Music Disc

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Not to be confused with Disk.
See also: Music
"Jukebox song" redirects here. For the definition of jukebox songs in data packs, see jukebox song definition.
Music Disc
Invicon Music Disc 13.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc 13 in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - 13Invicon Music Disc Cat.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Cat in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - catInvicon Music Disc Blocks.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Blocks in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - blocksInvicon Music Disc Chirp.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Chirp in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - chirpInvicon Music Disc Far.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Far in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - farInvicon Music Disc Mall.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Mall in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - mallInvicon Music Disc Mellohi.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Mellohi in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - mellohiInvicon Music Disc Stal.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Stal in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - stalInvicon Music Disc Strad.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Strad in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - stradInvicon Music Disc Ward.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Ward in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - wardInvicon Music Disc 11.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc 11 in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - 11Invicon Music Disc Wait.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Wait in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc C418 - waitInvicon Music Disc Pigstep.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Pigstep in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Lena Raine - PigstepInvicon Music Disc Otherside.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Otherside in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Lena Raine - othersideInvicon Music Disc 5.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Samuel Åberg - 5Invicon Music Disc Relic.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Relic in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Aaron Cherof - RelicInvicon Music Disc Creator.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Creator in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Lena Raine - CreatorInvicon Music Disc Creator (Music Box).png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Creator (Music Box) in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Lena Raine - Creator (Music Box)Invicon Music Disc Precipice.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc Precipice in Minecraft as shown in-game with description: Music Disc Aaron Cherof - Precipice
Rarity tier


  • Discs composed by C418: Yes
  • Discs composed by others: No


Music discs are a set of nineteen items that can be played in jukeboxes.

Discs[edit | edit source]

Previews of tracks in Minecraft have been shortened to 30 seconds on this wiki in accordance with fair use rationale. "11" is exempt from this.
Item In-game name Composer Track preview Disc length
Invicon Music Disc 13.png: Sprite image for Music Disc 13 in Minecraft "13" C418 2:58
Invicon Music Disc Cat.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Cat in Minecraft "cat" 3:05
Invicon Music Disc Blocks.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Blocks in Minecraft "blocks" 5:45
Invicon Music Disc Chirp.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Chirp in Minecraft "chirp" 3:05
Invicon Music Disc Far.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Far in Minecraft "far" 2:54
Invicon Music Disc Mall.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Mall in Minecraft "mall" 3:17
Invicon Music Disc Mellohi.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Mellohi in Minecraft "mellohi" 1:36
Invicon Music Disc Stal.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Stal in Minecraft "stal" 2:30
Invicon Music Disc Strad.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Strad in Minecraft "strad" 3:08
Invicon Music Disc Ward.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Ward in Minecraft "ward" 4:11
Invicon Music Disc 11.png: Sprite image for Music Disc 11 in Minecraft "11" 1:11
Invicon Music Disc Wait.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Wait in Minecraft "wait" 3:57
Invicon Music Disc Otherside.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Otherside in Minecraft "otherside" Lena Raine 3:15
Invicon Music Disc 5.png: Sprite image for Music Disc 5 in Minecraft "5" Samuel Åberg 2:58
Invicon Music Disc Pigstep.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Pigstep in Minecraft "Pigstep" Lena Raine 2:28
Invicon Music Disc Relic.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Relic in Minecraft "Relic" Aaron Cherof 3:39
Invicon Music Disc Creator.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Creator in Minecraft "Creator" Lena Raine 2:56
Invicon Music Disc Creator (Music Box).png: Sprite image for Music Disc Creator (Music Box) in Minecraft "Creator (Music Box)" 1:13
Invicon Music Disc Precipice.png: Sprite image for Music Disc Precipice in Minecraft "Precipice" Aaron Cherof 4:59

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Mob loot[edit | edit source]

When killed by any skeleton, wither skeleton[a], stray, or bogged[Java Edition only][1], a creeper drops a random music disc from the following pool:

Since wither skeletons do not use bows, they cannot attack creepers without using commands, and therefore are unable to cause a creeper to drop a music disc in normal gameplay.

