Student standing in the hallway
These Students Mean Business

Your Ross experience, like anything else, is what you make of it. Find out how these BBA students made the most of their time here. 

BBA/BA '19
Making a Difference, On Campus and In the Future
“Being able to do human rights and international studies along with business, and try to find a bridge between the two, has been something that Michigan allowed me to do.”

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BBA ’19
Finding a Home in a Large University
As a first-generation college student, Justin wasn’t sure of the best approach to the application and selection process. A campus visit to Michigan Ross provided some clarity. “I applied to 14 or 15...

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Student Profile
BBA '25
Finding Her Own Path
Samantha Sardina, BBA ‘25, traces her interest in business back to third grade, selling cookies for her Girl Scout troop. Even at a young age, she thought strategically about her goals. In high school...

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BBA '18
Californian, Traveler, Future Consultant
People just care about you. Everyone is so willing to give back, and that kind of inspires your personal drive to do the same.

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BBA Behind the Scenes

Our BBA students created videos that give an inside look as to what life is really like at Michigan Ross. Students share their personal experiences and topics include why those chose to come to Ross, their transition from high school to college, life as a Michigan Wolverine, and more. 

BBA Student Stories
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