlined) — The processors that should modify the template.
    •  override_liquid_settings: Overrides the liquid_settings value in structure definition for this particular element. See Jigsaw_structure#Data_values.

Legacy single pool element[edit | edit source]

This is a legacy version of the single pool element that doesn't place any air blocks in the template, instead keeping the original block of the world.

  • : The element
    •  element_type: minecraft:legacy_single_pool_element
    •  projection: See above.
    •  location: structure template (referenced by ID) — The template to place
    •  processors: processor list (referenced by ID or inlined) — The processors that should modify the template.

Feature pool element[edit | edit source]

This piece places a placed feature. The bounding box of the piece is 1×1×1 blocks. The piece gets connected to its parent piece as if it had a jigsaw block that faces downward and has the name minecraft:bottom.

  • : The element
    •  element_type: minecraft:feature_pool_element
    •  projection: See above.
    •  feature: placed feature (referenced by ID or inlined) — The feature to place.

List pool element[edit | edit source]

This piece places multiple pool elements at once in the same place. Pieces lower in the list replace blocks of pieces higher in the list. The bounding box of the piece is the smallest box that contains all elements bounding boxes. Only the jigsaw blocks of the first element are used for connections.

  • : The element
    •  element_type: minecraft:list_pool_element
    •  projection: See above.
    •  elements: A list of elements to choose from.
      • : A pool element.

Empty pool element[edit | edit source]

This piece doesn't place anything.

  • : The element
    •  element_type: minecraft:empty_pool_element
    •  projection: See above.

External links[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]