TNT ignited by a flaming arrow gives credit for all of the resulting kills to the entity that fired the arrow. Therefore, if a skeleton ignites a TNT block by using a bow with the Flame enchantment, or by shooting through lava or fire, then each creeper killed by the explosion will drop a music disc.[2][3]

Generated loot[edit | edit source]

Music discs can be found by exploring various structures in the game. ItemSprite music-disc-13.png: Sprite image for music-disc-13 in Minecraft linking to Music Disc 1313 and ItemSprite music-disc-cat.png: Sprite image for music-disc-cat in Minecraft linking to Music Disc catcat are the most common discs that can be found this way; the other discs are generally rarer.

Music disc "Relic" can only be found by excavating trail ruins, where it is buried in suspicious gravel.

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
ItemSprite music-disc-13.png: Sprite image for music-disc-13 in Minecraft linking to Music Disc 13Music Disc (13) EnvSprite monster-room.png: Sprite image for monster-room in Minecraft linking to Monster RoomMonster Room Chest 1 21.5%
EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 16.1%
EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Sprite image for woodland-mansion in Minecraft linking to Woodland MansionWoodland Mansion Chest 1 21.8%
ItemSprite music-disc-cat.png: Sprite image for music-disc-cat in Minecraft linking to Music Disc catMusic Disc (cat) EnvSprite monster-room.png: Sprite image for monster-room in Minecraft linking to Monster RoomMonster Room Chest 1 21.5%
EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 16.1%
EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Sprite image for woodland-mansion in Minecraft linking to Woodland MansionWoodland Mansion Chest 1 21.8%
ItemSprite music-disc-otherside.png: Sprite image for music-disc-otherside in Minecraft linking to Music Disc othersideMusic Disc (otherside) EnvSprite monster-room.png: Sprite image for monster-room in Minecraft linking to Monster RoomMonster Room Chest 1 3.1%
EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 8.4%
EnvSprite stronghold.png: Sprite image for stronghold in Minecraft linking to StrongholdStronghold Altar chest 1 2.5%
ItemSprite music-disc-pigstep.png: Sprite image for music-disc-pigstep in Minecraft linking to Music Disc PigstepMusic Disc (Pigstep) EnvSprite bastion-remnant.png: Sprite image for bastion-remnant in Minecraft linking to Bastion RemnantBastion Remnant Generic chest 1 5.6%
ItemSprite music-disc-creator.png: Sprite image for music-disc-creator in Minecraft linking to Music Disc CreatorMusic Disc (Creator) EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Ominous Vault 1 7.5%
ItemSprite music-disc-creator-music-box.png: Sprite image for music-disc-creator-music-box in Minecraft linking to Music Disc Creator (Music Box)Music Disc (Creator (Music Box)) EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Corridor pot 1 1.4%
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft linking to Music Disc PrecipiceMusic Disc (Precipice) EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Vault and reward chest 1 4.2%
ItemSprite music-disc-relic.png: Sprite image for music-disc-relic in Minecraft linking to Music Disc RelicMusic Disc (Relic) EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Sprite image for trail-ruins in Minecraft linking to Trail RuinsTrail Ruins Suspicious gravel 1 8.3%
Bedrock Edition
ItemSprite music-disc-13.png: Sprite image for music-disc-13 in Minecraft linking to Music Disc 13Music Disc (13) EnvSprite monster-room.png: Sprite image for monster-room in Minecraft linking to Monster RoomMonster Room Chest 1 21.5%
EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 16.1%
EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Sprite image for woodland-mansion in Minecraft linking to Woodland MansionWoodland Mansion Chest 1 21.5%
ItemSprite music-disc-cat.png: Sprite image for music-disc-cat in Minecraft linking to Music Disc catMusic Disc (cat) EnvSprite monster-room.png: Sprite image for monster-room in Minecraft linking to Monster RoomMonster Room Chest 1 21.5%
EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 16.1%
EnvSprite woodland-mansion.png: Sprite image for woodland-mansion in Minecraft linking to Woodland MansionWoodland Mansion Chest 1 21.5%
ItemSprite music-disc-mellohi.png: Sprite image for music-disc-mellohi in Minecraft linking to Music Disc mellohiMusic Disc (mellohi) EnvSprite buried-treasure.png: Sprite image for buried-treasure in Minecraft linking to Buried TreasureBuried Treasure Chest 1 18.9%
ItemSprite music-disc-wait.png: Sprite image for music-disc-wait in Minecraft linking to Music Disc waitMusic Disc (wait) EnvSprite buried-treasure.png: Sprite image for buried-treasure in Minecraft linking to Buried TreasureBuried Treasure Chest 1 18.9%
ItemSprite music-disc-otherside.png: Sprite image for music-disc-otherside in Minecraft linking to Music Disc othersideMusic Disc (otherside) EnvSprite monster-room.png: Sprite image for monster-room in Minecraft linking to Monster RoomMonster Room Chest 1 3.1%
EnvSprite ancient-city.png: Sprite image for ancient-city in Minecraft linking to Ancient CityAncient City Chest 1 8.4%
EnvSprite stronghold.png: Sprite image for stronghold in Minecraft linking to StrongholdStronghold Altar chest 1 2.4%
ItemSprite music-disc-pigstep.png: Sprite image for music-disc-pigstep in Minecraft linking to Music Disc PigstepMusic Disc (Pigstep) EnvSprite bastion-remnant.png: Sprite image for bastion-remnant in Minecraft linking to Bastion RemnantBastion Remnant Generic chest 1 5.6%
ItemSprite music-disc-creator.png: Sprite image for music-disc-creator in Minecraft linking to Music Disc CreatorMusic Disc (Creator) EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Ominous Vault 1 7.5%
ItemSprite music-disc-creator-music-box.png: Sprite image for music-disc-creator-music-box in Minecraft linking to Music Disc Creator (Music Box)Music Disc (Creator (Music Box)) EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Corridor pot 1 1.4%
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft linking to Music Disc PrecipiceMusic Disc (Precipice) EnvSprite trial-chambers.png: Sprite image for trial-chambers in Minecraft linking to Trial ChambersTrial Chambers Vault and reward chest 1 4.2%
ItemSprite music-disc-relic.png: Sprite image for music-disc-relic in Minecraft linking to Music Disc RelicMusic Disc (Relic) EnvSprite trail-ruins.png: Sprite image for trail-ruins in Minecraft linking to Trail RuinsTrail Ruins Suspicious gravel 1 8.3%

Crafting[edit | edit source]

Music disc "5" is the only disc that is obtained through crafting. The recipe requires nine disc fragments, which can only be found in ancient cities.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Disc Fragment 5
Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5Invicon Disc Fragment 5.png: Inventory sprite for Disc Fragment 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Disc Fragment 5 with description: Disc Fragment Music Disc - 5
Invicon Music Disc 5.png: Inventory sprite for Music Disc 5 in Minecraft as shown in-game linking to Music Disc 5 with description: Music Disc Samuel Åberg - 5

Usage[edit | edit source]

The music discs resemble older 78-rpm phonograph records from the early 20th century, which were often played in jukeboxes from that era. They are used in Minecraft in a similar fashion: a music disc can be played on a jukebox by holding the disc and pressing the use control on the jukebox, or by using a hopper or a dropper facing toward the jukebox. Pressing use on the jukebox again ejects the disc and stops any music playing. Once it stops playing, the disc can also be retrieved by a hopper placed beneath the jukebox (a jukebox emits a redstone signal while the disc is playing, temporarily locking the hopper).

The in-game music disc tracks are all monaural recordings. Tracks released for listening outside of the game are in stereo (though "Pigstep" has a mono version included in the Nether Update soundtrack EP).

A jukebox playing music from a disc emits a level 15 signal, powering any adjacent redstone wires, redstone repeaters, and mechanism components. The signal turns off when the music track ends or if the disc is removed before the track ends.

If the player places a comparator besides a jukebox, the intensity of the redstone signal depends on the disc currently inserted, with the following values. The comparator is powered as long as a disc is stored inside the jukebox, even if it has stopped playing.

Disc Intensity
(no disc) BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-off.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-off in Minecraft 0
ItemSprite music-disc-13.png: Sprite image for music-disc-13 in Minecraft "13" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 1
ItemSprite music-disc-cat.png: Sprite image for music-disc-cat in Minecraft "cat" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 2
ItemSprite music-disc-blocks.png: Sprite image for music-disc-blocks in Minecraft "blocks" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 3
ItemSprite music-disc-chirp.png: Sprite image for music-disc-chirp in Minecraft "chirp" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 4
ItemSprite music-disc-far.png: Sprite image for music-disc-far in Minecraft "far" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 5
ItemSprite music-disc-mall.png: Sprite image for music-disc-mall in Minecraft "mall" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 6
ItemSprite music-disc-mellohi.png: Sprite image for music-disc-mellohi in Minecraft "mellohi" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 7
ItemSprite music-disc-stal.png: Sprite image for music-disc-stal in Minecraft "stal" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 8
ItemSprite music-disc-strad.png: Sprite image for music-disc-strad in Minecraft "strad" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 9
ItemSprite music-disc-ward.png: Sprite image for music-disc-ward in Minecraft "ward" BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 10
ItemSprite music-disc-11.png: Sprite image for music-disc-11 in Minecraft "11"
ItemSprite music-disc-creator-music-box.png: Sprite image for music-disc-creator-music-box in Minecraft "Creator (Music Box)"
BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 11
ItemSprite music-disc-wait.png: Sprite image for music-disc-wait in Minecraft "wait"
ItemSprite music-disc-creator.png: Sprite image for music-disc-creator in Minecraft "Creator"
BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 12
ItemSprite music-disc-pigstep.png: Sprite image for music-disc-pigstep in Minecraft "Pigstep"
ItemSprite music-disc-precipice.png: Sprite image for music-disc-precipice in Minecraft "Precipice"
BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 13
ItemSprite music-disc-otherside.png: Sprite image for music-disc-otherside in Minecraft "otherside"
ItemSprite music-disc-relic.png: Sprite image for music-disc-relic in Minecraft "Relic"‌[Java Edition only]
BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 14
ItemSprite music-disc-5.png: Sprite image for music-disc-5 in Minecraft "5"
ItemSprite music-disc-relic.png: Sprite image for music-disc-relic in Minecraft "Relic"‌[Bedrock Edition only][4]
BlockSprite redstone-dust-dot-on.png: Sprite image for redstone-dust-dot-on in Minecraft 15

Raw music files[edit | edit source]

In Java Edition, the music disc files can be found in .minecraft/assets/objects.[b]

In Bedrock Edition and Minecraft Education, it can be found in:

  • Mobile: com.mojang/resource_packs/music/vanilla_music/sounds/music/game/records/
  • Windows: %PROGRAMFILES%\WindowsApps\Microsoft.MinecraftUWP_<version>_x64_8wekyb3d8bbwe\data\resource_packs\vanilla_music\sounds\music\game\records

All music disc files are in Ogg Vorbis.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other
AchievementSprite sound-of-music.png: Sprite image for sound-of-music in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Sound of MusicNewAchievementSprite sound-of-music.png: Sprite image for sound-of-music in Minecraft linking to Achievement#Sound of MusicSound of MusicMake the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a jukebox.Use a music disc on a jukebox in the Meadow biome.10GBronze

Advancements[edit | edit source]

IconAdvancementIn-game descriptionActual requirements (if different)
Sound of MusicMake the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a JukeboxUse a music disc on a jukebox that stands within a meadow biome.

History[edit | edit source]

Java Edition Alpha
April 2010C418 uploaded a video to YouTube, containing previews of many music tracks that were later added as music discs. (This video is no longer available.)
v1.0.14 "13" and "cat" are the first music discs to be added to Minecraft.
Music discs have been added to dungeon chests.
Music discs can also be dropped by creepers shot by skeletons.
?References for 10 new music tracks were added to the game's assets. All were encoded in the .mus format.
Java Edition Beta
1.2_02Before this update, gold "13" music discs were noticeably more common than green "cat" ones. Now, green "cat" discs are more often dropped.
August 1, 2011C418 announces new music discs.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2 9 new music discs have been implemented, adding up to a total of 11 discs, although they are not dropped by any creepers. These are stored along with the first discs, 13.mus and cat.mus, (which have been decoded as 13.ogg and cat.ogg respectively). Before this update, there were 10 unused music files, now only one remains unused, which is the song "where are we now". "Where are we now" was not added with the rest of the new 9 music discs because of problems with the spaces in the name. [5][6]
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3All music discs have an aqua tooltip. It is thus the first to be graded as Rare, and the second to have a graded rarity.
1.111w50aAll of the music discs, except for "11", can now be dropped by creepers killed by skeletons.
All music discs now have the same probability of being dropped. The disc "where are we now" has been renamed to "wait" and made available in game.[5][6]
The music disc "11" is now available in survival. It is dropped by creepers in the same way as other discs.
1.513w04aActive jukeboxes now give off a redstone signal when a redstone comparator is placed behind it; its strength depends on the ID of the inserted disc.
1.6.1June 13, 2013Music disc files can now be modified using resource packs.
Before this version, "cat" and "13" were the only discs in .ogg format, all the other discs were in .mus format, which was decrypted by Minecraft on-the-fly.
The music disc files are now stored in assets/records
1.7.2October 17, 2013The music disc files are now stored in assets/sounds/records.
1.7.4December 5, 2013The music disc files are now stored in an indexed hash, rather than stored directly in the .minecraft folder.
1.915w44aThe average yield of music discs from dungeon chests has been decreased.
1.1116w39aMusic discs "cat" and "13" are now found in the new woodland mansion chests.
1.1317w47aThe IDs of music discs have been changed from record_<song> to music_disc_<song>.
Prior to The Flattening, these items' numeral IDs were 2256 through 2267.
1.1418w43a The texture of music disc "11" has been changed.
Music discs are now also dropped by creepers killed by strays.
1.1620w16a Added a new music disc called "Pigstep".
1.16.220w30aThe chance of finding the "Pigstep" music disc in bastion remnant chests has been increased from 3.3% to 5.6%.
1.1821w42a Added a new music disc called "otherside".
1.1922w13aMusic Disc "13", "cat" and "otherside" may now be found in ancient city chests.
22w16a Added a new music disc called "5".
1.19.122w24aMusic discs are now essential to duplicate allays.
1.2023w17a Added a new music disc called "Relic".
Update 1.21
24w07aMusic discs are now also dropped by creepers killed by bogged.
1.2124w18a Added three new music discs called "Creator", "Creator (Music Box)" and "Precipice".
24w21aWith the addition of jukebox song definition, custom music discs can now be made using data packs.
All music discs now have an associated .json jukebox song definition under data/minecraft/jukebox_song
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta Added music discs.
1.4.0beta a version exclusive, the music discs "mellohi" and "wait" can now be found inside buried treasure chests.
1.10.0beta The texture of music disc "11" has been changed.
Music discs now are dropped by creepers killed by strays.
1.16.0beta Added a new music disc called "Pigstep".
1.16.100beta IDs of music discs have been changed from record_<song> to music_disc_<song>.
1.18.0beta Added a new music disc called "otherside".
1.19.0Preview Added a new music disc called "5".
1.19.10Preview discs are now essential to duplicate allays.
1.20.0Preview Added a new music disc called "Relic".
1.21.0Preview Added three new music discs called "Creator", "Creator (Music Box)" and "Precipice".
Legacy Console Edition
Xbox 360Xbox OnePS3PS4PS VitaWii USwitch
TU1CU11.001.001.00Patch 11.0.1 Added "13" and "cat" as music discs.
TU5 Added the remaining 10 music discs.
TU12 The "where are we now" music disc now uses the blue texture used in the Java Edition, opposed to the green "cat" texture it used to use.
TU22CU101.151.151.15The "where are we now" music disc has been added to survival.
TU54CU441.521.521.52Patch 241.0.4Music discs "cat" and "13" are now found in the new woodland mansion chests.
TU63CU531.671.671.67Patch 321.0.13The "where are we now" music disc has been renamed to "wait".
1.90 The texture of music disc "11" has been changed.
Music discs are now also dropped by creepers killed by strays.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Renders[edit | edit source]

In other media[edit | edit source]

Issues[edit | edit source]

Issues relating to "Music Disc" are maintained on the bug tracker. Issues should be reported and viewed there.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Before The Flattening, data values used by music discs ranged from 2256 to 2267, while all other blocks/items used the first free data value available.

See also[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Wither skeletons can only be given the ability to damage creepers through commands, such as being given a bow.
  2. The files in the objects folder are hashed. To locate the music disc files, see Tutorials/Sound directory.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. MCPE-179008 — Creeper doesn't drop a music disc when killed by bogged
  2. MC-210303 — Creepers drop music discs even when not killed by an arrow — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  3. MCPE-150884 — Creepers drop music discs even when not killed by an arrow — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  4. MCPE-169958
  5. a b "I had trouble getting Where Are We Now to play because of the spaces in the name. Working on it. :)"@notch (Markus Persson) on X (formerly Twitter), September 29, 2011
  6. a b MC-894

External links[edit | edit source]

Navigation[edit | edit source]